"Listen, there are intensive gunfire." As the cavalry attacked another bridgehead, a sergeant reminded the battalion commander to pay attention.

"I know." The battalion commander said coldly. Having said that, he set up a defensive position and drew his troops forward in that direction.

"Listen to the gunfire, it doesn't seem to be the sound of pistols and rifles," said a second lieutenant who entered the defensive position on the spot.

"Sir, what is that sound?" a cavalryman asked.

"The rifle, it is very likely that Qi Jun's. We are in trouble," the ensign said.

"Really?" the cavalry said. The second lieutenant did not answer the question of the cavalry.

The battalion commander quickly left the bridgehead position with the mobilized troops. He needs to solve another bridgehead problem as soon as possible. Only by occupying another bridgehead position can he completely block the Qi army's southward retreat.

"What should we do? The Qi army has two to three hundred people, and we currently have less than one hundred people. And the other side has barbed wire. There are complete fortifications." A Zhao Jun cavalry second lieutenant asked eagerly.

"Our commander also died in battle. And our company's battle flag was not taken back. What should we do?" a lieutenant asked.

"Okay. Okay. I know all this." A lieutenant Zhao Jun waved his arm impatiently. It means he knows it all.

The lieutenant was temporarily selected as the commander of the company. But the situation he faced was very bad. The company lost about one platoon of troops. Worst of all, the company commander was killed in the first battle. Coupled with the loss of the company flag, this situation is very demoralizing.

"We need to reformulate the offensive plan." The lieutenant said at this time.

"However, before, we need to reconsider the situation. Our forces are at a disadvantage." The lieutenant said at this time.

At this moment, a Zhao Jun cavalry rushed up to report in a low voice.

"Sir. The battalion commander is here." The cavalry hurriedly told the lieutenant.

"So fast." The lieutenant asked in surprise.

"How did you do it?" At this moment, the battalion commander shouted loudly. Obviously, he was extremely dissatisfied with failing to win the bridgehead in time.

"This." The lieutenant could not explain at this time. Although he is now a temporary commander. But the task is still not completed.

"Don't talk nonsense. Tell me about your situation." The battalion commander hurried over. He asked.

"This is the situation." The lieutenant began to introduce.

"We follow your plan and start the cavalry offensive to attack the bridgehead." The lieutenant began to introduce the situation.

"Say the result directly." The battalion commander interrupted the topic directly.

"We failed to capture the bridgehead." The lieutenant whispered.

"Nonsense." The battalion commander shot back directly.

"Loss," the battalion commander asked.

"About one platoon was lost, and more than 30 people were killed. In addition, the company commander and the company battle flag were also lost." The lieutenant replied truthfully at this time.

"You are really amazing." The battalion commander sneered.

The lieutenant had no choice but to face the sarcasm of the battalion commander. Because he is his chief.

"What are your plans?" the battalion commander asked.

"We are reformulating the battle plan. First of all. I want to reconsider." The lieutenant said at this time.

"Very good. Let's go together." The battalion commander said at this time.

"What?" the lieutenant said in surprise.

"Aren't you coming together?" the battalion commander said.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant said at this time.

The battalion commander and lieutenant quickly disguised themselves and crawled away from the position of the Qi army to conduct reconnaissance. They held the binoculars in their hands to check the situation.

"Your sir, no wonder you are dying in battle." The battalion commander took a binoculars to check the situation of Qi army's position, and said.

"What, sir." The lieutenant asked carefully.

"Your chief must have not conducted meticulous reconnaissance before. If he does meticulous reconnaissance, he will find that there are simply camouflaged barbed wire fences and perfect circular fortifications. These fortifications are all from Qin. I learned it from my country." At this time, the battalion commander whispered.

At this time, the lieutenant could only nod by default. He didn't know anything about it. Because, as the battalion commander said, Zhao Jun did not send scouts to conduct reconnaissance at the beginning. On the contrary, they just carried out a cavalry offensive blindly according to the plan arranged by the battalion commander. As a result, they were in front of a complete defense system. They became incapable of offensive.

"We have to avoid those **** fortifications, their influence on us is really too great." At this time, the battalion commander said.

"Oh." The lieutenant replied in a low voice.

"Let's go back." The battalion commander said at this time. immediately. The battalion commander returned to the assembly place of Zhao Jun.

"Our current situation is that the position of the Qi army at the bridgehead has established a complete defense system. They have trenches and barbed wire. These are disasters for us cavalry. These things are difficult. Let us cavalry continue to exert impact. Role." The battalion commander said at this time.

"So, we dismount and fight." The battalion commander said at this time. The lieutenant on the side opened his mouth to speak after hearing this command.

"we······". The lieutenant wanted to explain something, but the battalion commander directly stopped him from speaking with his hand.

"Lieutenant, your company. You will be dismounted and you will launch a foot attack from the left wing. No matter what the situation is, your troops can only move forward, not retreat. Understand?" The battalion commander said at this time. .

"You must use your brave and tenacious fighting spirit. Attract the other's attention, no matter what. You can't retreat." The battalion commander said at this time.

"What do you mean?" the lieutenant asked.

"I need you to attract the attention of the Qi army. Only in this way can we launch a new offensive." The battalion commander said.

"The company I brought will launch an offensive from the right flank. First, we will order the engineers to approach quietly, break the barbed wire, and clear the obstacles for our cavalry," the battalion commander said while looking at the captain he brought.

"Then. Our cavalry launched the main attack from the right flank, and then used our cavalry advantage to completely wipe out all the opponents." The battalion commander strongly instructed with his right arm. Obviously he regards the offense of the right wing very importantly.

Zhao Jun has his own unique offensive method in the use of cavalry. After their frontal offense is hindered, they will immediately adopt a flanking offensive method. In this way, the enemy will pay attention to the flank direction. At the same time, it adopts a multi-way offensive and coordinated style of play. This style of play is to spread the opponent's forces as much as possible. Immediately, he concentrated his superior forces and took advantage of the high-speed impact of the cavalry. Launch an offense.

The command of the battalion commander has been issued. Although the lieutenant wanted to refute, he had no choice but to let his company commander die. The loss of the company's battle flag is a military felony. The battalion commander did not care, but let his company take on the important task of attracting the opponent's troops. Although letting his subordinates perform such tasks means sacrificing them, under such circumstances, the lieutenant can only accept such tasks.

In the withered grass, the soldiers of Zhao Jun, wearing straw hats made of withered grass, slowly approached Qi Jun's circular position. Fifty steps ahead of the circular position, where there is no dead grass, the Qi army deliberately set aside an open space for defensive combat response distance.

The Zhao Jun cavalry dismounted their horses and fought. They approached slowly with their weapons. Their weapons were very unsuitable for this type of infantry offensive operations. Only a few of them, less than 20 people held rifles, and the rest were holding pistols. With rifles, these weapons can be used at close range, but a slightly longer range is a disaster for them. These are the problems the lieutenant wants to say, but there is no way. This rifle with less than twenty men is also the only long-lance weapon in the company.

On the right wing, some engineer units among the Zhao Jun cavalry were slowly crawling forward. Their task is to remove those barbed wire fences. Clear obstacles for the subsequent cavalry to launch a cavalry attack.

"This is a paragraph." A Zhao Jun engineer said in a low voice. With that, another cavalry engineer swiftly stepped forward. Fix one end of the barbed wire with the tree fingers in your hand. The Zhao Jun engineer used the pliers in his hand to hinge off the barbed wire. Remove the entire barbed wire. The whole process was completed very meticulously. But slowly.

And Qi Jun. The commander, after inspecting all the lines of defense. Squatting in the trenches, resting.

"Is there anything going on ahead?" The commander, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly asked a soldier at this time.

"General, there is nothing wrong with it," a soldier said.

"Yes, the front is calm. There is nothing more except the rustle of the withered grass in the wind." A Qi Army soldier said with his rifle in his hand.

"Yes, except for the rustle. There is nothing left." a Qi army soldier repeated.

"A rustling sound." The commander repeated dumbly at this time.

"No." At this moment, the commander suddenly stood up and shouted.

The soldiers around looked at the commander strangely.

"There is nothing wrong, right." A soldier said strangely.

"Hush. Don't talk." A soldier hurriedly stopped.

The commander stood up at this time, pricked his ears and listened to the surrounding sounds quietly.

However, the commander didn't seem to hear anything. So he ran and changed to another position. At this time, he was right in the position where Zhao Jun was attacking.

"Huh." The commander exhaled, adjusted his breathing, closed his eyes, and gave full play to his hearing. Let your sense of hearing reach its limit. Then I heard the abnormal phenomenon in the rustle.

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