"Yes. We want to be independent." After a brief period of calm. A local congressman stood up and shouted loudly.

"We want to be independent. We want to be independent." Other congressmen also shouted at this time.

At this time, more and more parliamentarians joined the excitement and shouting.

"It seems. We are about to establish a new country. We are simply crazy." An elderly congressman said helplessly at this time. Obviously, he opposed this hasty decision made regardless of rational judgment.

"Independence, independence. Independence. Independence." The hall began to call these two words simply. This is probably the first time that some people have adopted such bold ideas.

"What did you say?" The congressman on the side saw the older congressman's mouth move. He wants to know. What did this congressman say. However, I did not hear what he said.

"Nothing." The elder congressman waved at this moment.

"Oh. It's too loud. I can't hear it." The congressman said loudly.

"Independence. Independence." At this time, almost all members of Congress were shouting this word.

And Mr. Zhang waved his hand confidently at this time. Obviously, his idea was approved by everyone.

The popular book in South Korea, the book passed down from the Kingdom of Qin, and the views on the government market in the "Wealth of Nations" have inspired many Koreans, from which they learned about a different national system, and The responsibility of the government, as everyone knows, this book is a book that was vigorously promoted during the Renaissance. The content of this book has written a great deal about some of the systems of capitalist countries and the diversity of various political forms. It is also the influence of this book. It was this congressman surnamed Zhang that boldly came up with the idea of ​​a country.

Because only when a country is created can a government be created, and a government can be created to legally levy taxes, and merchants can legally manipulate the government at this time. It can be said that at this time the government is no longer a tool for the nobility to rule, but it may also be a tool for businessmen to make money. In fact, this is the idea of ​​Mr Cheung.

National independence is the first important link in the interests of businessmen.

Only independence and the establishment of a country can all this be guaranteed.

Economic activity is actually a process of resource redistribution. The whole process needs a businessman to complete, and commercial activities are carried out in accordance with certain business rules. These theories all come from "The Wealth of Nations", an economic category book from the Qin State. Tree species elaborated some points in detail and concretely. These views are very popular in Korea. Especially welcomed by those merchants.

Since economic activity is a process of resource allocation, a country's resources will become very large. If the government uses the hands of the government to mobilize these resources, will the voice still be difficult? Obviously, these Korean businessmen who considered their interests soon turned their attention to establishing a country, then controlling the government of a country, and finally achieving the purpose of allocating resources. In this way, the benefits of business will be much higher than any other. One side.

This is how the businessman thinks. They don't care about the government's responsibilities. What they think about is how to use the government to make money for them.

However, the local elders, although they are opposed to it in their hearts, are powerless, because at present, it is true that only by agreeing to this approach can the area return to its original position.

The establishment of a country requires a great risk, and it is easy to cause the entire region to fall into even greater disasters. Although the older parliamentarians opposed it, they could not prevent the young people from being stimulated by the huge benefits obtained from the distribution of power after the establishment of a country. The young people are aware of it. This time an opportunity, an opportunity that everyone envy.

The country's resources need to be redistributed. Not only power, there are more resources to be redistributed. Once the country is established, those locals who have nothing to do will find that they have another resource, land, and the power of these land will be transferred to them in an instant. They can rely on the land to obtain greater The interests of local residents, or other powers, the labor force of local residents will also become another resource.

And Korean businessmen will find that they can transform the funds in their hands into a kind of control over government functions, thereby manipulating the government to achieve the goals they want to achieve, in this way. The resources in the hands of the Wei people can be converted into money advantages, while the Koreans can convert the funds in their hands to the use of the government and the overall resources of a country.

Thus. The focus of the contradiction between the two sides was eliminated at once. Everyone got what they wanted. This is a good ending and a good opening.

"Then, we should think about what kind of country we should establish." At this time, Zhang surnamed another issue.

"Wow." At this time, the councilors resumed the discussion.

"These young people are simply crazy. They actually formed a country." The older parliamentarians are still struggling with a question at this time. The question is whether they should form a country, but, obviously, this The question has been passed. People will not pay attention to the opinions of an old man because they cannot prevent the passage of this proposal.

"Yes, what kind of country should we establish." A member of the Diet said.

"We don't have a king. There are no nobles. Could it be that we shall elect a king among these people." A member of the Diet said at this time.

"Don't be kidding. We are all common people. Why should we invite a nobleman to be our king? We don't need the king." Another congressman retorted loudly at this time.

"There is no king, what kind of country is ours called. Other countries will not recognize us." The congressman said at this time. Obviously, these congressmen have not yet left the age of the king. They believe that only a king can form a country.

in this era. The way of thinking, as well as the habits of thinking, is a very important issue, and it is also an issue that cannot be ignored. On this issue, many civilians have not been able to muster enough courage to abolish this system.

But if a new kind of thinking emerges. Or if a new kind of thought emerges and this ideological difference is initially changed, perhaps people will accept it with peace of mind.

"We don't need the king. Why do we need the king?" the bold congressman surnamed Zhang said loudly at this time.

"Huh." Everyone thought this idea was too bold.

"In our South Korea. There is a book that reads like this. In a faraway country. There is no king there. There was originally a king, but it was overthrown by them. Since a king has been overthrown, because the king is too cruel to the common people. Therefore, people overthrew the king, but if we greet another king, the king will still be cruel to us, just like the king’s brothers and sisters. Their children and grandchildren can only become nobles, and they use their blood to seize it for no reason. With our resources, we set up our own country to avoid such a situation. We can set up a country of our own according to our own requirements. One does not need kings, one does not need nobles, and one needs an unequal society. Country." Mr. Zhang said loudly and emotionally at this time.

"Yes, we need nobles." A congressman agreed at this time. Obviously, he has been completely moved by the member surnamed Zhang.

"We don't need nobles. Then how do we establish a country, and what kind of country do we establish." At this time, a member of the Diet voluntarily raised this key question.

"Our South Korean book wrote about the destiny of this country at the end. They chose a national system without kings, nobles, and unequal society. This system is the Republic." The surname Zhang was bold. Said.

"Republic." All the members were stunned. Obviously, they don't have this word in their minds yet.

"According to legend, there was a republic only in the era of Emperor Zhou." At this time, an older congressman said.

"Since this republic existed in ancient times. We can use that name." A member of the Diet heard this. Immediately echoed.

"Yes. Since there was a republic in ancient times, we will use a republic," said the congressman.

"Republic is joint management. We are the parliament and we are all members. We are all elected. We are very equal. Therefore, we agree with the republic system." Some members of the assembly said loudly. Obviously, they have accepted the republican system. They also accept the name Republic among their country names.

"Our name is the Republic of Chendi." At this time, a congressman said loudly.

"I think this name is not very good. Chen Di, in Chu State, there is also a Chen Di, and, before Chen, it was a king's country." A congressman objected loudly at this time.

"Yes. We are a new country, but our place is called Chen Di." A member of the Diet said.

"So, we need to change it. We need to change a name." The congressman said loudly.

"Then, how do we change it. Isn't it possible to change it to another name?" The councillor said loudly at this time.

"Why, let's call Xinchen Republic." The congressman surnamed Zhang said at this time.

"Xinchen Republic." Some congressmen said.

"Very good. We are called the Xinchen Republic." The congressman said loudly.

"New, it means that we have just established. Chen is our place name. The Republic is our country's name." The congressman said loudly.

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