Ye Shuyan's wish was doomed to fail because they received a call from the hospital at night.

At that time, Ye Shuyan almost stripped off Tang Nuan's clothes.

After the parents met in the morning, the two went to the playground in the afternoon to celebrate. Since the last date in the mall, Ye Shuyan also seemed to like this way of dating, drowning in the crowd and having no plans.

Because of the uncertainty, we don't know what we will encounter in the next second, and there are surprises or excitement for both people at any time.

For example, after getting on the Ferris wheel, Ye Shuyan glanced at the couple in the car in front, and suddenly got the romantic plot in the idol drama without a teacher.

After that, Tang Nuan was pressed against the chair and kissed, blushing and heartbeat. It was really exciting at high altitude, and then Ye Shuyan almost couldn't hold it, and he couldn't help but reach into her clothes...

Tang Nuan shrank subconsciously, Ye Shuyan stopped, he let go of her, and was about to get up to calm down, but Tang Nuan suddenly stretched out his arms around his neck and pressed him down...

Tang Nuan kissed him and whispered, "I don't want to, but I'm just not used to it."

Now that her name has been set, and her parents' approval has been obtained, she is not hypocritical, it's just the first time...

Ye Shuyan kissed her forehead, sat up and carefully sorted out her clothes, the end of the Ferris wheel was approaching. Tang Nuan felt a little embarrassed after realizing it, she was still outside, what did she say just now...

Ye Shuyan didn't say anything. After getting off the Ferris wheel, she took her home directly. The car drove very fast all the way, and the light didn't turn on when she entered the door. She dragged her directly and kissed her fiercely. This time Not only does he move his mouth, but his hands are also unambiguous...

When Tang Nuan flinched again, he bit her ear and said in a hoarse voice, "You still have to get used to it."

As his voice fell, the sweater on her body was lifted, and her hot palm was directly attached to her waist...

The phone rang at this time, Ye Shuyan didn't want her to answer, but because Tang Nuan had experienced some things when he was a child, he would never refuse to answer the phone calls from others.

In the end, it turned out to be a big deal. It was Tang Fei who called, saying that Tang Yue was in the hospital because of the case.

Tang Nuan was terrified at the time. She still remembered that Tang Yue told her about the lawless rich second generation, thinking that the other party did something to Tang Yue and put on clothes, and then ran to the hospital with Ye Shuyan.

When he got there, he saw Tang Yue sitting on a chair outside the operating room with tears all over her face. Tang Nuan's hands and feet were cold for a moment. Tang Yue looked soft, but she was actually the hardest. According to Tang Fei, he had almost never seen the eldest sister cry. , can make Tang Yue cry like this...

It happened that Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua also arrived, and they were too frightened to care about anything. They looked at Tang Yue up and down, left and right, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Yueyue don't cry, tell mom what happened first? It's fine, no matter what. Whatever happened, as long as people are fine, nothing will happen."

Only then did Tang Yue cry out while holding Shen Jinhua, "Mom, what if Wen Xingchuan dies?"

Only then did Tang Nuan know that Assistant Wen was rescued in the operating room.

Ye Shuyan's face changed, and she immediately went to the doctor to inquire about the situation, just in time for the police to come to Tang Yue to make a record.

And Shen Jinhua found that Tang Yue's arm was not right, so Tang Fei and Tang Nuan stayed in the operating room and waited for Assistant Wen.

Tang Nuan actually couldn't sit still. What happened to Tang Yue and Assistant Wen? Assistant Wen is not serious, what kind of injury is she in, she is full of anxiety.

Tang Fei patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'll know what's going on when Xiaoben comes over."

Tang Fei's calmness made Tang Nuan feel a little more at ease. Sure enough, Tang Ben ran over after a while, "Assistant Wen was shot twice in the back."

"Have you been hit by a knife?!" Tang Nuan and Tang Fei were both shocked.

It turned out that the rich second generation that Tang Yue wanted to sue had a lot of criminal records, and he had to settle almost all of them with money or threats. If the plaintiff couldn't cooperate, Tang Yue had to sue the other party in the direction of public prosecution.

Assistant Wen has been helping Tang Yue collect evidence recently. Today, Tang Yue got a very critical ledger, but at the last moment, she was discovered by the other party and sent someone to catch up and contain it.

Probably because things were too crucial, those people's dead hands, Tang Yue, no matter how powerful, could not beat four hands with both fists, and soon got a stick on the arm and almost fell down. The other party knew that Tang Yue had called the police and was in a hurry to grab something. , Seeing that there was no way to succeed for a while, he directly took out the knife.

At that time, Tang Yue was being attacked from back and forth, and there was no way to avoid it. Then Assistant Wen, who had been hiding and did not intend to drag her back, rushed out and blocked the knife for her. After the two fell to the ground, he tightly protected Tang Yue. down until the police arrived.

Therefore, Tang Yue only suffered a fracture in her arm from the first blow, and did not suffer any other injuries.

Soon Ye Shuyan also rushed over. He had already inquired about the situation and hugged Tang Nuan gently, "Don't worry, there are several top experts in the Gu family hospital, I have already contacted and asked for help, it will be alright. ."

Tang Ben hurriedly ran to tell Tang Yue the good news, no matter what, it was a little comfort.

Tang Yue came to the operating room to wait after the cast, and the family did not persuade her, so she silently stayed by her side. At this time, Tang Fei was busy arranging things like a big brother, and Tang Ben followed behind to listen. He sent errands.

Probably because of them, Tang Yue gradually settled down, and Tang Nuan felt a lot more at ease. At least no news is the best news now.

Two hours later, Assistant Wen finally came out of the operating room, Tang Yue was the first to rush up, "Doctor, how is he?"

The other party took off his mask and said with a smile, "Although it is a bit dangerous, the operation went well. Let's observe it for a day. If there is no problem, then just take a good rest."

Tang Yue almost cried with joy, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Tang Nuan leaned on Ye Shuyan, only to find that his body was also tense, and he couldn't help reaching out to hold his hand.

Ye Shuyan looked down at her, opened her palm and shook it back.

Only then did Tang Fei say, "Eldest sister, I've got everything ready, and then let's have something to eat."

"Mom and dad, I'll be here with eldest sister today, you all go back to rest, and come back tomorrow to replace us."

Everyone has no objection, so many people stay here and there is no place to stay. Judging from Tang Yue's appearance, she will definitely not go back, so it is enough to leave one more person.

When Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan returned home, it was almost two o'clock in the night, so naturally they had no thoughts, so they said good night to each other and went back to rest.

Assistant Wen was finally transferred to the general ward after spending a day in the intensive care unit.

Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving the news. They heard that he was awake and wanted to visit, but was stopped by Tang Fei, "He can wake up for a while now, and he is talking to eldest sister right now."

Tang Nuan suddenly became interested, "What did you say?"

At this moment, Assistant Wen was no longer in danger, and Tang Nuan's gossip heart began to burn again.

Tang Fei held the porridge in his hand and said, "Go and listen?"

So the two sneaked to the door of the ward, and Ye Shuyan followed them generously.

Tang Fei was very experienced and gently pressed the door handle, and the door quietly opened a crack, Tang Yue's voice came out clearly from inside, she said angrily, "You said that your limbs are not coordinated, What are you running for?"

Tang Nuan wanted to follow Tang Fei to look inside through the crack of the door, but was dragged by Ye Shuyan, only to find that leaning against the door, he could see through the vertical glass window.

Looking at Tang Fei's pouting ass, it was indeed a bit indecent. She smiled embarrassingly and leaned against Ye Shuyan to see what was going on inside.

In the ward, Assistant Wen was still a little weak, but what he said was very manly, "Did you let me hide and watch you get hurt? I can't do it."

Tang Yue scolded in a low voice, "Fool." There was already shyness in her tone.

Assistant Wen then defended himself, "Besides, I'm just too busy with work and don't have time to exercise. If my limbs are really uncoordinated, why didn't they hurt you at all?"

Ye Shuyan whispered to Tang Nuan, "He's very cunning, he's taking credit."

Tang Yue was really speechless.

Tang Nuan laughed, but no matter whether it was a credit or not, Tang Yue obviously took it. Assistant Wen had stubbornly raised her hand and held Tang Yue's intact hand.

Looking at the arm she was hanging on, he said, "How is it? Does it hurt?"

Tang Yue didn't dare to move for fear of being injured, but said, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt as much as your fracture."

In addition to the two stab wounds on Assistant Wen's back, the most serious one was a broken left calf, and there were countless flesh wounds.

But I heard Assistant Wen say, "But I think you hurt the most."

Tang Nuan couldn't help hissing. He didn't expect the cold assistant Wen to be able to say such disgusting words.

Tang Yue was really embarrassed, she gave him an angry look and said, "I was going to give them the information at that time, why are you stopping me?"

"No matter what, no one's life is important. Don't do such stupid things again."

Assistant Wen said, "You have spent so much effort to get what you have given this time. I am afraid that you will not be able to get it in the future."

"And they know that you know their secret, and they will definitely find a chance to retaliate."

"Didn't I report my home when I got out of the car? People with a name and a surname like me have some scruples."

It turned out that Assistant Wen not only protected Tang Yue, but also resolutely refused to give any information, so he was stabbed one more time.

"I've figured it out and I'm sure I'll be fine before I rush out. Don't we succeed now?" Assistant Wen looked at Tang Yue and asked with a smile, "Do you admit my ability now?"

Tang Yue lowered her head slightly and said nothing, but Assistant Wen just looked at her and smiled.

The atmosphere became ambiguous to the naked eye, Tang Nuan felt that it was not good to look at it any longer, and patted Tang Fei wanting to leave.

But Ye Shuyan suddenly reached out and knocked on the door.

Tang Nuan and Tang Fei were taken aback and stood up in a conditioned reflex, Ye Shuyan had already pushed the door directly in.

Tang Nuan looked at Ye Shuyan, and then at Assistant Wen, the resentment in the eyes of the other party was about to overflow, but Ye Shuyan pretended not to see it, looked him up and down and said, "I thought you would play something. A trick, I didn't expect it to be handsome."

His eyes fell on Assistant Wen's hand holding Tang Yue, "Is this considered taking advantage of others' danger, moral kidnapping, not good?"

If Assistant Wen can't hear that he is deliberately demolishing the platform, then he is a fool. I don't know that he hasn't seen him for almost ten days. How can he offend this black-hearted capitalist?

He looked at Tang Yue and suddenly said, "Lawyer Tang, can you ask for a leave for me and your brother-in-law?"

The word "brother-in-law" is very heavy.

Ye Shuyan:…

Tang Nuan and Tang Yue couldn't help laughing, and Tang Fei also found it funny.

Just as the nurse came to remind, "The patient should rest, and the visiting family members should leave."

Tang Nuan and Tang Fei immediately prepared to leave, but Ye Shuyan stood still. He looked at Tang Yue, "Lawyer Tang, it's inconvenient for you to hurt your hand. Let's go out together."

Assistant Wen: …

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