Regarding Zhao's request, Qin cannot accept it unconditionally, but it cannot deny it entirely, because the two sides are now allies, but this kind of alliance is very delicate. Because Zhao has always been on guard against Qin, and Qin is also afraid that Zhao will seize this opportunity to re-emerge.

Qin naturally hoped to overly weaken Zhao's military power without destroying the alliance. And Zhao Guo wanted to preserve his strength as much as possible and re-emerge.

The relationship is very delicate. But it is very complicated to deal with. The complicated relationship between Qin State and Zhao State limits the military assistance provided by Qin State. after all. Suspicion appeared on both sides.

The military actions taken by the Qin State require a certain amount of time and the deployment of troops. It is obviously very unwise to dispatch ground troops to participate in the war. Qin can only dispatch technical services. The Celestial Army became the best choice. Moreover, the mobilization speed of the heavenly army was relatively fast. The most important thing is that in the sky, the heavenly army has an absolute advantage. Even the Qi army has a number of objective airships. But it was still not Qin Jun's opponent. Air strikes have begun to become Qin's preferred target.

The battle between the two sides is gradually becoming clearer. Zhao Jun's delay gave Qi Jun a lot of reaction time. This reaction time made Zhao Jun's infantry aware of something wrong.

"Da da." There was a sound of horseshoes. The horses are all well-dressed officers from Zhao Jun. And on both sides of the road where the horses are driving. The Zhao Jun soldiers rested on the side of the road in twos and threes, and they all lay lazily on the side of the road. What's more, he has fallen asleep.

"Where is the officer here?" At this moment, a major officer on the horse called out loudly.

"Where is the officer?" Seeing no one answered, the major officer continued to shout.

"Sir. Here." At this time, a trainee officer with no rank on his shoulder came out.

The major officer frowned and looked at the trainee officer.

"Where is your chief?" the major asked immediately.

"Report, sir, our sir went to reconnaissance ahead." The trainee officer replied respectfully.

"En." The major was satisfied when he heard this answer. At the very least, the officer didn't do anything inactive and waited like this.

"Why did you stop?" The major asked again at this time.

"Report, sir, we have tried an offensive, but the loss is relatively large. There is a systematic defensive position of the Qi army in the front, and we cannot bypass it. We also lack effective artillery and heavy firepower to help us capture the opponent's position. Therefore, we are figuring out whether we can solve this problem." The trainee officer said.

"Qi Jun's system defensive position?" the major asked at this time.

"Yes, sir. We also encountered Qi Jun's skirmishers before. But then we encountered the opponent's planned defense, which caught us by surprise." The trainee said.

"En." The major frowned.

"Let's go and see." At this time, the major said to the officer behind.

"En." The officers behind dismounted one after another.

"Lead the way," the major officer said to the trainee officer.

And the major respectfully salutes. Because at this time, he saw that there was a colonel among the officers who dismounted. For him, this was the biggest officer he had ever seen.

Under the leadership of the trainee officer, the major and his team quickly found a relatively hidden location, the observation angle of which was not very good. A mound of soil in front obscures half of the front viewing angle. This greatly affected the sight of the officers.

"The position of Qi Jun's position is very clever." At this time, a lieutenant colonel said with a telescope.

On both sides of the road is a hilly highland of varying sizes, and the Qi army just set up its position here, and this place is a meeting point on the road leading to the river, and the Qi army is very correct to fortify here.

The location of a war often has a lot to do with the traffic arteries. The places where the road turns are often the most intense and prone to battle, so the probability of becoming a battlefield is very high.

"They shot on both sides, and the suffering caused to us advancing was very difficult." The lieutenant colonel said after watching it.

"En." The only colonel among the officers nodded and said at this time. However, he saw another situation at this time, that is, he saw a group of Zhao Jun soldiers advancing quickly to the left wing position.

"Hua la la." The things carried by the soldiers of Zhao Jun who were advancing made a clattering noise. These are the noises made by the marching gear in their rucksacks.

"Wow!" After going some distance. An officer in front stretched out his arm to signal the troops to stop. The soldiers stopped quickly. They are hidden in a low river canal.

"Are all the rows here?" At this moment, the officer turned around and asked. His rank is captain, and obviously, he is the chief military officer of this company.

"A row is here. Sir." At this time, a lieutenant said with a pistol.

"Very good," the captain said at this time.

"We will lose a lot when attacking from the front," the captain said at this time.

"So, we chose to attack from the flank. Now, we have to attack from the left flank." The captain said to the lieutenant.

"Lieutenant, bring another platoon over and wait here. Waiting for us to attack. Take them out immediately." At this time, the captain said nervously to the lieutenant.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant said, leaving independently, jumping out of the irrigation canal in a low posture, he ran in the other direction, and he wanted to bring the other one.

"Listen, everyone, the hand grenades are turned on. We are not far away from the other party. They did not find us. Now, what we need to do is to get close to them quickly and throw the grenades. Then launch an attack." At this time. Said the captain.

"Do you understand?" At this time, the captain asked.

All those who listened to the captain's order nodded.

"Oh my God, they attacked at this time. Without a frontal feint, they would dare to attack from the side." The colonel said when he saw it.

"Quick. Start a frontal attack immediately. Move those who are resting. Quickly." After the colonel saw it. Give the order immediately.

"Yes, sir." At this moment, an officer left immediately, and he went to deliver the order.

"Chong." Just when the colonel urged the troops to launch a frontal attack. Zhao Jun's left-wing offensive has already begun.

"Rush." ​​The captain rushed out of the trench first. The soldiers following immediately rushed out with grenades and rifles.

At the moment Zhao Jun rushed out, the sentry on Qi Jun's position immediately discovered the situation here. The Yanzhao Plain is endless. The plain battle is conducive to the development of the troops, but the attacking troops have no cover. As long as they jump out of the trenches, nothing can be hidden.

"Zhao Jun. Bang." A Qi Jun sentry immediately noticed the situation, and then shot Zhao Jun, who was approaching quickly, as a soldier.

"There is a situation." Qi Jun, who heard the gunfire, quickly moved forward from the rear resting place to his battle position.

"Come on," the captain yelled. A platoon of Zhao Jun soldiers rushed towards the Qi army's position in a line. The fighting distance between the two sides is less than eighty steps.

"Puff." There was a sound of bullet hitting the flesh, and a Zhao Jun soldier was hit by a flying bullet.

"Ah." Another Zhao Jun soldier screamed and knocked to the ground.

"Shoot. Shoot quickly." More and more soldiers of the Qi Army quickly entered the battle position and fired at the soldiers of Zhao Jun who had attacked from the flanks.

"Bang. Bang, bang." The soldiers of the Qi army shot at leisurely.

"Ah." "Buzzing." The intensive flying bullets quickly broke up Zhao Jun's attack. The Zhao Jun soldiers stopped while fighting back.

"Shoot. Shoot." The captain waved his pistol and shouted loudly.

"Ah." Although the captain tried his best to encourage his soldiers to rush forward, the intensive flying of future bullets still hit a lot of Zhao Jun soldiers. The Zhao Jun soldiers were suppressed.

"Boom." In desperation, the captain threw the grenade in his hand while covering his military actions. The billowing smoke can provide effective cover. This year can prevent Zhao Jun from incurring excessive casualties.

"Charge." Just when Zhao Jun was suppressed. The Zhao Jun soldiers on the front immediately launched a frontal feint attack.

"Zhao Jun attacked." Qi Army soldiers shouted loudly.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." The bullets that flew from the crackling shot instantly at Zhao Jun soldiers.

"Ah." As soon as Zhao Jun rushed to the forward position, he was scattered by the flying bullets, and the attack was suddenly disintegrated. However, the flank attack began to decrease significantly at this time.

In order to resist a frontal attack. The strength of the Qi army's defenses was re-adjusted. As a result, the offensive pressure on the flanks was suddenly reduced.

"Rush. Go ahead." At this moment, the captain grabbed a grenade and rushed out.

"Crazy." A sergeant scolded the captain who was shocking and followed out. And behind them, another pressure came up.

"Come on." The captain shouted, shooting with the pistol in his hand.

"Puff." A bullet hit the captain in the abdomen. The captain painfully threw the pistol in his hand to cover the wound.

The captain gave a pained expression, but the captain did not fall down. He then bit off the rope with his teeth, and threw the grenade to Qi Jun's position.

The captain hugged his wound in agony and fell down.

"Boom." With an explosion, some severed limbs and bodies flew out of the Qi army's position.

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