Tang Nuan was very fortunate that she glanced at the scriptures in order to prepare a birthday gift for Mrs. Ye, not to mention, this was indeed very meditative.

The beating heart also settled down, and the strong presence of someone behind her disappeared. She was the calm Tang Nuan with no emotion.

After all the jewelry was put on, Tang Nuan was very satisfied with the beauty in the mirror. This hairstyle, this black pearl hairpin and a fishtail skirt are really suitable.

She didn't expect Ye Shuyan to be quite picky, but she couldn't help but discount when she looked up at the expressionless man in the mirror with her happy mood. This set of jewelry is so expensive!

Ye Shuyan looked at her and lowered the corners of her mouth:…

Because she was too close, she probably didn't dare to think wildly, but Ye Shuyan knew that she must be thinking about breaking off the marriage and paying back the money.

I don't know why, but there was a burst of anger in my chest, so when Tang Nuan turned around, he not only did not retreat, but instead took a small step closer, Tang Nuan was so frightened that he leaned back, and Ye Shuyan directly reached out to catch it. Holding her slender waist, her thumb rubbed unconsciously, and the word "Yingying one grip" suddenly popped into her mind.

The throat was itchy again, Ye Shuyan looked down at Tang Nuan's cheeks that were gradually dyed crimson, raised the other hand, and the five fingers combed through her hair like a waterfall, from the back of the ear to the waist. In the meantime, she just straightened her hair like this.

The slight itching between his fingers directly reached the bottom of his heart, Ye Shuyan's eyes fell unconsciously on the red lips that were slightly parted due to shock, and he could vaguely see the tip of the tongue that had made trouble in his mouth...

A dangerous aura spread, and Tang Nuan was so frightened that he forgot to breathe when he saw the approaching man...

The phone rang abruptly, Tang Nuan was startled, and reflexively pressed against the man's chest, "Brother Shuyan."

Ye Shuyan also came back to her senses, let go of her, and took a step back.

Tang Nuan coughed lightly, picked up the phone, and Tang Yue's gentle voice came, "Nuan Nuan, we are here in the East District, do you want to come over?"

Tang Nuan was stunned for a moment, "Are you really here?"

Ye Shuyan looked over.

Tang Nuan met his gaze, looked away as if burned, and said to the phone, "Okay, I'll go look for you right away."

After hanging up the phone, he said to Ye Shuyan, "The Tang family is here, I'll go take a look."

Ye Shuyan said, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

Tang Nuan waved his hand quickly, "I'll just go over by myself."

Ye Shuyan nodded and said lightly, "I'll go to the lounge on the second floor and call if anything happens."

His attitude was the same as usual, and Tang Nuan's beating heart gradually calmed down. He just thought she was his fiancée, which was a matter of course.

Tang Nuan took a deep breath, calmed down, said goodbye to him naturally, and left the VIP room with a handbag.

When the door closed, the expressionless Ye Shuyan suddenly turned around and leaned on the dressing table and let out a long breath. After a long while, he reached out his hands to cover his eyes in annoyance, what happened to him just now...

Suddenly thinking of something, Ye Shuyan stood up straight again and called Assistant Wen, "Didn't you say the Tang family didn't come?"

Assistant Wen said, "It's true that you didn't come? The invitation you sent out has not been taken back."

Ye Shuyan frowned and said to him, "They are here."

Assistant Wen: ? ? !

"I'll go take a look."

Here Tang Nuan also found Tang Jinxin's family.

Miracle Media's 50th anniversary carnival was very grand, and many people were invited. Therefore, in order to prevent confusion, the banquet was divided into sections. It is definitely impossible for a graduate student to start a business at the level of Ye Shuyan, but it is much more efficient to find the management of some emerging companies or individual investors with spare money.

This group of people at the banquet was also the most lively. Tang Nuan walked through the west hall and entered the west area. The noise immediately increased a few degrees. You could see people who were chatting with wine glasses, and she could hear a few waves of people passing by. They are talking about different projects.

Tang Nuan saw Tang Jinxin first, but his temperament was too conspicuous. He was the same as before, he couldn't help pulling his tie when he put on a formal suit.

Shen Jinhua was holding him and chatting with a few middle-aged men and women. Tang Yue and Tang Fei also had their own circles, but they were probably waiting for her because they were not far away.

Almost when Tang Nuan saw them, they also found her, Tang Fei waved to her happily, "Nuan Nuan, this way!"

Tang Ben was already approaching her flexibly. The boy was wearing a light gray British-style suit with white edges. His temperament was cold and humble, which attracted frequent glances from passersby.

But when he was in front of Tang Nuan, he showed a somewhat lively appearance, "Sister Nuan!" He raised his arms towards Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuan laughed and took his arm. Tang Ben immediately seemed to have been given a sense of mission, and took her to her parents, watching and listening all the way, for fear that someone would bump into her.

Tang Nuan smiled and asked, "Where did you get the invitation? I thought you weren't coming."

She knew that the Tang family did not use the invitation card given by Ye Shuyan.

Although they didn't say anything, Tang Nuan could feel that they had opinions on Ye Shuyan. At first she didn't understand it, but after hearing Tang Ben's whispers, she realized that they were because Jiang Miao had targeted her before. At that time, Ye Shuyan didn't appear at all, and later I found out that Ye Shuyan had no feelings for her, so I felt that Ye Shuyan was not a good match.

Tang Nuan didn't know how to explain her and Ye Shuyan's cooperative marriage concept to them. Fortunately, they were in a period of getting along with her. put one's oar in.

This somewhat relieved Tang Nuan, and it was also the reason why she was willing to continue getting along with them. Although she had little resistance to this family, she had developed the habit of making decisions alone for more than 20 years, and she could not accept the control of others. .

On the other hand, she wouldn't say anything about them keeping a distance from Ye Shuyan.

Tang Ben replied, "Hey, what's so difficult about this, eldest sister needless to say, she knows a lot of people, and there are several bosses who rent our building. It's not easy to ask for an invitation."

That's right, the Brilliant Building is located in the CBD area of ​​Yan City, and the companies that can rent are not small.

"Mr. Ye is so busy, we can accompany you to have a good time." Tang Ben whispered again, "I heard that the Tang family is also coming, so they won't bully you."

While talking, Tang Ben had already brought her to the Tang family's side. Before Tang Nuan could greet Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua, Tang Ben introduced to a girl next to him proudly, "This is my sister Nuan, watch it live. ? Super awesome."

He told Tang Nuan again, "This is my classmate Mi Shiya."

The girl named Mi Shiya immediately looked at her with admiration, "Hello Sister Nuan! I didn't expect it to be Tang Ben's sister, he is so lucky!"

Tang Nuan was embarrassed to be seen. She had never experienced this scene and didn't know what to say. She could only smile and nod, and found that this was just a small warm-up.

"Nuan Nuan, come here!" Shen Jinhua beckoned to her, Tang Jinxin also looked at her with a grin, and when she approached, he introduced to the person next to her, "Come on, this is our old third Tang Nuan."

The few people around are of the same age as them. You can tell by their attitude that they are very familiar with each other. They should also know about her exchange. At the moment, someone praised, "You look so good, you look like your old Tang family."

"Yeah, look like her mother, follow my brain," Tang Jinxin touched his head, his tone extremely proud, "Reading is amazing."

"The University of Pennsylvania knows, the top five universities in the world have just graduated from graduate school this year, and they still have full scholarships!"

Shen Jinhua added, "There are not many people who can get full scholarships. Tuition and living expenses are waived."

Everyone looked at her and exclaimed, "Oh, that's really amazing, your family is too good at giving birth."

Tang Nuan smiled embarrassedly but politely, remembering the praise some parents praised their children when they went out with the wealthy Tang family for New Year's greetings in previous years. Tang Sheng'an and Lin Yue'e also praised them on the spot, but they were full of disdain after returning. These people are probably the same.

However, Shen Jinhua was out of control and continued to talk, "Not only that, I have won awards for piano, speeches and so on, and there is a cabinet full of awards and trophies!" As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone to ask for it. Show it to the other person.

Tang Nuan hurriedly stopped it.

On the day she was sick, when Shen Jinhua and the others went to take care of her at home, Tang Nuan showed them some photos of her as a child, as well as the cabinet full of certificates of merit.

At that time, Shen Jinhua was overjoyed, and even burst into tears with excitement. After asking for her opinion, she took a photo and said that she would put the photo on the wall at home. She thought it was exaggerated at the time. On the wall, it is also held everywhere to show off.

Others may not be willing to see it, maybe they are like Tang Shengan and they are full of impatience.

But I didn't want an aunt to say, "Oh, the girl is still shy, it's okay, let's see, I haven't seen such a powerful child." The tone was not a superficial compliment.

Tang Nuan was stunned for a moment, Shen Jinhua had already opened the photo beamingly, and several people came together. Tang Nuan noticed that one couple was actually perfunctory, but Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua's proud appearance and the whole atmosphere made them Also followed suit.

They looked down at the photo, then looked up at Tang Nuan, their brows full of amazement, as if she was such an amazing child.

At this moment, Tang Nuan suddenly realized that the child's honor was largely given by his parents, just like when they were in the wealthy Tang family, Tang Sheng'an and Lin Yue'e didn't care about her excellence at all, and even cared about her excellence. Frost.

She remembered that when she was a guest at someone else's house, someone praised her that she might be better than Tang Shuang in the future. After she came back, Lin Yue'e sneered and told her that they were being polite, don't think too much, and Tang Shuang was facing her. The face that has been cold for a long time, and even targeted everywhere...

Both biological parents despise their hated children, so what reason do others have to believe and like?

Someone suddenly said, "This is more powerful than your Yueyue, it's really amazing."

Tang Nuan's heart tightened, and she looked at Tang Yue subconsciously.

Shen Jinhua smiled and said, "Yueyue is studying domestic law, so you don't need to study abroad, but Nuan Nuan is indeed better than Yueyue."

Tang Yue stepped forward to hug Tang Nuan and said, "Uncle Du, you can ask my sister to help you with your project. Don't look at her just graduated, she has already done an amazing project." Yan's pride.

The string in Tang Nuan's heart suddenly loosened, and he couldn't help leaning on Tang Yue's body. Tang Yue smiled and reached out and touched her head.

Shen Jinhua continued, "Yes, Ye's hotel knows, we Nuan Nuan developed a big system for them, and it was broadcast live on the Internet. Everyone said yes, just wait for the system to be installed and then go to live! You don't need to call the waiter, just speak directly, the robot will do everything for you..."

Tang Nuan was dumbfounded when she heard her nondescript introduction. Just as she was about to correct it, the man who was called Uncle Du by Tang Yue said, "Really? That Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan, right? Help your uncle's staff..."

It's not because of perfunctory feelings, but because she really trusts her, and this trust comes from the trust that everyone in the Tang family has in her.

Tang Nuan pursed his lips and did not refuse, "Uncle, tell me, I'm still young, and I'm definitely not more experienced than you, that is, the teacher talks too much, maybe I can give you an idea."

"This child is very modest." Uncle Du said the project with a smile, Tang Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, and had a bottom line in his heart.

In fact, the people who can have a fun relationship with Tang Jinxin and the others are almost all starting from demolition households and like to make some investments, but if people of their age have not started a business with real guns and live ammunition, their vision is still stuck in the past.

After listening to his words, Tang Nuan analyzed, "Investing in the Internet is a bit risky now. The other party's model looks good, but it is uncertain whether it will work or not. You might as well invest in warehousing. No matter how the Internet develops in the future, it will be around No warehouse…”

Uncle Du's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands and said, "Oh, it's not the same if you have read a book, I said that I always feel uneasy. The child said that, it's true!"

"I was almost deceived by that kid's rhetoric. Uncle will wrap you a big red envelope!"

Tang Jinxin touched his head and smiled, "Oh, you don't need to be so polite, she just said it casually."

At this moment, he was humble again, and Tang Nuan laughed.

Seeing this, others also began to discuss their own investment projects and views. Tang Nuan was almost able to get to the point. Tang Jinxin's family couldn't see the smile. Tang Fei and Tang Ben were full of energy, as if they were being praised.

The sure and amazed eyes of these people made Tang Nuan feel that he was really powerful.

A thought flashed in my mind: maybe she doesn't need that much money, maybe she just started from scratch, she can also have some achievements...

Everyone chatted happily, Tang Nuan listened to their various ideas, and felt like a group discussion to do a project. For the first time, I felt that this kind of entertainment was not boring at all.

Just as he was happy, Uncle Du suddenly reminded, "Nuan Nuan, are those two people calling you over there?"

Tang Nuan turned her head and saw Tang Shuang and Lin Yue'e standing not far away. Tang Nuan couldn't help frowning, and Shen Jinhua's face was pulled down almost immediately.

Tang Nuan didn't want to spoil everyone's happiness, so she planned to go over by herself, but was pulled by Shen Jinhua, "Don't go, ask them to come over! I want to see, what do they want to do?"

Tang Yue, Tang Fei and Tang Ben immediately stood beside Tang Nuan, Tang Jinxin said to Uncle Du and the others, "Let's talk later, let's deal with something."

These people basically know the affairs of their family, and they all leave with interest.

When Lin Yue'e and Tang Shuang saw this, they thought that the Tang Jinxin family was afraid of them, laughed mockingly, and walked over slowly with a condescending gesture.

Lin Yue'e looked at Tang Nuan with a concerned expression, "How have you been recently?"

Tang Nuan smiled and said, "As you can see, it's going well."

This answer obviously did not satisfy the mother and daughter, Tang Shuang said indifferently, "Your stubbornness has not changed at all." He glanced at Tang Jinxin's family with a look of disdain.

Tang Nuan's heart was full of anger and sneered, "Your hypocrisy and arrogance are the same as always."

Tang Shuang frowned, "Tang Nuan, you've only been away for a few days, and you dare to talk to me like that. What's your courtesy?"

Before Tang Nuan could speak, Shen Jinhua suddenly rushed in front of Tang Shuang and said loudly, "Who are you calling rude?!"

She was obviously very angry. She glanced up and down at Tang Shuang and Lin Yue'e, her face full of disdain, "Who is being rude? It's your turn to judge my children? Shame?"

Her voice was so high that it attracted the attention of everyone around her.

Lin Yue'e and Tang Shuang have always loved face, but now both of them blushed, Tang Shuang seemed to turn around and wanted to leave, Lin Yue'e tugged at her and said to Tang Nuan with anger, "We are here to help you, come here for a moment. , I have something to tell you."

"No need!" Shen Jinhua sneered, "Help her? I think you want to continue sucking her blood! If you are sensible, hurry up, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Although the Tang family belonged to the bottom of the wealthy family, they were never scolded directly. Lin Yue'e's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, but she still maintained the dignity of a lady and suppressed her temper, "Tang Nuan, you should restrain them, don't. Trouble yourself."

"Originally, when you changed your identity, the Ye family was not very satisfied. You still let them embarrass yourself here and lose Ye Shuyan's face. He is afraid that he can't tolerate it..."


Before Lin Yue'e could finish her words, Shen Jinhua sprayed her with a mouthful of spit, and immediately pointed at her nose and scolded, "Don't put a pig's nose in a green onion and pretend to be an elephant for the old lady!"

"Why do you need to worry about my girl's affairs? What? Ye's family is the emperor? What about your family's **** chief?"

"No, the chief **** can't handle the emperor's empress. Only the little eunuchs around the empress are worried that the empress will be left out of the emperor's neglect and lose their jobs!"

She looked at the two of them contemptuously, "A little eunuch, who is putting on a master's profile?! If the Ye family is really the emperor, you will also be pulled out and stabbed to death! Hurry up and get out of here!"

Tang Nuan was stunned, but the Tang family was accustomed to it, and Tang Fei commented with relish, "Mom recently watched a palace fight drama."

Over there, Lin Yue'e and Tang Shuang couldn't say a word that they had been scolded, and their chests were heaving with anger.

The movement here attracted the attention of many people. After a while, Tang Shengan squeezed out of the crowd, "What's going on?"

Tang Jinxin just stepped out, and Hengdao immediately blocked in front of Shen Jinhua, "It's just right, take your wife and children away! Do they have a problem with their minds? Come to the door to scold them?"

Tang Shengan glanced at Lin Yue'e and Tang Shuang with ugly expressions, but he didn't plan to go forward at all, he just sighed and said to Tang Nuan, "They probably know what I think."

His tone was kind and sad, "Nuan Nuan, anyway, we have raised you for more than 20 years. Now that you are gone, Dad's heart is empty, and he is really reluctant, so I think it is better for you to come back."

"Now that you are older, you can make your own decisions on many things. With the Tang family's reputation, you are more efficient, especially when it comes to marriage." He looked at Tang Jinxin, "Since ancient times, marriage has always been about being in the right place. She Being engaged to the Ye family is impossible without a family background, and you also hope that she can live well in the past, okay?"

What he said sounded so grandly, people who didn't know thought he was really thinking about Tang Nuan, and everyone onlookers nodded in agreement.

Tang Nuan laughed angrily, and was about to pierce him when he heard a clear voice, "I don't agree!"

When everyone turned around, they saw Tang Xing approaching aggressively. She looked at Lin Yue'e and Tang Sheng'an and asked, "What do you mean?"

Tang Shengan and Lin Yuee's mother and daughter invariably frowned.

Tang Shengan said, "Tang Xing, what are you doing here?"

Tang Xing sneered, "I won't come, will you take Tang Nuan home?"

"Don't think I'm a fool, you were so neat when you chased her away, I didn't see any reluctance, why? Now that Young Master Ye hasn't broken off the marriage, you're thinking of flattering her again? Is that right? Drive me away again!"

The crowd of onlookers who had just nodded in agreement showed a surprised expression at this moment. Obviously, these words came out of their biological daughter's mouth and were much more powerful than Tang Nuan and Tang Jinxin.

Rao is as thick-skinned as Tang Sheng'an, and he can't hold back now, "Tang Xing, what nonsense are you talking about? You are the same age, isn't it bad to have multiple sisters? Why are your eyelids so shallow."

"Not good!" Tang Xing said, "Don't think that I don't know what you're fighting for. Do you think Jiang Miao can't do it anymore, so you want to curry favor with the Ye family and drive me away?"

"I tell you, there is no door! Sister Miao can't be in the entertainment industry, but the Jiang family is okay!" She pointed at Tang Nuan and said, "In short, this family has her without me, and I without her, If you want to bring her back, I will immediately go abroad with Sister Miao, and I will follow her to start a business!"

When she said this, she said fiercely, "Before I leave, I will definitely kill Tang Yi. Don't think about it, I want to see if you are such a fool, if the Jiang family will let you go!"

The complexion of Tang Sheng'an's family suddenly changed.

Tang Xing snorted coldly, "I'll change my account tomorrow, or I'll go to Jiang's house to find Sister Miao immediately."

Tang Shengan was still not reconciled, and said helplessly, "It's not that easy to change the account, Tang Nuan was engaged to Ye Shuyan because of our family's engagement, and he still held the shares of our family. I gave a lot of dowry..."

Tang Nuan was really going to be disgusted by him, but it was still not her turn to speak, Tang Jinxin stepped forward and stood in front of Tang Shengan, "Don't worry, my daughter doesn't care about your stinky money!"

Tang Sheng'an thought it was funny, "How many stinky money? I'm afraid that your family will not be able to earn it if you don't eat or drink for the rest of your life, so don't talk big."

Tang Jinxin looked at him with contempt, "What? You still spent tens of billions of dollars to raise my children?" He didn't want to talk nonsense with them, and said directly, "You didn't want to count the 20 years of raising daughters for more than 20 years last time. How much did it cost? Exactly, I also want to calculate."

He stared at Tang Sheng'an fiercely, "Go back and sort it out for me, right? I want to see how much my daughter spent on you! Don't worry, if you spend more, I'll make it up for you. superior!"

"That's what you said." Tang Shengan looked irritated and couldn't swallow, then looked at Tang Nuan and mocked, "Don't rely on Ye Shuyan to pay back the money in the end."

"What Ye Shuyan, Li Shuyan, it happens that this account is also calculated. Our family doesn't recognize the girl you sold!" Tang Jinxin got angry when he said that, and gave Tang Sheng'an a beer belly aggressively, "If you have the ability, change your family to yourself. Go girl!".

Tang Sheng'an didn't check for a while, and was staggered and fell backwards by the top one. Lin Yue'e and Tang Shuang hurried over with an exclamation when they saw it. As a result, the two of them stumbled on their left foot and right foot for some unknown reason, and the family of three fell into a ball.

Tang Nuan stared dumbfounded at the feet that Shen Jinhua and Tang Yue retracted at the same time: …

This skilled tacit understanding is obviously not the first time.

Suddenly aware of something, Tang Nuan turned her head and met Ye Shuyan's shocked gaze not far away.

Thinking about it, Young Master Ye had never seen such a battle.

The light bulb on Tang Nuan's head suddenly lit up: If he thinks that their family is not decent enough, it's not her fault, right?

Ye Shuyan:…

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