"What a huge military expenditure is needed to purchase weapons and equipment and train soldiers!" Ning Chu sighed helplessly. The huge military expenditure is a big burden for him. For a country like Chu State, the expenditure on training the army has been huge. Because there are a lot of personnel.

"My son, this military expenditure can come from this Yangtze River." Xiang Yan suggested at this time.

"The Yangtze River is coming out?" Ning Chu Ning Chu asked suspiciously at this time.

"Yes. The number of ships on the Yangtze River far exceeds that of land output, so...". Xiang Yan stopped talking.

At this time, Ning Chu took the initiative to stand up and motioned to Xiang Yan to continue. Xiang Yan whispered to Negumi about the secrets of the Yangtze River.

"Cai." Ning Chu shouted loudly. Xiang Yan just smiled. This laugh is very mysterious.

Actually, this is nothing. Ning Chu became the king of Chu through a coup d'etat, and what the coup d'etat requires is a strong military force and political influence, in addition to strong economic support. These ones. Xiang Yan solved it for him. Negatively exclaimed loudly.

The fulfillment of these conditions will exert a huge influence in the subsequent Chu politics.

While the politics of Chu Kingdom were quietly changing, the South Korean side was very indifferent to the affairs of the new country next to it.

"The prime minister. The nobles of the Wei state ignored our warnings, and hope that the prime minister can ask the king for instructions and get an order to send troops. Let us send troops to teach those noble soldiers." In the prime minister's house in South Korea. The prime minister is Zhang Liang. Although Zhang Liang is a deputy minister, he does everything. Han Fei focused on the formulation of legal provisions. It can be said that Zhang Liang has practical management significance, while Han Fei is more inclined to formulate legal provisions.

"The general should just ignore it." At this time, Zhang Liang put the report of the new army general aside.

"General. They are very disrespectful to my new army soldiers." The general shouted anxiously.

"Well, I know this." Zhang Liang just raised his head and said this sentence.

"Okay. I know about this. You can go out." Zhang Liang directly waved to see off the guests.

"But, Prime Minister." At this time, the general still didn't give up.

"I will report this matter to the king, but you have to remember that this matter is beyond our control now. What South Korea has to do now is to stand still. As long as we don’t move. Everything is fine. Now." Zhang Liang said directly.

"This." The general was obviously not reconciled.

"Let's go out." Zhang Liang waved his hand directly, motioning him to retreat.

The general resigned reluctantly. And Zhang Liang just shook his head after closing the door.

"This kind of thing has to be sustained for a certain period of time, and only after a certain period of time can it." Zhang Liang said.

South Korean high-level officials are very aware of the current situation, and Qin will intervene in this matter. It just so happened that South Korea adopted a strategy of retreat for advancement, and they wanted Qin to take the initiative to intervene in this matter. But Qin Guo thinks this is a time when a mess is no longer managed. Then it gave South Korea a chance, because South Korea has the geographical advantage of being close to the Republic.

Moreover, according to the content of the telegram sent to King Qin by the special envoy of King Qin intercepted by the South Korean Intelligence Service. It seems that Qin will first use a new method that has never been used before to intervene in this matter. Financial means. The State of Qin was more willing to contribute money than to send troops. Out of training. Out of weapons and equipment. For Qin's plan. Zhang Liang already had a bottom in his heart. Because Qin has been doing this before.

but. In order to intervene in this matter, Qin State is creating a danger. And this danger is slowly approaching Qin State.

"Ding Ding." With a crisp opening bell rang. The Qin State Xianyang Stock Exchange officially began a day of trading.

There was noise in the trading floor. It was crowded with all kinds of people, and there were scraps of paper flying in the air, and those scraps of paper were discarded transaction slips. A piece of white flowers on the ground. People are trading in full swing.

"It seems that the stock market is very hot." It was Li You, the chairman of the Li Armory, who rang the opening bell. Li You obtained the opportunity to list the company's stock through stock exchange. The stocks brought him endless wealth. His worth is magnified by the stock market. The value of the stock in hand reached tens of millions of gold. This surprised him very much. Surprise, and high enthusiasm for stock investment.

"I am here this time mainly to build another branch of our factory. We plan to build an arsenal in the Shangdang area, but we need funds. There are abundant coal and iron resources, which are very good for manufacturing steel. In addition, the traffic conditions there have also been greatly improved. In this way, we have a certain foundation to transport the products we make." Li You introduced to the staff on the side. In fact, he is more to promote to reporters. He hopes that everyone can come and buy his stock. This way his stock will rise all the way. He can get enough funds by buying the stocks in his hands.

The mystery of stock trading is known to everyone reported by the newspapers. In the short market, those major shareholders can buy it back again. Anyway, you can trade freely in the market. In addition, they can also cash out from stock transactions and obtain very intensive funds, which are faster than loans from banks. The stock market is very hot now, and daily trading funds are as high as millions of gold. Almost several industrial bases can be built on this scale.

The enthusiasm for speculation has given Qin's economy an unprecedented economic acceleration. This economic acceleration allowed Qin to develop rapidly.

“Li You, the famous chairman of the Li’s Arsenal, has sounded the opening bell of the Xianyang Stock Exchange for the eldest son of the former prime minister. This will indicate that the Li’s Arsenal’s share split plan will continue. The price is so high that it is difficult for investors to buy. One share is as high as 100 gold. Such an expensive price often makes people feel an unprecedented sense of fear."

"We randomly interviewed the opinions of extremely investors."

"What do you think of the high-priced stocks of Li's Arsenal?" the reporter asked.

"I have nothing to do with this stock. I don't have much money in my hands. Moreover, the price of this stock is too expensive. If I own it, I can only buy ten shares. This is almost all of my belongings. This It was too risky. So, I gave up this stock." An investor said.

The same question was asked to another investor.

"The price of this stock is really too expensive. When it's so expensive, many people are reluctant to buy it. If you see it, the price of his stock has not moved, and it has been stopped here. Therefore, I will not buy it. "The other investor said, waving his arms.

"According to market surveys, this share split of Li's Arsenal will receive the hobbies and interests of many investors, and they all have expressed their willingness to buy." An economic report in "Express" reported this matter.

"Hey. Li Wen." In the stock trading floor, a speculator walked over to say hello to other young people who were not tall.

"Have you seen this report?" It was already afternoon. The stock has entered the final trading period.

"I know. Are you talking about the Li Armory?" the young man named Li Wen said coldly.

"Yes. This stock will go up very high, and the price is not expensive. With less than 20 gold, we can buy it completely and make a big profit. I believe that we will not take long. It will rise to the price of one hundred gold. I think at that time, I will make one hundred thousand gold. With this money, I can go to the west and buy a large piece of land. Become a farmer." The one who came to say hello Said excitedly.

"Oh. Damn." Li Wen just said lightly.

"I think you should remain calm like me. I feel that the stock is not right. I think that now, we should short him." This time. Li Wen complained to the other party, and then came out such a sentence.

"Oh my God. You are crazy. Shorting. Such a good market, everyone is doing long, you should be short." The person who came to say hello exclaimed in surprise.

"Be quiet." Li Wen blushed and looked around and whispered to the man.

"Hahaha. Look at our speculative kid, he is short on the stock market." At this time, other traders on the side shook their heads and said.

"That little guy is going crazy. If he wants to go bankrupt, then let him do it. He will always be so crazy, and he will be a big deal." At this time, other traders talked.

"However, that guy, the operation on Wenyang Bank and Wenyang Steel was very successful." A trader interjected.

"That's luck. Boy, you know, it's luck, he just bet on the right direction." A tall trader said at this time.

After hearing such comments, Li Wen just kept shook his head.

"Hey, ignore them. I believe you, tell me what you think." The person who came to say hello then asked.

"I don't know, I just have this feeling, do you understand, feeling, a feeling of anxiety, this feeling of anxiety is telling me not to go long. Go short. Go short." Li Wen waved his arm and explained.

"You are actually doing stocks based on your feelings?" the person who came to say hello asked in surprise.

"Yes, I have always been like this. I will make a lot of money as soon as this feeling appears." Li Wen said coldly. And that person still showed a surprised expression.

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