The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1310: Sister, you are so beautiful

"This." Qin's Minister of Economy looked at each other embarrassedly.

"We need to ask the Prime Minister about this. After all, this is a major event." Qin State's Minister of Economy said at this time.

"When it comes to economic issues. It needs to be treated with caution. Economic issues are business issues. We can't benefit Qin from a single aspect? Right?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"En." South Korea's Minister of Economy nodded his approval at this time.

The two countries subsequently conducted detailed discussions on financial issues. And drafted a detailed plan. This draft plan modified Shangwen’s original intention at the beginning. Shangwen’s plan was to introduce Korean foreign exchange capital to allow the shares of its industry Qin State, and then to negotiate to allow it to trade on the securities market, and Qin State would introduce capital. The difference between the two is sequential. However, the South Korean side asked for all of them. In the face of Qin's request, Meng Yi and the Minister of Economy had to accept all of them. Meng Yi believes that instead of having a troublesome second negotiation, it is better to get it in place in one step. Anyway, Qin is hoping that. This can greatly speed up Qin's capital input, which is very beneficial to Qin.

The South Korean side believes that Qin has severely impacted South Korea’s finance during the previous bond issuance, and South Korea is also deeply aware of it. Qin has an absolute advantage in finance. If the people of Qin are led by their necks, it will be difficult to form an active situation. Therefore, South Korea believes that since Qin has to follow two steps, they insist on one step. So the Koreans themselves advanced Shangwen's plan.

Inside the Xianyang Palace of Qin State.

"I heard. You gave an order to allow Qin to forge the metal currency of various countries, so that Qin's gold can flow out?" King Qin asked calmly.

"En, yes." Shang Wen nodded to admit this.

"Can you explain it? King Qin asked at this time.

"En." Shang Wen said while sitting upright.

"Qin's current gold reserves are very large. These reserves are a good thing for the king, but it is not a good thing for Qin. Qin has a lot of gold, which means that Qin can issue more gold. Too many banknotes, because banknotes are supported by hard currency, but this can easily lead to inflation, and the government will issue banknotes without restrictions. Excessive issuance of banknotes will easily cause inflation of banknotes. Moderate inflation can stimulate the economy. However, it is not the time for Qin to expand through inflation, because inflation can easily cause Qin’s economy to fall back, and the people of Qin need to spend more money to buy necessities of life. This will increase the burden on people’s lives and harm their interests. A great damage to the foundation of Qin State. Qin State needs to stabilize the people's hearts, so inflation. Qin State is not allowed." Shang Wen said.

"Since the prime minister thinks this is okay, let's do it." King Qin waved his hand at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded solemnly.

"Economically, you can just follow your ideas." King Qin said at this time.

"Yes. King." Shang Wen nodded.

"How are you preparing for the big wedding?" King Qin asked at this time.

"En. This matter. All Yingyu is doing." Shang Wen said.

"Me." Shang Wen waved his hand.

"I don't know how far it is." Shang Wen said.

"I'm sorry, let Yingyu do this alone." Shang Wen said.

"En. Yu'er's marriage needs to be done in a big way. The widow has sent an invitation to the Six Nations to send people to participate." King Qin said at this time. Obviously, King Qin attached great importance to this marriage.

"Your Majesty. The minister believes that there is no difference between a minister and a commoner, and that the grand wedding will have a bad influence on the suppression of luxury in Qin. Therefore, the minister believes that this matter should be carried out in accordance with commoner etiquette. Besides, The minister is a civilian. The civilian and the minister are just because of the different jobs." Shang Wen said.

"The widow is married to the princess!" King Qin said at this time.

"The princess married me. I think it is still in accordance with the etiquette of common people. The etiquette of the Wang family is of no use to Qin's frugal style." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The prime minister, you should listen to the widows." King Qin said loudly to Shang Wen at this time.

Shangwen's heart beat at this moment, and it was clear that King Qin's voice increased, which meant that King Qin was a little angry. Shang Wen felt that he was in poor condition, and he did not want King Qin to intervene in his marriage.

"My lord, this is my freedom. I think that although common people's weddings are ordinary, they can be respected by the people. People's blessings are more real. This is a kind of..." Shangwen's words are not finished yet.

"If the widow disagrees, it will be done according to the arrangement of the widow." King Qin waved his hand after speaking. Quickly stood up and walked away. Only Shangwen was left sitting on the main hall alone. Shangwen felt that his freedom was strictly restricted.

"Sigh." Shang Wen felt very tired. do not know why. With the marriage date approaching, the marriage period is free for seven days.

"I will get married in seven days." Shang Wen said with emotion while standing on the high platform, looking at Xianyang Palace.

"I don't know, what will my wedding be like?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"What kind of wedding will become?" At this time. Ying Yu suddenly stood behind Shang Wen.

"Oh. When did you show up?" Shang Wen was taken aback by Ying Yu and then looked back at the other party and said.

"Hey. Just when you sighed." Ying Yu said while standing on Shang Wen's back.

"En. Did you hear that?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"I heard everything?" Ying Yu asked.

"Oh." Shang Wen lowered his head and said.

"You, Father King just talked to us." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Our marriage, he wants to take care of it." Shang Wen raised his head and said weakly.

"En. It's normal," Ying Yu said while looking at Shang Wen.

"This is a major event for the country, and of course it must be done. Besides, I only get married once. If I don't do it too much, how can I be worthy of my princess status." Yingyu said at this time.

"Oh." After hearing Yingyu's remarks, Shang Wen bowed his head somewhat disappointed.

"What's wrong? Are you a little unhappy?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"I. Call." Shang Wen exhaled heavily.

"I don't want to be big, I just want to be like ordinary people." Shang Wen said weakly.

"En?" Ying Yu asked suspiciously.

"Although the wedding is very common, the blessings we get are sincere. Isn't such a wedding bad?" Shang Wen asked rhetorically.

"This." Yingyu frowned and looked at Shangwen. It was obvious that Shangwen's remarks made Yingyu feel very unhappy, because that woman didn't want her wedding to be unforgettable. At such a moment, there is only such a time in life. And Shang Wen's thoughts can easily make Yingyu feel uncomfortable.

"You are really hard to understand." After saying this. Yingyu turned his head and left.

"Huh." Shang Wen exhaled again, watching Yingyu slowly move away.

"I really don't understand me." Shang Wen said at this time.

"This idiot, dare to make my wedding a normal wedding. I think you are impatient while you are alive." Yingyu scolded Shang Wen while leaving with annoyance.

Inside Xianyang City.

"There are still seven days. The prime minister is about to marry the princess." A commoner from Qin State said while looking at a newspaper.

"I heard that this wedding will be held." Another civilian said at this time.

"En. It seems that the State of Qin has already sent out invitations. Zhao, South Korea, Yan, Chu, and Wei are all required to participate. I heard that Qi is also sending people to contact. It seems that Wang Shang attaches great importance to it. Yes." The second civilian said.

"Isn't it?" The first civilian said at this time.

"My lord, this time I hired a good son-in-law, who is still the prime minister. This shows how much Qin Wang's support for the prime minister is." said the first civilian.

"Yes. I think that's what the king meant." The second civilian said at this time.

"The king is going to announce the importance of Qin's prime minister's son-in-law." The first civilian said at this time.

The civilians of Qin State are actively discussing this matter on the street.

"Senior Sister, this dress suits you well." At this time. Junior Brother Nine changed his clothes and walked to the side of Senior Sister. However, at this time, both of them changed their outfits. If they continue to follow their outfits, it is easy to attract the attention of others. Junior Brother Nine quickly noticed this, so he spent money to buy what Qin people often wear. Two people put on the clothes.

Junior Brother Nine put on a pair of material pants and leather belt. I wore leather shoes for the first time, and some were not used to them. The upper body is wearing a black woolen coat. The senior sister put her hair down at this time. The long hair, like a black waterfall, amazes every Qin man from her side. The woman feels jealous, and she feels very jealous of such hair. For Qin's man, he marveled at each other's beauty.

The black woolen coat makes her look more beautiful, and the black color brings out her white skin. The long leather boots on the lower body and the tight-fitting design of the woolen coat further highlight the curvaceous body of the other party.

"Senior Sister, you put on this one. It's so beautiful." At this time, Junior Brother Nine approached Senior Sister and said.

"Don't make trouble." Senior sister was listening to what Qin people said. Therefore, she ignored a lot of her own clothes.

"King Qin is expected to appear in seven days. We must seize this opportunity." At this time. Senior Sister said.

"Oh." Junior Brother Nine agreed at this time.

"We have to give King Qin a warning, let him be more careful and take revenge for the senior brother. I will cut off one of King Qin's arms." Senior sister said at this time.

"Oh." Junior Brother nodded absently.

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