The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1231: Petroleum petroleum

"Should we tell Yan Guo about these conditions? Sir." The colonel asked at this time.

"No, no need. Let's tell the staff directly and let them make a decision. This matter has exceeded our authority." Meng Tian said at this time.

"Yes. Sir," said the colonel.

Silla is a fast-rising tribe, and this tribe is uniting with other tribes to form a brand new alliance, which already has a strong national consciousness. The rise of this country is largely directly related to the rapid expansion of the Qin Army. If it were not for the Qin Army to strike down those large tribes, it would be impossible for Silla to rise rapidly at such a speed.

Qin's rapid expansion had a great impact. But Qin Jun's senior management didn't realize until this time how much impact his expansion had brought.

"My lord, there is an expanded meeting on national defense strategy and security." Shang Wen said when he took off his coat and hung it on a hanger.

"Enlarged National Defense Strategy Security Conference?" Meng Yi asked, holding a document.

"Yes. The National Defense Strategic Security Enlarged Conference." Shang Wen made up such a conference term temporarily.

"To be honest, I don't know what I said myself? Shangwen sat down and said at this time. And Meng Yi was obviously amused by Shangwen's frankness. Shangwen always told his truest thoughts.

"A large group of military generals. Just me, a civilian. No, two. Plus the captain." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Two civil servants. What can you do?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"The security of the country is terrible. The most terrible thing is that Qin has more and more neighbors. Moreover, we don't know each other. These peoples have a combative side. Those generals plan to conquer them by force." Shang Wen Said.

"This will cost a lot of fiscal revenue." Meng Yi said worriedly at this time.

"It is true that we can only solve all the problems by borrowing large amounts of foreign debt. In that case, our economy will be closely linked to the war." Shang Wen said.

"This is a pure military operation. There is no economic benefit, no reasonable demand." Shang Wen sat down and made a thought. Then he waved his arms and said.

Meng Yi could only answer Shang Wen in silence.

"A war without demand. As long as it can be fought, our next expenditure will be purely throwing money away. I really doubt whether our Qin State's half-two banknotes can survive this hurdle." Shang Wen said.

"So, does the Prime Minister have any plans?" Meng Yi asked.

"No. There is no plan. Our plan to reduce military expenditures has just begun, but we have to pay a large amount of military warfare expenses. Those **** Qiangs, Gaodi Qiangs can really cause us trouble." Meng Yi Time said.

"Either increase the tax. Or do something else, but now the tax must be low." Shang Wen said.

"Our economy needs to be stimulated quickly." Shang Wen said thoughtfully.

"Right. Prime Minister. Look at this. This is a telegram from South Korea. They have successfully issued a large number of bonds. However, their demand is still great. The bank asked us to give them some more bonds. "at this time. Meng Yi said.

"En. I think about it." Shang Wen opened the telegram and thought.

"What do you think?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"We still need to provide a bond of 200,000 gold." Meng Yi said at this time. Meng Yi suddenly doubled the amount of bonds issued.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Just do as you said." Shang Wen said.

"The South Korean side also asked us to speed up the printing of their banknotes. They need currency in circulation." Meng Yi said at this time.

"According to the data obtained by our latest reporter, their factories are still under-operating, and many factories lack sufficient funds to start operations." At this time. Meng Yi said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded and said at this time.

"Do you have a good way?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"No." Meng Yi then shook his head and said.

"Neither did I." Shang Wen also shook his head and said.

"However, South Korea's lack of funds is an objective fact." Shang Wen continued.

"The problem of South Korea must be solved with the funding problem, otherwise it will be in big trouble." Shang Wen said at this time.

"We can only print paper money for them, and there is no other way to solve it." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Yes. The lack of currency is a serious problem." Shang Wen said.

"I have an idea, but now it seems. This idea is not very good." Shang Wen continued.

"What idea?" Meng Yi asked.

"I want to help Korean companies go public in Qin. However, you mentioned a problem, that is, the currency problem. South Korea lacks enough currency to maintain market liquidity. In this way. Even if they are listed, I can’t get enough funds either. Because the amount of money is very small. And the listing will only make less money less, and intensify the currency circulation tends to become more and more tense. It seems, my thoughts It still lacks a certain foundation." Shang Wen said.

"It's true." Meng Yi said after nodding and thinking.

"Without sufficient funds, enterprises cannot operate. But the market itself lacks sufficient funds. If stocks are issued again, the consequences are indeed disastrous." Meng Yi said.

"So, my idea is very immature. Even if we intend to help them, but now such a situation does not mean much to them." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"It seems that we have to think of other ways. But it seems that what they lack is currency, not stocks, and there are enough bonds. Their financial reform still needs a long way to go." Shang Wen said.

"However, we also have to pay attention to our situation. The current reforms are rapidly deepening, and we need more and more resources. The lack of any kind of resource will cause panic. Even paper money is also a resource." Shang Wen Said.

"That's right. A report from the Minerals Association reminds us to pay attention to our oil problems." Meng Yi took out a report from his briefcase and handed it to Shangwen.

"What is this?" Shangwen asked after taking the file at this time.

"This is a report. Just look at it." Meng Yi said.

"However. I'll tell you." Meng Yi told Shangwen anxiously at this time.

"The Minerals Association reminded us. Pay attention to the output of oil. They are looking for all kinds of minerals. So far, they have found a large number of coal mines and iron ore. These are very rich. And the number is very large. Especially. In the territory of Zhao, they searched for a lot of coal mines, as they described it. As long as they dig twice with a shovel, they can find coal." Meng Yi said at this time.

Shang Wen smiled slightly. The place where Zhao State is located is roughly equivalent to today's Shanxi. Qin State occupies the southern part of Shanxi, while Zhao State occupies the northern part of Shanxi. The northern part, especially Yunzhong County, is roughly the area of ​​Datong today. High-quality coal is abundant there. However, Qin State does not have high-quality coal like Datong. The most important thing is that the high-quality coal there is also large-scale open-pit coal. Qin's steelmaking and power generation coal must be imported from there. It can be said. Qin is not short of coal now. in contrast. With its capital advantage, Qin State controlled the entire market, and Qin State’s coal futures trading platform firmly controlled the coal resource advantage. Those financial institutions, with its capital advantage, controlled the market and suppressed the coal market vigorously. This has caused coal prices to remain in a low range for a long period of time. This interval is more serious to Zhao's economic damage. However, Zhao people have no technology, and they have no market demand. It is strange that in the north in winter. Especially in the north of Zhao, the people of Zhao, who have a lot of coal resources, don’t even use stoves for heating. Such a strange phenomenon can show from the side how much pressure Qin people exerted on coal.

And Zhao Guoren knows why they don't use coal. The price of coal is very low. This is one of them, but it is an objective fact that their consumption power is lower. In order to obtain more profits, they have adopted almost any method they can use to deprive them of all the profits they can see. Under such crazy squeeze, people simply have no ability to consume coal. As a result, Zhao's domestic coal demand is very low.

This is caused by insufficient domestic demand in the country of Zhao. For this reason, it is necessary for the people of Zhao Guoren to improve, and the people of Qin Guoman can do very little.

"There is only one place where our oil produces oil?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. It's the northern part. Moreover, our demand is increasing rapidly. The increase is far more than the experts expected," Meng Yi said.

"Go on like this. I'm afraid we won't have oil. In that case," Meng Yi said with a bit of pessimism.

"Our plane will not fly. Our car will stop. There are many things that stop. Petroleum. Petroleum." Shang Wen said.

"Coal, iron ore, etc. are all industrial food, while oil is our blood. Without blood circulation, we have only a dead end." Shang Wen said to himself. And Meng Yi nodded to Shang Wen without doubt.

"We have to find a way to solve these oil problems. Otherwise, the later, the more troublesome." Shangwen said at this time.

"We only have to find oil, and other methods are of no use." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Unless we occupy West Asia, North Africa, or the Caucasus, I really don't know there are rich oil fields there." Shang Wen said worriedly at this time. Shang Wen thought of his own purpose of developing the ocean.

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