The Mohist family's affairs involve a lot of things, and it takes a lot of time and energy to get on the right track. However, it is very difficult to accomplish this with the power of Shangwen alone.

Inside the Xinzheng Station in South Korea at night. In the platform, a large number of soldiers of the Korean New Army gathered.

"You are responsible for the security here. Your side." A lieutenant of the new South Korean army is setting up the personnel arrangements for his mission area.

"Sir, we have so many people here. What are we going to do?" At this time. A corporal asked curiously.

"Don't ask too much. Knowing too much is not a good thing." The lieutenant replied at this time.

"Yes, sir." The corporal said, carrying his rifle on his back.

"Who?" This time. The lieutenant saw two figures not far away.

"Don't move. Otherwise, we will shoot." The lieutenant took out his rifle and shouted loudly.

"Oh. We are porters on the train station." The two Korean workers in front of them raised their hands and replied loudly.

"Stop and don't move." This time. The lieutenant quickly took his pistol forward. At this time, the soldiers following also took up their rifles and stepped forward.

"Don't move, if you move, I will kill you." This time. The lieutenant turned his head and motioned to the soldiers behind to follow quickly and let them search.

"They don't have anything on them. Sir." The two Korean soldiers searched their bodies quickly at this time and said.

"En. Very good." This time. The lieutenant stepped forward and said.

"You all leave here as soon as possible. This is now a military control area. If you find any wrongdoing, you will all be shot." The lieutenant warned.

"Yes, sir. Yes. sir." The two nodded in fear.

"Get out of here," the lieutenant said while looking at the two people.

"We will leave at once. Leave at once." This time. The two people left here immediately.

"You guys go over there and check it out to see if there are anyone else." The lieutenant said while looking around.

"Yes, sir." Speaking of the soldiers behind, they mounted the bayonet and began to search the area.

"Da da da." And on the side of the platform where the train carriage stopped, a group of carriages drove over. Although motor vehicles appeared at this time, horse-drawn carriages were still the most important means of transportation in this period. Because his price is moderate, many people can accept it. The maintenance cost and the proficiency of use are much better than motor vehicles, which directly causes a lot of horse-drawn carriages to drive on the highway. This is why the carriage is still the main force.

"Wow." After the carriage stopped. A group of soldiers who did not carry any weapons got in and out of the carriage.

"Everyone, gather here." A colonel came over from behind the carriage, and then greeted the soldiers to gather.

"Assemble." A captain's officer shouted immediately.

"Stand at attention." The captain shouted the slogan. The colonel stared at what was happening before him coldly.

"Listen, everyone, there is a batch of weapons and ammunition in the back compartment that you need to carry. These ammunition are very important to us. So, you must be careful. Be careful. Be careful." The colonel looked at everyone and said.

"Yes. Sir," everyone replied loudly.

"Start moving." This time. Said the colonel.

Immediately the soldiers began to carry these ammunition in accordance with the squad.

"Wow." A cry. The door of a carriage was opened. The soldiers standing next to each other were on guard, and they were all on high alert at this time for all possible occurrences.

"Slow down. Slow down." A sergeant commanded his men. Two soldiers are working together to carry an ammunition box.

"It's really heavy." One of the soldiers blushed.

"Yes, it's too heavy." The soldier said at this time.

"Be careful." The sergeant walked over and said at this time.

"What's so heavy?" Another soldier said.

"Be careful. If it's explosives, we're all over." At this time. Said a soldier.

"Okay, let's be careful." The soldier said at this time.

And in a dark corner of the train station.

"Hey. Are you crazy? I haven't seen so many soldiers." The two workers who had just been expelled at this time. Bend down and sneaked into the train station carefully.

"Shhh. Be quiet." A porter in overalls stretched out his finger in a low voice to motion to the other party's voice.

"I'll take a look. Just take a look and leave, what are the things that are being escorted by the soldiers." At this time. Said the porter in overalls.

"I really can't talk about you." At this moment, another person said.

"It's invisible. I'll be a little bit ahead." The worker in overalls whispered at this time.

"You." The other person said in surprise.

"Be quiet." The worker who said the overalls quickly stepped forward.

"It's strange that those soldiers didn't kill you." Another worker bent down at this time, he was really terrified. He could only squat down and watch the situation in the distance quietly, he didn't dare to get too close to each other.

"Be careful." The sergeant looked at the soldiers carrying the cargo.

"Ah." A soldier screamed.

"Boom. Boom." The sound of the ammunition box falling down.

"Wow." A metallic sound came.

The colonel officer not far away heard the sound of the box falling, and his ears suddenly stood up.

"Ah. Yes, it's gold." This time. A soldier sitting on the ground looked at the gold all over the ground. These golds are all gold jewellery, and they are scattered all over the gold.

"These are gold." The rest of the soldiers looked at the gold in surprise.

"Damn it." At this time the colonel quickly stepped forward.

"Take these things away. Hurry up." At this time, the colonel quickly stepped forward and ordered.

"Yes." The captain on the side also looked at the gold all over the floor in surprise. These gold fighters Korea bought the gold jewelry from the Qin market. South Korea took these gold jewelry back at no cost, and then re-fired and cast it into a whole piece of gold.

"It turned out to be gold." The worker in overalls hiding behind a pile of goods said in a low voice at this time.

"Yes, sir." The captain looked at the gold all over the floor motionless.

"Hurry up," the colonel snapped at this moment.

"No one can say anything about gold. If you say it, you will be shot." The colonel said while looking at the soldiers around him.

"Hurry up and pack it up and keep quiet. This matter can't be publicized like this." The colonel looked at all the soldiers. Then waved.

At the command of the colonel, the soldiers swiftly stepped forward and collected all the gold they could find. Then put it back. Quickly put it up and put it on the carriage. Within the next half an hour. The soldiers of the South Korean New Army are carrying these so-called ammunition, but the inside is actually filled with gold. According to the plan of South Korean high-level officials, the gold is urgently shipped to Qi.

"The prime minister, the gold we bought from Qin has already arrived and is now being transported to the foundry for emergency casting." At this time, a cabinet assistant came in cautiously and reported.

"En. Very, very good. Tell the foundry, let them, hurry, hurry. Can't delay." At this time, Han Fei stopped and said with the pen in his hand.

"This matter must be done secretly, and not let others know." Han Fei said quickly. There was no stammering.

"Yes. Prime Minister." This time. The assistant nodded and said.

The two workers are on their way home at this time.

"See you are timid. I'm really ashamed of you." The worker in overalls said at this time.

"You, you are bold." Another worker said nervously, shaking all over at this time. Because of the tension, he stuttered to finish saying this sentence.

"Look at you like this." The overalls worker glanced at each other disdainfully at this time.

"Then, those are all soldiers from the New South Korean Army. They say go, go, go." The other party was still nervous. The trembling body could hardly make him speak completely.

"Shoot." The overalls worker said.

"I tell you, what did I see under the guns of those soldiers?" This time. The overalls worker said triumphantly.

And at this time, they didn't even know that there was a person behind, who dressed the same as them, but was a declining noble worker who hurried home at night. His steps are light. Because of the extreme excitement of the two people in front, they didn't even notice the declining noble worker who came up behind.

"Gold, I saw gold all over the floor. The carriage was filled with gold, all kinds of gold jewelry, and all the ammunition boxes." The overalls worker said happily at this time.

"Ah." At this time, another worker said in surprise.

"I don't know." The overalls worker said happily.

After hearing about the gold, the declining noble worker who followed immediately felt that something was important, so he looked at the two people in front of him, then quickly avoided and followed.

According to the conversation between the two people, the declining aristocratic worker thought this matter was very important because, inferred from the content of the conversation, the amount of gold was very large. And the whereabouts are unknown. For these aristocrats who lack important money and want to do something at the same time, they really want something to do. However, they lacked too much capital. There are a lot of funding gaps, and at this time, when I heard about gold, I was even more able to conclude that this was an important period of opportunity. If we seized it, it would be possible to accomplish an unprecedented event.

Thinking of this, the declining nobleman quickly entered the darkness again, and he was walking towards the slums in the city, where a group of like-minded people gathered.

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