Do not understand King Qin. Shang Wen said he was helpless. But this high-level meeting quickly determined that Meng Yi would be responsible for this matter. Shang Wen could only stand by and watch. perhaps. Shang Wen was unwilling to participate in this matter.

Just when Qin State resolved the domestic crisis. An amazing change is taking place in the far east.

"Tax." A Qi state official carried a pistol. Stretched out his sturdy arm and said.

"Tax again?" an old farmer asked.

"What nonsense? Pay the money quickly." The official was about to reach out and **** it.

"My lord, all right, I just have the money for today. I just made the money for someone else's iron. There is no rations in the house." The old farmer immediately fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

"No. We are also ordered to do errands. We don't care about other things." At this time, the official reached out to grab the old farmer's clothes.

"My lord, please." The old farmer hugged the official's thigh and continued to beg for mercy.

"No." The official sternly refused.

"You'd better let me go, and if you don't let go, I'm not welcome." At this time. The official said, shaking his thigh. But the old farmer just didn't let go of his arm.

"Release." The official yelled.

"No way. The whole family has no rations. This is killing us." The old farmer said at this time.

"Who is this?" The people on the side gathered around at this time and said.

"Don't you know? It's the old head covering in Xitou Village." A woman interjected at this time.

"That house is miserable." At this time, the woman said.

"I heard that his family's three sons were all arrested and went to serve in the military. The eldest son died in battle shortly after he got married. I heard that he died on some poison gas. When he died, it was terrible. The eldest daughter-in-law was still pregnant with the child. The second son was also arrested and went to serve as a soldier not long after. The result was also dead. No, the younger son was also arrested not long ago. He has not yet been married. What a great boy. What a pity Ah." The woman said with a flat mouth.

"Oh, that's right. Then how does this family live?" A scholar asked at this time. Scholars do not have to pay taxes, nor do they have to perform military service or corroboration.

"It's not. This old head covering. It's tiring to strike someone by yourself. It's so tiring. Just make so little money to support the family. There is no way. There is still a daughter-in-law and a grandson in the family. The grandson still suckles." Time to continue.

"Pop." Just in the middle of talking. A crisp whip came.

"Old immortal." The official took out his whip and slapped Lao Meng's back fiercely. The clothes on his back broke immediately under the whip's whip, and the whip's whip was very strong. After the clothes were big enough to be opened, there were still **** wounds inside.

"Lose it on for me." The official yelled loudly, still waving his arms.

"Sir, no. My family has only a little money. The child and his mother have no food, and there is no milk if there is no food. This is the seedling of my family. Have pity on us." The old head cover was crying at this time. Said.

"Hey. This is too miserable. Just have mercy on them." At this time, the people began to persuade them.

"No." The official shouted at the people around him at this time.

"Tell you, no one can care about this matter. The taxes that should be paid. All are paid. Whoever doesn't pay. It is a sinner." The official threatened at this time. With this threat, everyone around was not moving.

"Hey. I can't control this matter. This Qi country is going crazy. This also pays taxes. That also pays taxes. This tax is endless." An older Qi countryman said at this time.

"No, this Qi country fights every year. We are fighting. Alas." Another Qi countryman sighed.

"This war, when is it big?" the older Qi countryman said helplessly. The successive years of wars have greatly consumed Qi's national strength. Qi State, which is extremely exhausted of its national power, had to increase the taxation of the people. Qi State is exhausting all the power of the whole country to carry out this protracted war that has no chance of winning, but no meaning.

"It's all this war. Qi country has become different from Qi country." Qi countryman said by himself.

"Quickly let go and hand me the money that should be paid." This time. The official slapped the old head cover fiercely again. The old hooded head was struggling, lying on the ground, blood stains on his back. There are blood stains on the face, it looks like. The old head covering is no longer good.

"My family really can't. We can't pay this tax anymore. For the last seedling of my family. I can't pay it either. If you kill me, I can't pay it either." Old Meng said at this time.

"You official. There is simply no humanity. This old head covering is already like this. You are still so aggressive. Let others live. This Qi country is already like this. What else can we do?" At this time, a sword-wearing scholar stood up. Said. This scholar was very elegant, and the saber was just a decoration for him. In the ancient Warring States period, the style of saber prevailed. Men are all sabers.

Although the appearance of the pistol quickly weakened Qin's sword style. But in the east. Scholars still retain this tradition. The sword is a symbol of literati. The significance of a gun is far less significant than that of a saber.

"Huh. Scholars, too much control. This is the government's business. Naturally, the government will take care of it." At this time. Said the official. In fact, the officials of Qi are subordinate to their government. On the other side, they sometimes belonged to the local nobles. The essence of taxation is that the government obtains a smaller part for state affairs, and a larger part becomes the private property of the nobility.

During the continuous wars in Qi. The nobles of Qi did not give up this opportunity to make a fortune from the war. They took the opportunity to levy wildly and aggressively. They levied high taxes. These taxes make them richer and richer. And the people. But getting poorer and poorer. In Qi, there has been a serious polarization. One side is extremely comfortable, but the other side can't even eat.

"If you can't control it, you must manage it." At this time, the scholar suddenly drew out his saber.

"Hey." The official smiled coldly at this time.

"When is the time. I still use the saber. See what Lao Tzu uses?" At this time, the official took out his own gun. The official pointed his gun at the scholar.

"Your sword is fast, or my gun is fast. Lao Tzu snaps. Your kid has to die." The management said disdainfully. In the age of muskets, the role of the saber is diminishing. The usability of the sword is getting lower and lower, and the saber can no longer keep up with the needs of the times. And this approach of literati seems to be like this, they have been unable to adapt to this era of rapid muskets. Speed ​​is far more useful than decoration.

"It's not a pity to die," the scholar said.

"Huh. Hard mouth." The official said disdainfully.

The scholar didn't say anything.

"Pop." As he said, the official whipped the old head covering again.

"What happened to me," the official said provocatively.

"Today. I want you to see. The fate of offending the government." The official said.

"I just want to destroy your Lao Meng family. You are not just a single seedling. I don't want to pay taxes. I will destroy your little bastard." The official said with disdain.

I heard that the officials were about to destroy their home. The old head covering struggled. Everyone has forbidden places. Once the forbidden area is violated. Then people will burst out a strong sense of resistance.

This sense of resistance is very powerful. It's so powerful that they don't even know it. The old Mongolian head was about to kill his family. He exhausted all of his energy at once. All at once rushed to the officials.

"I'm fighting with you." The old head cover didn't know where the strength came from. All at once rushed out. He knocked the official to the ground all of a sudden. He himself didn't know that he would have such great strength.

Then the old head covering and the official entangled on the ground, both of them tore hard.

"Kill him." The people around shouted loudly. The follow-up staff saw that the surrounding situation became more and more out of control, and drew back in horror to wait for the situation to happen.

"Bang." In the process of tearing, a gunshot came.

"Mother." The old head covering was limp to the ground. He was lying on the official's body. The official pushed away the limp old hooded head.

"I killed you." The official said at this time.

"The old head covering is dead." At this moment, a person shouted loudly. At this time, everyone stopped. The world around was much quieter all of a sudden. Everyone stopped talking.

"He killed the old head covering." A man yelled in panic. And everyone stopped talking. They know what happened. A life disappeared before his eyes.

"You cruel official, as cruel as that Qin dog." He said. The scholar straightened up his saber to assassinate him.

"Puff." A sound of metal piercing the flesh.

"Ah." A scream. The official screamed after being assassinated.

"Kill him. Kill him." This time. The people stepped forward one after another. To kill this dead official, perhaps only in this way can they relieve their anger. Only in this way can they calm their hearts only a little bit. in fact. The people vent only their usual dissatisfaction, and taxation is too unfair for them. What they need is just a release of the usual long-term depression.

"Not good. The situation is out of control. Tell the adults as soon as possible." At this time, his attendant realized something was wrong. Then ran away immediately. Went to the government to report the incident.

"My lord is not good. There are signs of riots among the people in the city." The official follower mistakenly exaggerated the consequences of this kind of thing.

"What?" a higher-ranking official asked loudly.

"The riot. The people rioted." The attendant said immediately.

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