Just when Zhao Jun was busy preparing. The Korean captain finally had a bold idea.

"Overseas, there are still islands. If you follow an idea I got recently." The captain of the Korean New Army faced his officer. A lieutenant colonel in the intelligence department said.

"Overseas expansion is particularly prevalent, especially in Chu. Many people from Chu are trying their best to build ships and go out to sea. They are going south along the coastline. It is easy for them to find those Vietnamese natives who become slaves. And we, if this time If you enter rashly, you will be entangled with Chu State." The captain said at this time.

"En. What do you mean?" The lieutenant colonel asked directly at this time.

"I mean, this." At this time, the captain took out the logbook and took out a map he had drawn. There are brand new routes on that map.

"That's what I meant." The captain said, spreading out the map. Then he pointed to the route on the map with his finger on the map and said.

"What is this?" The lieutenant colonel still didn't understand what the captain meant.

"I mean, Chu people can go south along the coastline, and we can go east, looking for this island, this island, surrounded by the sea, we can occupy the entire island." The captain said boldly at this time.

"Oh. Are you crazy?" the lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"I mean, many Chu people nowadays, overseas, they are building their own homes, and based on these homes, they are constantly developing around, they are constantly growing. We Koreans. According to Wang We also want to enter this industry according to the previous order, but, in fact, we cannot do this." The captain said at this time.

"If we enter, we are likely to be deliberately attacked by the other party, especially those **** Chu people, they are very united. They are very hug, do you know how my logbook came from?" the captain asked .

The lieutenant colonel shook his head with interest at this time. He said that the captain could continue.

"They treated this businessman directly as a slave. Think about it, our people are treated as slaves." The captain said excitedly.

"I can understand your feelings, but what I want to say is." said the lieutenant colonel.

"We must develop overseas business, but for overseas business, there is no difference between us along the coastline and eastward." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"No, no, sir, I don't think so." The captain refused directly at this time.

"I think eastward is of great significance. We can expand on this island. The island is easy to occupy and defend. It's not as good as those coastlines. They can develop inland along the coastline. That is from Chu, but we are South Korea. People can’t. If we walk in the same line with the Chu people, the Chu people will attack us. At that time, we need to conscript. At that time, we must use force to solve the problem.” The captain said at this time.

"But if we avoid them. We focus on those islands. What will we get?" the captain said at this time.

"Think about it, the entire island belongs to us. I think our queen will be crazy if he hears this news." The captain said, waving his arms at this time.

"Your idea is really bold." This time. The lieutenant colonel looked at the captain and said.

"Sir, you agree with me," the captain said while looking at the lieutenant colonel.

"I think, I will try it. To see how our queen went crazy." The lieutenant colonel said with a smile.

"Hahahaha." The captain laughed loudly at this time.

"I will send this content by telegram," said the lieutenant colonel.

"Be patient. Okay?" the lieutenant colonel said comfortingly.

"Yes, sir." The captain said at this time.

There is no direct telegraph line between Chu State and South Korea. The line needs to be transferred to Qinguo Telegraph Station before it can be sent out. However, Korean telegrams are encrypted to a certain degree. Although Qin Guo transferred the Korean Telegram, it was unable to decipher it in time.

Qin State established a telegraph line along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River between the State of Chu and the State of Qin. This line was established by the State of Qin himself, but not many people use this line. There is no direct telegram in Shouyang of Chu State, that is, the capital of Chu State. This made the Qin people very distressed. They didn't understand why Chu had no interest in this advanced communication method.

Chu people are very interested in external things. They are still very unfamiliar with such things as telegraphs, mainly because they are more repellent. Although some generals are aware of this, for example, Xiang Yan, he believes that the meaning of telegram is more important than that of guns and artillery, because the speed of message transmission has been greatly accelerated. but. No one wants to invest. The reason is simple. They think that these things are useless. Therefore, they refused to use it.

In this way, very few people use things like telegraph in Chu State. Only Koreans, Qin people use it themselves. The people of Chu are not in contact with many people.

The forwarding of the telegram usually takes an hour to arrive.

"These damned Koreans, what are they sending indiscriminately?" A Qin Guo telegrapher cursed loudly at this time.

"What is it?" another telegraph operator said.

"I don't know. The gibberish, I translated it with the telegram code, it's just shit," the telegraph operator said.

"It doesn't matter so much. These Koreans are like this. They have a lot of money, so we can just forward it." Another telegrapher said at this time.

"Okay." After the telegraph operator took a look. Then immediately began to send the report.

"Papa. Papa." The telegram was sent out along with the telegram at this time.

The telegram was passed through the electric current and quickly reached Xinzheng. The recipients of Xinzheng received such a telegram and immediately reported it to their supervisor.

"Supervisor!" a telegraph operator raised his right hand and shouted loudly at this time.

"Okay. I'm here." The supervisor stepped forward quickly. Then use scissors to cut off the telegraph tape that cannot be deciphered with normal code. The supervisor took the paper tape, glued it to an important blue folder, and left quickly.

The supervisor quickly left the room on the top floor.

"Ding Ding." There was a knock on the door.

"Blue telegram," the supervisor said. Because telegrams are usually placed in the blue folder. So they call it the blue telegram.

"En. Give it to me." A young man reached out his hand and took the telegram at this time.

"Decipher immediately." The young man turned to another interpreter.

"You can leave now." The young man said to the supervisor at this time.

"Yes." The supervisor turned and left.

The telegram was quickly deciphered, and the Korean telegram was deciphered a certain amount. Like Qin, they adopted simple addition and subtraction encryption at the beginning. However, they found that if these numbers are simply discovered, they can be easily deciphered. The speed of deciphering lies in finding some laws in the middle, and taking these into account. The Koreans have carried out some complicated processing, and they have adopted some telegram encryption processing for the content of the telegram. For example, behind some text, they were added separately. Addition, multiplication, division, and the mathematical processing of square roots, in this way, the whole deciphering difficulty is greatly increased. The people of Qin are obviously tricky to deal with such an irregular password.

In terms of intelligence, the Koreans gradually surpassed Qin in telecommunications. On the contrary, relying on this deciphering technique, they quickly deciphered some of Qin's confidential telegram content. The content of these telegrams, from the military to the economy, is being stolen to varying degrees.

Soon, this telegram was placed on the table of Han Shu, Zhang Liang, Han Fei and others, who were discussing a new strategy.

"The content of this telegram is very attractive," Han Shu said.

"From the content of the telegram, this seems to be a big discovery." Zhang Liang said at this time. The content of the telegram is not very long, but the information is very important. Not only that, this news brings a major strategic plan.

"Oh. The deputy chief tells me about this discovery." Han Shu said at this time.

"The telegram said that they found an island in the east. This shows that there are some islands to the east of the sea. Since this is the case, then why don't we develop these islands as some of South Korea's overseas settlements." Zhang Liang Soon I thought of the concept of a colony.

There is such a concept in the books from Qin. This concept is still present in some modern books copied by Shangwen, but the real understanding of this concept depends on the people of Chu. Many people of Chu are actively expanding overseas business. They established them along the coastline. Many of their homes, these homes were military bases at the beginning, and they needed to surround themselves with the fruits of their labor and safety. Then gradually, as the surrounding vietnamese tribes cleared and interacted with each other, their homes began to gradually expand to the surroundings, and then to the inland.

The homeland began to become a real colonial manor. A large number of fields began to be established around the military strongholds, and various crops began to be planted on the fields. The slaves began to digest them on the spot near the manor. It was really impossible. They began to be transferred to Qin to sell them.

Not only that, some Chu people began to emigrate in another direction, which is these coastal areas. They have become a new concentration of immigrants. The wild land here gives them great hope. As long as they actively develop, they will have a piece of land of their own. This is all their hope. This is a place full of adventure, hope, and all kinds of desires. At the same time these areas are full of killing and blood.

Zhang Liang got this kind of information and opinions from another angle. In his view, this method of establishing a colony is also very feasible for South Korea.

"This discovery is that our South Korea can also follow the example of Chu State and establish a colony." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Tell me more specifically." Han Shu said with interest.

"Chu is a colony developed along the coastline. They can connect the entire colony together as long as they follow this line. This is very important for them, and then they can develop from the coast to the inland. Gradually expand their territory and resources." Zhang Liang said.

"If South Korea develops in this way, it will inevitably come into conflict with Chu State." Zhang Liang said.

"If the Chu people intercepted the Yangtze River, then our South Korea would not be able to develop." Zhang Liang said.

Han Shu nodded at this time, expressing his approval. Because she also saw this. Chu State has a geographical advantage, but South Korea does not. South Korea must cross Qin or Chu to develop, which is very difficult for South Korea.

"So, we have to avoid this from happening at the beginning." Zhang Liang continued at this time.

"We can use the Yangtze River waterway, but it cannot be the same as the coastline of Chu State. Therefore, we need to open up a new location. Obviously the discovery of this island is of great significance to us." Zhang Liang at this time . I clicked the telegram with my hand. And Han Fei on the side nodded, obviously, he also agreed with this point of view.

"Not only that, these islands also have great benefits." Zhang Liang continued at this time.

"The appearance of these islands has given us a new base." Zhang Liang said.

"Developing inland requires development along the coast. As long as we establish a stronghold on the island, we can continue to develop along the coast. We don’t have to worry about conflicts with the Chu people, as long as we quickly occupy the coast, we can. Control the entire islands. Once these islands control the coast, we can slowly develop inland." Zhang Liang said.

"In addition, the people of Chu only focused on the slave trade." Zhang Liang pointed out another important discovery at this time. This is what he personally summed up.

"They just develop slaves and don't care about other resources." Zhang Liang said.

"In fact, we not only value these slaves, but also the various resources on these islands. We can use our education system to send more students, discover and practice. In this way, we can make full use of the local resources. These resources are far more valuable than those slaves.” Zhang Liang said at this time.

And listen to these. Han Shu couldn't help nodding in agreement.

"Wonderful. Wonderful." Han Shu kept saying.

"Papa." As she said, she clapped her palms.

"The deputy minister's idea is very good. Those resources are indeed much more valuable than those slave resources." Han Shu said at this time.

"The reason why the country of Chu is large is that it has a lot of resources. And our land area is so large. If we don't actively fight overseas colonies, then our land will become less and less, and our country's development potential will be greater. It’s getting smaller. South Korea will not be able to re-emerge.” Han Shu said at this time.

"For the re-emergence of South Korea, Wuren believes that the deputy minister's idea should be carried out." Han Shu said at this time.

"Thanks to the king." Zhang Liang respectfully thanked him at this time. And Han Shu nodded.

The reason why Chu State has developed so extensively without thinking of resources has a lot to do with their domestic education level. Chu's basic education is zero. Some education is only qualified for nobles and nobles. Ordinary people are not eligible to enjoy these educations. Therefore, they do not know these concepts at all, and they can only make judgments based on their preliminary knowledge.

In other words, they not only lack a long-term understanding of strategy, but also lack a certain level of knowledge to recognize the undeveloped wild land. As a result, they are only interested in what they recognize. For example, slave resources, in their understanding, slaves are very valuable, as long as they catch a lot of slaves.

They have no interest in local land or other resources, and at the same time, they don't have any level of knowledge to recognize these things. It can be seen how important the level of education affects a country.

Think about the overseas colonial expansion of the British Empire. Before they discovered new islands, they often carried some college students on their ships. They were full of research spirit. For example, Darwin back then, he discovered a lot of things following the British warship. These things have become important materials in his future "Origin of Species", without these studies and discoveries. I am afraid that Darwin could not write this great book.

It is exactly the same. Education is very important throughout the UK. The same is true in South Korea. With such a strategic understanding of their senior management, they realized it. If the slaves were sold in the same way, they would sell the same products as the Chu people, then at that time. There will be a conflict between the two, according to the current power of South Korea. He hasn't had such strength to fight against Chu State. For this reason, South Korea needs to avoid this as much as possible.

So, Korea this time. In addition, they found a way. They rely on their own relatively developed education system to send a large number of college students to provide them with projects and opportunities. To complete the opportunity for South Korea to re-emerge.

"These new islands will also be our strategic space for Korea in the future." Han Shu concluded.

"We Koreans should not go to Qin's territory to emigrate too much." Han Shu said at this time.

South Korea migrates tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, to the newly established states of Qin every year. Those states have certain autonomy rights. These rights have attracted a large number of people from the six countries to immigrate to Qin. They became the new Qin people there. The State of Qin relied on these immigrants to gain varying degrees of population growth.

"We will also immigrate in the future, and we will continue to expand our population. Population can have a direct relationship with our soldiers." Han Shu said at this time. You know, South Korea's own territorial area is already small. Then his population size also has a certain limit. Not only that, but the size of his army is limited to a certain number. This makes it difficult for them to resist Qin's thunderous blow, not only is the national strategic space small. The population cannot organize a large army. This is a big problem facing South Korea.

"Well, the widow is very concerned about this matter, it's better to let the deputy minister take care of this matter." Han Shu issued an order at this time.

"Chen, obey." Zhang Liang said respectfully at this time. Zhang Liang is naturally willing, not that he is willing to bring new opportunities for the rise of South Korea. Rather, because he can avoid mass killings.

Zhang Liang himself is concerned about this kind of colonization of other land. It is very disgusting to disguise the population of other places as slaves, especially Han Shu's overseas colonial expansion. In order to expand the colony, I don't know how many people will be killed. In order to reduce the killings, Zhang Liang had to think of selling resources as a last resort, but he didn't expect that it would still work. But for the population. Zhang Liang is very disgusted. He does not want South Korea to do this. Because this simple imitation does not bring much benefit to South Korea.

Zhang Liang believes that doing so will only increase the level of slaves in Qin. Qin relies on these slaves to speed up the construction of its own country. This is not good news for South Korea.

At the same time, these slaves will greatly develop the land of Bashu in the Qin State, and the strength of the Qin State will increase more and more. This is not good news for South Korea.

Not only that, South Korea cannot provide more land to digest these slaves. You must know that these slaves can only be invested in agriculture. South Korea simply does not have so much land to provide. As a result, South Korea's demand for slaves is not very large.

Therefore, Zhang Liang is for the sake of his own country. He didn't want to participate too much in the slave trade.

Because they still can't anger another big country, and this big country is Chu.

"That's right. The widow recently read a book and didn't pay attention to the major events of Qin State. What is going on in Qin State?" Han Shu asked at this time.

Han Shu is also working hard to supplement her knowledge level. South Korea is supplementing her knowledge level. The number of local bookstores in South Korea has gone from zero. Suddenly it increased by more than a thousand, and the amount of personal reading in South Korea is rising rapidly. Han Shu's leading role is very obvious. Because their kings are all studying, why don't you have any reason not to study?

"Qin State, nothing major happened either." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Oh. It's not like Qin." Han Shu said.

"Oh. That's right. Qin State is holding a tax collection meeting, and they are discussing how to reform their tax collection methods." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"This, we need to pay close attention." Han Shu specially instructed at this time.

"What else?" Han Shu asked.

"Also, Qin's prime minister and the eldest princess are scheduled to get married on September 15." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"What? Who got married?" Han Shu asked anxiously at this time.

"Qin's prime minister and Princess Wenyang." Zhang Liang said.

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