After Tang Nuan packed up, she and Ye Shuyan went to see Tang Jinxin's family. They also lived in this hotel, so they simply made an appointment to meet at the restaurant.

Tang Nuan was a little embarrassed before the meeting, but he didn't expect the family to be very enthusiastic about Ye Shuyan, especially Shen Jinhua, who had already treated him as a son-in-law.

Tang Nuan also knew from their mouths that Ye Shuyan had been preparing to propose to her since Tang Jinxin, Shen Jinhua and Ye Zhenghong and Deng Qiong met.

During the business trip, he has been communicating and planning remotely and domestically, and confirmed all the details in person. However, some things are always inconvenient without being on site, so I asked Tang Fei to execute them.

There is an opposite time difference between the United States and China. Ye Shuyan is busy there during the day and stares here at night. Everyone in the Tang family is very aware of Ye Shuyan's thought and energy for this marriage proposal.

Tang Nuan pursed her lips and quietly reached out to hold Ye Shuyan's hand, Ye Shuyan smiled, stretched out her big palm and clasped her fingers together.

The Tang family is naturally happy that their relationship is good.

Shen Jinhua said, "You two should go back first, it's quite interesting here. Let's take advantage of Xiaoben's winter vacation and go back here for a few days."

Tang Jinxin snorted Tang Ben's head with a big hand and smiled, "Let him have a good time for two days first, otherwise he will cry when the final exam results come out."

Tang Nuan looked at Tang Ben in surprise, she remembered that his grades seemed to be good, why wouldn't she cry?

Tang Fei said with a smile, "Don't look at his cold appearance in front of his classmates, in fact, he's a crybaby. If he can't get into the top ten in the grade, he has to cry."

Tang Ben said that this is a complete lie, "Second brother, don't talk nonsense, I didn't cry for grades at all!" He seemed to be afraid of people's questioning, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I will work hard this time, now the whole class knows it. I have a great eldest sister and a super-powerful second sister, how can I not embarrass them, right?"

Tang Fei said, "Elder Sister Guang and Second Sister, what about me?"

Tang Ben said, "Our classmates don't know you very much."

Tang Fei: …

"Don't discriminate, the second brother is not as good as the eldest sister and your second sister, but he also graduated from a key university, okay?"

Tang Ben acted as if he didn't hear it, but comforted him, "It's okay, you can tell people later that you have a great elder sister, a great second younger sister, and a great little brother, and no one will discriminate against you. I'm here to give you a long face."

Tang Fei: …

Tang Ben raised his glass towards the crowd and said, "In short, I will definitely get good grades this semester, everyone, prepare the red envelopes in advance."

The crowd laughed.

After dinner with the Tang family, Tang Nuan went to say goodbye to Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu again, and neither of them went back.

Ji Yun didn't go back because of the leading actors Xiao Zhiyu and Qu Mengxue this time.

Now that the "Nine Chongchun" project has been launched, Ji Yun officially plans to open an entertainment company. She wants to sign Xiao Zhiyu and Qu Mengxue first.

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhiyu has always been the driving force for Ji Yun to open an entertainment company. When he was at the peak of traffic, he was buried in the snow because he offended the company's top management. Ji Yun was always unconvinced and looked forward to opening a company for him to let him shine again.

Now that her wish will come true, she is even more cautious.

As for Qu Mengxue, it just so happened that when they went to Fengtian boss Liu Haoqian's birthday party to find Feng Dao, they also met a woman who couldn't go to the second floor.

At that time, Tang Nuan only felt that the name was familiar, and he didn't think much about it. Later, when the crew was preparing, Qu Mengxue came to audition for the heroine, and Tang Nuan remembered who she was.

Speaking of which, Qu Mengxue is not only beautiful, but also a talented actor. After his debut, the two works were very popular. It is reasonable to say that the entertainment industry should have a smooth journey, but he did not want to see no news after the two dramas.

It was also because of this audition that Tang Nuan knew that this man was more ruthless than Xiao Zhiyu. Not only did he refuse unspoken rules, but because of his martial arts skills, he also dislocated the arm of the boss who wanted to force her.

So she is not much better than Xue Zang, because no one in the industry dares to use her because the boss said something.

The last time Qu Mengxue went to Liu Hao's birthday banquet, she wanted to take advantage of the fact that all the powerful people were making trouble, but unfortunately she didn't even go upstairs in the end.

When she auditioned, Tang Nuan was there. She was really good. Director Xiao was quite satisfied. Li Qiuqiu also thought she was the heroine of "Nine Chung Chun", but after hearing about her, Director Xiao was still a little hesitant.

After all, if the entire show is lost because of one actress, it's not worth the loss.

But Tang Nuan couldn't forget Qu Mengxue's eyes, she worked so hard, even if she had little hope, she didn't perfunctory in the slightest, desperately looking for opportunities not to bow to fate.

Tang Nuan knew that feeling too well. If she hadn't met Ye Shuyan, she didn't know how long she would have been struggling in the quagmire of Tang Sheng'an's house. But she was lucky, she met Ye Shuyan.

She didn't know why she wanted Qu Mengxue to be a little more fortunate, so Tang Nuan made a domineering decision to use her. As for the so-called boss, Tang Nuan felt that she was not afraid.

Today, she can even cheat the Jiang family, as well as her eldest sister Tang Yue, the omnipotent Ye Shuyan, and she can't take care of a bad boss!

Probably because of the hard-won opportunity, Qu Mengxue worked very hard. Director Xiao said that he had found a treasure. Ji Yun watched the whole process and thought about signing her too.

There is a lot of preparatory work to do to sign an artist, and Ji Yun also wants to find a good agent. In short, there are a lot of things to do.

However, Li Qiuqiu made Tang Nuan a little puzzled, "The script has already been revised and finalized, so what is she still doing here?"

You must know that Li Qiuqiu is a house girl, a master who will never go out if she can stay at home.

Ji Yun said mysteriously, "I always think she has a situation, the other party should be in the film and television city, but she is a little tight, I don't know who it is."

Tang Nuan was surprised, "Could it be that you have a crush on a star?"

Ji Yun also guessed like this, but because there was no evidence, and there was no way to make a conclusion, the two made an appointment to exchange news at any time, and Tang Nuan followed Ye Shuyan back to Yan City.

It was already night after getting off the plane. When they returned to Yunding Community, Tang Nuan thought that the two of them would go home and put their luggage first, but Ye Shuyan followed her down the elevator directly, and Tang Nuan looked at him suspiciously.

Ye Shuyan leaned over and kissed her, took her hand and opened the door directly. Those who didn't know the posture thought it was his house.

After entering the door, Tang Nuan found that there were several boxes in the living room, and a simple hanger full of clothes, including pajamas and daily clothes, all of Ye Shuyan's.

Ye Shuyan walked over and smiled, "Where are these?"

At this moment, Tang Nuan finally had a real sense of living with this man in the future, but his efficiency was too high, Tian Tang Nuan couldn't help laughing, "When did you arrange it."

Ye Shuyan said, "When you get up at noon."

They share a life assistant, and it's just a phone call.

Tang Nuan laughed, "You never thought about what if I wanted to go up with you?"

Ye Shuyan showed her the video, "It's not impossible."

Tang Nuan took his mobile phone. She already had her place in his room above. There was also a simple hanger in the living room to hang her temporary pajamas and clothes. As for the cloakroom, there was already a lot of space, just waiting for her Fill it up yourself.

Should it be called Ye Shuyan?

Ye Shuyan hugged her from behind, "Let's make this temporary arrangement first, then let's make a good plan, and then move it formally?"

Tang Nuan suddenly had a longing for what he said. What would their life be like together?

Ye Shuyan also looked forward to it, "What style do you like?"

"How about moving all the functional rooms to the top, and doing our living below?"

Tang Nuan thought it was a good idea, "Change that gym into your cloakroom, you still have to keep one in the study, home theater..."

"Keep this." Ye Shuyan said firmly.

"Rogue!" Tang Nuan stretched out his hand and pinched him, Ye Shuyan let out a "hiss", gave her a savage kiss, and the rogue showed her.

The two laughed like this, put the things that Ye Shuyan had temporarily moved down, and put the clothes in Tang Nuan's cloakroom first. Something with a minimalist personal style, Tang Nuan said with a smile, "I thought you would arrange a couple."

Ye Shuyan hugged her from behind, "As a couple, of course the couple should choose by themselves." He kissed her cheek again and smiled, "Or the hostess."

It turned out that he didn't fall, and she couldn't help but want to hug him. She thought so and turned around.

Ye Shuyan leaned over slightly and picked her up. Tang Nuan hung on him like a koala, bowed his head and kissed him, "Ye Shuyan, why are you so nice?"

Ye Shuyan raised her head and learned her tone, "Because you deserve the best."

Tang Nuan lowered his head against his forehead and said angrily, "I hate it."

But only two hours later, Tang Nuan was trapped in the dark bedding and decided to take back this sentence, men are big liars!

It turned out that it was already late after cleaning up, so the two washed up and prepared to rest.

Ye Shuyan looked at the fresh and green sheets and quilt on Tang Nuan's bed and suddenly asked to change it. Tang Nuan didn't know why, "What's wrong? Liu Liu just changed it before we came back."

Liu Liu is their life assistant.

Ye Shuyan didn't say the reason, but shook his head inscrutable to express that he didn't like it, and still wanted to change it.

Tang Nuan opened the closet to reveal a stack of sheets for him to pick, but he didn't like any of them, and went upstairs to get a set.

Tang Nuan looked amused at the dark gray four-piece suit, "Don't like light-colored sheets?"

"Then how did you live in the hotel?" The hotel is all white.

Ye Shuyan has already started to make the bed, "It didn't matter before."

Why does it matter today? Tang Nuan didn't know why, was there any special meaning for sleeping in the same bed with her on the first day?

So why does it have to be dark sheets?

It wasn't until she was stripped of all her clothes that she was lying helplessly crying, and then Ye Shuyan stroked her arm and praised her in her ear, "Look, how beautiful..."

Tang Nuan only understood the reason, but it was already too late.

Ye Shuyan just watched her slender fingers tugging at them in vain, the snow-colored jade body was struggling in it, and her small feet were kicking randomly on it...

Everything is amazingly beautiful under the dark bedding, plus her squeamish cry.

His eyes gradually deepened, trying to make her more beautiful... more delicious.

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