The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1023: We seem to be back

"My lord, this can't be done." Shang Wen stood up anxiously and objected.

"Oh. Why is the prime minister so excited?" King Qin asked.

"My lord, this is different." Shang Wen said anxiously.

"Sir, if bonds are issued, it means that Qin's domestic funds will flow to that area. At the very least, there will be less active funds. Now the amount of money supplied in the market is already small. Plus gold There is still a certain limit to production. Therefore, it is really inappropriate for us to use bonds to support this new country. If we do this, it will be a kind of damage to Qin State." Shang Wen said anxiously.

But King Qin was quite calm.

"No way. Qin's bond issuance is very good." At this time, Qin Wang said.

"This." Shang Wen couldn't explain this problem himself. Because this involves finance, Shang Wen cannot explain this clearly without certain financial knowledge.

"Why can't Qin try that? Doing this is very good for Qin. Few people think it can be done. Qin can control it without sending a soldier. Isn't this kind of thing very good for Qin? Favorable," King Qin said.

"But. This." Shang Wen was really anxious, he couldn't explain the truth clearly. In fact, it is the reason why Qin's money supply is very small.

Judging from the current situation. Qin Guo's banks are generally approaching a warning level. But Qin State has not yet established a deposit reserve system. Therefore, each bank only has such preparations by default. However, if bonds are issued, the bonds will quickly absorb the only liquid currency in the Qin State market. In that case, Qin would have no money to provide his own market. Ever since, a disaster will be staged. This is the occurrence of a deflationary economic crisis. Now Shang Wen is vaguely aware of this change, but the problem is that Qin's money supply still needs certain procedures. Shangwen still didn't want to expand the influence of Qin's banknotes.

But now, Shang Wen is more afraid of something. The easier it is to produce what kind of situation. This whimsical behavior of King Qin is pushing the State of Qin into a crisis. In order to avoid such a crisis, Shangwen is trying his best to safeguard the interests of Qin, but things are developing in a direction beyond Shangwen's control.

Although Shang Wen didn't want to oppose originally, he really opposed it in the end. Shangwen finally strongly opposed it. But this matter was passed after the repeated request of King Qin. Shang Wen was very frustrated about this.

"The news will soon spread this news to all markets." Shang Wen said to Wei Liao when he walked out of the hall. And Wei Liao looked at the frustrated Shang Wen, feeling very confused.

Just when Shang Wen expressed frustration with King Qin's decision. A big thing is happening in the south.

In the vast ocean, a ship is drifting.

"We have been walking around the coastline for so long. Why haven't we reached the Central Plains?" At this time, a sailor asked the chief mate who killed the captain and got the position.

"Don't be so depressed," the captain said at this time. In fact, he was also skeptical in his heart, but he was very clear that he could not show the skeptical side, because the more so, the more problematic. Then his subordinates will lose trust in him, and his prestige will drop a lot.

"Can you see the coastline? At this time, the captain asked.

"Yes," said a sailor on the side. They have a certain distance from the coastline, because they are afraid of hitting the reef, their naked eyes can only see the coastline blurry.

Just when the captain was sailing under tremendous pressure. The crew is busy with another thing.

"Damn it. Another one died." At this moment, a crew member looked at the slave under the cabin and said.

"I can smell the smell. These people never take the initiative to say that they are dead." A detained crew member carried the flintlock in his hand and kept fanning his hand in front of his nose. In order to drive off the unpleasant smell.

"Hurry up, open it, we have to dispose of those corpses. Otherwise, such a smell will make us all sick. These unpleasant smells. Let us not eat." At this time. The detained crew member said loudly.

"Wow." There was a sound of unzipping the chain. The two crew members walked down the cabin. However, the slaves were unwilling to leave their positions, they tried in this way. To stop the crew from throwing the body into the sea.

"Bang." A huge gunshot sounded. The slaves were frightened all of a sudden. They were extremely afraid of this weapon that could spit out fire. Many outstanding tribal warriors died under this weapon, and the loud sound made them unable to move. Thus. As a result, South Korean mercenaries and crews, who did not occupy an absolute advantage, quickly took down and occupied the tribe.

"Damn it. There are maggots." A crew member said, looking at the disgusting maggot.

"Mother. If these people don't say anything, I will shoot you all." At this time, the detainee spit on the slave and shouted loudly.

"Hurry up and carry them down. It smells bad." A Korean mercenary lying on the deck basking in the sun said disdainfully.

"Humph." They expressed disdain for the mercenary's attitude. Because the mercenaries do nothing. The crew members have to do everything. Thus. The crew naturally complained about these mercenaries.

"These bastards," a crew member scolded.

The South Korean crew is still basking in the sun. They enjoy the sunny scenery. The sun is fine. And it's windy. Very comfortable. Although the ship's shaking back and forth made them very uncomfortable, they still liked this situation.

"The sea is good. If I make money. I will build a big house on the sea. I will plant a lot of land." A mercenary looked forward to a better life in the future.

"I will too. But, I will want a lot of beautiful women. I like Chu women. Chu women, there are full and butts." An old mercenary said.

"Those Chu women are so beautiful." At this moment, the old mercenary said. And around him began to surround a lot of soldiers, these mercenaries hired to capture slaves with money, in their spare time, the most willing to talk about women, other things, they rarely have such interest.

"Come and see. There is a big fish to eat meat." "At this time, a South Korean mercenary shouted.

"Go and take a look." The South Korean mercenaries who heard the call began to leave their positions and ran over there.

"One, two. Throw." This time. The two crew members threw the corpse into the sea together, and behind the ship, there was a fierce shark. This shark was very cunning. After the first corpse was thrown from the ship. He began to follow the ship. In their view, this ship can bring food. This is indeed the case.

"Puff puff." The shark quickly ripped off the corpse, and the smell of blood on the corpse attracted a bite from the shark.

"Hahaha." The South Korean mercenaries watched the **** scene carefully. The shark's sharp teeth bite the corpse into several pieces in just a few seconds. The various organs in the corpse immediately turned into blood foam under the immersion of seawater.

The sea water suddenly turned red. And see the smell of red blood. The mercenaries are very happy. They find it very exciting. Because the boring sea makes them feel very boring. And sharks eat the carcass, just like their own pets eat food.

"You said. How would it feel if we throw the living slaves down?" A mercenary asked at this time.

"That's worth seeing." Another mercenary said.

"I think that South Korean businessman will hold a flintlock and force you to throw you down as a slave." A mercenary said loudly.

"Hahaha, when the time comes, we will have something to look at." Another mercenary shouted loudly.

"Damn it," the soldier cursed. But will this happen. They think it is very possible. Because the corpse was disposed of in time. In addition, the food and water supply for the slaves were not very clean, and there was insufficient food. Not only that, but also that their living environment is in the bottom of the ship, where the breath is sultry, the air is not circulating, and the captain is full of slaves in order to make more money. In this way, the spread of disease has increased invisibly.

In fact, some diseases have begun to spread among the slaves. The crew knew nothing about this, they were still waiting to return to the Central Plains, how to make a fortune and become a rich man.

"Captain, something is wrong." At this moment, a crew member far away on the watchtower shouted loudly.

"What's wrong?" The captain asked loudly at this time.

"I think we seem to be back." At this time, the crew member on the watchtower shouted loudly.

"What?" The captain was very surprised when he heard this answer.

"What does it mean we seem to be back." This time. The captain asked to himself.

"I'll go up and take a look." At this time, the captain quickly climbed up the observation tower. The captain's agile skill indicates that he is an experienced fisherman, because it is very difficult to climb the watchtower on such a bumpy boat.

"Let me see." The captain picked up his binoculars to check the coastline.

"That mountain is like the mountain we approached for the first time. I clearly remember that there was a big rock on it. That big rock is so similar." At this time, the crew member said. At this time, the captain was watching the coastline intently.

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