"Hurry up, foundation. Get it, hurry up." a maid shouted loudly.

"Princess, the rouge is applied a little too much." The other waitress said while looking at the glass mirror.

"Think of a solution," Ying Yu said loudly while looking at the glass mirror.

"Wet towel. Get the wet towel." Another waitress shouted loudly.

"You have to hurry up. There is not much time left." Ying Yu kept urging. This marriage is very important to her, but also because it is very important. Cause a busy error.

Constant urging makes the situation worse and worse.

"Princess, that's it." An older waitress said at this time.

"The dress, hurry up, get the dress up." The waitress shouted loudly at this time. A waitress who looked like only sixteen or seventeen came quickly holding a red dress. Qin women generally use white when they get married, because plain colors are easy to find. However, with the advancement of dyeing technology, only some people use red. Later, with the rapid progress of Qin’s dyeing technology, in addition to dyeing, there was also printing technology. Some brides also began to use some floral fabrics as their wedding dresses. However, white and red are still the mainstream colors, and the two mainstream colors follow. Choose it as you like.

Yingyu originally chose white, but because he wanted to highlight the dignity of Qin, he abandoned white and used red. And Shang Wen's dress also chose to use red.

"Huh." Shang Wen exhaled deeply while sitting in the car that was going to meet him.

"Still a little nervous." This time. Meng Tian looked at Shang Wen and said.

"It's okay." Shang Wen pretended to be calm and said.

"How could there be nothing?" Meng Tian said at this time.

"A crazy day." Meng Tian said.

"It'll be fine." Shang Wen said.

Inside the Xianyang Palace. King Qin, civil servants and generals, as well as envoys from various countries sat on the main hall, and they were all waiting for Shangwen's welcoming team.

"How long will it take?" King Qin asked Zhao Gao.

"Return to the king, soon. I just got the news. The prime minister's motorcade will be there one street away." Zhao Gao whispered close to King Qin.

"Well, soon." This time. King Qin whispered. Zhao Gao looked at King Qin. He didn't know what King Qin wanted at this time, but when he saw King Qin's calm face, he stopped asking.

On the main road leading to Xianyang Palace.

"Our king is different. The prime minister's motorcade is enough to show Qin's national strength." A Qin citizen said proudly. Other people have the same view. The car is a symbol of Qin's national strength. The fleet consists of fifty cars, such a long car fleet is very spectacular, as far as Qin Guo is concerned.

Such a long car line is very luxurious.

"Look at the people outside, I don't like it at all. Such a luxury team will only stimulate people's injustice. There will be no enthusiasm at all. I think that the newspaper should be criticized." Shang Wen said at this time.

On the main road, Qin's reporters are trying their best to report on the wedding.

"How do you plan to report?" a reporter asked at this time.

"Reporting positively." A female reporter said at this time.

"No. There is nothing new in reporting like this." The reporter said at this time.

"We should criticize." At this time, the reporter said.

"Only criticism. Unexpected results can be achieved," the reporter said.

"The king uses the luxury team in this way, and the prime minister does not pay attention to the people's sense of fairness. This is an irresponsible attitude. We should severely criticize." The reporter said.

"Only by criticizing in this way can we achieve such an effect." The reporter said at this time.

"You. You are not afraid of the king, and order your newspaper to be blocked?" the female reporter asked at this time.

"Don't be afraid. As long as people think it makes sense, this matter is not very serious." The reporter said.

"Well, we also participate." The female reporter said.

At this time, the motorcade had already entered the palace of the King of Qin.

The motorcade stopped outside a front door of the Qin Palace.

After getting out of the car, Shangwen did not walk inside, but looked around. He wanted to find the Mohist woman, but there were only a few women who got out of the car, but most of them were women. driver. Mainly take care of the people on Yingyu's side.

"Where are people?" Shang Wen asked.

"Cough cough." At this moment, a cough came.

Shangwen immediately looked back at this moment. I saw Senior Sister Mo Jia wearing a black dress at this time. Wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

"This." Shang Wen couldn't recognize it.

"Ahem." Senior Sister Mo family stepped forward softly at this time.

"I'm so easy to get in and out." This time. Senior Sister Mo family said at this time.

"It's really unexpected." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Not surprising at all." Senior Sister Mo family said at this time.

"If you dare to change your mind, I will kill you immediately." Senior Sister Mo family threatened at this time.

"No," Shang Wen said.

"Shang Wen." Meng Tian called to Shang Wen at this moment, looking at the scene in front of him.

"It's getting late. The king is waiting." Meng Tian reminded Shang Wen.

"Got it." Shang Wen said back. Then he glanced at Senior Sister Mo Family. Just left.

"It's too late to change your mind." Meng Tian said at this time.

"I have already decided." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Okay." Meng Tian said at this time. In the front, at different angles, several cameras are facing Shangwen. Shang Wen looked serious, while Meng Tian showed some worry.

A group of people boarded the main hall in this way. But King Qin was greeted in person outside the hall at this time.

"Senior Sister, the guard here is very strict." Junior Brother Nine is also dressed in a full dress at this time.

The senior sister did not reply. The black Mo family couldn't see what the senior sister was looking at?

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister. Here comes." Zhao Gao reminded me carefully at this time.

"En." King Qin nodded at this time.

"The one in front is King Qin, pay attention." The senior sister carefully raised her head and looked at the situation ahead.

"En. I saw it." Junior Brother Nine whispered at this time. But Meng Tian looked at the two people alertly.

"Shangwen, they seem to want to do it. You have to stop it, otherwise it will cause a big problem." Meng Tian cautioned forward.

"I see. I'm going now." Shang Wen nodded and said. In fact, Shang Wen himself was also very nervous. He knew better than anyone else, because he knew when an assassin happened.

"Senior Sister, it's a little far away." Junior Brother Nine said at this time.

"Fight with death." Senior Sister looked at King Qin and said.

"Oh." At this time, the senior sister looked at each other and said.

"Hurry up, there is no time." Meng Tian asked in a low voice anxiously. Shang Wen just nodded nervously.

"Damn it." Meng Tian was anxious at this time. And Shang Wen was still thinking of a solution at this time. How can one cleverly avoid assassinating King Qin. And the Mohists will not be harmed in any way. This is a problem that neither can avoid, which makes Shang Wen feel very headache.

"There are assassins." This time. Meng Tian shouted. All at once changed the situation. Meng Tian's thinking is very clear, and unlike Shang Wen that needs to be considered, Meng Tian only needs to consider one factor.

This is to protect the safety of King Qin, as long as the safety of King Qin is protected, some of them can be resolved calmly.

"Protect the king." Hearing Meng Tian's "There are assassins." shouted loudly. All the guards gathered quickly at this time,

"Protection King." Those who only have rifles, there are no bullets in the rifles, and those rifles are not as good as a wooden board.

"Not good." Senior Sister Mo Jia called secretly at this time.

"Ah." Shangwen also felt a little flustered. Obviously, at this time, he didn't expect such a situation to happen suddenly.

"Hurry up." Meng Tian quickly grabbed Shangwen's arm at this time and asked La Shangwen to leave.

"No." Shang Wen said subconsciously.

"I can't go." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What?" Meng Tian was anxious.

"I want to save them." As he said, Shang Wen immediately broke free of Meng Tian's arm, and then quickly walked to Sister Mo's side.

"You kidnapped me." Shang Wen said calmly.

But the two Sisters of the Mo family looked a little surprised.

"Now is the only way for you." Shang Wen said.

"Hurry up. There is no time." Shang Wen said eagerly. And Meng Tian could only watch Shang Wen walk towards that side. Then he walked quickly towards King Qin.

"Don't move." At this time, Senior Sister Mo Jia quickly took out a bronze dagger and placed it on Shang Wen's neck, while the Marine Corps soldier in charge of the guard watched the opponent put the dagger on Shang Wen's neck.

"All back, otherwise I will kill your prime minister." Senior Sister Mo family shouted loudly at this time. The surrounding Marines can only look at each other. They can only symbolically raise the rifle in their hands. There is no way, because it is a vigilant relationship, there is no bullet loaded in the rifle in their hands.

"What are you doing in a daze?" King Qin said loudly to the guard who was protecting him.

"Go forward, grab the assassin." King Qin ordered.

"My lord, they are still kidnapping the prime minister." Zhao Gao reminded.

"Save the Prime Minister. Hurry up." King Qin ordered loudly.

"Now, we are going to retreat to a place with a car, I will drive, you just need to find a way to leave here." Shang Wen said to the senior sister behind.

"Can you believe what you said?" At this time, the senior sister watched at a distance of less than 30 steps from King Qin, and this distance actually stopped here, which made her very annoyed.

"Quit first. There will be ways." Shang Wen said.

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