Qin Guo's editor solved this problem ingeniously. They explained the process of this matter from the perspective of the Marine Corps, and they started with the Marine Corps sticking to its position.

In this way, the process of reporting this matter was resolved. At the same time, it also took care of the face of King Qin.

But people quickly came to the opposite conclusion from this report. That is, the protest of the bankers was pushed down by the Marines. This has deepened people's concerns about security in the financial sector.

"Many banks in Qin State have been closed for several days. Moreover, some banks have heard that because the capital chain is broken. As a result, they cannot withdraw the deposits inside. Those small depositors are busy looking for the bankers." A Qin member reads. Said in the newspaper.

"Isn't it? Our factory also owes money to the bank, and the bank is now constantly dunning money." A worker said.

"I don't know where to start this matter," the commenter said.

Where will the head of this matter be resolved? No one knows. The people of Qin were not sure why they happened.

The financial situation is slowly evolving into a serious crisis threatening Qin's security.

What happened on the same day was South Korea, on the eastern border of South Korea, which is the buffer zone between South Korea and Wei. South Korean soldiers are staring at the situation on the opposite side.

"Fire." A South Korean artillery shouted loudly standing on the fortress.

"Boom." A huge artillery shot came. The shell hit directly out.

"Swish." The cannonball whizzed towards the target.

"Boom." A huge explosion exploded in the distance.

The target of the artillery bombardment of the new South Korean army was the Wei aristocratic army not far away, and they were staying not far away. The new South Korean army was ordered not to take the initiative to leave the border. So they used their artillery to bombard each other. Let the opponent stay outside the boundaries of your own artillery bombardment.

"Height two to three. Move two to the left. Two to three zero. Release." An artillery lieutenant took the artillery observation mirror and reported the parameters.

"Let it go," an artillery sergeant shouted loudly.

"Boom." There was another sound from a cannonball.

"Swish." The shell came out directly.

"Boom." The artillery shell exploded in the Wei State noble army in the distance. Unfortunately, a chariot hit, and the chariot was blown to pieces. Wooden tanks were flying everywhere, and a wheel was blown into the sky by a cannonball several feet high.

"Mother." The artillery second lieutenant scolded after looking at the artillery observation mirror.

"Blow up these Wei people." The second lieutenant cursed.

"These Wei people started to run." The sergeant said to the ensign.

"Our shelling should also stop. The cavalry does not attack, and our artillery shells are of little use at all." The ensign complained.

"No, if this continues, we will only waste shells." The sergeant said.

"I've already reported it. It said that this matter is being considered." The ensign said. Then the second lieutenant left.

And South Korea is discussing this matter at this time.

"This is a telegram from the front line. Wei's aristocratic army, one is lingering on our border. They are very unfriendly to us." A South Korean new army lieutenant colonel made a report in Zhang Liang's prime minister's house. .

"Why did they come to our border?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Refugees. Sir. It’s a large number of refugees. They tried everything they could to capture those refugees. But once they escaped to us, they were safe. So, they have always held a grudge. So, they have been... "The lieutenant colonel said, waving his arms.

"So, they are on our border, wandering for a long time." Zhang Liang continued.

"Yes, sir." said the lieutenant colonel.

"En. What do you do then?" Zhang Liang asked.

"We have an order, you know, the queen has issued a death order, and we are not allowed to attack again. If this happens again, we will be sent to a military court. Moreover, the last incident has already dealt with some related matters. Some officers have been demoted. The punishment is still quite severe, so many officers don’t take the risk anymore. In order to avoid such a situation, we this time. Just let the artillery expel those Wei people in the artillery bombardment. Out of range.

that's all. "The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"En." Zhang Liang just gave a gratitude.

"You are doing the right thing. But this matter needs to be solved by the king. After all, this involves the issue of sending troops. We are not interested in the things next to us now." Zhang Liang said.

"I will explain this matter to the king. Just wait for the order." Zhang Liang said.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel saluted at this time.

Zhang Liang then sorted out the documents and entered the palace and began to report on this matter.

"Your Majesty, the minister believes that in this matter, we in South Korea can make some relevant reactions, but these reactions should not be too drastic. It is only necessary to have a limit." Zhang Liang reported to Han Shu.

"En. What's the reaction?" Han Shu asked. Zhang Liang made some related statements on this issue. Through these statements, Han Shu learned some situations, which made Han Shu feel that South Korea is facing a tricky thing.

For this blank buffer zone next to it. Han Shu feels that South Korea really does not have the energy to waste too much on it. However, this region has had a certain impact on South Korea.

For example, the Wei people there began to take the initiative to flee to South Korea. A large number of Wei people were very disappointed with the retaliation activities of the returning Wei nobles. They fled with their families one after another, hoping to be protected by the Koreans. Because the policies of the Koreans are much lighter than those of the Wei aristocrats.

But the problem is that the nobles of the Wei state will never allow this kind of population loss to happen, so they took drastic measures, and they ordered the noble army to strike on the spot to prevent such things from happening again and again. As a result, their army began to wantonly slaughter the civilians who fled, and they hoped to prevent the large-scale escape of civilians through this horrible method.

But even so, the civilians of Wei State still fled seriously. Because the taxation of the nobles is very strict and high. If you wait, you will die. It is better to run away. Although there is a possibility of being killed, it is a way to survive anyway. As a result, more and more people began to run away.

The situation is slowly changing like this. More and more Wei people have crossed the borders of South Korea and entered South Korea. South Korea has taken relevant measures in this regard. They actively handled relevant procedures for these Wei people and arranged work to attract them to become new Koreans.

It is also such a positive signal. The feedback was given to those Wei people who have not yet made the decision to escape. After they heard the news, they immediately made the decision to escape, just like that, good work, lower taxes. These have attracted more and more Wei people to move their homes. Many Wei people have quietly crossed the border and arrived here in South Korea.

"Qin's reaction, as well as Wei's reaction, now my South Korea has no intention to intervene in the war. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid these situations from happening." Zhang Liang said cautiously.

"Humph." Han Shu snorted.

"Now Qin is in chaos. Will the Wei and others dare to go to war with our South Korea?" Han Shu said at this time.

"For those Wei refugees. The widow believes that the prime minister is doing the right thing about this matter. Then Qin can absorb immigrants from six countries, so we can in South Korea. These Wei refugees must settle down well." Han Shu continued. Said.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang agreed at this time. Zhang Liang had already put forward such a suggestion before and implemented it well. Now it's just a continuation.

"However, the minister believes that the army should intervene appropriately. The news came from the border. Wei's army wanted to intercept and kill those escaped refugees near the border. Thousands of civilians were killed. This is useful for Korea to absorb Wei refugees. A big obstacle," Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Damn Wei people, they have this ability. They actually started at their own people. Wei dog who hasn't been planted." Han Shu scolded fiercely.

"What did our new army do?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"My lord, our new army just bombarded them with artillery, and did not take the initiative to attack." Zhang Liang said.

"En. That's good. It's done right, and the widow should give them some praise." Han Shu said at this time.

"Master. But these effects are very weak." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"This, then what should the prime minister do?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"En. Chen believes that we should take the initiative to establish a buffer zone in the buffer zone, and let the Wei army disappear in this area." Zhang Liang proposed at this time.

"En. The widow thinks this idea is feasible. It's correct." Han Shu said, waving his arm.

"The minister obeyed." Zhang Liang said respectfully.

Then the spokesperson of the Office of the Prime Minister of South Korea began to speak to explain the situation.

"In order to protect the lives and property safety of Koreans in the buffer zone between South Korea and Wei," a South Korean press spokesperson said. South Korea does not recognize the birth of this republic, so they use the term buffer zone to refer to the region.

"The Queen has also fully considered that the Koreans are seriously threatened in the area. Therefore, the South Korean army will send troops to the area to establish a buffer zone. This buffer zone will greatly guarantee the interests of the Koreans. , Wei's army will stop their killing. The new South Korean army will provide an umbrella of life." The spokesperson said.

The Qin Guo reporter recorded these things without understanding. They don't know what happened there?

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