The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1003: The defeated Republican Army

"Order our spearmen and halberds to attack immediately, hurry." At this time, the nobleman shouted loudly.

"Huh." The order had just been issued, and an officer behind immediately waved a banner. Signaled for immediate spearmen to attack immediately.

"Charge." An aristocratic officer waved his dagger loudly. Then take the lead and let his soldiers follow him.

"Hua la la la." Amidst the sound of crashing armor. The second echelon of the aristocratic private soldiers attacked. They are the most lethal arms composed of spearmen and halberds. And this time the opposite Republican Army. They did not take any action.

"Hurry up, **** it, hurry up and reload the bullets." The officer kept urging. And his subordinates are completing the cumbersome loading process. Many soldiers made mistakes in the midst of this nervous gold. Either the bullet was not loaded in, or the push rod was forgotten in it. This is the consequence of a serious lack of military training. It is difficult for an army without military training to adapt to the environment on the battlefield at once.

"Wow." Wei Jun's shield soldiers had already advanced 30 steps at this time. Their distance at this time was only 20 steps, and the soldiers on both sides only needed a quick impact. Can meet immediately.

"Shooting. Shooting." At this time, the officers of the Republican Army couldn't hold back their breath. They panicked when they saw Wei Jun who was forced to him. They thought that their lives would be killed all at once, so they immediately claimed without authorization and ordered their men to shoot immediately.

But at this time, some of their subordinates did not complete the preparations for the launch of the bullet. But at this time they have received the order to shoot.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom." There was no neat shooting sound, the shooting sound was very messy and scattered. Many soldiers did not shoot out bullets from the muskets in their hands, and some rifles did not shoot out fire at all. The second round of shooting was simply a disaster.

"Bang Bang." Some of the bullets that flew out hit the approaching shield soldier, most of the bullets did not hit the shield soldier, and the bullet was directly bounced off by the heavy bronze armor. Only a small part of the bullets hit the shield soldiers, and the shield soldiers were hit by several people and fell. However, good military training helped them to move on. Conquer the opponent's position.

"Go ahead." After another ten steps. The shield soldiers rushed over immediately. At this time, the combat skills of soldiers far surpass the strength of the collective.

"Charge." The private soldiers of the Wei Army, holding a heavy shield in one hand and a short sword in the other, rushed over.

"Use bayonet, use bayonet." The officers of the Republican Army shouted loudly.

"Wow." At this time, the musketeers in the front row immediately leveled the rifles in their hands and used bayonets to deal with the opponent's dash.

And in the back row, something terrible finally happened.

"Run." At this time some Republican soldiers began to run away. Their will to fight was weak, but now they rushed over as soon as they encountered each other. The determination to fight collapsed all at once.

"Run." A soldier's escape behavior can often cause many people to escape together. This is the result of a weakened military will and a weak will to fight.

"Our people started to run away." At this time, a Republican officer reminded the commander.

"Damn it." The commander immediately cursed loudly at this moment.

"Let the personal soldiers shoot those who fled immediately and stabilize the military's heart. Hurry." The commander gave the order loudly.

Although the order was issued, no one was able to take care of it. Because at this time the soldiers on both sides have been relieved to one.

"Boom." There was a sound of impact, and a Wei Army private soldier slammed the Republican soldier with a shield in his hand. The Republican soldier was knocked to the ground all at once.

"Puff puff puff." However, the private soldier did not expect that when he waved his shield, he exposed his lower abdomen. This gave others a chance, and the Republican soldiers behind immediately rushed over with the bayonet rifle. Several Republican soldiers inserted bayonets into the lower abdomen of the private soldier. The private soldier was killed on the spot.

"Puff puff." However, the private soldiers with superior fighting skills immediately reversed the unfavorable situation. They immediately launched their fighting skills and quickly slashed the Republican soldiers who came up close.

"Bang." With a sound, a bayonet was broken by the shield. "Puff." After blocking the opponent's fatal blow. The shield soldier immediately swung his short sword and chopped down the opponent's neck. Immediately, a soldier of the opposing Republican Army was hacked to death.

"Boom." Those who didn't have a bayonet musket had to turn the head of the gun and use the **** as a big hammer. They brandished their rifles and slammed them on the opponent's shield. But the other party did not respond at all. They are protected by shields.

However, the Republican Army was so numerous that they immediately surrounded the other side. They took advantage of the number of people, and constantly beat their opponents with butts. But the situation on the battlefield has become unfavorable for the Republican Army.

"We are done. Order our people to retreat immediately." At this time, the commander of the Republican Army said loudly.

"What?" the chief of staff asked.

"We are defeated. The opposing spearmen and halberds have already rushed over. We are finished." The commander said.

"But, our people, not yet." At this time, the chief of staff said.

"Retreat," the commander said.

"If we retreat, we are truly over." The chief of staff said solemnly.

The commander had nothing to say, he couldn't say more.

"Charge." The spearmen and the halberds who charged quickly were already close to their line at this time. The soldiers of the Republican Army saw this situation. Panicked immediately. The opponent's momentum suddenly suppressed his own momentum.

"Run." The Republican soldiers and consciously implemented their commander's orders, and they retreated quickly by themselves.

The retreat quickly evolved into a catastrophic escape. Many soldiers who were still resisting had to give up resistance and joined the ranks of fleeing. Republican soldiers, at this time, no one was willing to talk about fighting or engaging in combat behavior. Many people participated in the escape. Faced with this sudden escape behavior of the Republican Army, the Wei Jun expressed very optimistic acceptance of this reality. They soon began their killing side, and many Republican soldiers were killed by private soldiers of the Wei Army who followed. The battle quickly turned into a **** catastrophe. More than 4,000 Republican soldiers became the target of assassination by more than 2,000 private soldiers of the Wei army who were chasing up. Along the way. Wei Jun killed the rise, while the Republican soldiers fled frantically. They have lost the meaning of resistance, they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Our army has failed. Our republic is over." said the congressman who checked the situation from afar at this time. The councillors began to organize a retreat at this time. The newly established republic was suppressed by a thousand-person attack by the Wei army.

The Republican Army was defeated. The parliamentarians of the Republic had to leave their place. Run to another place immediately. This is a disaster for them.

"Hahaha, our battle is really worth winning." At this time, the nobleman said happily.

"Those slaves just don't know how to fight. They don't understand anything at all. What's the use of holding a musket, and they didn't lose to us." At this moment, a doorman said immediately.

"That's right, that's right." The nobleman clapped his hands at this time. He expressed great disdain for the combat actions of these slaves. Many Republican soldiers were hacked to death. For them, such a loss is nothing to blame.

There are many reasons for the disastrous defeat of the Republican Army. Although they are equipped with advanced muskets, flintlock shooting requires a higher level of training. At least a well-trained soldier who can skillfully operate a flintlock rifle requires at least seven days of rigorous training. However, the soldiers of the Republican Army do not have such training time. Many of them are not even familiar with the rifles in their hands. Rifles that cannot be fired abound on the battlefield.

Although wars can be won by weapons, they still need to rely on people. The human factor still occupies a lot. The soldiers recruited by the Republican Army lack the will to fight, and many soldiers do not know what to do when they come in. Why they want to fight, this time, they lost in momentum. They don’t know their country or why they want to go to war with the opposite person. Many people come for military pay, that is, for money. At this time, military pay does not play a positive role. On the contrary, he has played a huge negative role. effect. This is simply a disaster for them.

Lack of serious training is also one of the important reasons. Soldiers need to boost morale more than just their momentum. In another aspect. They also need to boost morale, which is a great source of their courage to fight.

Soldiers need continuous training to inspire their fighting courage. They learn to obey in a group and learn how to fight for group combat. Although this or that situation occurs on the battlefield, good military training can help them learn how to restrain the fear and fear they encounter on the battlefield. In a tense environment, they can have an instinct to resist this tension. This is the result of training, this is an instinct produced by training. This instinct will have a major impact on soldiers. They will teach soldiers how to fight. How to resist this tense environment.

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