The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1242: This is a good thing

The artillery bombardment of the Qi army lasted for a long time, and the artillery bombardment occurred all day long. The artillery bombarded. The rumble of cannons resounded throughout the day. The Qi army infantry can only be nestled in the trenches.

"These **** artillery. The guns are fighting so hard, my ears are almost deaf." A Qi army corporal was nestled in the trenches, he said with his rifle in his arms.

"Boom boom." There was a constant roar from a distance. In the entire trench, all Qi army soldiers huddled together.

"Be careful. Be careful." In the trench, a lieutenant of the Qi army lowered his body and whispered to the crouched soldiers.

"Sir." At this time a sergeant stopped the lieutenant.

"What's the matter?" the lieutenant asked at this time.

"When will we attack?" the sergeant asked at this time.

"I don't know. I haven't received the order. Maybe we don't have to attack." The lieutenant said while looking at the sergeant.

"Oh. However, this is impossible, such a heavy bombardment. It is impossible for our infantry not to launch an attack." The sergeant said at this time.

"I don't know. Maybe not. It's better not to use it if you launch an attack." The lieutenant looked at the sergeant hesitantly. Meaning, you know what will happen. In fact, the lieutenant was very worried about launching such a big shelling. The more intense the bombardment, the longer it took. It usually means that the bigger the offense they have to launch. Such an offense would definitely kill people. How much to die. The lieutenant was really scared.

"Oh. I understand." The sergeant said at this moment.

"I understand." The sergeant said, waving his arms.

"Very good," said the lieutenant.

"Be careful. The thugs are likely to run away. Don't let them touch in." At this time. At this time, the lieutenant lowered his voice and carefully conveyed this message to the soldiers passing by.

Not far from the trench, there is a foxhole, and two Qi troops are in charge of guarding. They are the outpost of the entire line of fire. Responsible for vigilance and observation. They are the eyes of the entire line of fire. Be regarded as the last guard sentry.

There are also some skirmish observation posts in front of them. They have no specific bunkers. In addition, there are some patrolmen. But they are all far from the line of fire. The warning message is difficult to convey here at a time.

"These **** cannons. I can't hear anything." A second-class soldier of the Qi army complained.

The corporal on the side didn't say anything at this time. Just watched the situation in the distance quietly.

"I said. Old Tian. You should talk." At this time, the private soldier said to the corporal.

"No, I won't say." The corporal said at this time.

"Oh," the second class complained.

"In such a cold situation, let us stay until long. Let's talk about it. We are surrounded by them. As long as they dare to move out, they will definitely be wiped out." At this time. The private soldier said.

"Shut up, you shut up." The corporal said.

"If we let the enemy go, we will be beaten severely." The corporal said.

"Oh." The second class shook his head and said.

"Don't talk." The corporal suddenly raised his hand at this time to signal the second-class soldiers not to speak.

"What's the matter?" The second-class soldier's voice was a bit loud at this time, and he quickly picked up his rifle.

"Hush." ​​The corporal turned his head annoyed and motioned to the privates not to make a sound.

"" The corporal carefully pushed up his rifle with a bullet. Then slowly enter the aiming state. And the second-class soldiers on the side also entered the aiming state at this time.

The corporal was holding his rifle, cautiously leaping out of the trench, and then slowly advancing with the rifle.

"Raise your hand. Otherwise I'll shoot." The corporal used a squatting shooting method, holding his rifle and shouting loudly towards the dark place ahead. The sky has just entered the night, and human eyes are still unable to adapt. It's all black in front of me. This is how private soldiers are. He can see nothing.

"Hurry up and raise your hand. Raise your weapon. Come out slowly." The corporal shouted at this moment.

"Hurry up," the corporal shouted loudly again.

"Otherwise we'll shoot." The second class yelled boldly at this time.

Perhaps it was the "us" of the second class that played a big role. The mobs hiding in the darkness suddenly responded at this moment.

"Don't shoot, we are all civilians. Don't shoot." A man's voice came.

"Get out and raise your weapon. Raise both hands. Come out. Hurry up." The corporal then shouted loudly. The corporal nervously looked forward with the rifle in his hand. Although he couldn't see the situation ahead. But he can feel that something must have happened before.

"Raise your hand, hurry up. Come out. Otherwise I will raise my gun and shoot. Hurry up," the corporal shouted loudly.

"Wow." There was a sound of a rifle falling into the ground.

"We surrender, don't shoot." This time. A commoner kind of person raised his hands and stood up.

"Don't shoot, we surrender." The civilian-like figure came out and said.

"Looking at them, if they do anything, we will shoot." At this time. The corporal whispered to the privates.

"Do we need to shoot and let our people launch an attack?" the second class asked at this time.

"No, no, they will definitely find out." The corporal said nervously at this time. He didn't turn his head back. Instead, he looked directly at the mob that kept coming out. The number is increasing. The number has far exceeded the corporal's expectations.

"It seems that something happened ahead." At this moment, the lieutenant said after hearing the sound of the front guard post.

"Pay attention to the front." At this time, the lieutenant pushed up the bullet, and then entered the fighting state.

"Enter the battle. Enter the battle." This time. At this time, a corporal shouted loudly and urged the soldiers to enter the fighting position.

"Wow." Pulling the bolt, the sound of pushing the bullet came.

The lieutenant looked at the front nervously at this time, he still didn't know what was going on ahead.

"Do we need to shoot?" a sergeant asked, lying on the side of the lieutenant at this time.

"No. Don't act rashly, we don't know what happened yet." The lieutenant said cautiously at this time.

"Hush." ​​The lieutenant made a stopping voice at this time.

"There seems to be something up front. Listen." The lieutenant said at this time.

The sergeant listened with his ears upright. The lieutenant just looked into the distance.

"There must be something, we can't stand still like this." The lieutenant said at this time.

"I have to see what happened before." At this moment, the lieutenant jumped out of the trench immediately, and then cautiously walked over with his rifle.

"Let's see what happened before?" A sergeant also followed out at this time.

"All raise their hands. Hurry up." The corporal looked nervously at the large number of civilians at this time. Large number of people. But because he only has two rifles, it is very questionable whether he can control the situation.

The corporal felt very nervous at this time. He didn't even have a bayonet on his rifle. In this case, he was in a very disadvantaged position in close combat.

"What happened?" This time. The lieutenant stepped forward slowly, holding his rifle.

"Don't move." Seeing the lieutenant who appeared, the thugs who surrendered were a little panicked at this time, but the corporal's loud reprimand prevented this from happening.

"Oh. God." The lieutenant saw so many thugs holding his hands, and he immediately understood what was going on.

The lieutenant held a gun at the thugs.

"Sir." The sergeant who followed at this time stepped forward at this time. He saw the thugs holding their hands all at once.

"Oh. My goodness." This time. The sergeant couldn't help calling out.

And the thugs who surrendered didn't know what to do, they just stared blankly at the Qi army soldiers holding their rifles.

"Sergeant, go and bring someone from the platoon." The lieutenant whispered at this time.

"Yes. Yes, sir." The sergeant looked at the lieutenant at this time, then at the thugs who raised their hands, and then turned and left.

"All raised their hands. Lined up. Hurry up." The lieutenant said, raising his rifle.

"Second-class soldiers. Go forward and search them for any other weapons." The lieutenant ordered at this time.

"Yes, sir." This time. The privates stepped forward. Start searching the prisoners of war.

"Quick. Quick, there are a lot of thugs ahead, quick. Go ahead." The sergeant shouted loudly while standing on the edge of the trench at this time.

"Go forward, go forward. Hurry up." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time. Then quickly send out the offensive signal.

"Charge." Hearing the order that the soldiers of the Qi army came forward quickly, some soldiers rushed out with bayonets from time to time.

"Wow." Just when the lieutenant was worried about the situation. A large group of Qi army soldiers rushed up quickly.

"Take them all to the prisoner-of-war camp behind." At this time the lieutenant ordered.

"Yes. Sir." The sergeant agreed. Then the sergeant waved his arm quickly to signal for military action. The Qi soldiers behind quickly escorted the surrendered prisoners of war.

"Huh." The lieutenant sat down with his rifle at this time.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many people." The sergeant sat down and said at this time.

"Is there any water?" This time. The lieutenant asked.

"Yes. Sir." This time. The sergeant took out his metal canteen and handed it to the lieutenant. The metal kettle is a material from Korea and Zhao Guo. This kind of metal kettle is made of iron with some glaze on it. Once bumped, it will get rusty. However, this kind of kettle is better than those with leather bladder, mainly because there is no leather smell.

"Gudongdong." The lieutenant drank a lot in one sip.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many. But this is a good thing, we don't have to fight. They surrender, the more they surrender. The war is easy to fight." The lieutenant turned to look at the sergeant and said.

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