The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1296: Mohist's fear

"In the front, right there. We recently followed them and found that the fallen aristocrats are all gathered here." A South Korean military intelligence agent, hiding in a dark corner and guiding a low place in front one's house.

"Those nobles are gathered here." Another intelligence officer asked at this time.

"Yes, those people are really hateful." The intelligence officer said at this time.

"So, shall we do it?" the intelligence officer said at this time.

"Wait." Another intelligence officer said at this time.

"We still need to wait." The intelligence officer asked anxiously at this time.

"Yes. We have to wait. We have to find out all the noble activities, only in this way. We can catch them all." Another intelligence officer said at this time.

"Okay." The intelligence officer said at this time.

Immediately, intelligence personnel continued to monitor their activities, and their ideas must be confirmed. Only in this way can all problems be solved. Intelligence personnel are very cautious about such things.

Inside the Qin State Embassy in South Korea.

"The prime minister, Xianyang sent a telegram. It said that Xianyang's gold futures prices are constantly rising. The reason is that South Korea is secretly acquiring, which has caused our domestic gold prices to rise rapidly." An assistant said at this time.

"What does this mean?" Meng Yi stopped and asked at this moment.

"It shows that South Korean funds have begun to secretly enter the State of Qin and carry out financial activities." The assistant said at this time.

"Is this the content of the telegram sent from China?" Meng Yi asked when he looked at the telegram in the assistant's hand.

"Yes. Prime Minister." The assistant nodded at this time.

"En. Then the prime minister has no other requirements?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"No. No special telegram instructions were sent." The assistant said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded at this time.

"It seems that we are going to proceed according to the original plan." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Let's go, let's have talks with South Korea." Meng Yi said at this time.

Qin State and South Korea held a special financial meeting.

"The Prime Minister's speech was wonderful and inspiring." At this time, Meng Yi first praised Han Fei's speech.

"Prime Minister Meng is a little bit, a little too much." Han Fei tried his best to avoid stuttering as much as possible.

"Let's talk about some, some business." Han Fei said confidently.

"Our Qin State's plan is like this. You South Korea has gathered a lot of Qin State banknotes, because South Korea has brand-new banknotes, and there is a currency trading system between our two countries, which makes these Qin State banknotes impossible. Return to Qin State in time." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Our prime minister also understands that this situation is a loss to South Korea." Meng Yi said at this time.

"No. This is not a loss." At this time, the South Korean Minister of Economy said actively. And Meng Yi just looked up at each other.

"Our situation has not reached the point of a loss. We can invest the money in the south of Qin State." At this time, the Minister of Economy said actively.

"The south of Qin State?" Meng Yi asked suspiciously at this time.

At this moment, Han Fei took the initiative to raise an arm to signal him not to speak.

South Korea has established its own water power in the southern state of Qin. And it is developing rapidly, but South Korea is now encountering unprecedented difficulties in its development. The simple development of surface power, especially the creation of a special quasi-navy surface armed force, requires a large amount of capital investment. Today, South Korea’s fiscal expenditure is spent on the construction of civil infrastructure.

It is no longer possible for the government to come up with considerable funds to support the development of surface armed forces. Therefore, after the rapid development of water surface power development, it rapidly decreases. This caused the South Korean surface armed forces to come to a standstill.

The South Korean surface armed forces have issued several consecutive reports requesting more military funds, but the South Korean government was unable to provide it. At this time, the South Korean government happened to have a large number of Qin national banknotes in its hands, so South Korea thought of using these money for the development of South Korean surface armed forces.

But the development of the naval business is a matter of South Korea's secret. The Minister of Economy apparently leaked these things out. So Han Fei took the initiative to stop it. But at this time, Meng Yi has attracted considerable attention. Meng Yi believes that it is in the south of Qin State. South Korea is gathering a certain kind of special power, which has affected the development of Qin. Meng Yi frowned and looked at each other.

"What is Qin's plan?" Han Fei asked word by word at this time.

"En." Meng Yi said at this time, quickly pulling back his thoughts.

"According to our prime minister's plan. Allow South Korean funds to invest in Qin's real economy, that is to say, South Korean funds can enter Qin's enterprises to hold shares in Qin's enterprises." At this time, Meng Yi followed Shangwen's instructions. Said with words.

"Hold, hold the shares of Qin State Enterprise?" Han Fei asked actively at this time.

"Yes." At this time, Meng Yi nodded and agreed.

"We are allowed to hold the shares of Qin State Enterprise, but the holding ratio cannot reach 30%. This is our bottom line." Meng Yi said at this time.

"What can we do with the shares of Qin State Enterprise?" the Minister of Economy asked at this time.

"If you can maintain your own appreciation and buy bonds, you may not buy them again." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Now only buy shares." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Is there a difference between shares and stocks?" Han Fei asked at this time.

"Yes?" Meng Yi said at this time.

"Shares can be transferred, but they cannot be bought and sold. That is to say, they cannot be traded publicly in the open market." Han Fei said at this time.

"The last bond transaction made our country suffer unprecedented losses. Now, should we continue to lose?" At this time, the Minister of Economy said.

"We are very sorry for what happened last time, but finance is like this, there are risks. There are also profits, and profits and risks always coexist." Meng Yi said at this time. This time Shangwen gave a bait.

Qin allowed Korean capital to enter, not only simply using Korean capital, but also to let Korean capital participate in Qin’s real economy, and then use financial means to clear Korean capital out. It can be said that this is the usual method of Qin's financial means.

"We need to understand the situation in detail." Han Fei said very little, but he could always grasp the key.

"This, naturally. This is a plan of ours. The prime minister can take a look." At this time. Meng Yi submitted a document.

And Han Fei took a look at this time, and then took it.

"Prime Minister, we think that Qin must be setting some traps for us." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"Finance is a poison." Han Fei said clearly at this time.

"What?" the Minister of Economy asked at this time.

And Han Fei had already left at this time. The Minister of Economy can hardly believe it at this time.

In the Qinling area of ​​Qin State. A combat force of Qin State is unfolding.

"We are arresting people from the Mo family this time. Compared with the knights we arrested, the people from the Mo family are more difficult to deal with. We must be more careful." A major said to a temporary military meeting held by several captains.

"Sir. I heard that the people of the Mo family are very difficult to deal with. Although they use cold weapons, their offensive methods are really surprising." A captain said.

"I understand this. But this is the king's order. We must carry it out." The major said at this time.

"Yes, sir." The rest of the people said at this time.

"But sir, we should adopt some flexible tactics. You must know that we are facing the Mo family, and they are very small. But the offensive tactics make us feel very helpless. We must know that our opponent is the Mo family. They are simply mountainous. War experts, we have to search and hunt in mountain warfare. Our previous troops have fought with them, and we have suffered great losses. And there is no result. Now we continue like this. I am afraid. We will also have losses. , And little effect." The captain said at this time.

"What do you mean? Isn't it done?" the major asked at this time.

"I think we should take some passive measures. We can seal off the mountains and then trap them to death?" the captain said at this time.

"No, I don't know how strong the survival ability of those Mohists are, do you know?" said the major.

"Then we have to fight like other ministries," the captain said.

"In that case, we will suffer heavy losses, and the entire Qinling Mountains are very large, and our strength is very limited. I am afraid that mobilizing a division will not be able to solve these problems." The captain continued.

"En." The major said at this time.

"Sir. Can't we use air power? We can use air power to complete the monitoring, so that we are very advantageous. Our infantry numbers, as long as the traffic arteries are blocked." The captain suggested at this time.

"En. I'll go to the colonel to apply, everyone, step up vigilance and be careful not to be attacked." said the major.

"Yes. Sir." The captain nodded at this time.

Immediately, the major left.

"Huh." At this moment, all the captain officers breathed a sigh of relief.

"If we go to search the mountains. God. We don't know. How many people are going to die? Those **** Mo family. They always make us lose morale." A captain said with a sigh of relief. But they were very jealous of the Mohist school.

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