The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1043: Intervene in the military

"Then sign the agreement between the two countries." Feng Quji urged impatiently.

Subsequently. Zhang San reluctantly signed his name on the document. After Qin Wang's special envoy Feng Quji signed the agreement, he hurriedly took away the agreement, and he was eager to show his merits to the King Qin. In this way, he accomplished this thing.

In Qin, the taxation conference is quietly changing. The meeting has been going on for several days, and the situation is gradually changing.

"The government's fiscal expenditures on military expenditures are really too great. We should cut military expenditures and increase the construction of urgent facilities. This will be more conducive to our economic construction." A chubby representative said . Judging from the figure, it is obvious that the other party is a businessman.

"Yes, our government expenditures on military expenditures are really too big. Military expenditures account for most of the expenditures. If we invest half of the money on the infrastructure of the State of Qin, our economy will be a big one. It’s a step.” Another representative quickly echoed.

Shang Wen frowned at this moment. He believes that the deputies' thinking about the problem is a little inappropriate. Although, Qin has a big problem with military expenditures. Mainly because of the high military expenditure. Moreover, many bonds are issued for war purposes. In particular, the Western Region War Bonds were issued for the purpose of raising operations in the Western Regions. From this point, Qin's military expenditure is indeed very large.

But this kind of largeness is largely related to the imbalance of Qin's military expenditure. Qin's military expenditure can only be adjusted. But if the military expenditure is cut in half, then Qin's national defense security will face great danger. Shang Wen thought so.

"I object. If we blindly spend government spending on basic economic construction, what about our national defense and security?" At this time, the young Li You stood up and retorted loudly. Shang Wen agreed with Li You's views, but he soon understood that this young man was also considering issues from his own perspective. You must know that Li You runs an arsenal. What the arsenal needs most is for the country's war machine to operate. Without war, it will be difficult for them to operate. They all have problems with survival.

"Without national security, no matter how developed our economy is, it will become a joke. Our prosperous city will soon become an empty city, and those beautiful buildings will become ruins." Li You said loudly.

"Uuuuu." His statement was approved by some people. Obviously, he was encouraged by people in the arsenal. They were all people who lived for national security. Their main product was weapons. They could not do without war. Although Shangwen was also a weapon manufacturer and developer, he I am very familiar with the weapon industry, but the problem is that these people are madly accumulating money for themselves under the banner of being the country. Everyone understands, but everyone can’t do anything about national security. Everyone knows. They are necessities. No one can leave national security.

"But our country cannot leave the economic development alone. If the war blindly starts, then whoever grows the food will produce the weapons in your hands. The war should be controlled within a reasonable range." An older person The representative of said. This representative wore traditional costumes. Obviously, he was expressing his views in this way.

"War, after all, is a murder weapon." The old representative continued.

"Damn it, it's another Confucian." At this time, a representative behind was in the middle of the gap. Said such a sentence. Everyone looked back at the representative. And Shang Wen did not look back. The current issue is entering the topic.

"Woo." All the representatives shook their heads to some degree. They expressed their incomprehension or contempt for this representative. Obviously, it is very inappropriate to make such remarks in the meeting.

"At present, we should return to the topic. You care about the financial expenditure." Shang Wen stood up and said at this time. Because this endless debate has been around for a long time. But it has been dragging on without any results. Democracy can get a lot of suggestions and can also represent the will of the people, but this kind of endless arguing is not very efficient.

"However, we have ignored the core of the problem. The core of the problem is whether the government's expenditure focuses more on military expenditure or economic construction." Shang Wen said.

"This question is hard to say. It depends on the historical period we are in now." Shangwen said.

"However, as far as the current situation of our government is concerned. Obviously, we need to cut military expenditures, but to cut military expenditures, we need a professional person to explain the situation. If we cut blindly, we will cause serious damage to this country. Disaster." Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, on this issue, we need to seek the opinions of the military." Shangwen said.

"This." All the representatives hesitated at this time.

"We should seek the opinion of the military," a representative said.

"Yes." Shang Wen said.

Subsequently, the meeting began to communicate with the military. As a result, the taxation conference began to involve the military. However, the military, after receiving the recommendations of the taxation conference, said they did not understand it.

"What does this mean?" Yang Duanhe said.

"I don't know, anyway, this is an invitation from the meeting directly. They want us to explain in the past." An officer said at this time.

"The prime minister is always like this!" Yang Duanhe said.

"These thoughts always make us feel helpless." Yang Duanhe said.

"Does the chief of staff know about this?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"We are forwarding the telegram. Sir," an officer said.

"En. I see. We should inform the Chief of Staff of this situation. We can't participate in that meeting casually." Yang Duanhe said.

"Does the king know about this?" Yang Duanhe then asked.

"I heard that the prime minister is reporting this matter over there," the officer said.

"No, we can't wait for the prime minister to report. We are the army, we wait like this," the officer said.

"We shouldn't be so inactive. I think we should tell the king about this matter. If the king doesn't know about this matter, then we all have to lose our heads." Yang Duanhe said.

"Immediately send a telegram to Wang Shang. Or call." Yang Duanhe said.

"The chief of staff and the lieutenant should also inform." Yang Duanzhu continued.

"Yes. Sir." The officer immediately saluted and turned and left.

Shangwen and Yingyu are having a heated discussion on this matter at this time.

"This matter is very troublesome. And very tricky." Ying Yu warned Shang Wen.

"Why?" Shang Wen asked directly. He believes that the taxation conference is only a question of the military affairs. And it did not solicit some other rights. Shangwen himself thinks Tao.

"Why? Does my father know about this matter? I don't know. Royal power and military power are combined. In other words, the basis of royal power is the army. This kind of unprovoked interference in military power. You will cause a catastrophe. "Ying Yu said.

"Oh." Shang Wen just said oh. He has become accustomed to the strict control of military expenditures by the Social Council. When the expenditure on a certain weapon exceeds the budget, those lawmakers will start chattering over and over again, and then set up special committees. These committees will come up with an unbelievable report from an unexpected angle. Then this report requires you to come up with another report to answer. Then there are various explanations before the hearing. Shang Wen is used to this kind of life. But now, everything is different. The taxation conference does not have such powers. The taxation conference is just a non-governmental organization, that is, it has no legal effect. At this time, it was obvious that he had exceeded his authority if he rashly asked the military to explain. And it is the power of the army.

"Oh. Goodness." Shang Wen was relieved at this time.

"For us, this seems to be the case," Shang Wen said.

"However, we are only in terms of military expenditure. Make some inquiries." Shang Wen said.

"This, this." Shang Wen said hesitantly.

"That's the problem. So, you have to explain why you did this?" Yingyu suggested at this time.

"It's better to be as soon as possible. Otherwise, this meeting will be banned." Yingyu suggested to Shangwen at this time.

"Good. I think we should do this." Shang Wen said.

"Hurry up, I'll go with you. Otherwise, my father will be angry and it will be hard to say anything." Yingyu urged Shangwen to leave.

And Wang Jian inspecting in the Shangdang area. When I received such a telegram. Suddenly tightened his brows.

"Is the prime minister crazy?" Wang Jian said to the staff officer on the side.

"Sir. What do you mean?" the staff officer on the side asked.

"Oh. It's meaningless!" Wang Jian said. But Wang Jian was thinking at this time.

Is the prime minister really crazy? Without the permission of any king, let the military give some explanation. This is somewhat unreasonable. Before the government headed by Shangwen asked about such things, perhaps they could still understand. But this time, a taxation meeting. Let the military explain the situation. This is obviously unreasonable. Because they have no power, and the military has no obligation or responsibility to explain this matter. The people have interfered too much in military affairs. Wang Jian was so disgusted.

The most disgusting thing is that if too many organizations intervene in the army, the construction of the army will not function well. This is what Wang Jian is worried about.

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