The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1337: Integration of resources

"See that highway?" Shang Wen stood at the end of a forest and said to Senior Sister and Junior Brother Nine.

"It's these highways, those people died." Shang Wen said.

"If these slaves are not used, Qin will recruit more civilians to build these roads. In that case, Qin doesn't know how many people will die?" Shang Wen said.

"These are the tyranny carried out by King Qin for his own personal interests." The senior sister directly expressed her opinion when she saw the highway.

"No. You look at the problem too simply." Shang Wen directly denied it.

"This is a kind of development, economic development demand, economic demand. Understand?" Shang Wen said.

"This demand has stimulated adjustments in all aspects. Population is also a type of social resource. They are used to build roads and then constantly consumed. These are irresistible forces. We can only do this. We can't. In confrontation, the result of confrontation is death. Extinction." Shang Wen said.

"Let's go. Qin will do the same. Unless you participate in it, you can't change anything at all." Shang Wen said. Then Shang Wen walked away first. In the distance, Qin's armed men escorted a large number of people to dig through the mountains. They are digging a large highway to the south. This is the infrastructure of the Qin State. In order to speed up the progress, this highway implements a 24-hour system, all divided into three shifts. Open day and night. With such a huge workload, many people will never return, but Qin is still actively collecting the slaves they can collect. The huge demand for slaves stimulated the rapid development of the slave trade.

The State of Chu in the South. Qin State Bank’s business representative quickly submitted an agreement.

"Our Qin State is willing to provide gold currency, and it has a uniform weight, Indian style. These generals do not need to worry." said the bank representative.

"In addition, Qin is also willing to provide some technical support, such as shipbuilding, artillery, and training, as long as the general's strength rises rapidly. And provide some preferential. We can accept it all." The sales representative said.

"Your gold coins are nine cents of gold and one cent of silver?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Yes. Numbers and patterns are printed on the gold coins. A series of anti-counterfeiting measures are used to ensure the validity and safety of Qin's gold coins." The business representative replied.

"When will the gold arrive?" Xiang Yan asked.

"According to our latest report. We need to make a process. In this process, about 30,000 gold coins will appear in three days. With transportation, it will take about seven days to reach Beigang in Qin. Then it will take about water transportation through Beigang. About ten days." The business representative said.

"En. Are you Qin escorting?" Xiang Yan asked.

"This, we don't provide such services. Of course, if the general needs it, we can pay a sum of money to Qin's navy to help, of course. This cost needs to be deducted from it," the business representative said.

"Well, we will take it ourselves." Xiang Yan said.

"As a mortgage, we will provide you with benefits and open our trade ports. Start trading with us. But you must abide by the laws of our State of Chu, otherwise, we will be welcome." Xiang Yan threatened.

"This is natural, this is natural." The business representative said.

"Then draw up the document. This general will sign it." Xiang Yan said.

The business representative immediately spread out with excitement, and then quickly wrote some relevant terms.

These terms are very clear. Qin will provide a loan of up to 200,000 gold coins to the Chu navy, and the Chu navy will act as collateral. It is necessary to establish port facilities and trade centers in some key areas. After that, Qin State Bank will send special personnel to manage local taxation together with the Chu State Navy. Then repay the loan through taxation. The repayment time is five years. Five years later. The Chu State Water Army needed to return the principal and interest of Qin State Bank up to 300,000 gold coins. Banknotes are calculated separately. If Chu's navy failed to effectively control the taxation on both sides of the Yangtze River and the estuary area, then Qin would have the right to intervene with the best interest and principal amount.

In addition, Chu's navy has the obligation to help Qin's trade, and in the trade, support Qin's trade to unfold smoothly. If necessary, Chu's navy can renew another treaty and obtain help from Qin.

This treaty was extremely detrimental to the Chu navy army, but the Chu navy did not have anything to mortgage to obtain the collateral for the loan of 200,000 gold coins. Those warships, Qin State Bank simply didn't care about them. As for taxation, the Yangtze River is a golden waterway. And with the rapid increase of passing ships, the bankers of Qin State had controlled this waterway earlier, and only controlled this waterway. And by controlling the taxes on this waterway, Chu's throat can be greatly stuck.

For the Chu State Navy, they finally found a business opportunity under the reminder of Qin State Bank. This business opportunity can provide a steady stream of sufficient business taxes, and the funds for these taxes are considerable. Just like this, the Chu State Marine Army readily accepted Qin State Bank's suggestion.

There is a relationship of mutual demand and interdependence between the two, and their common enemy is the nobles in a highly monopolistic position in Chu. The businessmen of Qin are very dissatisfied with the monopoly of the nobles, but they can only Take some slow actions to proceed.

Regarding the changes that have taken place in Chu State. Qin has no time to pay attention.

"What we need to focus on now is how to change the current status of Qin. Qin market is not short of funds." Meng Yi said at the cabinet meeting.

"Therefore, we don't need to take the initiative to cut interest rates. To stimulate the market, if there is too much money in the market, then it will be more troublesome." Meng Yi said.

"So, what should we do?" The Minister of Economy raised his hand and said.

"We need tax reduction and tax exemption support in some related industries," Meng Yi said.

"So, which industries need support?" said the Minister of Economy.

"I saw some plans and proposals left by the prime minister, as well as some drafts. This is what I compiled. Let's take a look." Meng Yi handed a folder to a cabinet minister at this time, and then the minister gave it to a cabinet minister. The information in it is scattered. Submitted it.

"First, we must integrate all coal, pig iron smelting, and steel resources, and then electricity, etc. These most basic things." Meng Yi said with a report.

At this time, the ministers took the report and started to discuss.

"Qin State has many iron ore production areas, as well as coal, power plants, pig iron smelters, and steel plants. These are all concentrated in producing a lot of industrial areas. This is an achievement, but we must also see us. Existing problems." Meng Yi said with a report at this time.

"This is a plan that the Prime Minister has organized and carried out before." Meng Yina and the report said with the report in his hands.

"Although this plan is a draft of the prime minister, we have also seen the prime minister's intentions." Meng Yi said.

"I checked the situation of the industry concerned on this material, and it is indeed very worrying." Meng Yi said, walking back and forth.

"Qin’s coal resources have an annual mining volume of more than 2 million shi, and there are only less than ten places. The remaining annual mining volume is below 2 million shi. There are no less than two thousand such coal mines. In other words, the main force of coal mining in the Qin State is not the large coal mines, but the small coal mines." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Also, the same is true for iron ore mining. There is only one company with an annual mining volume of more than two million stones, while the rest below, the annual mining volume is less than 200,000 stones, and such iron ore mining volume The scale of nearly 4,000. The steel plants are okay, there are only a few, but there are also many small steel plants of that kind." Meng Yi said.

"These small mines and small pig iron plants and steel plants have brought about a huge waste of resources. Moreover, Qin's craftsmanship cannot be further upgraded. Not only that, these small enterprises are also very polluting to Qin. They only Mining rich mines is not at all concerned about the mining of poor mines and other minerals. These have greatly caused the waste of Qin's resources and the inability to centrally integrate Qin's resources. This is probably also the prime minister’s earliest starting point, although, now These companies have met our needs, but we must use them. This is Qin’s future development, and we can’t just let it go.” Meng Yi continued.

"Then, Prime Minister, will the power industry also be rectified?" The Minister of Economy raised his hand and asked.

"Yes, the same principle should also be applied to the power industry. Qin’s electricity penetration rate only stays in Qin’s Guanzhong and industrial areas. There are only a few other areas, and Qin’s power industry needs to be upgraded as soon as possible. Power transmission problem. I saw in the Prime Minister’s notes that the Prime Minister marked a large symbol on the high voltage. Therefore, we have to work hard in this area. The first thing we need to increase is the power generation." Meng Yi said.

"Then, all areas of the Qin State must use electricity. With electricity, Qin's industry can develop rapidly." Meng Yi said.

The Minister of Economy wrote something in his notebook with a pen.

"Then, Prime Minister. What exactly should we do?" said the Minister of Economy.

"You know, according to the ideas formulated by the prime minister, we cannot actively interfere in the market. The market needs self-regulation. Only in this way can they proceed further. If we continue to interfere, I am afraid that we will suffer The unanimous opposition of the market, although we did the right thing, but did not do the right thing, that would be too bad." The Minister of Economy continued. When Meng Yi heard it, he nodded.

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