The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand hundred and seventy-seventh chapter is to do

The text of the 2177 chapter is to do

(A blink of an eye old, very fast, the New Year is about to end. Cherish the good time!)

"Zhang Wei, I want to create, is a high quality service that truly serves people, which will not ruin their lives after suffering from uncontrollable damage." Qin Feng said.

"Can the company still make money?" Zhang Wei frowned.

The so-called no business, you should do this, it should be a matter of state-owned enterprises, not a private company.

"Don't worry, you can make money, just the profit is not so much. And I don't need to make money through this company. I will be three goals." Qin Feng shrugged.

"First, you can solve your problem, so that you can truly have a legal job." Qin Feng said, "Of course, you want to continue to keep your current life, not. But no matter what you do, you can't stay Under the evidence. "

"Second, I hope to provide a solution to the people of the city that encounters force majeure. This insurance company can solve." Qin Feng said.

"Third, I hope this insurance company can become another economic pillar of the future." Qin Feng said, "requires at least in the future to solve the employment problem of 10,000 people in the future. At the same time, it becomes one of the taxes of taxes."

"10,000 people!" Zhang Wei shouted.

Is this not everyone is an insurer, who is buying insurance? Do you buy yourself?

"Zhang Wei, doing people's eyes long, we are now just in Yucheng, but is it still in Yucheng in the future? We can make big, stronger, become a national nature, even becoming a global nature. You don't want a small I'm. "Qin Feng said.

Zhang Wei touched the back of the head and smiled.

"Okay, this is clean and do it. In the three days, I will do it all!" Qin Feng said, "Let all the younger brother will be added back, don't give me a non-mainstream, let them do not wear The odd strange, I have to buy a set of packages. Also, I must hide. As for the company address, I will choose to go upstairs in the Life Plaza in Yicheng. You find a layer, as the company headquarters. "

At present, Yucheng Life Square is too big.

Most places have been developed, the place where the bath center is used.

However, there are still some floors that cannot be utilized.

However, because the Life Square is enough to make money enough, this floor is not allowed to rent.

After all, once the rent is rented, there will be many companies' people from up and down. It is inevitable that people have more miscellaneous, and they will be seen to see something that should not be seen.

So, simply do not rent.

And renting your own insurance company, there is no problem.

As a result, this insurance company was originally to be established. I have opened the company here, and they are also safe under their sight. For Qin Feng, it can also save rent.

This rent is gold, do you still accept me?

In that, it can also save the company's cost.

Second, all company employees, this is now looking at the people in the city of life. They go up and down, there is no problem.

So, this is a matter of chapter.

"Ok! But let them buy the dress, then what is anyone whisper?" Zhang Wei smiled, "although the wages were not less, but these guys were all the twins that were drunk in this day. This money is not a hand. "

"This kind of tooling is collectively customized. Just, find my sister's LF brand custom." Qin Feng said, "But you change your personal, don't come personally, how many younger brother do you see, don't, customize Two sets of good. Price, it will be on normal market price. "

Zhang Wei heard, grinned.

"Boss, you are Miss Lin. But you don't tell her, when she knows, I will be angry." Zhang Wei said.

Lin Yu's temper, that is famous.

Zhang Wei is teaching. Once, I have the younger brother with a bruised girl,

It is to know that the LF flagship store has been walking is a high-end luxury route. The goal is to spell lv, and

Under the publicity of the city, it can be said that the famous arrogance is very large. Moreover, through Lin Yu's design, its style is indeed very novel, good-looking.

Also, the entire brand covers a number of fields, men's clothing, bags, shoes, jewelry, etc.

In Yucheng, Lin Yizhen's LF brand is very deep into the heart, and all the best gifts when all bones chasing girls.

As a result, that day, the little mixed belt was not enough. This is a more embarrassing thing. The clerk did not say anything, saying to him, waiting for him to pay again.

This is very taking care of his self-esteem, and a customer listened to it, can't help but smile, let this little mixed. I have to be there.

How can this clerk may promise?

As a result, when I discourage, I was blended to make a slap.

For this matter, Lin Yu is directly angry, with a beating clerk, directly found Zhang Wei, let Zhang Wanshang.

At first, Zhang Wei, I also want to play a round field. Oblie is not dry. Said that Zhang Wei wants to pay more, then she went to the municipal government to find the municipal government to go to people.

In the face of such anger Lin Yu, Zhang Waton did not dare to play the circle. This is really going to pass, he will trouble. What's more, people are the young sisters of Qin Feng, and it is also an entrepreneurous who focuses on this side. Zhang Wei immediately found the little mix.

As a result, Lin Yu is domineering to let the clerk have retired a few slaps, then warned the little confusion, and I went to find her. If it dares to find the clerk, she will pay the whole family for their behavior.

This operation, let Zhang Wei are sighing.

This is too overbearing!

Moreover, for Zhang Wei, Lin Yu also warned that for this kind of hand, if the scorpion is, it is bomb to it.

However, when I walked, Lin Yu took the bag and looked at the little confusion. The meaning of righteousness: can't afford the package, being laughed, not shameful. Work hard to make money, buy it back, that is, you can't afford your best counterattack. Violence, just look you incompetent. This package, I will give you first today, I hope that in the future, you can rely with your ability, will buy the money for me. If you can do it, I will find that customer, let her see your success.

This time, Zhang Wei said that his brother had to rebellious.

And after this, the whole city did not have a little blending and then looking for the trouble of Lin. The security of its store has always been the best.

Such a person who knows that Qin Feng is going to take care of business, then it will not feel that you are care business.

"Nothing, let's do it." Qin Feng waved, "arrived, take the company!"

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