The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1357: Yingyu breaks into the barracks

"Sir, a special telegram from the Pegasus." The ensign took a telegram and handed it to the lieutenant colonel.

The lieutenant colonel said nothing, picked it up and looked at it.

"Repost this telegram to the staff intact and let them take over this matter. We can no longer judge some things." The lieutenant colonel said to the second lieutenant.

"Yes. Sir." The second lieutenant then forwarded the telegram directly to Qin's staff.

At this time, Yingyu was driving on the road of the blue sky camp with full horsepower. This is a special military passage. There are only Qin army vehicles on the road. This passage is a military road, and it is impossible for civilian vehicles to appear. And this civilian vehicle is Yingyu's car.

Yingyu's car is very unique, it is a red car with paint process. And it's convertible. Now Yingyu can no longer take care of the special lanes above. What she wanted was to find Meng Tian and then Shang Wen.

"Hum." The sound of the car's motor quickly rang. Yingyu drove fast, reaching a speed of one hundred miles per hour. This speed is quite fast during this period. Because car tires cannot withstand such a high speed. If you drive fast, the tires will soon be scrapped. A truck full of soldiers from the Qin Army was surprised by such crazy driving.

"Oh my God. Who. Are you crazy?" a second-class soldier shouted so loudly from the truck.

"I don't know. It's a civilian vehicle. Wait for the fine." A corporal came over and said.

"Go ahead. You will have special military training. Leave the rest alone." The corporal said to them.

"Yes, sir." Another private soldier replied. Then the other soldiers continued to sit. They rarely left the barracks and spent most of their lives in the barracks. Being able to leave the barracks is already regarded as a kind of enjoyment.

"There is a situation. A red car is quickly approaching here." An officer of the Qin Lujun ensign on the watch tower shouted loudly. Through the telescope, he saw a red car, but he didn't know who drove it.

"Prepare. Prepare." The ensign shouted loudly.

"Wow." The Qin Army soldiers who remained on guard quickly picked up their weapons and entered the fighting state.

"Damn it. Who. Dare to break into Lantian camp. Are you crazy?" An army soldier scolded while crawling inside the fortification with his rifle.

"It's definitely not an ordinary person." A sergeant said.

"Think about it, red, this red car is very expensive. I just wanted to buy one for my wife. Oh my god. They actually asked me for a thousand dollars. They were crazy. But that car, indeed It's very beautiful. Only those ladies and wives have that kind of car. It's impossible for ordinary people to have it," the sergeant said.

"Then you can buy one." A second-class soldier took aim and said.

"I can't afford it. I really can't buy such a car with the money of being a soldier," the sergeant said.

"What do you think, Captain?" the ensign on the side asked nervously.

"Don't be nervous," the captain said, looking at the trembling ensign.

"Yes. Sir." The ensign was just promoted from a cadet to ensign. Actual combat experience is still lacking. In fact, he came to Lantian camp to learn some military training close to actual combat, and then through Lantian camp, he was redistributed to every place where Qin fought and received military training. According to the tradition of the Qin State, military academies must accept actual combat to become officers. However, after a period of implementation. The Qin State General Staff felt a little uncomfortable. Although the State of Qin established several special military schools, such as the Xianyang Wang Family Military Academy, it was a school specifically for military training for the children of the nobles. There are also Chang'an Military Academy and Lantian Military Academy. The establishment of these military academies gave Qin State a rich source of officers, but the establishment of the Qin Army was fixed. But in the beginning, the Qin Army trained a large number of military officers. For a time, there were officers everywhere in the basic level of Qin State, and officers graduated as soon as they graduated. It is no different from ordinary soldiers.

To solve this problem. The Qin Army had to put these officers and students into the war, and only if they made meritorious service in the war would they consider being promoted to a second lieutenant. The second lieutenant is the most important sign of becoming an officer.

With the increasing number of Qin wars. The war is cruel. Those officers and students were quite active in the war. They were a little bit reckless. They paid a high price for their reckless behavior. In the Qin army, these officers and students suffered the greatest loss. They often take the lead, but the result is proportional. Although their numbers are relatively large, they have not yet reached the point where they can lose a large number of officers. After the staff of the General Staff saw such data. Some solutions were immediately proposed.

They believe that these grassroots officers cannot continue to lose in this way. They are the backbone of the Qin army in the future. If the backbone loses too much, it will prevent the Qin army from expanding rapidly. Think of this question. The General Staff came up with a solution, that is, officer training.

Those cadets stayed in the army for a while. The main purpose is to adapt to the military life of their military units. After adapting, they will be recruited again to Lantian Camp and then receive special military warfare courses. These courses are full of a strong taste of actual combat, but when they receive such courses, They knew that they were about to be sent to fight in the combat area.

These officers will be awarded the rank of second lieutenant only after passing these courses. This is an encouragement to them and at the same time, it also allows them to learn a kind of self-protection. Later, let them adapt for a while. Will quickly throw them into the combat area.

"First, don't be nervous, just see the situation clearly. You know?" The captain looked at the approaching car with his binoculars. The captain has experienced many battles. Although the experience is not rich, he is also a person who has experienced war. He still understands some things.

"Sir, I think we can fire a warning shot, maybe he will turn around and drive back, you know. This is a civilian vehicle, maybe a civilian vehicle that doesn't know the situation." The ensign explained. He wants a result that can explain clearly what he is seeing.

"Damn it." The captain took his binoculars and saw an unbelievable scene of him. The driving force turned out to be the princess of Qin, which shocked him very much.

"Quick." The captain immediately put down the telescope in his hand and shouted. The second lieutenant looked at the captain with surprise. He didn't know what the captain meant.

"Hurry up. Put your weapons away, it's the princess. It's the princess here." the captain shouted.

"Don't hurt the princess, hurry up and turn off the weapons. With insurance." The captain shouted. At this moment, the captain felt very nervous. Because according to the military law of the Qin Army, when anyone tried to surpass the cordon set by the Qin Army. When the situation is unclear, the soldiers of the Qin Army can choose to shoot, and the soldiers of the Qin Army do not have to bear any military responsibilities. At this time, Yingyu was already very close to the military cordon. If the captain hadn't seen Yingyu, the result would be terrible, and the soldiers of the Qin Army would shoot decisively. Yet Yingyu rushed over without fear at all. On the contrary, the captain felt very nervous. If he chose to shoot, the captain could hardly imagine the result.

"Huh." Seeing his soldiers all put down their guns at this time. The captain only let out a sigh of relief. There was already a cold sweat all over his body. The blood speeds up. It took a long time for the captain to adapt.

"Sir. Let's next. Next." The second lieutenant asked at this time.

"Bang." At this moment, there was a loud impact.

"Yes. Open the barricade. Open the barricade." The captain reacted at this time and shouted at his soldier.

But this time is too late. Yingyu drove in directly. Yingyu didn't mean to slow down at all, and she smashed the roadblock away. The wooden frame of barbed wire flew far away at once. The soldier on the side hasn't reacted yet. But things have already happened.

"squeak". There was a loud rubbing sound, and the car finally stopped.

"Chichi" the engine was steaming hot. Fortunately, Yingyu got out of the car under the protection of a seat belt.

At this time, the surrounding soldiers slowly came to their senses. All this happened too fast.

"Meng Tian, ​​where is General Meng Tian?" Yingyu asked loudly.

"This." The soldier shook his head. They haven't even seen Meng Tian's face.

At this time, a large group gathered around, and they were very curious about what happened at the door. At this time, the military police rushed over, they wanted to know what happened.

"Princess." A military police lieutenant stepped up boldly at this time. Someone must handle such a mess.

Both Yingyu and Shangwen are public figures, and the newspapers and media have made all the people of Qin a household name. The military police are naturally no exception.

"Princess. These?" The lieutenant obviously didn't understand why this happened. Judging from the situation at the scene, it is easy to draw a conclusion that Yingyu drove into the military restricted zone.

The lieutenant started. Shook his head. Obviously he did not understand why the princess would suddenly do such a thing.

"Meng Tian. Where is Meng Tian?" This time. Yingyu's first sentence is such a sentence.

"What?" The military police lieutenant did not understand what Yingyu meant.

"Hurry up and tell me where is Meng Tian? I'm looking for him. Tell me." Yingyu shouted while grabbing the military police lieutenant's collar with one hand.

The soldiers around all watched this scene in surprise at this time. Yingyu's crazy behavior surprised everyone.

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