"The South Korean side has gathered a large number of Qin national banknotes." Shang Wen said at the cabinet's economic meeting.

"They still don't know how to dispose of these Qin State banknotes, so we have to show them the purpose and let them learn to spend money." Shang Wen said while looking at the surrounding cabinet members.

"These Qin State banknotes are now South Korea's foreign exchange reserves. We must make reasonable use of these foreign exchange reserves to allow their funds to flow into Qin State. Let Qin State's industry continue to develop." Shang Wen said.

"Then, Prime Minister." At this time, the Minister of Economy raised his hand and asked.

"So, what should we do?" the minister asked Shangwen.

"We need to develop our own financial market and allow these foreign exchange reserves to enter the financial market of Qin. All economic reforms and economic prosperity should first start with the financial industry. Our current stock market is temporarily in a downturn. This downturn is unable to expand the financing level of our economic entities. In other words, our real economy is now very short of funds, and we must find a way to inject these funds into it." Shang Wen looked at the economic minister and said.

"The specific plan is like this. We need to communicate with South Korea and ask them to inject this money into Qin's stock market. The specific implementation is to allow Korean banks to establish banks in Qin. Or investment companies, allow They inject capital into the stock market, and then we will develop other stock markets." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En. In this case, our stock market will inject a large amount of capital at once, and the stock market will prosper quickly." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"En. We can't immediately prosper." Shang Wen said at this time.

"All things have a process of time accumulation." Shang Wen said at this time.

"It didn't rise quickly all at once," Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, we still need to make some major adjustments." Shang Wen said while looking at everyone.

"The next thing to do is to cut interest rates by the bank. Release the funds in the hands of the bank. The specific industry needs the market to make its own decisions. We can't decide everything." Shang Wen said.

"Interest rate cut?" The bank minister said in surprise at this time.

"Yes. To cut interest rates, interest rates must be lowered. Deposit reserve ratios must also be lowered." Shang Wen said.

"We have to give a clear signal. Funds in the market will quickly become sufficient. The market does not lack funds." Shang Wen said.

"So, when do we announce this news?" said the bank minister. The bank minister is a cabinet office established by Shang Wen. This official position is mainly to manage banking affairs, especially the role and functions of the government in the banking alliance.

The deposit reserve was after Qin State established the Banking Union. A major innovative measure, which is effective in avoiding large-scale bank failures during the run. Banks can effectively prevent such incidents from happening through deposit reserves. Can effectively protect the interests of depositors from loss.

"This needs to be discussed with all banks. This afternoon, a special financial meeting of the Banking Union will be held. Discuss such things and complete them as soon as possible. This is very important to us." Shang Wen looked at the bank minister and said.

"Yes, I understand, Prime Minister." said the bank minister.

"In terms of financial markets, we must introduce policies as soon as possible to cooperate with them," Shang Wen said.

"We must attract capital from South Korea. In addition, we must find ways to re-expand our investment in other countries. Only investment can allow us to regain the initiative. Especially Zhao Guo and Yan Guo." Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister, not only these countries, our country also needs to build. Many infrastructures are not perfect enough, these infrastructures cannot allow our investment to expand quickly, we should pay attention to our domestic situation, not the foreign situation." The Minister of Economy said with some dissatisfaction at this time.

"That’s right. This is how we thrive in the stock market. We hope that those construction companies will rely on building our stock market to thrive. But one thing we have to understand is that government revenue is very small now. In addition to the huge war expenditures, we The issue of military expenditure must be resolved before the issue of infrastructure construction can be resolved." Shang Wen paused and said.

"So, solving the problem of high military expenditure is directly related to the issue of infrastructure construction. We need to reach an agreement with the military to make this agreement effective." Shang Wen said at this time.

"This agreement is to maintain a long-term peaceful environment. We need a long-term peaceful environment to improve the investment environment." Shang Wen said.

"This is difficult." Meng Yi said at this moment, shaking his head.

"Difficult. It also needs to be done." Shang Wen said firmly.

Just when Shang Wen and his cabinet members discussed cutting military expenditures. After continuous discussions between Wang Jian and Li Mu, the two parties temporarily reached a preliminary agreement.

This agreement stipulates the size of the border guards between Qin and Zhao. And the number of fortifications in the defense area, the number of turrets, and so on.

"There is a long border between our two countries. But we only deployed a total of less than 50,000 troops on this border. This is really unimaginable." Li Mu said to Wang Jian with a smile at this time.

"It's really hard to imagine. Our Qin Army has deployed less than 20,000 people, while you have more than 30,000." Wang Jian looked at Li Mu and said.

"There is no way, our weapons did not make you advanced. If you deploy the same force, you will form a strong military advantage, and we will feel very nervous." Li Mu said at this time.

"En. This is indeed the case." Wang Jian said. The Qin Army, which has absolute technical superiority, has an advantage in this regard, and technical superiority can often make up for the Qin Army's weakness in the number of troops. In fact, the situation in Qin's border defenses was indeed the case, with rebellions of varying degrees in various parts of Qin. Consumes Qin's mobile force. With the consumption of mobile forces, Qin had to redeploy border defense forces to act as mobile forces. This made it impossible for Qin to keep a large number of troops on the border. And the border defense agreement that Zhao Guo requested at this time could just free Qin from this predicament.

Because Qin wants to achieve absolute superiority in the frontier defense areas, especially the strength of armed counterattack. Qin wants to remain in Zhao at the same time. South Korea has absolute military superiority. These military advantages have greatly dispersed the use of Qin's forces. The war in the Northwest is tight now. The State of Qin was unable to deploy troops. In these two directions, a large number of superior forces have been stranded. Wang Jian's initial idea was to transfer troops from these two regions.

However, the forces of these two regions cannot be mobilized due to problems with military superiority. There are not enough reasons, it is impossible to draw troops. Although the relations between Qin and South Korea and Zhao are allies, this kind of alliance is somewhat fragile, and both sides have the heart to guard against. At present, only by resolving the Northwest issue and reorganizing its armaments, the Qin State can re-enhance the deployment of troops in these two directions.

It was under this situation of deployment of troops that Wang Jian planned to reach such a preliminary plan with Li Mu, and then went back to ask King Qin to approve the agreement before it could take effect. Shangwen placed great hopes on this agreement, because it not only brought peace, but most importantly, it gave Qin a chance to reorganize its military power. Qin's armed forces are relatively scattered, and Qin needs to reorganize to make greater preparations for combat.

Li Mu didn't think so. If this agreement can be reached, then Zhao will quickly reduce a large number of military personnel. The reduction of these military personnel can save a considerable amount of military expenditure. With such a military expenditure, they can rebuild a capable Zhao army. Although the size of this Zhao army has become smaller. However, the combat effectiveness will rise to a big step with all strength, and Li Mu has planned to retain a large number of talented and experienced officers and noncommissioned officers. Only a part of military recruits are retained. The service life of recruits is two years. During these two years, they will have to learn military basics. Then, by means of signing non-commissioned officers, some personnel were retained and replaced, thus achieving the problem of the replacement of military personnel.

Li Mu plans to retain the strength of the regular army. Establish Zhao Guo’s own reserve service system, but to do so, he must cooperate with Guo Kai. Because reserve and civilian forces need to be closely integrated, and the implementation of a policy requires the support of civilian policies. The state of Zhao where military and politics are separated may be very difficult to implement.

The Koreans will not care about Zhao's situation. The South Korean side is discussing this matter.

"At present, South Korea holds more and more Qin State banknotes. This is a good thing. There are no Qin State banknotes on the market in South Korea, but we have more and more banknotes in our hands. These banknotes are valuable, and we only The value can only be realized if we can spend it on the Qin State market. We have so many banknotes, what can we do?" Zhang Liang said at this time.

"That, that, that, also, yes, yes, one kind." Han Fei stammered at this time.

"The prime minister doesn't have to say it. Just write it out." Han Shu said at this time.

Han Fei nodded at this moment. Then took the pen and paper and started to write. And Han Shu patiently waited.

"Introducing equipment and expanding production." Han Shu read what Han Fei had written at this time.

"En." Han Fei nodded at this time.

And after Han Shu read it this time, he just frowned, without any indication. Han Shu thinks this is difficult to do. Because this requires Qin's permission. And Qin State absolutely does not allow the transfer of technology while occupying a technological advantage. This is difficult to do.

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