The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1220: Can take advantage of

The country of Yan after the war is also full of defects. The war was fought extremely tragically, especially after the weapons were upgraded. Especially in the capital of Yan State, some heavy artillery was used. Heavy artillery after the bombardment. The bombs were everywhere in ruins. Half of the Yan State Capital City was bombed to flat ground.

The colonel was ordered to station in Yandu, and in Yandu, he received an order. The order came from Yan Guo's Prince Dan. He asked the colonel to check the extent of the damage to the capital of Yan State. The result of the colonel's inspection made him very worried.

"There are ruins everywhere, what else can be built in such a capital," the colonel said to his men on the horse.

"The loss of personnel in the capital is also very serious. Materials are also lacking. I really don't know if this capital should be abandoned." The major on the side said at this time.

"En. I'll report it to the prince. I don't know what King Yan plans." The colonel said to himself like this.

At this time, King Yan in Liaodong didn't care much about what happened in the country. Liaodong became as prosperous as the country through the business of Qin and Yan businessmen. In addition, this is the only way for Qin's mercenaries and Yan to enter North Korea. So the business here is developing rapidly. the most important is. There is no war here. Without the huge destructive effects of war, on the contrary, the commerce here is extremely developed.

All kinds of materials are hoarded here. Except for the cold winter here, there is nothing to worry the Yan people here. King Yan has already planned to build the capital here.

Most importantly, it is close to North Korea. Especially Gao Li people. It can also be called Goryeo. They were the main targets of the Qin army, and they were also an important source of slaves captured by the Qin army.

In addition to slaves, there are a large number of various resources, especially wood. The wood here has become an important economic pillar of the paper industry in Qin and Yan.

A vast virgin forest extending along the Daxinganling Mountains to Changbai Mountain. This generation of virgin forests has become an important economic pillar of the two places, and papermaking is still a relatively advanced manufacturing industry. Furniture manufacturing. There are also medicinal materials and a variety of resources, leather and furs have become other sources of income here. In short. The abundant forestry resources here have brought rapid commercial development here.

It is also relying on the development of these commercial activities. Eastern Liaoning and Western Liaoning developed rapidly. There is no war here. Only developed commercial activities. The domestic war turbulence made the Yan people in the country choose this place as a place of refuge. The migration of these people provided the necessary labor. This allowed the rapid development of Liaodong and Liaoxi. The stable situation is also the best choice for Qin State Bank to enter, because the business here is developed and the demand for loans is very strong. The entry of Qin State Capital further promoted the economic development here. Eastern Liaoning and Western Liaoning became a brand-new development place for Yan State.

In the southern state of Chu, the economic zone of the state of Chu has also begun to show a huge divergence. With the development of the Yangtze River Golden Waterway. A large number of commercial cities have appeared on both sides of the Yangtze River, such as Changsha, Jiujiang, Wucheng, Gusu City and so on. The emergence of these cities is largely related to the rapid economic development.

Changsha, Jiujiang area, is a typical resource-based city, nearby copper mines, and other mineral resources are transported here by waterways. Collected into a huge number, and then the cargo ships transported them to the place where they are needed, in the city of Wuchang on the other side of the Yangtze River. A large number of bankrupt serfs who lost their land gathered there, and land mergers were extremely serious. The serfs were left idle. They circulate with the land. Or drive away at will. Because people are not worth money, the high concentration of land has brought professional division of labor. These divisions of labor are the requirements for the progress of large-scale and centralized planting of agricultural land.

The land of Chu State was concentrated, and crops of emergency value, rapeseed flowers, rice, medicinal materials, and other crops that could generate significant economic value were planted. After these crops were processed and sold to Qin State, the original crops could be obtained. the value of.

Such centralized and large-scale operations will inevitably reduce a certain amount of manpower. And these eliminated people are those who were driven out of serfs, or free people, their existence is superfluous, for those nobles who annexed a lot of land. It was obviously a waste to let them continue to support these people, so they chose to "liberate" these slaves. They took the method of expelling them and released these slaves. At that time, Wu Qi of Chu State made reforms in Chu State, and it took a certain amount of time to fail to change the issue of slave emancipation in Chu State. In the later period of Qu Yuan, Chu State also tried to get rid of this predicament, but it failed. However, under the leadership of Qin State, Chu State consciously completed this historical problem, which is really incredible.

These slaves who lost their food sources quickly flooded into Wuchang City. They became an important source of cheap labor. They were hired by handicraft workshop owners and became preliminary processing workers. Their existence reflects their value at this time. However, the development of Chu State in this period is still in a chaotic period.

Political chaos aggravated this dilemma.

The city of Wuchang is the territory of a large aristocratic family in the Chu Kingdom. This territory is based on the political management system of the Chu Kingdom. There should be the Chu central government to manage taxation, and they are also responsible for the urban construction of Wuchang City. These issues should be the matter of the central government. But the actual situation is.

All taxes in Wuchang City were handed over to the local nobleman. As the nobles obeyed the central government and a symbol of the king of Chu, the local government could only collect some taxes symbolically, but local government officials would not do so. They increased the tax privately. They are full of their own pockets, and only pay a small part of them upwards, and most of them have been intercepted by them. Thus. Taxes have increased in disguise. The nobles do not have to pay taxes. But the taxpayer bears more than two tax burdens. The lives of Chu people are still in poverty.

This situation is not only happening in Wuchang City. In Changsha, Jiujiang area. The same is true for the people in the mining area. The ownership of the minerals is in the hands of the great nobles. And those Chu people who come to work in the mining area can only sell their cheap labor to work hard. But they can only get extremely limited labor compensation. Because the ownership is owned by the nobility, they can only get the only reward. These remunerations allow them to live near the poverty line, and they are struggling to live on the poverty line.

Most of the ownership is concentrated in the hands of the nobles. However, the ownership of Chu people is extremely limited. The consequence of this is that the nobles are getting richer and richer. The people are getting poorer and poorer. The gap between the rich and the poor in society is extremely large.

This is also the reason why Chu's water pirates and pirates can never be eliminated. Although water pirates are life-threatening. But they can live, and according to the path given by the nobles, they can't live at all. This is why there is such a big market for water pirates.

The huge gap between the rich and the poor in society is an important reason for the frequent occurrence of all social security problems. Faced with such a social situation, some people in Chu can not bear such huge exploitation, especially the double oppression of taxes. Nobles do not have to pay any taxes. This caused all the taxation pressure of Chu State to be concentrated on the low-level civilians. As a result, the state of Chu had a lot of private motives to expand overseas. Along with overseas expansion, the civilian class of Chu established a large number of overseas colonies. The original purpose of these colonies was to avoid Chu's increasingly heavy taxes. burden. This is the fundamental place for them to survive. They need such a place so much for them to survive. However, now, Chu's naval forces are targeting these places.

"We found a large number of such civilian strongholds of Chu in coastal areas. They were established in coastal areas." A captain returning to the port told Xiang Yan the situation.

"The number of these strongholds is in the range of one hundred to one thousand. We initially found as many as five." The captain said. Xiang Yan frowned and listened.

"These strongholds occupy a huge number of people, and there are many merchant ships on it. The number is not very stable, according to some information we have obtained. These strongholds are an important source of slaves. Therefore, there is a great accumulation of wealth." The captain continued. . He guided on a nautical map, which was very abstract. There are no clear coordinates above. There are only some abstract geographic guidelines. These guidelines are difficult to establish the exact coordinates of these places.

"We believe that in our next development, we must control these strongholds as soon as possible. Controlling these strongholds is of great significance to us. First, our ships can dock. Second, we can also rely on these strongholds to continue to farther places. At the same time, it can develop inland. Capture more slaves and establish more sources of wealth.” The captain explained his thoughts.

"En. What do you plan to do? How many troops are needed? Xiang Yan asked.

"A lot. However, we found that the other party has a big weakness." This time. Said the captain.

"What weakness?" Xiang Yan asked.

"They lack artillery. Their firepower is not too strong under our direct attack. They are equipped only with muskets, and we use infantry to attack. It is easy to be blocked by the other party. But we use artillery. We can take them. Also. There is another shortcoming that can be used." The captain said at this time.

"What's the shortcoming?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Merchant ship, any merchant ship can dock. This gives us an opportunity." The captain said excitedly.

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