"You're not the same as the rumors," Jiang Miao looked down at Tang Nuan, her voice was sweet, but her tone carried a sense of superiority.

Tang Nuan didn't have the heart to fight with her now, so she said straight to the point, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Miao said with a smile, "It doesn't make any sense, I just think that if this matter gets out, I don't know if Ye Shuyan's fiancee's identity can save you."

This familiar tone and sentence pattern seems to be well conveyed by Tang Yi.

"I know you don't want to believe it," Jiang Miao said with a look of pity, "but this is probably God's will. Tang Yi and Tang Xing are both my close friends, and it's easy to get their hair."

"You can leave an address, and I'll send you the DNA test."

She said it very firmly, there is really no need to lie about this kind of thing.

Tang Nuan pondered the other party's purpose, "Miss Jiang really does everything she can to climb Ye Shuyan! What do you want me to do? Take the initiative to break off the marriage with Ye Shuyan?"

Jiang Miao seemed to find it a little funny, "Miss Tang, you seem to be thinking too much. It's not up to you to decide whether to cancel the marriage. This is a matter between me and Ye Shuyan, and it has nothing to do with you."

"I just want to protect myself." She looked at Tang Nuan and meant something, "I prevent myself from appearing in the hot search for no reason, and I don't like watching the clown jumping in front of me repeatedly, it's annoying."

Tang Nuan was amused, "Then we are quite similar, I really understand you very well."

"Actually, I was also trying to protect myself. I took good care of Ye Shuyan's fiancee and asked myself that I did nothing wrong. Suddenly, a first love who broke up eight hundred years earlier appeared and jumped in front of me like a clown. It's really disgusting to hold me on the back as a joke."

Jiang Miao's face sank.

Tang Nuan tilted her head to look at her, "What? Do you think I'm wrong? Where did I go wrong?"

"The fault is not as good as you in the family, not as talented as you, but with a man you like?"

"It's up to me to decide whether to revoke the marriage or not?" Tang Nuan sneered, "What are you proud of? You are so proud of yourself? I worked hard to get the engagement back in the day. Similarly, I still have the right to make a decision whether to revoke the marriage or not. ."

Tang Nuan looked at her contemptuously, "If you are so confident and proud, you should ignore me, just like you said, even if you want to save your love, it's a matter between you and Ye Shuyan, why are you targeting me? And me?"

"Don't say you don't have any." Tang Nuan shook the photo in his hand, "I am not only your fiancée, but I have no grievances or enmity with you, how would you know that Tang Xing and my mother look alike? You will notice that Tang Xing's sister is the same as me, don't tell me you are familiar with your manager's family, you didn't find this photo specially?"

"Since you are high above, then you can just wait. It can be seen that you yourself know that it is you who is despicable in this matter, you are not confident at all, and you feel that it is the best contempt not to put me in your eyes. , so let the impatient little girl take the lead."

Tang Nuan looked at Ye Shuyan who came out of the main hall in the distance, her mood gradually stabilized, and her mind became clearer, "Otherwise, what are you doing here in such a hurry?"

She felt that she was really stupid to come to Jiang Miao. The other party was obviously trying to lure her over to make her nervous. It was best to make mistakes and make jokes everywhere. There is no need to find a reason to break off the marriage.

So she should keep calm now and think about what she should do if things get exposed...

Tang Nuan looked at Jiang Miao. First of all, she wanted to buy herself some time.

Tang Nuan stood up and said to Jiang Miao, "Miss Jiang, your wishful thinking may be wrong. Ye Shuyan and I are engaged, not because of family background." She laughed at herself when she said this, "What about the Tang family? Everyone knows that Ye Shuyan's eyesight is not that bad."

"So, if you want to promote it, just go and promote it." Tang Nuan shook the photo in his hand, "Or should I just hand it over to Ye Shuyan to check it out for me?"

"I just don't know if you will be looked down upon by you doing these little things behind your back in the name of love, and Ye Shu Banquet won't think you are cute."

"In the end, you are just breaking our marriage contract for your own purposes. You are no different from Xiao San." Tang Nuan sneered, "Oh, no, it's worse than Xiao San, Xiao San is at least a man cheating, and Ye Shuyan is not at all. I don't love you."

Jiang Miao obviously cared about Ye Shuyan's feelings for her. Tang Nuan's questioning made his chest heave, and he didn't even bother to defend Xiaosan's question. He sneered, "Do you know if Ye Shuyan loves me or not?"

"Of course I know." Tang Nuan said firmly, "You have even dated his classmates for a few years. Do you think that a man like Ye Shuyan will make the person he loves feel wronged as a mistress?"

Jiang Miao suddenly laughed, and seemed to have finally pulled a game back, "Tang Nuan, you have never loved or been loved at all, have you?"

"In the face of love, no matter how mature people are, they will be childish and angry. Maybe he is a perfect Ye Shuyan in front of you, but I have seen him disappointed, sad, and even unreasonable." She added here, "Just like today …”

"Today he treats you the same as anyone else, Princess Jiang, stop deceiving yourself." Tang Nuan interrupted her, then waved at Ye Shuyan, who was already approaching, and said, "The only one he treats specially today is The man is me, and now, he has come for me too."

"Or, you can try to tell him about me directly and see what he thinks of you?"

Jiang Miao couldn't help but hesitate, Tang Nuan knew that she had succeeded.

Love really makes people worry about gain and loss, so she bet that Jiang Miao would not immediately reveal the matter even to avoid suspicion.

Ye Shuyan was already approaching, Tang Nuan got up and was ready to meet her. After she left here, she would calm down and think about other things...

As a result, because her mind was a little confused, she stepped on a stone as soon as she stepped out, and her foot was swollen...

The lakeside was slippery and sloping, this scorpion actually made Tang Nuan fall over to the lake. Tang Nuan looked at the lake with colorful lights reflecting, and suddenly panicked in his heart, and subconsciously reached out to Jiang Miao beside him: "Jiang Nuan Miao!"

Jiang Miao was also startled, and quickly reached out to support her shoulder.

Tang Nuan was in shock, just as she was about to use strength to stand firm, she felt the strength on her shoulders loosen. She jumped in her heart and looked up at Jiang Miao, only to find what emotions flashed in the other's eyes, and she gritted her teeth and fell into the lake together with her. past.

From Ye Shuyan's point of view, it was probably like she pushed her down the lake.

However, Tang Nuan lost his mind at this moment and panicked, "Jiang Miao!"

The next second, she felt her arm being pulled, followed by the feeling of suffocation surrounded by water...

Fears from the depths of my memory surged up, and the icy sea water, which I could not get rid of no matter how hard I struggled, penetrated into my body, mouth, nose, and air became less and less, and the torture like needles began to spread from my chest...


don't want! She had sworn that she would never suffer from such powerlessness again, Tang Nuan tightly grasped the things within her reach, like the last straw.

Jiang Miao, who wanted to separate from her, couldn't help but change her face.

Although the two of them stayed in a secluded place, the crowd could still be seen from a distance, especially because the two of them were still receiving much attention, so when the incident happened, someone immediately noticed that they were not running.

When Tang Nuan and Jiang Miao's cry for help rang out, some of the quick responders ran to the lake, knelt down and stretched out their hands to catch people.

The lakeside is not too deep, so it should be enough to save people. However, Tang Nuan held Jiang Miao tightly, instead struggling and fluttering to the opposite direction. bigger.

Jiang Miao screamed in panic at first, but then half of his face was immersed in the water and he couldn't move, and his eyes were already filled with fear.

Jin Wenxia shouted angrily, "Tang Nuan, in the public eye, are you trying to murder?!"

Ji Yun said urgently, "Tang Nuan has drowned in water! She is afraid of water, and she is unconscious at the moment. She needs someone with great strength to go down!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure stepped into the lake without hesitation, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Mr. Ye!"

"Young Master Ye!"

Jin Wenxia's eyes were bright, "Brother Ye!"

Jiang Miao's pale face glowed, and she reached out to him.

Ye Shuyan avoided her, looked back at the young man who jumped down after him, and said lightly, "Hold her up."

The young man glanced at Jiang Miao with surprise, "Big brother?"

Ye Shuyan didn't say a word, and went straight to Tang Nuan's back, stretched out his arms and hugged Tang Nuan's waist and lifted him up, leaning into her ear and saying, "Tang Nuan, it's alright, relax!"

"Tang Nuan, Tang Nuan! It's alright..."

Tang Nuan heard Ye Shuyan's cold but powerful voice in a trance, strangely felt a trace of safety, and finally relaxed a little.

The young man, Ye Er, Ye Shuyan's half-brother, took the opportunity to quickly pull Jiang Miao out of Tang Nuan's arms, while Ye Shuyan picked up Princess Tang Nuan.

They didn't fall into the water for a long time, not too far from the lake shore, and the water depth was only over one meter. If Tang Nuan hadn't lost every inch and struggled indiscriminately, he wouldn't have needed someone to come down to rescue them.

At this moment, Ye Shuyan was completely out of the water, she subconsciously hugged his neck, and the heat transmitted through the shirt made her regain her consciousness.

"I'm sorry." Tang Henan said these words in a hurry, and then kept coughing - she still choked a lot of water.

"Don't talk yet." Ye Shuyan hugged her and walked quickly to the shore.

The crowd watching by the lake was unprecedentedly quiet, their eyes wandering back and forth between Ye Shuyan and Jiang Miao, Jiang Miao stared at Ye Shuyan's back with wide eyes in disbelief, and called Ye Shuyan's name with tears in his eyes. .

It's a pity that Ye Shuyan didn't hear it at all, Tang Nuan was about to cough out his lungs in his arms.

Ye Er, who was holding Jiang Miao, looked at her and sighed, "Go up first."

Jiang Miao leaned in his arms in despair, obviously in a much better state than Tang Nuan, but seemed extremely embarrassed.

Anbian Jin Wenxia's eyes were red with anger, "Brother Ye! She was the one who pushed my sister into the water, but now she looks like a victim, she, she did it on purpose! Brother Ye can't help her like this. save my sister..."

She looked at Jiang Miao with red eyes, and suddenly rushed towards Ye Shuyan who had just stepped ashore, "No, I want to make it clear to Brother Ye!"

Because Ye Shuyan went into the water himself, many people came over to help. At this moment, Jin Wenxia was so angry that he couldn't squeeze in, and he was so angry that he pushed hard.

The man in front was leaning over, his center of gravity was unstable, and she pushed him straight towards Ye Shuyan who had just stepped ashore.

Amid the screams from the crowd, Tang Nuan felt his head slammed into something, his eyes darkened, and before he lost consciousness, he only remembered a pair of strong arms tightly protecting her in his arms...

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