In the past three years, Li Dakang has never seen any big waves. In the face of countless challenges, Li Dakang has never retreated. But now, standing at the door of a small office, he stops.

A person who dares to enter and exit the gate of death, but does not dare to step into a small office.

"Why don't you go in? You've been thinking about it for three years." Miao Cuibai takes a look at Li Dakang and takes the lead in.

The moment Li Fan saw his mother, the tears in the corner of his eyes flowed out.

Li Fan cried, tears can not stop the beginning to flow, he is not weak, not strong enough.

On the contrary, he is stronger than anyone else.

He held on for a long time, but he couldn't hold on at this moment, because he finally saw his family.

Li Fan hasn't shed tears in the past three years. This time, he only shed tears because he finally met his relatives, and it was Miao Cui, the mother who could understand him and tolerate him.

"I've wronged you, child." Miao Cui comes over and holds Li Fan in her arms.

Li Dakang stopped outside the office for a while before he came in.

At this time, Li Dakang's face was no longer tender, but more serious and fierce.

"Hold back your tears!" Li Dakang looks at Li Fan and drinks in a sharp voice.

"A big man, don't cry easily, make people laugh!" Li Dakang stares at Li Fan, and a word scares Li Fan's tears away.

"You two are Li Fan's parents. Here's the thing. Your son is suspected of stealing other people's property, so." Before Li Fan's head teacher had finished speaking, Li Dakang was impatient.

"Xiao Fan, come here!"

Li Dakang called Li Fan to his side: "I ask you, did you steal other people's property?"

"Dad, I didn't."

Li Fan's words did not speak, Li Dakang also interrupted him: "OK, I see."

"Do you hear me? My son said, "No." Li Dakang said with an unquestionable tone: "I believe in my son more than you, so my son said no, that is no."


At this moment, both Li Fan's head teacher and Xia Lu's head teacher were stunned.

They have seen many parents, but it's the first time that they have seen such unruly and unreasonable parents for so many years as teachers.

"Your son is really suspected of stealing other people's property. This watch was found in his book hole." Li Fan's head teacher put the stolen goods on his desk.

"Besides, we've already called the police. The police will be here in a minute."

Li Dakang frowned and looked at his son. Li Fan shook his head: "Dad, I didn't even touch that watch. Someone put it into my desk hole while I was away."

"If you don't believe it, you can extract the fingerprints on your watch. If you have my fingerprints, I'll recognize them." Li Fan said fearlessly.

Li Dakang nodded his head with satisfaction: "when the police come, check the fingerprints."

Li Dakang touched his son's head happily. He could think of checking his fingerprints to prove his innocence, which shows that his son is not stupid.

"Let's put on the watch first. What about the mobile phone?"

"The mobile phone came out of your pocket by myself. What's your explanation?" The head teacher looked at Li Fan fiercely, wanted to see how he sophisticated this time.

Li Fan was silent for a long time: "I think you'd better ask Xia Lu and Du Fei. I think they will tell you the answer."

"And they?" Li Fan's head teacher swept around the office and found that Du Fei and Xia Lu had disappeared. They were still here just now!

"They may have gone back to class." Xia Lu's head teacher returned.

At this time, Du Fei is outside the office to say hello to his friends in the police station. After hanging up, Xia Lu is a little nervous and asks, "brother Fei, are you done?"

"Don't worry, it's all done. Just this time, my friend went to the police. He's on his way. He'll be there soon." Du Fei said with a smile: "when Li Fan doesn't have a recorder, I'll kill him."

"Headmaster, here you are!" At this time, the headmaster came up from downstairs.

"It's Du Fei. How's your father recently? I haven't seen your father for a long time. I miss him very much." The headmaster gave a playful smile and patted Du Fei on the shoulder.

Du Fei is not stupid. He naturally understands what the headmaster means.

"Ha ha, headmaster, my dad is OK this weekend. I don't know if you have anything to do. If you are OK, I'll go to your house with my dad." Du Fei said.

The so-called guest, nothing more than gifts, the principal naturally will not refuse: "well, just I'm ok, call your father over, I play two sets of mahjong with him."

Last time, the headmaster played mahjong with Du Fei's father, but he won more than 20000. The headmaster was not stupid. He knew that Du Fei's father deliberately lost."Headmaster, I have something to ask for your help today." Du Fei lay in the headmaster's ear and whispered.

Du Fei thought that the principal would readily agree, but he didn't expect that at this time, the principal frowned and his face sank.

"Dufei, it seems that I don't have time to play mahjong with your father at the weekend." The headmaster sighed and said with some frustration.

"Headmaster, what do you mean by that? Didn't you say you were free just now? Why do you suddenly have no time? Nothing. If you are not free this weekend, you can make an appointment for next weekend Du Fei said.

"Du Fei, you don't understand me. My implication is to tell you that I can't help you with what you just asked me to do. I'm not here to catch Li Fan this time."

The headmaster frowned: "on the contrary, I came here to help him clean up his grievances."

"What? Headmaster, have you made a mistake? Just because of the relationship between my father and you, you don't help me but an outsider? " Du Fei was a little anxious: "don't forget, my father donated more than ten computers to Donghai No.1 middle school last year."

"Even if your father donates more computers to Donghai No.1 middle school, I can't help you. I'm the principal. I have to deal with things impartially. Justice is justice. How can it be confused with private affairs? OK, go back to class quickly. It should be class time now?"

With that, the principal went into the office.

After the headmaster came in, he sat down. Li Fan's head teacher told him the whole story. After that, Li Fan's head teacher asked, "headmaster, let's fire Li Fan first."

"Otherwise, when the police come, it will be too late."

"If you expel Li Fan now, Li Fan will not be a student of Donghai No.1 middle school. When he is arrested by the police and asked by the Education Bureau, we can also say that he is not a student of Donghai No.1 middle school, right?" Li Fan's teacher in charge just wants to leave himself out, so he suggests to the headmaster.

After hearing this, the headmaster frowned.

"I think you should be expelled first. Is there such an irresponsible teacher as you? Things have not been seriously investigated and then come to a conclusion. " The headmaster looked at Li Fan's head teacher and said in a cold voice.

"Headmaster, I'm sorry."

"You, you what you, you wronged the good man, do you know? Li Fan has excellent grades and good moral character. How can he steal other people's property? It is obvious that other students are jealous of him and deliberately frame him up. " The headmaster took out his mobile phone and opened a video: "you see for yourself, is this intentional framing?"

"Headmaster, it turned out that Zhang Xiaofeng had stolen Du Fei's watch and put the blame on Li Fan." After watching the video, Li Fan's head teacher understood what was going on.

Every classroom has monitoring, but this monitoring, no one check all the year round, it was forgotten.

"This watch was framed by Zhang Xiaofeng against Li Fan. What about the mobile phone? I found the mobile phone from Li Fan myself. Can't I get rid of it?" Li Fan's head teacher frowned, but he didn't recognize it. The purpose of the headmaster's coming is to help Li Fan.

The headmaster's face sank and turned white. Li Fan, the head teacher, lowered his voice and said, "listen to me. Li Fan picked up the two mobile phones from the back playground and gave them to you. You didn't find them from him. Do you understand?"

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