The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 609: The Secret of His Life (227)

Xiaozong asked again, "Your sister lives in the Pooh neighbourhood and bought your dad so expensive jade pendant. What is she doing?"

"My brother-in-law is the owner of the entertainment company, and my sister is a housewife."

"What's your brother-in-law's name?"

"Long Tianze."

Xiaozong's eyes lightened, "Long Tianze?"

"Yes, it's Long Tianze."

"How is your brother-in-law and your sister's relationship?"

Brow Frost nodded, "OK."

"If you take your sister out and ask your brother-in-law for money, your brother-in-law must give it to you."

Mei Shuangshuang said weakly, "After giving me the money, I will go to jail later."

"Are you stupid, can you ask for money in person?" Xiaozong said, "You hire someone."

"Now I don't have any money to hire someone. I'm just talking."

Xiaozong groaned. "I can ask my friend to borrow."

"Let me think about it. Now I still feel like seeing if the police can track down the money."

"Well, think about it, it's not that easy to do anyway, it requires careful planning to implement."


An Xiaomeng can feel the transformation of Tuoba Gucheng.

He didn't tell her anything more than explain to her.

An Xiaomen was even more taciturn and sometimes did not say a word for days.

His complexion was tense every day, and only in the presence of Lin Shishi would he become soft.

Everyone knows that this couple has become more and more loving since their marriage.

Lin Shishi is like a young girl, with a smile on her face every day.

Seeing that Tuoba Gucheng was very good to Lin Shishi, An Xiaomen was happy for Lin Shishi.

Isn't a woman just looking for a husband who loves her?

Days passed, and by the end of August, the news of the frying pan suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Tuoba Hancheng was photographed and entered GAY's famous place in the evening. It didn't show up all night, causing a commotion.

In the short time when the president is about to be elected, such news is undoubtedly no good.

Although the news was quickly revoked, everyone discussed it fiercely, just like everyone saw it.

In particular, Tuoba Gucheng got married. Tuoba Danxue's marriage was held in December. Only the boss Tuoba Hancheng hasn't said the pro.

Tuoba Hancheng was very serious, unsmiling, and had no choice of figure or appearance.

Attacked by everyone YY.

No matter what you say.

It is said that when this news came out, both Tuoba Rui and Shi Xiaoyu were furious.

An immediate statement was issued indicating that Tuoba Hancheng is not GAY.

But regardless of this statement, the impact of the news is irreparable.

The moment to participate in the presidential election nationwide in September.

They are elected every eight years, but only those from the Tuoba family.

How could a hereditary royal family allow foreign names to be voted for?

Returned to Akiyodai from A city to participate in the elections.

Every few nights, she could hear the suspicious buzz, and more often, she was sure, there must be a secret room.

Convinced of this, An Xiaomeng couldn't wait to find out in Shi Xiaoyu's bedroom.

Election day begins in mid-September.

Autumn is at this time, and the weather is slightly cold.

There are polling stations in every province, city, and county of country S.

You can also participate in voting online. Each IP ID number can participate in voting only once. It cannot be repeated. There will be special personnel to check the ballots in question.

This is a major issue concerning the people of the whole country. Every citizen of country S is ready to vote.

Of course, there were only three candidates.

The current President Tuoba Rui, candidate Tuoba Hancheng Tuoba Gucheng.

Whether to continue to make Tuoba Rui the president or to be optimistic about new forces, it is up to citizens to vote.

This country does not allow foreign names to participate in the right to inherit the royal family, but also allows the people to choose who is to be the leader of a country.

It can be said to be a semi-democratic country.

At this time, it will start in mid-September and last until the end of the election. It will take about two months, that is, the election will end around mid-November.

It is not only that the people can be elected as the president immediately after they have voted, but also after the deliberations and votes of the national parliamentarians, and the people can be determined by investigating the people.

In the past, the two candidates were young, so after each election, Tuoba Rui continued to be re-elected. Now it is different. The two candidates are already able to participate at an older age.

As the bodyguard of Tuoba Gucheng, An Xiaomen followed him during the day without stopping.

It stands to reason that I'm tired for a day and can finally rest at night.

But this is not the case.

Her plan was to find ways to enter Shi Xiaoyu's room during the election.

For so many days, why was she a bodyguard?

The ultimate goal is to find the truth about the mother.

Even if she was tired again, she would not feel tired.

So when He Tuoba Gucheng came back at ten o'clock, his feet would not move.

An Xiaomen didn't rest.

The book of deepest hypnosis in her sleep, she had burned last night.

She mastered the skills in the book.

I also tested Tuobashuo once, and it turned out that the effect was full.

Waiting for a chance to test Tuoba Rui and Shi Xiaoyu.

After two hours of rest, at twelve o'clock she got up and dragged out a very tired body.

She often went out and strolled at night, and the staff on duty knew that it was not unusual.

According to Tuoba Shuo's agreement, she went to his house.

After seeing him, An Xiaomen said, "I thought about it. The way you took me to Shi Xiaoyu's room was too dangerous and involved your safety. So, I thought about it, and I tried to find a way. "

"Isn't it easier for me to take you in?"

She shook her head. "While their husband and wife are in the bedroom, you take me to watch the desperation, which is actually too bad for you. I don't want you to spend the second half of your life safely because of this matter. After all, I don't know Is mom still alive. "

"Then how do you go?" Tuoba Shuo said, "Now the handles are very strict there, even if you are lucky enough to get in, how can you come out? It will be exposed if you are not careful."

"I don't want to think about the consequences of my exposure, because always thinking that this will make me shrink back and will trap my footsteps, please believe that I care more about my safety than anyone else."

Tuoba Shuo looked at her solemnly, "If your mother knows that you have a daughter like you, she will be very happy and please do whatever she wants."

Even if he is caught, he will confess everything and will definitely save her life.

An Xiaomen looked at him and hugged him, "I'm going."

"Go on."

An Xiaomen's figure disappeared in the dark doorway, and Tuoba Shuo's heart lifted tightly, and paced back and forth in the room.

At this point, An Xiaomen was closer to his destination.

This is her second visit.

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