Tang Nuan didn't know what was wrong with her. Tears were completely uncontrollable. As soon as they were wiped off, new ones poured out.

Ye Shuyan, who was looking down at the scarf, felt something and raised her head for a while.

He had almost never seen Tang Nuan depressed. Even under the harsh conditions of the Tang family, when she was alone in the face of the malicious Jiang family, she always held her head up, fought high, and was always full of energy, as if No one can hit her, but now, her eyes are red, and big tears are falling down her eyelashes...

Perhaps because of his mind-reading skills, Ye Shuyan felt that his heart also tingled slightly.

Tang Nuan was a little embarrassed because the tears fell without warning. She hurriedly lowered her head and took out a tissue from her pocket. As soon as she took it out, she was suddenly wrapped in a generous embrace. The cold fragrance of the cedar in her nose made her heart skip a beat.

Ye Shuyan turned her head to look, and the staff in charge of the live broadcast recovered from the shock, and quickly turned off the camera and avoided the exit with the equipment.

Tang Nuan was a little embarrassed, she hardly ever cried in front of people when she grew up, and Ye Shuyan's intimate and considerate attitude...

[I don't know if rubbing the tear foundation on his suit will make him explode...]

Ye Shuyan patted Tang Nuan's back hand for a while, looked at her dumbfounded, took the tissue in her hand and pressed it directly on her eyes.

"Alas! My makeup is going to be spent!" Tang Henan shouted, Ye Shuyan didn't say anything, dragged her out.

Jiang Miao, who was almost fainting while brushing the scarf next to him, finally couldn't help but speak, his voice trembling, "Ye Shuyan! Recording."

Without the camera, her expression could no longer be maintained, almost hideous.

Ye Shuyan ignored her, and only said to Assistant Shen who was waiting by the door, "Follow Miss Jiang to ensure that the Jiang family receives her safely."

Assistant Shen suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Shuyan, and met his icy gaze, his heart suddenly became uneasy, not knowing what Ye Shuyan meant.

He glanced at Tang Nuan, who was being held by Ye Shuyan, and at Jiang Miao, who had never been seen from the beginning to the end. He only felt extremely regretful, but everything seemed to be too late...

Ye Shuyan's office is not small and has complete functions. Tang Nuan went directly to the lounge inside to tidy up.

After sitting down on the office chair, Ye Shuyan took out her mobile phone and continued to brush her scarf. In just ten minutes, this massive collective apology was already on the hot search.

#owing Tangnuan an apology# is hanging side by side with #tangnuanowing Jiangmiao an apology#, full of irony.

Ye Shuyan clicked on the second topic, and saw that the hottest comment now has become: [I will contribute some popularity, don't let it go down, this is evidence of Internet violence, let everyone pay tribute to the noble How did the almighty goddess instigate netizens to attack the original match? 】

There are many similar comments below, and Ye Shuyan finally found some cute netizens on the Internet.

Assistant Wen knocked on the door and came in, Ye Shuyan said, "This hot search Jiang family should be withdrawn, don't let it go down."

Assistant Wen coughed lightly.

Ye Shuyan looked at him blankly, "Has someone already done it?"

Assistant Wen nodded awkwardly, "It should be with Miss Tang's biological parents."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help wailing in my heart, what kind of family are Miss Tang's biological parents? Doing things is not cost-effective at all, spending money like water? No, they spend money like a waterfall! They even bought ten times with direct prepayment, and it was an unlimited prepayment, no one could argue with them...

Ye Shuyan didn't speak any more. She pointed her index finger on the phone, and apologized to the rows in the square. She asked lightly, "What about the prosecution?"

Assistant Wen choked, and for the first time excused his colleagues in the legal team, "As soon as our team was established, Mingyue Law Firm has sued three naval companies and directly obtained the details of those marketing accounts..."

Looking at Shang Ye Shuyan's unfeeling gaze, he continued to bite the bullet and continued, "But they haven't paid attention to the self-media side. The legal affairs have collected information and evidence of more than 20 we-media bloggers in order to gain popularity. A man named Lemon Essence has a lot of fans, no worse than the marketing account reported by Mingyue."

After I finished speaking, I felt sad. When did their legal department start to have more influence with the outside law firm than the marketing account they sued? Is this a moral downfall or a distortion of human nature?

Ye Shuyan's expressionless assistant Chao Wen beckoned, and when he got close, he held up his phone to him: "Is that so?"

On the square of Weibo, the liberal V blogger mentioned by Assistant Wen just posted a scarf.

@lemongjing: #owe Tang Nuan an apology# I sincerely apologize for spreading the untrue rumors of Miss Tang Nuan before, which caused the loss of Miss Tang's personality and reputation...

Assistant Wen: …

Assistant Wen finally couldn't help scolding in his heart: Hold on! Isn't it very positive and firm when it is hot? I haven't told you yet, why are you kneeling? What do you want me to do like this?

Ye Shuyan refreshed again, moved for a while, and held the phone in front of Assistant Wen again: "What should I do? I don't think you need to sue you for the twenty or so."

@Mingyue Law Firm: [This is the first batch, the second batch has been submitted for prosecution, and the third batch, please queue up patiently. Don't rush to delete the content, we searched through keywords, and all the evidence has been saved with screenshots. The list is attached. You can relax a little for three or five years. Anyway, it will definitely be your turn. don’t worry. 】

These soft and cruel words, at first glance, were edited by Tang Yue herself.

Ye Shuyan has already opened the comments, and the comments in the front row can be swept away at a glance: [Haha, that is to say, even if it takes three or five years, these people must be brought to court. 】

[I am quite concerned about the classmates in the back row. Although I finally sued because of the low number of retweets, if I really hang on for three or five years, my heart will collapse! Why don't you beg Tang Nuan, let her sue you earlier, hahaha. 】

【Should! Such a thing as a navy should not exist at all! This time it can be considered a kick to the iron plate, Tang Nuan is mighty! Fuck them! 】

Assistant Wen was not happy at all, he stared at the words of Mingyue Law Firm, grinding his back teeth: This woman! Make him humiliated in front of the boss!

[It turns out that Tang Yue is so powerful, does she really not care about Tang Xing at all...]

Ye Shuyan was stunned for a moment, and realized that this was Tang Nuan's heartfelt voice in the lounge, and there was a hint of unnoticeable joy in his tone.

Assistant Wen didn't know why he felt staring at him even colder. With a solemn expression on his face, he quickly said, "Mr. Ye, don't worry, our trump card is also here! They definitely won't be able to intervene!"

Ye Shuyan said lightly, "Well, after all, it's an exclusive advantage, and I'm very proud of it. Do you want a bonus?"

Assistant Wen: …

Help! Who did you learn this yin and yang from?

[Hahahaha, the marketing accounts are kneeling too fast, they are all cowards without telling them? Haven't you never seen a coffin without crying? 】

[Introduction to popular science, Tang Yue, the founder of Mingyue Law Firm, is known in the industry as a "gentle lunatic". This person is said to be a rich second-generation, not bad for money. He doesn't care about interests at all in lawsuits, only seeks justice, and is the person she targets. , anyway, the one that has not heard of escape so far is the frightening existence in the industry. 】

[Everyone on the list is ready to keep a record and prepare for compensation! 】

Tang Nuan pointed at the words of Mingyue Law Firm, feeling very strange in his heart.

She didn't expect Tang Yue to do this.

A gentle lunatic, it is true that only if he is chasing after him, his determination is firm enough to make so many marketing accounts kneel so simply...

She suddenly thought of something, and there seems to be such a plot in the book...

Before she could think about it, Ji Yun sent an exciting message on her phone.

I have to say that the shock and deterrence of killing chickens and warning monkeys is very effective. In all the topic comments, there are almost no comments about her anymore.

Even the brainless fans of Jiang Miao have completely disappeared. It can be seen that they do not really understand anything, but they are just unscrupulous on the Internet under the skin of anonymity.

At this moment, I am so scared that I am not kneeling, and I am not kneeling.

In the list of Mingyue Law Firm, although the marketing account has great influence, the number of Jiang Miao's fans is even greater.

They are not as experienced as the marketing account, and they are still working hard to support:

[Just to scare people, huh, let her sue, I'll wait. 】

The replies from netizens were also very uniform: [We are also waiting to see if that Tangyue is as powerful as the legend. 】

There are also some sea people who are cowardly and bitchy: [Tang Nuan is too fussy, who in this world doesn't talk about people, and who doesn't talk about people? Is something like this going to involve others for the rest of their lives? 】

[Wow, a single word of yours can crush someone's whole life. It's already a lot of face for someone to put so much effort into keeping a case for you? 】

[Since you have done it, you will bear the consequences, stop jumping around on the Internet, and save this to the police. 】

There is also Hai Hai trying hard to defend: [But just saying that she is a "straight vase", is this also called abuse and rumors? Who in the wealthy circle doesn't know that she is ignorant and knows how to cling to a man. Is this a fact? 】

[Tsk tsk, the wealthy circle, so this is the wealthy circle? Or did someone in the rich circle tell you? 】

The other party defended again: [Jiang Miaoyan University's financial education degree is solid! What is Tang Nuan's education? A foreign pheasant university. 】

[Haha, I just wanted to say, what education does Tang Nuan have? Come on, Dad tells you! [Picture][Picture][Picture]]

【! ! ! 】

【Fuck! ! ? This is true and false! 】

[God, you call the recipient of a full scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania a scumbag? ! What is not insulting? If you are not in front of Lao Tzu, you don't need Tang Nuan to shoot in front of Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will hit you, which is too insulting! 】

The layer owner who sent the pictures at the beginning continued: [In order to prevent some people with water in their brains from saying that the pictures are from P, I will give you a few links directly. 】

Everyone clicked in one after another. It was the publicity page of the official website of the University of Pennsylvania. Tang Nuan's name, student number, and photo were all clear.

The other links are school forums, school magazines, and news activity pages, all of which have Tang Nuan's photos, one is a speech as a student representative, the other is a photo taken with the principal wearing a master's uniform at graduation, and the last one is in a certain A photo of playing the piano at a charity event, surrounded by children.

[God, although it’s not the first time that the entertainment industry is outrageous, I still can’t help but want to say, it’s really ridiculous! Pennsylvania's finance department ranks among the top five in the world, while Yanda's finance department ranks out of 40 in the world...]

[How did she have the face to laugh at others as a straw vase? Almighty Goddess...]

[I suddenly had a brilliant idea, why don't I put the topic of her almighty goddess up, and then slap these pictures directly on her face. 】

[Hahaha, it is not very harmful, but extremely insulting, I am willing to do my part! 】

And the floor master seemed to start, and soon someone came back and said: [Look at what I found. [picture]】

It was a picture attached to a newspaper in the early years. Tang Nuan was standing in the middle with the trophy in the national mathematics competition.

[She is from Seondeok High School? I seem to have remembered something too, wait I'll look for it! 】

Soon, Tang Nuan's resumes that were almost never noticed seemed to have been wiped away, and a dazzling light appeared:

[In 2015, the runner-up of Taekwondo in Yan City. 】

[In 2016, the first place in the National English Speech Contest. 】

[In 2021, SCI will publish papers...]

[Why do I want to cry the more I look at it? She is obviously so good and so dazzling, but before today, almost everyone thought she was a straw bag. 】

[Don't say anything, just take the picture above. 】

The following is a moving picture, which is a live video picture today. Tang Nuan in it was smiling one second before, but the next second when he saw the reminder on the barrage, when he looked down at the phone, his eyes turned red without warning. , and then tears came out of my eyes...

[I cried when I saw it, I was really distressed, the grievances I suffered were not white, and the grievances were snowed in one day...]

[Some people are really guilty and deserve to die! The entertainment industry does not welcome this kind of **** stick, so get out of the entertainment industry quickly, I will not watch anything related to her in the future! 】

[Agree, Jiang Miao get out of the entertainment circle! Looking at her for two more seconds makes me feel sick! 】

【Jiang Miao get out of the entertainment circle! 】

Tang Nuan didn't care about the direction behind, because the group chat "Dating and loving family" flickered wildly when her college resume was posted:

【Soar:! ! ! Mommy, come here! Tang Nuan is so amazing! [screenshot][screenshot][screenshot]]

[Fire Tree Golden Flower: What do you mean? Is this the legendary returnee elite? 】

[It’s hard to run away from home: Mom, it’s not an ordinary returnee! The University of Pennsylvania ranks in the top five in the world. 】

[Fire Tree Golden Flower: ! ! Child her father! @ handsome duojin child her father, come and see, our family's ancestral grave is smoking! 】

[Handsome and golden: Where is this green smoke, this is it! @tang warm girl you are too promising! 】

[Handsome and golden: No, I am so happy today [Gong Xi Fa Cai]]

[Soaring into the sky: Wow, what a big red envelope! 】

The crowd cheered and cheered, with fireworks expressions in rows.

Even if they were separated by a group, they could see their excitement, Tang Nuan could almost make up their carnival appearance.

Tang Nuan put her finger on the red envelope, but in the end she didn't order it.

However, Tang Jinxin's separate dialog box suddenly popped up, Tang Nuan clicked it, it was a transfer, Tang Nuan counted zero, one hundred thousand.

[Handsome and rich: Child, accept it, I heard that studying outside is not easy, you have worked hard. 】

At that moment, his eyes blurred again without warning, and Tang Nuan hurriedly lowered his head to find a tissue.

The mobile phone rang a few times again, and the transfers were all made separately:

[Fire Tree Golden Flower: Take it! But let's face our parents! 】

[Soaring into the sky: Come on, brother's genius sister! The legendary genius turned out to be my sister! Ha ha ha ha…】

[Kinghua Shuiyue: Proud of you. 】

[It’s hard to run from home: Sister Nuan, you are so amazing! Haha, I blew again. 】

Tang Nuan squatted down against the wall, his face buried in his knees...

What's going on, obviously she doesn't care at all...

People always long to be loved. Even though she knew from a young age that she was not the expectation of anyone in the Tang family, she was entangled in her innocent and rebellious adolescence: she was worried that she would be disgusted and abandoned if she was not good, but she could not get any attention if she was excellent.

So while she hid these things, she caused trouble everywhere, making everyone think she was a scumbag, and wanted her parents and sisters to have a headache and regret because they ignored her.

Those awards and medals, she was still hiding in the depths of the cabinet at first, fantasizing about waiting for her parents to discover these things by accident, and discover that the children they had ignored all along are actually very good, how surprised they should be at that time, and then Apologize to her for ignoring and blaming her for so long, treat her seriously and be proud of her from now on.

However, the place where she hid was changed again and again, and finally she simply put it in a cabinet that could be seen as soon as she opened it, but until she left the Tang family's old house, no one found it, maybe it wasn't that she didn't find it, she just didn't care.

Now she has long passed the age of needing affirmation and praise from others, but...

Is that what it feels like to be proud of yourself?

Outside, Ye Shuyan sat quietly in the office chair, not knowing what he was thinking, the document in his hand did not turn over a page for a long time.

Until the door of the office was knocked, Ye Zhenghong broke in with Jiang Zhan and Jiang Miao.

Assistant Wen said helplessly, "Mr. Ye."

Ye Shuyan waved at him, "It's okay, you go out first."

"Special banquet!" Ye Zhenghong was very angry, "What the **** are you doing?! What happened to Tang Nuan's Erica?"

Ye Shuyan said, "Didn't you see it all? She is Erica."

Jiang Zhan couldn't help but said, "So you already knew?"

Ye Shuyan said, "Not much earlier than you know, just a few days ago."

Jiang Zhan took a deep breath when he thought of the stupid things he did to please the other party, but he couldn't hide his anger, "She lied to us!"

Ye Shuyan raised her eyes and glanced at Jiang Miao, who was almost teetering beside Jiang Zhan, "I thought you should have been taught a lesson in confounding black and white this time."

Jiang Zhan was suffocated.

Ye Shuyan asked back, "Did she take the initiative to find you? Did she tell you to lie and say Jiang Miao's fanatical fans came to me to sell face?"

Jiang Zhan was speechless.

Ye Zhenghong said, "Even if it's the Jiang family's fault, you already know about this, just expose it. Why do you want to do this? Miaomiao was completely destroyed by you!"

Ye Shuyan said, "Who is going to destroy whom? Who is the person who has been entangled from beginning to end?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that you don't understand me very well. So this is also a reason. I thought that since you can't understand me, I should invite more people to listen to me. The number of people is great. , can always teach you."

Ye Zhenghong's face flushed, and Jiang Miao bit his lower lip.

Jiang Zhan suppressed his anger and said, "Be a human being and stay on the line, you are doing so absolutely, you don't care about the cooperation of the Jiang family, right?"

Ye Shuyan said lightly, "Aren't you going to hand over that project to Ye Shuchen? Don't worry, you can continue to cooperate, and I will never interfere."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhenghong burst into anger, "Who would let him do projects now!"

It wasn't just the netizens who watched the live broadcast today. He also specifically notified his relatives, friends and shareholders, just to show them that Ye Shuchen was also an excellent child and could be on his own.

However, all of this was ruined by Ye Shuyan. Against his background, Ye Shuchen, who was still outstanding, was like a hairy boy. After today's release, I am afraid that as long as Ye Shuyan wants to handle the project, there will be no Which shareholder meeting agreed to give it to Ye Shuchen!

Jiang Zhan suddenly said, "So, you are deliberately taking revenge, right?"

Ye Zhenghong was reminded by him, and suddenly reacted, "You want to destroy your brother!"

Ye Shuyan smiled when she heard the words, "Dad, did you forget that you forced me to compromise, let me give the project to Ye Shuchen, and let me be an observer, it's always you."

"If you think it's ruined, then it's you who ruined him."

Ye Zhenghong looked at those cold eyes without a trace of temperature, and a chill rose in his heart.

Jiang Zhan also finally realized that Ye Shuyan had never cared about the Jiang family's project from the beginning to the end. It was because they took this investment too seriously, and they mistakenly thought that Ye Shuyan had compromised for this. Ye Shuchen planned and made an aggressive gesture to make them think that Ye Shuyan was defeated, but in fact he was just pushing the boat.

To get justice for Tang Nuan, teach the Jiang family a lesson, and directly cut off the possibility of Ye Shuchen coming to the company!

"Three birds with one stone. Young Master Ye is really good at tactics."

Ye Shuyan was noncommittal, and now Jiang Zhan can only speak in vain.

Seeing that Jiang Zhan was defeated, Jiang Miao could only step forward in person.

Her current state is completely opposite to that of more than two hours ago, her face is almost transparent, "Ye Shuyan, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong."

After she finished speaking, the tears couldn't help falling again, "I swear, I will never pester you and Tang Nuan again, can you destroy the recording."

This time, she was really scared.

If it was said that her apology was humiliating during the live broadcast, but there was still room for a slow turn after the event, but after such a massive collective apology, any explanations she gave would seem pale and she was going to be completely finished.

What scares her even more is the recording in Ye Shuyan's hands, those collective apologies, as long as she pretends to be deaf and dumb, she can survive, but if the recording of her confessing the truth is spread out...

Jiang Miao couldn't imagine it, so she apologized very sincerely, "I can immediately send a scarf to apologize to Tang Nuan, and I beg you to destroy the recording for the sake of me getting to this point."

Ye Shuyan didn't speak, but called towards the lounge, "Tang Nuan."

Tang Nuan, who was eavesdropping, was taken aback. She didn't do it on purpose. The main reason was that there was too much movement in the group, and she couldn't even hear it if she wanted to.

Only then did I know that Jiang Miao's smooth apology just now turned out to be a recording of Ye Shuyan asking Jiang Miao to apologize.

Knowing that he was being used, his heart finally became a little more balanced, and he still had some conscience.

She looked in the mirror and there was nothing wrong, and then walked out.

Several people saw that her face was not good, but they dared not say anything.

Ye Shuyan lowered her head and sent her the recording, "You decide what to do."

Jiang Miao looked at Tang Nuan pleadingly.

Tang Nuan directly opened the door.

Jiang Miao: …

"...Sorry, I misunderstood, but everyone said we were a couple at the time, and you allowed me to follow you... woohoo, I didn't know why I did that at the time, when I thought that she was you My fiancée, she can stay by your side at will, and I'll go crazy with jealousy... It's too late to react... I'll apologize to Miss Tang, I know I'm despicable, I, I just love you too much..."

This public execution made Jiang Miao almost unsteady, but she still didn't dare to say anything, she almost prayed humbly, "Tang Nuan, I know I'm wrong, I'll apologize to you right now on my scarf, I'm already a rat crossing the street. ,Please…"

"Okay." Tang Nuan lowered his head and operated, "I won't post it online, I don't want to be another you."

Jiang Miao was overjoyed, but she saw Tang Nuan showing her the interface of her mobile phone. She saw that a recording had just been sent out in the group "Father's Worrying Alliance", and it was Tang Nuan who sent the message.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you apologize or not." Tang Nuan smiled slightly, "Brother Shuyan tried his best to find evidence for me, and the truth should always be known. As for whether others will post it online, it's not me. You can control it, right?"

Jiang Miao finally reacted, her eyes were splitting, "Tang Nuan!"

Tang Nuan lowered his face and said lightly, "Jiang Miao, everyone should pay for their actions. Since they have done it, they are ready to bear all the consequences. No one has the obligation to forgive you."

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