The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1014: No, the direction is wrong!

"This Xinchen Republic is a brand-new system. This system can only be in the most idealized state of the village, and the ideology of this country is different from us. They are not loyal to the kingship. There is no such a country. The consciousness of kingship, and the existence of such a country, is a huge impact for those countries that have the king's allegiance." Shang Wen wrote in the report.

"This seems to be saying, take a look, the king does not need allegiance. Then how sad we will be if we have more than one king." Shang Wen wrote in the article.

"This is challenging the king's power. If we support it, it seems like telling that the king itself does not exist. Therefore, the existence of this country is superfluous and very dangerous. Therefore, I think that this country, Qin should adopt A locked-in method, it should be left alone. Let it fend for itself. Qin State should not lend a helping hand to it." Shang Wen said.

"Furthermore, with the current strength of Qin State, it is not enough to stretch our hands across a country. That is really unnecessary, if possible. Then Qin State will get nothing, and There are still many problems that Qin needs to solve at present, and the solution of these problems is very difficult. The problems in the north need to be reconsidered, and the domestic economic problems and defense expenditures also need to be balanced. Qin's attention should be on At home, not abroad. Qin should slow down the intensity of foreign operations. In this way, Qin can accumulate strength for the next round of operations." Shang Wen wrote in the report.

In the report, Shangwen also wrote other content. Mainly, the main advantage of cutting military expenditures is that huge military expenditures will be a heavy burden on the economy. Qin State currently implements a low tax policy. This policy has encouraged Qin’s economic development. However, the negative effect is that the country’s fiscal revenue level is not high as a whole. Although it has increased, it is still unable to make ends meet. Although low taxes can bring economic prosperity, fiscal revenue will be under great pressure. Shangwen's government expenditures hovered in such a low-tax range, and low taxes were an important magic weapon for the second rise of the Qin State. Shangwen also relied on this to make the Qin State rise rapidly.

You know, Europe has practiced mercantilism for a period of time, and for businessmen, they have reduced or exempted a lot of taxes. These taxes have given these countries strong economic vitality. These economic vitality have created one after another national legend. Shangwen hopes that under such economic vitality, a miracle of the Qin State will be created.

Obviously Shang Wen's idea is correct. But the State of Qin can't bear it now. Because of the huge external expenditures, Qin's treasury was exhausted. When Qin's treasury was exhausted, private capital was developing rapidly. This is exactly what Shang Wen said he hopes to see. Shang Wen was completely turning over the original phalanx of Qin State. According to Shangjun's theory. A strong country and a rich people are opposed to each other. And Shangwen is making the people prosperous at the cost of weakening the power of the country. At the same time, Shangwen has also established a whole set of national armed forces system to strengthen the country.

Shangwen's ideas are based on his own thinking, no one will understand what he thinks. He is dealing with current affairs with a sense of historical responsibility.

When this is finished. It's late. It's late. Shang Wen turned off the light. Standing alone in front of the window, the State of Qin outside the window already has the appearance of a modern city, with tall buildings and a large number of buildings under construction. Those electric lights are like stars in the sky to illuminate this country that is re-emerging the modern atmosphere. This country is very similar to that country, but there are still many historical roads to follow, and no one knows the future.

Shang Wen thought so. Shangwen thought a lot this night, perhaps it was the emergence of this republic that made Shangwen's thoughts heavier.

And in the far south. A merchant ship is sailing on the sea.

"Wow! Wow!" The waves are high and big. Ships may be flipped into the sea by waves at any time.

The sailors on the ship held onto the rope tightly. The huge waves can easily involve them in the sea. In that case, they won't even have a chance to live.

"Can you see the coast?" At this moment, the captain asked loudly. The chief officer becomes the new captain, who will control the safety and navigation of the entire ship. Only by returning to the civilized world can they realize their dream of wealth.

"I can see a little bit," said a sailor who was lying high on the mast.

"En. Very good." The captain said.

"We walk along the coastline. We can go back to the civilized world soon." At this time, the captain said. He heard that many ships rely on the coastline as a traffic indicator, so that they can quickly find their way home and the place to find their wealth. At the beginning of this age of navigation, people had not yet mastered accurate geographic surveying and mapping techniques. Especially Chu State, they rely on experience, the experience of the captain, and although Qin State has accurate measurement technology, they are mainly used on land, not the sea. The Chu country does not have such a developed education system and surveying and mapping system, so they can only rely on experience. The most terrible thing about navigation is the loss of reference objects. Reference objects are nothing but the stars in the sky and the reference objects on the ground. Therefore, the people of Chu chose the most The simple way is to explore along the coastline. Obviously, they chose the simplest and most time-efficient reference method. This way is to follow the coastline.

The captain obviously also thought that as long as they returned north along the coastline, they could return to their country. In this way, they can get more wealth as soon as they sell the full ship of slaves. This is what they think.

"How long do we have to walk?" At this time, some South Korean mercenaries could not bear it. The huge turbulence made these mercenaries from the mainland very unacceptable. They can't resist the dizziness that comes from boarding a boat. Not only them, but even the slaves, they were somewhat overwhelmed. Many slaves had not eaten for many days. Many others are already sick. The mercenaries can't bear such a bump.

"Quickly." A crew member said at this time.

"I really can't bear it." A mercenary said.

"Ah." The mercenary vomited as he said. And the crew member could only walk away in disgust. Such things happen every day. And the crew is strange, these mercenaries have been here for so long, and they have not yet become accustomed to this kind of life at sea. After they arrive at a place, they still need to adjust for a long time, which is really strange to them .

Moreover, after they have sailed, they don't have any strength to fight. What are they doing here? Unable to adapt to life at sea, this is simply a disaster for them. This disaster was caused by their own inability to adapt.

The Korean businessman was extremely anxious on this ship, because he felt something was wrong there. He always felt that his boat had taken a little longer to go. Although walking along the coastline, they can get fresh water and all kinds of food, but they can't get wealth if they don't return to the Central Plains, which makes the merchants unable to obtain a reliable sense of security for a long time.

After a nervous night. The next day, the wind was calm. The white clouds in the sky float around like sheep on the grassland. With the salty taste of sea water. Let the crew feel a little bit of excitement, after all, it is a good weather, with good weather, they can quickly return.

"Not good. I can't see the coastline anymore." At this moment, the lookout at the top of the mast shouted loudly.

"What?" Hearing this amazing news. The captain was in a cold sweat.

"You can't see the coastline." At this time, the watchman shouted loudly.

"Damn it. When can't you see it?" the captain said loudly.

"Take a closer look with the telescope." The captain yelled nervously.

"Okay," said the lookout post, picking up the binoculars to check.

The captain then climbed up to the watchtower to check.

"That is, just now, I just checked the Kung Fu for a while, and the coastline suddenly disappeared." At this time, the watch post said.

"Just now. It won't take long." At this time, the captain said.

"Less than a stick of incense." At this time, the watch post said.

"Go back now." "Quickly." The captain shouted to below.

"Return immediately. Hurry up." A crew member commanded loudly. At this time, the ship immediately began to turn, returning to the position where they had just arrived.

"How could it be, how could the coastline disappear all at once." This time. The captain said suspiciously.

The ship quickly turned around and returned to its original course. It took about a stick of incense. The lookout yelled loudly at this time.

"I see the coastline." At this time, the lookout yelled loudly.

"I see the coastline." The watch post shouted. As if the captain couldn't hear it.

"I saw it." At this time, the captain said steadily.

"Order the ship immediately, get closer to the coastline, hurry up." At this time, the captain gave the order.

"However, if we get too close, we will hit the rocks." At this time, the crew below reminded.

"I know. It's better than not going back." This time. Said the captain.

"Quick," the captain said loudly. separate. The ship approached the coastline. And the captain took out a compass at this time.

"The direction is wrong, how do we drive east." At this time, the captain said with a compass.

"We should go north, but there is no coastline to the north." The captain said to himself. The crew on the side looked at him nervously.

"We just walked along the coastline," the captain said.

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