The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Two two hundred chapters new ideas

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Yucheng Expressway section, charge!

Everyone listened, and his eyes were on.

This is feasible.

Moreover, as long as the increase is not high, then for the past driver, there will be no feeling.

Nowadays, there are no other places to make a fortune against this toll.

Many places fiscal, sometimes I hope to get rich by tolls on this toll.

In particular, after the original set of charge periods, it has to continue to charge, which is relied on this financial road to flood local extra income earnings.

There is no need. If they are profitable, they only need to increase a little time to take a fee.

In this way, there will be no pressures for the past drivers.

"And, we can even expand this whistle in the future, with the expansion of Yucheng." Qin Feng laughed, "This post can be very big. We can not only use his post, not only to monitor, avoid Some people want to Chaosheng City Life Square, and they can also detect passing vehicles to combat smuggling. "

Smuggling, for a local economy, it is the most hateful. This will easily give local economic losses a lot of taxes.

And smuggling, but also because of the high profits, there are many illegal criminals, repeatedly, and repeatedly.

By arranging these posts, it is possible to perform the detection of the necessary time.

This is just a clue, there is an intelligence, smuggling the vehicle, can't escape.

Direct interception.

Everyone heard the words, the face was surprised, and the proposal for Qin Feng was commended.

This time, it solves several problems.

Although the hidden dangers of the Shengcheng Life Square still exists. But undoubtedly, risk is reduced.

"Of course, there is still a little, that is, for its propaganda, we have to start limit." Qin Feng said.


"But after the limit, will there be an impact on its business, outsiders don't know?" Everyone worried.

This original Life Square is the source of the small gold library.

If a business is not good, why have you always reserved it?

If you are a little money, you have to be afraid, then there is no need.

This is not cost-effective.

Qin Feng grinned.

"Don't propagate, it doesn't mean no one. Moreover, we have to change the technique." Qin Feng said, "We want to focus on our official propaganda brand, such as tourism, car, finance, etc. This is our image. We have foreign cards. As for the Life Square, Yucheng Life Square, I think we only need to make a fixed customer to send advertising. "

Detailed customer delivery advertisement.

Everyone is curious.

"Yucheng Life Square, we can take high-end routes to avoid excessive ordinary people, but causing too bad effects. Moreover, ordinary people's consumption level is also limited." Qin Feng said, "It is easy to lead to the entire place. The grade is reduced, profitable, and causes high-level attention, and strikes us. To know, the high level is really going to fight, and our various means is just a delay. "

Everyone nodded.

It's really going to fight you, really don't care, you can't resist it.

This is not an alarmist.

"So, we don't take the civilian route. Of course, if foreign tourists come, it is ok." Qin Feng said, "Earn a lot of foreign exchange, do not affect domestic ordinary people, then, I think I want This should not be noticed here. "

Everyone discussed some, and they gave the view of Qin Feng.

If it is just earn foreign exchange, it is still possible.

Of course, earning those big boss money, yes.

Ordinary people, even if it is.

"But do we have to go to all levels to find all departments, adjust the information of the local rich people? This, they will never give it.

You said that I sent them an invitation and invite them to consume. The government will never give you. You are the wall of the wall, let you do this, can't do the rich people in their local, run your city.

If so, what should they do? The local economy is still not.

So, this will never give it.

Let Yucheng go to each prefecture-level city investigation, then trouble.

This will consume a lot of manpower, material, and it is not good to be vigilant by the local government, even expelled.

This is not impossible.

Qin Feng thought about it, this is indeed a bit trouble. It is really impossible to appear.

Suddenly, Qin Feng Brain is bright.

"I have a less mature idea!" Qin Fengfu Lin Xin, "I recommend someone, he has been interested in building a richer list belonging to Huaxia. Let him interview with the identity of third-party media people. Then Russen this list. And on this list, the people in the list, we will send invitations, invite them to attend the rich list. "

Rich list!

Everyone stunned, this is the first time I heard.

Qin Feng blinked, didn't you hear it?

Hu Runfu List, didn't hear it?

This should not be there last year.

Qin Feng quickly turned on the computer and logged in to the Internet.

I really didn't.

This, a little conflict with your memory.

But it doesn't matter, you can go find him - Hu Run is.

Have yourself, no, it is a more successful in the city to invest, Hu Runfei list.

In particular, the city will be able to have a place to hold a list of rich lists.

This will be more successful than the year.

"Those big bosses will be willing?" Zhangfu Yin doubt.

Now that the market economy, those big bosses have money, they are very pleasant. They will not talk so much.

This is not like later generations, many economic lifelings are pinched by politicians, and those big bosses do not dare to have any disrespect.

But now, it is not the same.

"They will be willing. Such summit helps them know more rich people. And, they can make them feel the magic of money. They will be willing." Qin Feng said, "This person, If you have money, what do you want to do? Naturally, it is famous. Light is rich, no name, but many people are not willing. We give them a famous opportunity, they are willing to be willing. "

Everyone nodded.

This is true.

"Master Qin, this matter, still trouble you, you want people, give people, ask for money." Zhangfu Yin Cheng said.

This thing is too novel. Although they can understand, but they are afraid of mistakes.

Still let Qin Feng to deal with better.

Qin Feng did not escort. Original Qin Feng also went to Beijing, and Hu Run, as if it was in Beijing.

Just went to visit the old white, I will see Houn.

Make a rustic list Plus, which is certain.

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