"Bang." A gunshot broke the calm night in the Hexi Corridor.

"Damn, there is a situation." On another Qin army defensive position. The assembled soldiers immediately took up their weapons.

"Shoot. Bang. Bang." Gunshots kept coming.

An elderly veteran recalled the situation at the time and said.

"At the time, I was very young. I was only eighteen years old. I had just joined the army for less than a month. Within a month, I only learned to shoot. However, the emergency sent us to the front." The veteran paused. Then talked about it.

"I didn't know that day. I was sleeping at that time. During the few days when we came to the front line, we had been very nervous, and the nervousness made me sleep poorly. The veteran recalled.

"That day, we finally fell asleep. God knows why we fell asleep that day." The veteran waved his arm and said.

"Maybe we are too tired. Just when we were asleep. Suddenly heard a gunshot. We woke up from our dream. Then our monitor rushed in. At that time, he was only wearing a single shirt and holding it in his hands. The rifle yelled at us." said the veteran.

"We haven't recovered from our sleep. We were woken up by the squad leader. We didn't know what the squad leader yelled at the time. Anyway, I got it from the squad leader." The veteran said with a smile at this time. It seemed that this was the situation at the time.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." When I heard the gunshot. The machine gun also reacted subconsciously. The machine gun fired at their calibrated target.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gun kept shooting. Flew past the dim light by bullets. The soldiers of the Qin Army could vaguely see some dim figures moving not far away.

"Damn it. Why did you shoot." The officer on duty at the front asked loudly at this time.

Everything came too suddenly. At this time, the officers didn't know why they suddenly exchanged fire.

"I don't know, sir." A soldier said, moving his hat.

"Damn it. I don't know what to fire." The officer said angrily.

"Then, what should we do?" the soldier said.

"Stop shooting, let's see the situation." The officer said at this time.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Gunshots continued to fire at this time. At this time, the officer still couldn't figure out what happened. A soldier opened fire. This led to a chain reaction. After all, the Marines are not all veterans who have gone through battle. The excessive nervousness of some recruits can often cause such things to happen.

"Sergeant, what happened?" A lieutenant walked over and asked at this moment.

"I don't know. Gunshots came from over there, but I heard some horses. It seems to be Qiang." At this time, the sergeant replied.

"Oh." The lieutenant nodded that he knew.

"Flare, we need flares." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"The flares. The flares are coming," a soldier responded.

"Bang." A dull gunshot sounded. The flares lifted off quickly.

The dazzling flares are shining brightly. Keep the situation on the front line bright. Through the white light. The lieutenant finally saw the situation.

"Damn it. It's the Qiang. They are launching an attack. Shoot immediately. Quickly." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"Shoot. Shoot." The sergeant shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang. Bang. Suddenly. Suddenly." For a moment, the gunshots burst loudly. Bullets kept shooting at what they thought was an enemy.

"Shooting. Keep shooting." Qin Army officers and non-commissioned officers shouted loudly. And the front command post at the back was made nervous by the sudden gunshots.

"What happened?" A lieutenant colonel called the front company.

"I don't know. Gunshots are everywhere. My soldiers told me. They found Qiang." At this time. A captain answered with the phone.

"Find out the situation." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"Yes. Sir," the captain replied loudly.

The lieutenant colonel hung up helplessly. The situation on the front lines is terrible. No one knows what happened that night. Who fired the first shot. And what did he see.

However, at dawn. Qin Jun finally understood something.

"One row forward. The second row covers. Forward." A lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." More than 30 armed Qin Army Marines swiftly marched forward with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

A heavy water-cooled machine gun provided fire support. And the target they searched is the area they shot wildly yesterday. In that area, what was seen in the officer's telescope was a large number of corpses. In addition to humans, there are horses.

"Damn it." A sergeant grabbed a corpse's clothes at this time, grabbed the corpse and looked at it and said.

"It's Qiang, they did attack us yesterday." The sergeant threw away the corpse in his hand and said.

The soldiers of the Qin State Marine Corps who were searching were all looking at their results with ease at this time.

"It seems that the Qiang people planned to attack our town yesterday." A second lieutenant said while looking at the corpses all over the floor.

"Yes, there are a lot of them. We need to tell the lieutenant colonel what happened here." A captain knelt down and looked at the surroundings and said. The corpses of Qiang people were all around, shooting wildly overnight, so that the soldiers of the Qin Army did not know how many people were killed by the shots. But they unexpectedly repelled a Qiang attack.

"The smell of these Qiangs is dead." A second-class soldier said and kicked the Qiang corpse. Qiang people are extremely fierce, fierce enough to attack opponents, they show extraordinary courage, but under the sophisticated defense and powerful firepower weapons. The Qiangs couldn't open the defensive circle built by the Qin people at all. They had to leave here after suffering a severe blow. they know. They encountered an opponent who was more difficult to attack than any previous enemy.

"Damn it. These Qiangs, they wanted to attack us last night." The lieutenant colonel inspected the front line and saw Qiang corpses all over the floor.

"They want to attack us with these **** weapons," said the lieutenant colonel kicking a crudely crafted bow and arrow.

"Sir, what should we do now?" a lieutenant asked.

"We need to send a cavalry patrol to check the surrounding conditions. With those **** heavenly troops, our intelligence is simply not available." The lieutenant colonel complained.

"We can only organize investigation activities ourselves." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Then we still can't conduct an effective attack." The lieutenant asked at this time.

"Yes, look at those Qiang people, we don't even know where they will appear." said the lieutenant colonel.

The lieutenant replied speechlessly, because this was indeed the case.

The situation that the lieutenant colonel said, the Qin Heavenly Army is working hard to change it. They also know that they can provide effective investigations, but the status of their flight plan is simply too bad.

"Our flight plan is terrible. The airship flew out and couldn't land, and some planes forced to land. This situation really makes us feel unbearable." A captain complained to a colonel constantly.

"Pay attention to your words and deeds," the colonel said impatiently.

"Yes, sir," the captain said helplessly.

"But what I said is true." said the captain.

"I know the facts you said, but the current situation is worse than this. We need more airports to solve this problem, and there are more ground crews, but none of these. The above are just planes, A lot of airships were transferred, but no one was on the ground to manage these **** planes, and the airships **** and urinate." The colonel said violently.

The captain had nothing to say.

Just when the colonel and the captain were talking about some ground handling issues. One of Qin's airship found a bad situation.

"Look at what's down there?" said a flying corporal from his position.

"Let me see." A second lieutenant came over and said.

"It seems to be a Qiang, not our army." The ensign said at this time.

"Let me see." The second lieutenant picked up the telescope to check the ground.

The airship is moving on at this time.

"We found Qiang people below. We need to lower the altitude." The ensign yelled loudly and ran into the cockpit at this time.

"Qiang people were found below. We need to lower the altitude and shoot them with a machine gun." The ensign said to the captain of the airship at this time.

"Okay, lower the altitude. Five hundred steps down two hundred." The captain said loudly at this time.

After the captain gave the order. Stretched his head and looked out.

A group of black things are gathering.

"Take the telescope, I'll take a look." The captain said while taking the telescope at this time.

"Okay. Sir." The ensign handed his telescope to the captain.

"Why didn't they avoid it? They looked up at us. It seems we need to give them a little bit of color." The captain said.

"The airship will drop another hundred." The captain issued an order.

"We need to show them some color." The captain said.

The airship slowly descended their height. The Qiang people below looked up and watched the airship slowly descend. They were very curious about this kind of flying things. They looked at things flying in the sky with a sense of awe. As a result, they didn't even know that this was an aircraft piloted by the people of Qin, and they probably didn't even mean to evade at this time.

"Machine gun. Ready." The ensign shouted loudly.

The muzzle had been aimed at those ignorant Qiangs who looked up at the airship.

"Shoot." The ensign shouted loudly.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gun spurted out a dazzling tongue of fire.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gun on the airship issued a deadly flame at the same time.

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