Just when the Qi army cavalry was ready to take the initiative to launch a counterattack. Qin Guo's tax meeting also began. However, they have to have intense discussions before.

The actual number of delegates attending the meeting was as high as 809 people. This number is very large. Because these people will represent various industries, as well as the situation of various regions to be fed back. Shang Wen looked at these people and felt dizzy.

The meeting was not as polite at the beginning. The meeting goes directly to the topic.

"Taxation is a big issue, and it is related to the fate of a country. Therefore, I hope that at this meeting, I can get the taxation plan from the most grassroots and the most desired. The current "May Tax Proposal" has some We can't keep up with the times. After all, our Qin State is developing very fast, so we need to make some adjustments. I hope our adjustments can meet expectations." Shang Wen said. The delegates sitting there listened quietly to Shang Wen's opening remarks.

"When discussing the content of the meeting, I hope everyone can respect others and learn to listen. Understanding. Views can be different, but there must be an understanding of expressing views. Okay, let’s start our meeting content. First of all, we have to discuss, " Some deficiencies in the May Tax Bill and a series of problems that have arisen." After Shang Wen finished speaking. Then retired. He stepped back to his position, picked up the pen and started to record. Although the taxation assembly has no legal significance. However, Shangwen took the initiative to delegate the power to suggest the formulation of the tax bill. In this way, Qin's taxation has a certain public opinion foundation. Shangwen attaches great importance to this point. Because taxation is very important to Qin State. Taxation can reflect the will of the people. In this way, the State of Qin can escape the doom of tyranny. Although now, this force is very small. However, it is of great significance. After all, the emergence of a new thing requires a certain amount of time to cultivate. Shangwen is providing such time.

After Shang Wen's words are finished. Everyone stopped. Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Obviously, everyone is still embarrassed. After all, some people are attending such a meeting for the first time. They come here and don’t know what to do.

"Everyone can say without scruples." Shangwen said.

"Cough cough." At this time, a representative coughed twice and was about to stand up to speak. But just when this representative needs to speak. Yingyu, who was sitting next to Shangwen, was the first to speak

"I think the shortcoming of the "May Tax Case" is that in the financial industry, especially in banking, stocks, and futures investment. In this regard, the tax case does not specifically provide effective assistance to this industry. Especially the " In the May Tax Bill, there is no special establishment of stamp duty, this item. Stamp duty is now in the hands of the government. The government levies stamp duty at will. There is no certain stability. This seriously affects the financial market, so the next In the tax case, stamp duty should be clearly added." Yingyu said loudly.

And Shang Wen kept shook his head. He reluctantly wrote the stamp duty issue in his notebook. In Qin's tax case, stamp duty is indeed not included. Stamp duty is an additional tax set up by Shangwen. This tax provides 3% of Qin's fiscal revenue. Don't underestimate this 3%. Most of this three percent comes from the financial industry. Without this percent financial pull, Qin's entire economy would fall into a state of stagnation. This is of great significance to the Qin State. But Shangwen took out this stamp duty separately. Most of the government infrastructure comes from this stamp duty. Stamp duty is mainly aimed at financial markets, especially stocks, and futures. Because this tax is relatively high, at the very least, it is much higher than the personal income tax.

"Anything else?" Shang Wen asked in a low voice at this time.

"There is also the issue of stamp duty and personal income tax." After Ying Yu heard Shang Wen's question. Immediately attacked.

"The establishment of these two types of taxes poses a serious problem of double taxation. When Qin State first formulated the "May Tax Proposal", its purpose was to avoid the problem of double taxation as much as possible. However, the government The establishment of stamp duty has a problem with personal income tax." Yingyu said loudly. The people present all discussed with each other. Some people listened quietly, they need to look at the situation here, some of them have not yet fully adapted to the environment here.

"For example, a person who makes a profit from investing in stock futures. This person needs to apply for tax payment in the next personal tax statement. But the problem is that in our stock trading, the government has already levied too much stamp duty on us. In this way, we will have to pay taxes repeatedly. It is unfair to traders." Yingyu questioned Shangwen loudly.

And Shang Wen just lowered his head to record something, and did not see Yingyu's questioning eyes. In fact, Shang Wen could already feel Yingyu's unfriendliness. But he couldn't help it. Because this situation does exist. If we rely on the plan formulated in the "May Tax Case," then the Qin government would close its doors early. In order to avoid such a situation. Shangwen added some additional taxes, such as stamp duty. In addition to these, Shangwen also has land taxes, which are mainly aimed at the increasing number of land transactions in Qin. Therefore, Shangwen very cleverly set up such taxes. Among them, these two kinds of taxes are intertwined, and stamp duty requires official written instructions, so stamp duty must be levied. To some extent, Shangwen's taxes overlap. This increases taxes to the government.

This is only in the center, in some states. The local state legislatures also set up some strange tax laws. Taxes, for example, some horse taxes, meat taxes, etc. These are all approved by the local council. These taxes are mainly collected by local people, and those taxes are used by local governments. You know, the government's taxes are very poor, and some local towns don't have much fiscal revenue.

But Yingyu’s loud questioning is justified, because the existence of these stamp duties has curbed excessive speculation to a certain extent. But Shangwen believes that this kind of speculation should be curbed. If there is no stamp duty, the cost of speculation for traders, especially those speculators, will be very low.

Under normal circumstances, stock futures brokerage companies, in order to encourage traders to trade more, they will set up very low transaction fees to attract investment, as long as the number of transactions increases, they will make a lot of money. In order to earn transaction fees, they over-encourage their speculation and increase the number of transactions. The reduced transaction fees at the beginning, to some extent, are to make up for the reduced fees at the beginning through the number of times later. The shortcoming of this kind of compensation is that it adds to the chaos of the market. Many people are buying and selling, and the market is infinitely magnified under the influence of speculation.

However, the emergence of stamp duty has restrained the spread of this situation to a certain extent. No matter how much fees are reduced by various trading companies, even if there are no fees, you have to pay taxes for the country. In this way, they have to consider the degree of speculation, to a certain extent, he suppressed excessive speculation.

There are advantages and disadvantages to stamp duty, and the focus is on users. Shangwen believes that the tax he currently sets is basically reasonable. However, Yingyu doesn't care about this. What she needs is excessive speculation. Only in this way can her financial company earn enough profits.

Thinking of this, Shang Wen has drawn a big picture on the stamp duty. He believes that the stamp duty issue is temporarily included in the new tax case. Because this is an economic means of government regulation and control, this thing cannot be taken out.

"Hull la la la." Many people are discussing this plan. They think that such remarks are beneficial to them. Some of them agree very much, but some people disagree, such as industrialists, who think Such an excessive reduction in finance will lead to a shortage of funds for them.

"If the stamp duty is cut, then those funds will remain unceremoniously in the stock and futures trading markets. You must know that it is easier to make money there, and they will not invest the funds in our entity. No one will invest in us." Li You said at this time.

"I know what you mean." At this time, Li You took the initiative to interrupt a representative. What he meant was very clear, that is, through stocks, they can get more value, but Li You doesn't think so.

"I think that a country's economy needs the real economy instead of the wealth brought by stocks and futures. In that case, it can bring great profits, but for our country, it is a disaster." At that time, Li You said to the representative.

And Xiao He, sitting in the back row, expressed his admiration for Li You’s remarks. Excessive opening of the financial market would cause great damage to the real economy. Obviously, Shang Wen realized this, so he restrained the financial market. The effect is still there, although the effect has some signs of indulgence. However, Shang Wen did suppress a certain amount of excessive speculation, otherwise, the real economy of the Qin State would be severely hit.

The real economy that relies on capital to operate cannot do without financial support, but excessive financial development will destroy the real economy. Both can ruin everything, and Shangwen needs to be balanced.

There are many opinions. And it's messy. Shangwen could only record one by one, but he didn't say anything. Shangwen just brought a pen and hand, because he needed to record these things. Need to analyze.

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