The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1299: Less than two hundred steps

"Why is our squadron? Our squadron should be fighting on the southwest front." A flying sergeant asked a lieutenant.

"I don't know, I don't want the elite troops to invest in it. Let's talk about it. The air force has been mobilized a lot." The lieutenant replied.

"Are we elite troops?" the sergeant asked at this time.

"Yes, elite troops," the lieutenant said.

"Okay. Don't talk to everyone. We are ready to take off. We need to provide fire support to those land combat troops." The captain came over with his flying cap for the final check.

"Is the radio equipment we equip really useful?" the co-pilot on the side asked.

"I don't know. We sacrificed a lot of space to put those radio equipment." The captain said.

"These devices can only send telegrams, and can't even make calls. And receiving these telegrams can delay the fighter. I really don't know what is the use of letting us install these things on it?" the co-pilot said at this time.

"I want to say, we are an experimental unit, you know? No other unit is equipped with such equipment. These equipment is already very important to us." The captain said.

"Come as we want," the captain said.

"Take off. Belle." The captain immediately began to pull the airship to take off. This is indeed a special combat force. Qin’s airship encountered many problems in air combat.

Among them, communication is a big problem. This problem has always plagued the combat efficiency of the Qin Heavenly Army.

During the flight. To launch operations, the Qin Air Force can only plan ahead and agree on various signals, using flashlights, or using the rest, colored smoke, etc., to mark flight missions. In the flight mission, if there is no high degree of tacit understanding, it is easy to cause the failure of the military mission. Not only that, there is no connection between air power and ground power. This connection is the target found on the ground. When instructing air strikes. Air strikes cannot be known. They can only return to the ground or launch military operations based on previously known conditions. In this way, the effective time limit is greatly missed. This makes air combat extremely disadvantageous.

The problem is not only on the ground. Sometimes in the air, it must also be deployed on its own. This has caused Qin’s reconnaissance planes to carry weapons to carry out reconnaissance missions and find the targets. But it can't strike in time. In short, without communication, air operations cannot be carried out.

For this reason, Qin's State Weifu's government ordered to solve this technical problem. With the beginning of radio technology, especially the application of wireless broadcasting, Qin's radio has made certain progress. However, the radio is not yet able to carry out voice transmission in time, which is a signal conversion problem. Qin Guo couldn't make a breakthrough in the face of this technology, because there was not such a large enough demand, and the technology was not mature, so it was not developed.

But the people of Qin are still equipped with this kind of communication equipment.

"Wireless man. Is this heavy machine useful?" the sergeant asked as he walked around in the flight deck.

"This is our language function. Have you ever seen a dumb person win a war?" said the radio.

"Whatever." The sergeant left immediately.

"Da da da." The radio operator began to shoot real-time telegrams on the telegraph machine.

"Let them report the location of our airship." The colonel asked while standing in the telegraph room.

"Yes, sir." A radio operator began to make a telegram. They all use radio receivers. Although radios cannot carry out timely language transmission, telegrams can still be sent. So Qin people equipped these radio equipment at all costs.

"Da da. da da." The telegraph receiving and dispatching room kept making popping noises. The situation on the telegram gave the colonel a good idea of ​​the location of the airship.

"Sir. The Warrior and the Belle are on the way. The others, the Musketeer, have reached the sky above the target. They are in contact with the ground, and the air contact team we sent there in advance is playing their role." At this time, A staff officer reported.

"En. Very good. Tell the radio liaison group and ask them to make a telegram according to the pre-made plan." The colonel said.

"Yes. Sir," the staff officer said.

Qinling area, in the temporary field command of a unit of the Qin Army.

"A telegram is sent from above." At this time, a captain's radio officer quickly took the telegram that had just been translated and handed it to a lieutenant colonel of the Celestial Army.

"Come here." The lieutenant colonel took the telegram and looked at it.

"According to the plan above. We have to complete the search in this area before dark." The lieutenant colonel said.

"So, shall we send a telegram?" the captain asked at this time.

"En. Yes. Make a telegram." said the lieutenant colonel.

Flying through the air, it has reached the "Tianhe" airship above the target.

"Papa." The radio operator translated the received telegram at this time.

"Sir." The radio operator came to the cockpit with the telegram book.

"According to the original plan, to proceed, we need to conduct a search in the form of a search in the third district," said the radio.

"En. Send a report. Tell the contact group below, we will execute." The captain said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The radio operator took the telegram and left at this time.

The liaison team commanding the air mission below is in intense liaison.

"DaDaDa." The ticker kept receiving signals from the air.

"Sir. The news I just got. The Belle and the Warrior have also arrived in Zone A." At this time, the radio operator reported again.

"Very well, let the beauty number search the third area of ​​A and conduct repeated searches." The lieutenant colonel wrote on a glass plate. Padded under the glass plate is a map of the Qinling area of ​​Qin State.

"So the Warrior?" the radio asked.

"Let them search A and Second, and conduct two overlapping searches in two adjacent areas. This will be very beneficial to our attack." The lieutenant colonel looked at the glass plate and said.

"Let them report the situation to us immediately." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, sir." The radio began to telegraph.

"Da da da." The airship Belle and Warrior began to accept their orders. Immediately, the captain began to adjust the flight direction and start their flight mission.

And in the Qinling area below.

"Brother, there are some wild mushrooms under there, we can make some soup at night." The white-clothed woman said by the stream.

"En." The man in black nodded holding a long sword.

"There is delicious mushroom soup tonight." The white-clothed woman said happily.

Speaking of the woman in white, she began to gather mushrooms. And the airship Belle in the sky is flying over here.

"Damn it. Seven hundred steps are too high. You can't see anything." The machine gunner said loudly.

"We must lower the height. Otherwise we will see nothing." The machine gunner said at this time. Then he left his post and went to the cockpit.

"Sir, we can't see anything at such a high altitude. Our weapons are difficult to function, and we can't see anything. This is very bad for us." The machine gunner said, waving his gloves.

"What are we going to do?" This time. The captain asked.

"Lower the height." The machine gunner said at this time.

"Lower the altitude?" the captain said at this time.

"Yes. Lower the height," the machine gunner said.

"This height is stipulated above. We are in a mountainous area. The height advantage is very beneficial to us." At this time. Said the captain.

"However, nothing can be found at this height. Sir. We are here to fight. But we can't even see the enemy. Our situation is not good." The machine gunner said at this time.

"En." said the captain.

"Okay, let's lower the altitude. Two hundred." The captain said at this time.

"Sir. Two hundred is not enough. We need to be lowered to less than two hundred, preferably at a distance of fifty steps, so that we can observe the situation well below." The machine gunner said at this time.

"My God." The co-pilot said at this time.

"Are you crazy?" the co-pilot shouted.

"Drive the airship well," the captain said at this time.

"Yes, sir." The co-pilot immediately drove the airship seriously.

"En. Two hundred steps or less." The captain said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The machine gunner replied at this time.

"Okay, we will proceed according to your method." The captain said at this time.

"Sir. We are crazy. Two hundred steps." The co-pilot said in surprise at this time.

"Two hundred steps are not high, for us. There is still a chance to get up. Let's do it." The captain said at this time.

"Thank you sir." The machine gunner said at this time.

"Begin to lower the height." The captain called out loudly. The airship began to descend slowly.

"Hey. What kind of bird is this?" The woman in white clothes picking mushrooms felt a huge black shadow flying by.

"What is that?" the woman in white asked at this time.

"En. It looks like an airship." The black man said.

"Oh." said the woman in white squatting on the edge of the stream.

"I'm so stupid," said the woman in white.

"Haha," the man said.

And in the Qin State Ground Contact Group.

"Our airship has dropped so much. It's less than two hundred steps. It's too dangerous." The lieutenant colonel asked immediately when he saw the telegram from the Belle.

"Sir. The height of two hundred steps is not high. At the height of 700 steps, you can't see anything at all. The bullets shot down will fly for a long time. Our opponent is the Mo family. Their tactics are very dexterous. Bullets. It is estimated to be of no use to them, at such a height." A staff officer on the side said.

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