The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1176: Chaos Korean currency

"I don't know what happened in this telegram?" Wang Jian looked at Yang Duanhe and said.

"We need to understand what happened in the whole situation? And that is, we need reasons, why did they retreat, why did the frontline not report this situation. Especially those combat troops who arrived, why didn't they respond to this situation." At this time, Wang Jian asked. A series of confusion.

Regarding the series of questions raised by Wang Jian. Yang Duanhe couldn't answer. In his view, these problems are difficult to solve. Because they are too far from the front line. Even if there is a communication tool like the telegraph, they are unable to know exactly what is happening ahead of them because of the lack of direct observation.

The Qin Jun’s staff was slow to respond to this telegram, but there was no way. They could not make a decision immediately with a telegram that had not been confirmed. In this case, the staff would have no meaning.

The staff is still implementing their decisions most of the time. Mainly in the strategic direction. The country of Qin now has a vast territory, and naturally there are many places to manage, but it is obvious that the country of Qin is too busy.

In South Korea, some details of life are gradually pushing South Korea to the edge of danger.

"Can you exchange a live chicken with my fish?" In the Korean market, an ordinary Korean citizen said to another citizen.

"Here, you add a few more eggs, I'll change them." The fisherman said actively.

"Okay." As he said, the person holding the chicken added a few eggs in exchange for a fish. In this market, the number of people using Qin's half and two banknotes suddenly dropped. And the number of people using copper coins began to increase. But because the copper coins are too heavy and inconvenient to use, the people who use them directly take the goods for exchange.

Those who use gold and silver coins become the most popular and sought-after customers and merchants, and they usually trade at the lowest prices in the market. Because there are very few gold and silver coins in circulation on the market.

Of course. In some dark places on the streets, some shady transactions are still going on. They use Qin's half and two banknotes for direct transactions.

And ordinary people still have quite a lot of paper money in their hands, so some people took the risk and made transactions. However, such transactions are conducted in private. And it's very concealed. But once caught, he will be punished very high. Therefore, when many people conduct transactions, they will choose some hidden places, but doing so quickly breeds another kind of crime.

"Have you got the goods?" This time. An ordinary citizen said.

"That." A supplier said after pointing his finger. And the ordinary citizen looked back directly.

"Woo." A wooden stick came quickly.

"Boom." There was a sound. The ordinary citizen was knocked directly to the ground.

"Quick. Search the body." As they said, the two delivery people quickly searched each other's body and took away the Qin Guoban two banknotes they wanted in an instant.

And those who regained their consciousness did not dare to report the crime. Can only eat so dumb loss myself. The reason for this law is all because South Korea has promulgated a brand new law. This ordinance is the "Korea Local Currency Act."

The promulgation of this decree marked the beginning of South Korea's use of its own currency. But what they issue is not paper money, but gold, silver and copper coins. Three different currencies.

The law stipulates that these three currencies are legal in South Korea, and only these three currencies can be circulated in the Korean market. The circulation of other currencies is illegal and once discovered. Confiscate immediately and impose severe punishment on the parties.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this decree, but the error is that Qin’s half-and-two banknotes have been in circulation in Korea for a long time, and Koreans have become accustomed to using Qin’s half-and-two banknotes for transactions. The most terrible thing is that in South Korea. The economic development is very fast, especially the trade exchanges are also very intensive, and the use of banknotes is also quite frequent.

In addition, the Royal Bank of South Korea has the right to issue new currencies. At this time, the Royal Bank directly issued the new currencies as their loan payments, especially the newly emerging Zhao State market. South Korea directly killed a large amount of hard currency to the Zhao country market. The Zhao State market squeezed a lot of Qin State banknotes.

But the problem is here, there are not many new currencies. And the material is not much, the material is real gold and platinum. These are rare precious metals. This metal exists in nature, and its amount directly depends on the amount of gold mined. Rather than artificial issuance.

On the one hand, South Korea banned the circulation of Qin's half-two banknotes in South Korea. On the other hand. A new currency is to be issued, but this currency has no practical significance. This leads to a very strange phenomenon.

After the Korean market banned half of the banknotes. Suddenly entered a place where there is no currency transaction. Those banknotes can only be circulated if they are exchanged for newly issued hard currency, but there is not much of these hard currency at all. This directly caused the above phenomenon.

In order to survive the transaction, people have adopted the original barter exchange transaction method. There is no way. Many things need to be purchased from the market.

For a time. In the Korean market, all kinds of things are circulating in the market, and they themselves consciously act as the principle of the general equivalent of currency.

And on the other side. Some people use those banknotes secretly. After all, there is nothing more convenient and quicker than banknotes. The South Korean government issued banknotes, and the exchange banknotes did not have enough gold coins for exchange. This gave some speculators a chance to take advantage of them, and they suddenly reduced the price of banknotes a lot. At the same time, the price of gold coins is raised very high. Then take the opportunity to earn the price difference. This is a very terrible speculative behavior, because the Korean people have a considerable amount of Qin national half and two banknotes in their hands. Most of them live in urban areas, and they are used to the rhythm of urban life. Many things are made through purchase. This has caused speculators to find a good opportunity, and many people take advantage of this opportunity to madly amass wealth.

They took the money they had gathered to Qin to squander it. On the other side, they lowered the purchase price and caused the direct looting of the wealth of the Korean people.

To some extent, they are messing up South Korea's financial order, but in fact, this is also caused by South Korea itself.

The financial problem is a big one. Han Shu is eager to issue his own currency to replace the special status of Qin's banknotes. This has caused the current situation to happen.

For what happened. Han Shu didn't have any preparations. She also didn't realize how much impact this would have on South Korea.

And their attention at this time is all on Qi Guo, because they are doing the biggest banking business, and this voice can bring great prosperity to South Korea.

"My conditions are all above. These conditions are all given to us by the king, and we are only here to implement them. We can't change much of the rest." A representative sent by South Korea handed over a document to Tian Heng. The content of this document is about Korean conditions. The conditions in South Korea are very harsh.

Although Tian Heng knew that it was very uncomfortable to accept this condition. But still resisted not posting and looked at it.

This condition is such that South Korea will have more than 50 places in the Qi concession, of which, in five years' time. If Qi State still has not completed the repayment, it will develop another twenty. Most of these places are concentrated in some coastal areas, as well as the traffic arteries from South Korea to the coastal areas of Qi. Han Shu obviously wants to establish another outlet for South Korea. Moreover, in the concession of the ocean location, a large amount of sea salt can be obtained. These things are an important resource for Korea.

In addition to these, South Korea has the right to send garrisons to a certain extent. This right is only in the concession to maintain local law and order. Others do not make excessive demands.

The rest of the conditions are also very clear, that is, South Korea wants to trade with Qi. As for the tariff issue, Qi should discuss with South Korea.

Taking into account the limited repayment ability of Qi, South Korea hopes to handle Qi’s tax management on behalf of Qi to help Qi people complete tax collection. This is obviously to bring Qi’s taxation work into South Korea’s management.

And in return. South Korea will provide an objective payment, and this payment will be issued in the form of banknotes. Then lent it to Qi Guo.

At the same time, South Korea seductively uses another financial tool. Bonds.

South Korea promised to stabilize the situation. South Korea will issue a certain amount of Qi State bonds to help Qi State quickly resume construction. of course. The Royal Bank of Korea will provide more loan support, and the initial loan amount is one million gold, and one million gold will be issued in the form of banknotes.

These conditions are already quite harsh, but Han Shu is still not satisfied. Among the conditions, she specifically put forward some requirements for the management of sea areas and the rights of the sea. These requirements require Qi to provide a certain area of ​​sea areas for South Korea to use. South Korea wants to use these seaports as outlets into the sea.

"Go to the sea." Tian Heng had a profound influence on this article. He thought it was very strange that South Korea requested such a request alone.

Although strange, Tian Heng did not arouse undue attention or conjecture. He still doesn't understand what South Korea wants to do. But South Korea’s conditions are too harsh. Tian Heng hesitated for a while, after all, such conditions are difficult to accept in any country. This is for him. It is unbelievable. In addition to these. Tian Heng needs to consider his country's requirements.

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