However, cash crops are not so easy to handle, because it requires some experts to conduct research, especially in the upstream demand, especially in Qin. Qin needs a lot of cash crops to promote the development of industrial civilization, such as rubber and palm. Oil, as well as cotton, coffee and so on. Although these things will only appear in the future, with the development of industry, industry increasingly urgently needs a cash crop resource to meet industrial demand.

These cash crops require research before they can be put into use. The temperature in the south is warm. Plants and animals flourish, and these are potential sources of industrial raw materials. These places occupied by the Chu Kingdom have great potential economic value. It is a matter of time to develop them, because the people of Chu are already aware of this. Realizing this, the rest is a matter of time.

However, the Chu State Navy was considering a whole new situation at this time.

"You said, we wiped out a noble navy, then what about the other noble navy?" After the surface battle was over. The captain of the large warship looked at the slightly detailed map and said. These maps are the latest situation maps marked by reconnaissance. But such a map still does not have accurate coordinates, especially the latitude and longitude, and even the scale. In terms of map operations, Chu State is still lagging behind.

"We wiped out an aristocratic navy of Chu, what about navy in other places?" The captain of the warship said while looking at the map.

"We must take advantage of the victory and the noble navy's sneak attack without any precautions, and quickly down the river. The sneak attack on the other party will cause serious trauma to the other party in a short period of time. Let them have no power to continue to intercept, if in the future, they Continue to intercept and attack openly when our army is weak. Then our army will be seriously unable to go to sea. We wait for the opponent to launch an offense like this. It is better to take the initiative to attack the opponent and destroy the opponent in the port facilities. You can go to sea quickly. Get the right to go to sea in a short time.” The captain said.

"Captain, this is a good idea. However, our army currently consumes extremely serious ammunition. Although the loss of personnel is not large, there are still losses. At this time, take the initiative to launch an offensive. I am afraid that it will make it difficult for our army to advance." The captain of a small warship offered his opinion.

"En." The captain glanced at each other.

"We do need to replenish ammunition. This battle consumes a lot, and some warships have also suffered some losses. Although these losses are not great, they will be very influential in future offensive battles." At this time . Another small warship captain said.

"En." The large warship nodded at this time to express understanding. Because these losses do exist, the lack of gunpowder is also a problem. Without enough gunpowder, the firepower advantage cannot be continuously launched.

When the captain heard this, he really began to think. These circumstances have to be considered. Because if you don't think about it, launching an offensive hastily will not be sustainable.

"I think our army should launch an offensive. Fighters are difficult to find. What the captains said is indeed the reality. However, the fighters are very beneficial to us. If we give up this fighter, we will lose in the future. Quite a lot of time. To attack the opponent, and our army is not as good as the noble navy. The noble navy has huge financial support. Not only that, their ships are larger than ours. The number is much larger than ours. In the future For a period of time, our army will inevitably be suppressed by the opponent. At that time, we are as if we are stuck in the neck by the opponent. In the end, we will be slowly stuck to death by the opponent. At this time, we don’t beat the opponent, let go and we are stuck. The hand of our neck, then, we will never have a chance. Conquer each other and gain the power to go to sea." The first officer said excitedly.

At this time, the captains, although reluctant in their hearts, still believed that the chief mate had made a lot of sense. Supply is one aspect of the problem, but fighters are difficult to find. Once a fighter is missed, it will be very troublesome to find the same fighter in the future. War is a process of seizing opportunities and making fewer mistakes.

"Supply is indeed a problem. Do you have any good ways to solve these problems? If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult for our army to win enough victories in future battles. You must know that the losses are heavy for our army. It's also a failure." The captain looked at everyone and said.

"Such a failure is also serious. We must be fully prepared." The captain continued.

"Captain, I think we can solve this problem like this." The chief officer said.

"This is the place where Chu's noble naval forces berthed. There must be some places to store gunpowder on the shore. In addition, our army can seize some ammunition supplies from the other side. This can solve part of it. In addition, we quickly dispatched personnel to quickly mobilize the rear. The strength is reinforced. We only need to attack a navy port. We will definitely be able to obtain supplies. Using the other side's supplies is the best way." The chief officer said.

"En. It is a good way to support the war by war. That's how it should be done. Everyone prepares immediately. There is only one day. At night, our army will set off quickly. Fighting opportunities cannot be lost." The captain said sternly at this time.

"Here." All the captain's first officers replied loudly. Fighting opportunities are fleeting, seizing them is to seize the key to attacking the Chu aristocratic navy.

The Chu navy needed to go to sea to attack the strongholds spontaneously established by the Chu people, and the noble navy was an obstacle in front of them. Only by defeating the opponent can the navy further achieve its strategic goals.

However, the Chu people are passing through the stable period of stronghold construction. This period is very important to the Chu people, because a stable environment allows them to develop rapidly.

"We continue to head south. Walking along the coastline, we will find many places that we have never discovered before." A Chu captain shouted from a high place.

"As long as we occupy a coastal stronghold, we can make a fortune. There are already a lot of Chu people in the north. Only by constantly going south and attacking those Vietnamese can we have a way to survive. There is not much danger. We just need to follow along. If you walk along the coastline, you will definitely be able to make a fortune. Set off." The captain shouted loudly at this time. The captain is not dressed like a captain at all. His clothes are extremely tattered. It can be said that none of his clothes is intact.

The captains of the Chu people came from civilians and slave classes. They were all born of hardship. Naturally, they were not so particular about dressing. In addition to fighting at sea, they were extremely cruel and the clothes were pulled seriously. Not intact clothes are very scouting.

The people of Chu were also forced to go south. Going deep inland is where the mountains and forests are more and more people, and those places are densely forested mountains. The geographical environment is extremely complex. In some places, the water network is densely covered, and in some places the miasma is permeated. If you encounter a sneak attack by the Yue people, you will basically suffer heavy losses. Even if they have the advantage of weapons, the Chu people will not be able to penetrate into it. The strongholds established by the Chu people are basically based on the development of the commercial system, maybe so. Their strongholds have been established through careful calculations. They captured Vietnamese prisoners of war and made money in themselves. The cost of capturing those in coastal areas was not high because the terrain was flat. As long as the other side launched a combat formation, the Chu people would basically have a one-sided situation. However, if you want to go deep inland, the situation will change drastically.

The inland complex geographical environment. People in Chu are very scared. After they went deep inland. Often they were counterattacked favorably by the more people in the mountains, because they were far away from the stronghold, their advantages were lost, and gunpowder weapons were unable to use guns because of the jungle. As a result, it is conceivable that the cost of capturing Vietnamese prisoners of war by the Chu people would be Rise rapidly.

Considering these, the people of Chu chose to continue to develop south. Because if you develop to the south, more coastal areas will appear. When these coastal areas appear, more people will appear. The most important thing is that the shipping method is convenient. Expanding in coastal areas is simple and easy. Some people, they can occupy a large area of ​​the coast, not only that, their cost of capturing slaves has dropped a lot. Benefits will rise a lot.

So, after the people of Chu expanded their first round of strongholds. Then they carried out the second round of expansion. In this expansion, they will develop further south, and if the Chu people continue to develop south, they will surpass today's Fujian and then enter Guangdong. Then there are Guangxi and Hainan. These places are savage places, and everything is unknown, but these unknown places are wealth for the people of Chu. They are not afraid of challenges, they are only afraid of typhoons.

However, at this time, Chu people still don’t know what a typhoon is, not only Chu people, but even Koreans themselves. Although Shangwen mentioned typhoons, in some geography magazines, Shangwen said it was a kind of typhoon. cyclone. It is the power of nature. However, since they have not seen it before, the people of Qin have not studied it carefully. The reason is simple. Those things are very far away from Qin. Only land is what Qin is most concerned about. Qin experts study all things on land, but in the ocean, there is still a blank.

The destructive power caused by typhoons is very serious. There are often merchant ships. Most of them are caused by typhoons because of the bad weather. These typhoons have caused many ships to enter the sea. Sailing is not only a challenge, it also has many unknown dangers. The crew went through no less than a war. They were fighting against the sky and fighting their own destiny.

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