"It's not the time to issue bonds. We haven't received enough bonds. If we issue too many bonds, think about it, doing so will reduce the credibility of our government. You know?" Shang Wen in the seemingly crowded office Said.

"But, Prime Minister, what should we do now?" An economic official asked anxiously at this time.

"The army needs a sum of money to pay for the war that is about to begin." The official said at this time.

"Used from other funds. Is it enough?" Shang Wen asked at this time. Obviously, Shang Wen's question is not enough.

And the official shook his head at this moment.

"It seems we need to think about a new way." This time. Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister. I think we should use those banknotes from the Mint Printing House to help us." An official said at this time.

"Do you think that?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"I think we can. It seems that there is only this way." The economic official said at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen just nodded.

"No." Shang Wen said from his seat.

"We can't use that money, you know?" Shang Wen shook his head and said.

"Why? Prime Minister, now we urgently need that sum of money." This time. The economic official asked.

"The crisis has just passed, and, have you read the report?" This time. Shang Wen said.

"Our Qin half-two banknotes have suffered an unprecedented market blow in the State of Zhao. South Korea is issuing gold and silver coins, but we are issuing banknotes. The banknotes themselves have little value. The value above is given by the Qin government. "Shang Wen said at this time.

"In foreign countries, our credibility has suffered an unprecedented crisis." Shang Wen said at this time.

"If, at this time, we use that sum of money, the banknotes will circulate in the domestic market. The banknotes will increase all of a sudden. It will seriously threaten the order of our Qin country. Once the order becomes chaotic, our situation. It will get worse. The credit crisis that originally just happened abroad will happen to us. And it's local. You know?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"We don't want this to happen in our country. Even if the king asks us to do this. We must resist." Shang Wen said firmly at this time.

"En. We can understand." This time. Said the official.

"We can only think of other ways." Shang Wen said at this time.

"At present, the Qin State market cannot accommodate so many bonds. And the economy as a whole is in a downturn. We need to find a way. Prime Minister." An assistant to an economic official said.

"En. But, we can't do it now." Shang Wen said at this time.

"We can't issue new bonds. First, we have to purchase enough bonds to inject capital. Now Qin Guo is in this stage." Shang Wen said.

"Secondly, the state of Qin's economy still cannot support the issuance of new bonds. The market cannot withstand the influx of so many bonds into the market." Shang Wen said at this time.

"In addition, banks are mainly issuing bonds. Banks need time to regain their strength. They need time." Shang Wen said at this time.

Qin Guo's method of issuing bonds mainly relied on banks. The bank will underwrite the bonds issued by Qin Guo through bidding. then. These bonds are injected through the market. Qin Guo will get the necessary financial support from the bank in a short time.

The current situation is that the banking industry has just gone through a major reshuffle. In a short period of time, it is impossible to provide such a huge support. It is also true that Shangwen needs the bank to regain its economic vitality before issuing brand new bonds.

"Finally, the Qin army has just entered the period of reduced military expenditures. The reduced military expenditures can resist for a while. We have to wait and see. This requires the support of time. Therefore, now is a difficult period." Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister." This time. A financial official sitting behind raised his hand and said. Shang Wen has always been very relaxed about office work. Therefore, he manages his subordinates quite easily. For example, when Shang Wen opened fire. You can raise your hand to interrupt at any time.

"Say." Shang Wen nodded and said at this time.

"Since we can't issue bonds, we can borrow money from the bank." The financial official said his thoughts at this time.

"En. This idea is very good." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Very creative." Shang Wen said at this time.

"However, what we need to do now is to patiently wait for Qin's economy to improve." Shang Wen said.

"As a last resort, we can borrow money." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. Prime Minister." The financial official said.

"Very good. This meeting ends here." Shang Wen said.

Immediately this meeting disbanded. All the officials walked out of the crowded office. With the competition for Qin's office staff. In particular, the emergence of some unprecedented departments has caused Qin's government officials to start expanding their staff.

For this purpose, Qin State allocated a part of funds to construct some government department buildings of Qin State. However, Shangwen's prime minister's mansion has not been expanded. This resulted in Shangwen's office being crowded once the meeting was held.

Wait until the staff is finished. Shang Wen was also ready to clean up and go for a walk. He needs to see how Qin's economic situation has recovered.

"Everyone else is gone. Are you still going?" Yingyu walked in at this time and asked.

"I'm preparing." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"It's lunch time." Yingyu said at this time.

"Well, let's have something to eat." Shang Wen said at this time.

According to ancient Chinese customs, there is no such thing as lunch in China, that is to say, the living habits of ancient Chinese society. There are only two meals a day. Morning and evening. There is no food to cook at noon. Even rich people have pastries at noon. Instead of meals.

However, as the Qin State's development speed accelerates, especially the establishment of factories, if it is carried out according to previous habits, it is very likely to appear. The worker’s physical exhaustion. because. Start to work in the morning. The work intensity in the factory is great. By noon, the personnel could no longer support it. If you stay up until the afternoon, the staff will not be able to stay up. For this reason, some factories began to provide group meals at noon. At the beginning, they were just pastries, but pastries could not provide enough calories. Then, lunch appeared.

Later, it is provided by other factories. Subsequently, Qin's office staff also began to provide meals. Finally, the entire Guanzhong area of ​​Qin State began to provide food, but in some other areas, such as the Hexi Corridor area of ​​Qin State, food was still not provided, not only in Qin State, but also in other countries. There are only a few areas. Only then has the habit of three meals a day. In most areas of China, two meals a day are still used. There are only very few areas where three meals are served. Such as Xinzheng in South Korea and Guyang in the north.

"Let's go." Yingyu said at this time.

"Right. How is the bank?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Not good. The situation is terrible." Yingyu replied straightforwardly.

"En." Shang Wen nodded and said at this time.

"It seems that our economic situation is not very good." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I don't know these situations, I left these things to Xiao He to take care of." Yingyu said with a relaxed expression at this time.

Most of Qin's banks are holding meetings to discuss the next steps.

"Where are we going to aim at next? Do you have any specific opinions?" Xiao He said at the meeting held.

"According to our research, we believe that in the next step, we have two directions to invest in." This time. An executive raised his hand and said.

"Go on." Xiao He became keenly interested in this view, and he wanted to listen to what the executive said.

"The two directions are, one is heavy industry. For example, our research found that Qin’s automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, and steel industry, etc., all require brand-new development, and these industries need financial support. However, these investments are huge, and it takes time to pay back." The executive said.

"However. Among these industries, there is one exception, and that is raw materials. The provision of some key raw materials is also very critical, such as crude oil." The executive said.

"En." Xiao He nodded and said at this time.

"These resources are very important to us." The executive said.

"Our economy is developing more and more. Heavy industry needs to invest quite intensively. The return also takes a certain amount of time." At this time the executive said.

"So, we invest in the oil industry." Xiao He said at this time.

"Yes," the executive said.

"Very good. We will then draw up this plan." This time. Xiao He said.

"Anything else?" This time. Xiao He asked.

"The other thing is, Qin's financial derivative products, especially financial services, I think we can do some of these products at this time." Said the executive.

"Did you mean that South Korea asked us to issue bonds recently?" Xiao He asked at this time.

"Yes. Manager," the executive said.

"I found that not only our companies need these. Even foreign financial industries also need such help." This time. The executive said.

"Very good. We can also expand into another business, which is to promote our financial products to the six countries. Now the domestic market is too narrow. And the overall recession. This is not a good thing for us. But there are a lot of funds abroad, we need them to bring in." Xiao He said at this time.

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