The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand one hundred and sixty-one chapter

Latest Website: How do these two people's cooperation? Although the Qin Feng is the piano master, it is a confirmed piano master. However, you are not a piano master, you can't work with a stranger! The dance movement of Icon and Qin Feng's piano complement, the cooperation is seamless. This, it seems that the two people have been convinced together for a long time. This is not only the viewer's view, including Britney to detect a different. What is going on here? How did your teacher do so like this temperament? Britney is very doubtful, and the heart is very jealous. Why is it so skilful? To know, before, Qin Feng and Itro have lived together, the two can rehearine at home. Every day, Qin Feng practiced the piano, and I will dance, Qinsea. For so many years of tacit understanding, although I haven't been reheated together for more than a year, this tacit understanding will soon find it. The two retrieved a bit drop in the three living indoor indoor living in Beijing. It's not sweet. Soon, a "Lu Binghua" is over, and the Qin Feng is coming, it is another song. I'm not paused, and the beautiful body danced with the rhythm. This time, Britney became out of the office. Because she won't! She didn't know how to sing. This is a Chinese song, she won't. Therefore, Britney became out of the country at the moment. This is very embarrassing. Of course, for Brandi, she will not feel unhappy,

Even if you want to dance this dance.

She is just very curious, is it two people's music? Is there anything you don't know between the two?

Britney is very curious.

As for jealousy?

She is not ordinary, but now Europe and America pop-up people.

Although I just shot, I have swept the entire European and American scorpion, and there is an entertainment.

Basically, where she appears, where is a pile of reporters, countless fluorescent lights, whether they are the three editions of gossip magazines, or the mainstream magazine, there will be her news.

Although Britney is in front of Qin Feng, it is very important to take care of the primary school students who take care of the teacher. In fact, she is already the past day.

Moreover, for Brandi, in the words of Qin Feng, she is not like 'pasthood', she will make her a lot of crazy behavior to hurt themselves.

Today's Britney is very mature, the eye is extremely high.

In front of this woman, although he and Qin Feng are harmonious in front of themselves, she did not treat it as their own competitors.

Your own competitors will be one, Tanabata.

She learned about the past, naturally, very clear that the Tanabata fairy is in the heart of Qin Feng.

Think about it, Qin Feng took billion to help Tanabata fairy.

There are billions of Hong Kong coins, and there is also billions of dollars.

This is not a small number.

Not only that, but more important is that there is no commercial performance in the Tanabata in the Tanabata.

It is not completely. not a single one.

This is unprecedented.

This means that Qin Feng's love is.

This is the most pleasant vinegar Britney.

Although Qin Feng is extremely good for her, thousands of times, but Britney feels that I have lost so much.

So, she is more than, and is more than the Tanabata, not with this woman who doesn't know the origin.

Even if she is excellent, there is no threat brought by the Tanabata.

At this moment, the stage seems to become Qin Feng and Icon's ensemble.

Ok, two people will soon be awake, here is not home.

One song is final, Qin Feng is no longer playing.

Yinsino was shouted, turned and prepared to step down.

However, before the next step, I was suddenly returned to Qin Feng.

In the case of unclear, it suddenly leaned over the Qin Feng.

Although it is just a little water, the demonstration feels demonstrate.

This is in demonstration.

Qin Feng is a bit awkward.

It's not because I'm a kiss.

In fact, between Qin Feng and Yihan, it is also in addition to the last layer of paper, most intimate movements have.

Of course, Britney is still a bit different.

Qin Feng does not have any actual launch behavior.

However, it is also very close.

What truly let Qin Feng feel shocked, I will tell Qin Feng, and the Tanabata is below.

This makes Qin Feng feel extremely embarrassed, even saying, extremely guilty.

Tanabata is below, the behavior of Britney, that is ... very hot.

Although it is more embarrassed, Qin Feng has done.

However, now it is a face, the Qin Feng is still very guilty.

Qin Feng can not be rational and strong without those slag men.

At this moment, Brandi's mouth can soy sauce.

How can this woman who can personally have a teacher!

How can she.

The audience under the stage is a pair of expressions to eat melon.

This, how can there be such a melon.

Who is this woman? I will go to Qin Feng.

Is there any private feelings? Still, because this beautiful quality girl is very emotional?

In short, it seems that Britney is a bit unhappy.

I was soothing with the Ranni, looking forward.

"You ..." Britney wanted to block it, but was stopped by Avril on the side.

She can't let Britney and their troubles, I really have to make it, then I really become a big scandal.

At that time, the shame is Brandi.

Avril never wants Britney's star, because such a small thing is destroyed.

As for Qin Feng?

Our teacher, a person who is a strong man, and he doesn't care about this kind of reputation.

Master of Piano, can not be these singers, need to care about the image.

Master of Piano, as long as you play well, there is nothing more than the moral defects of people, then there will be no more things.

"She is too much!" Brani said whispered.

"Don't be angry, wait for the end, we ask the teacher. Let the teacher give you an explanation." Avril said.

"Well! Then you have to help me. Otherwise, the teacher will bully me." Brandi wrote.

Avril looks back. But inner, it is speechless.

Cause this is not because yourself.

You are too dead to Qin Feng, stupid.

This man, you have to be too good to him, he will not cherish you. Will ignore you and look at you.

To deal with men, you can't usually be used to him, from him, or he must be guilty.

Although Avril did not talk to love, she saw it.

Look at the teacher Qin Feng, I know that men are like.

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