The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1373: The prime minister gave us two letters

Immediately, Li Qu began to communicate with those Xiangbei people. As for the quartermaster Bai Bao's thoughts about Qin's upper echelons, he didn't even think about it because he couldn't figure it out. Since I can't figure it out, I don't think about it.

"According to the latest reconnaissance situation, there are two main forces of the Chu army." A major general of the Qi army said in a temporary camp.

"They all go east, the goal should be our coast, where there are gold, and all kinds of salt. These are all rich things, and their goal should be there." The major general said on the simple sand table at this time.

All the officers present nodded.

"This share, the lord personally led a large army to resist. But. There is another share." At this time. The major general looked up at the others.

"We need garrisons to resist." The major general said while looking at everyone at this time.

"Their number is about 100,000, and they will approach us soon." The major general said casually, looking at the sand table.

"One hundred thousand?" Some young officers looked at the major general in surprise.

"Yes. One hundred thousand." The major general said affirmatively.

"One hundred thousand people, our defensive troops are less than 15,000, and they are also stationed in various counties. The most important thing is that the goal of the Chu army is very clear on our way. They are to directly take Linzi. If we don't defend enough, they will hit Linzi City, based on the current situation. I think." The major general raised his head and looked at the others.

"This possibility is very high." The major general said.

"Sir. We shouldn't be so pessimistic." A lieutenant colonel stood up and said.

"Yeah. We shouldn't be so pessimistic, but we also have to have a clear understanding. People like us can't withstand the opponent's attack at all. But. Let's try our best. I have already told the lord of this possibility. I don't know what strategy the main guild will adopt. Before the strategy takes effect, we must also make some efforts." The major general said.

"I don't want to retreat without firing a shot," the major general said.

"Then, we will fight the Chu Army." A colonel said positively at this time.

"No. It cannot be done for the time being," the major general said.

"Our forces are very scattered. Only by gathering together can we form a heavy punch. Without heavy punches, it would be difficult for us to resist the elite blow of the Chu army." The major general continued.

"So, the first thing we do is to shrink our forces, conduct active defenses, use constant attacks, constant offensives. To continuously consume the vital forces of the Chu army. Everyone should understand one thing, that is, we cannot eliminate it. The Chu army, but we can consume the Chu army. Our mission is not very big. But it is very heavy. Our defense is Linzi, the heart of Qi." The major general looked at everyone and said.

The officers present nodded one after another. They agreed with the major general's views. Their back is the heart of Qi. Linzi.

It is more than two hundred miles away from Linzi. Suddenly a huge army appeared. The "Chu" flag is flying high on their banner.

"It's the Chu army." On the way the Chu army was advancing, two cavalrymen were on the top of a high mountain. Found this army. They can clearly see each other's "Chu." character flag with the naked eye.

"There are a lot of them. There seems to be artillery behind." A Qi Jun cavalry with a rifle slung across the body pointed to the rear of the Chu army.

"This situation must be told to the chief. The Chu army is here. We must be prepared." An old cavalry in front said.

"Withdraw." The old cavalry immediately turned his horse's head and left. The Qi Army cavalry behind also left quickly at this time.

"Report." Among the Chu army. A Chu Army light cavalry quickly stepped forward. The Chu army also had cavalry. But most of them are scouts, or for the purpose of transmitting information, and there is no institutional formation of cavalry. The Chu army believed that the light cavalry was of little use, their firepower was not large, and the armed impact was not enough. Although the Chu Army also accepted things like the stirrups and saddles of the Qin Army cavalry at this time. However, their cavalry remained at a very primitive stage. in contrast. The Chu army maintained a very large army of chariots, and these ancient chariots were still a symbol of the military strength of the Chu army. They believe that only chariots can form a huge impact, and these impacts can cause great damage to the infantry.

"What's the matter?" A long-bearded general of the Chu Army said lazily, sitting on the chariot.

"General, there is a Qi country city in front of you, do you want to take it?" a Chu army scout reported.

"How big is the city?" This time. The general long beard asked.

"A small town with less than a thousand people," the scout reported.

"Huh. Send soldiers to ask if they surrender. Don't surrender. Kill." The lazy General Longbeard said while lying in the chariot.

"Here." The scout bowed his hands. Then he beat his horse and left.

On the way forward, a small city suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. If you want to enter Linzi. You have to go through this small city. This small city was built on the main road. Also because it is a resting place for business travelers. Therefore, it slowly gathered and became a small city.

"Da da da." The two cavalry quickly entered the city.

And outside the city. Many people dig trenches outside the city. There are elderly, women, and children. The soldiers strengthened their trenches.

The cavalry quickly entered the city.

"Sir. A large army has appeared in our south." The old cavalry said at this time.

"This situation, I know. This is not the problem now. By the way, you can go down." A middle-aged lieutenant colonel said to the old cavalry at this time.

"Let your chief come in. I want to give him a new order." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, sir." The old cavalry said at this time.

immediately. The old cavalry went out. At this time, a cavalry captain walked in at this time. The lieutenant colonel saw the cavalry captain come in at this time. He waved to the cavalry captain who came in to take a break for a while.

"We are now facing tens of thousands of Chu people. These Chu people are equipped with a large number of cannons. These cannons are very threatening to our city. Therefore, we need to dig some trenches. We plan to spread our forces in these trenches. Among them. Near the south gate of the city, we should arrange more barbed wire. We should fight them as close as possible, avoiding the opponent’s artillery attack, and then fighting the opponent’s infantry. We must use bayonets to give each other Go on." said the lieutenant colonel.

"But, sir, our number is too small." A captain said at this time.

"I know. We have less than eight hundred people now. However, defending the city is enough. This passage. We have to stay here firmly, understand?" At this moment, the lieutenant colonel looked at the surrounding captains and said . He has only a few captains under him. Two majors. The lieutenant colonel has only one strengthening camp. And what he faced was the main force of the Chu army.

"The specific deployment, Major Meng Tian will introduce to you. I now have an important task for the cavalry company." At this time, the lieutenant colonel looked at the others and said.

"Understood. Sir." This time. Everyone else went to the other side.

"Come here." The lieutenant colonel looked at the cavalry captain. Then the cavalry captain got up and walked quickly to the lieutenant colonel.

"Sir. Are there any important tasks?" This time. Said the captain of the cavalry.

"I want you. Keep the guerrilla state. You must continue to go deep to the rear of the Chu army and destroy the logistics supply line of the Chu army as much as possible. Especially their ammunition, preferably artillery ammunition. Those artillery threats to us. It's huge. I need you to do this." The lieutenant colonel said, looking at the cavalry captain.

"En. I understand, sir." The cavalry captain hesitated a little, then quickly nodded in agreement.

"Sir. I think I can accomplish this." The cavalry captain said at this time.

"Very well. Whether we can defend this point is up to you. Only you can destroy the artillery. We can defend here. Understand?" The lieutenant colonel looked at the other side and said.

"Understood, sir." The cavalry captain nodded.

"Okay. Go ahead." The lieutenant colonel said to the cavalry captain, patted his shoulder.

The cavalry captain left immediately. Then they gathered their troops and went.

Qin's temporary contact center, the flying back Pegasus slowly landed on the temporary camp at this time, and not far away was the ground contact center of the Qin's heavenly army.

"Sir, it's the Pegasus. The Pegasus has flown back." At this time. An ensign rushed in and said to the lieutenant colonel.

"Really?" the lieutenant colonel asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir, he is landing, just outside." the ensign shouted.

"Damn it. Why don't they send messages." At this time the lieutenant colonel hurriedly stood up and rushed out.

immediately. The Pegasus airship landed slowly. The lieutenant colonel rushed up first.

The airship's hatch had just opened, and the lieutenant colonel was the first to rush up.

"The prime minister. Where is the prime minister?" This time. The lieutenant colonel entered it and shouted loudly.

The machine gunners looked at the lieutenant colonel who suddenly broke in in surprise.

"Where is the prime minister?" The lieutenant colonel rushed into the cockpit without seeing Shang Wen's shadow.

"The prime minister has not come back." Captain Li Li said at this time.

"Damn it. Why didn't the prime minister come back? The Mo family treated him like this?" the lieutenant colonel said excitedly.

"Nothing?" Captain Li Li said at this time.

"Everything is fine with the prime minister. It's just that he can't come back. We have no way, even if we take rescue. The prime minister still won't come. We really can't do anything." At this time. Captain Li Li said without strength.

"Oh. Why?" The lieutenant colonel asked immediately at this moment.

"I don't know. The prime minister gave us two letters." Captain Li Li said at this time.

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