The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1404: You still have militias in your hands

Although this battle was not officially recorded in historical documents, in fact, the Xianbei themselves had many such wars, but none of them was recorded. But this war is of great significance to the people of Qin, because this is the first time that the people of Qin have used Xianbei and provided them with weapons, so that they can invest in the war of killing their companions. This war is a completely new situation for the people of Qin. s inception.

Just when the Qin people created a new situation. The State of Chu in the south is also carrying out a reform measure. With this measure, they have to face their own people and at the same time face the problem of taxation.

"Come out. Hurry up." A Chu Army naval soldier was holding a bayonet rifle, and then pulled out a Chu man from a wooden room.

"Get out." The Chu Army navy soldier pushed the man out fiercely. The man fell to the ground.

"Father. Father." The child cried.

"Baby dad. Boy dad. I beg you. Let them go." A woman knelt to the ground, grabbing the thigh of the Chu Jun sailor and cried.

After the Chu army sailors occupied this colony. The act of revenge was quickly launched. The Chu Army soldiers went door-to-door to pull out all the adult men, those men who could raise a rifle and were as high as a rifle. The Chu army suffered heavy losses in this landing operation, and they decided to take revenge.

"Stand up. Otherwise I will shoot." Another Chu Army soldier raised his rifle and aimed at the opponent. The Chu man from the colony who fell to the ground looked at the barrel of the opponent in horror at this time.

"I stand up. I stand up." The man from the colony of Chu quickly stood up.

"Follow those people. Let's go together. Hurry up." The Chu soldier shouted loudly at this time. And not far away, a large number of colonial men lined up to the beach under the **** of Chu army soldiers. And behind this team, there were also a large number of women, the elderly, and children. They cried and cried. Constantly begging those Chu Army soldiers to let go of their prime of life.

"General, what are we doing?" The captain of a small warship walked over anxiously at this time and said respectfully to Xiang Liang.

"Avenge our brothers." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Don't you want to?" In fact, Xiang Liang didn't intend to do so. He just wanted to warn the people in the colony. If they resist this way, it will not do them any good.

"General, don't do it. If this is the case, then our Chu army has no place to stand." At this time. The captain of the small warship said anxiously.

"En." Xiang Liang just nodded at this time and said nothing.

"Our army is fighting overseas. Combat resources are very limited. Although it is reasonable to lose some soldiers, it is reasonable. This is a big blow to our army, but it is not fatal." The captain of the small warship arched his hands and said.

"But if our army doesn't have a place for logistics supplies, it's like a flat boat floating on the sea, and sooner or later it will be swallowed by the big waves, and these colonies are our safe havens, and logistics supplies can also be provided to us. General Admiral At the time of the march, we are extremely allowed to obtain these colonies. When we obtain these colonies, we can get local taxes. The local taxes are our goal. If we retaliate against them, it will be very detrimental to us. The locals in these colonies, just They will push us away. They will resist us even more. If this is the case, it will be difficult for us to deploy." The small warship captain said anxiously.

"Needless to say." Xiang Liang waved his hand at this time.

"These, this general understands. This matter. This general will handle it properly, and the blood of the Chu Army soldiers can no longer shed." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"This." The captain of the small warship looked at Xiang Liang suspiciously.

"Come, those local strong men who have been captured are all registered, call the local governor, and no one can be recommended. Or find the local council chief to come." Xiang Liang said at this time.

The captain of the small warship looked at Xiang Liang.

"The blood of the soldiers of Chu State is flowed in this way. I don't know how many people will die. Now Chu State can't flow it anymore." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"I heard that there are as many foreign colonies as feathers. If we follow this method of recovery, our ammunition consumption is serious, the personnel consumption is serious, and the logistics supply is difficult. The materials consumed and supplied by our army will be as much as the income of our troops. This way. Come. Does our army have any meaning to fight?" Xiang Liang said.

"Never use troops to fight." Xiang Liang had this idea when he saw the bodies of Chu soldiers on the beach.

The soldiers of the Chu army escorted the local middle-aged people behind. The local adult men were quickly registered. At the same time, the Chu Army soldiers gathered all the local council members and sent them to Xiang Liang.

Xiang Liang must come forward to resolve this matter personally.

"For the loss caused by our army's first arrival at your place. This general. I feel very ashamed." Xiang Liang said.

The congressmen who were brought in listened tremblingly when they heard Xiang Liang's remarks. Everyone didn't even believe that such words could come from the victorious general.

"This." Councillors, look at me. I look at you, they don't know what to do. They never thought that the other party would say such a thing. This is really surprising to them.

"General. Here." A young congressman said at this time.

"This general came here to regain the colony and belong to Da Chu," Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Overseas colonies are extremely dangerous. There are not only dangerous storms, but also fierce pirates. Overseas colonies are wandering." Xiang Liang said at this time. And at this time, members of the legislators look at me, and I look at you, they don’t know what to think at all.

"Now our army is here to protect the colony. To ensure the safety of the colony's trade." Xiang Liang said at this time.

Hearing Xiang Liang's words, some congressmen began to become active at this time. They immediately understood Xiang Liang's purpose here and levied taxes. Although it is said that overseas colonies are dangerous, but when you think about it, it is so dangerous. Why come here. Without much interest, it is impossible to come so dangerously.

"Then, General, why did you attack my colony?" A congressman suddenly attacked at this moment.

Xiang Liang did not answer immediately, but just looked at each other.

"General, please answer this question." An old man asked.

"The Chu army came here to make the colonial authorities loyal to Young Master Min and General. And to collect taxes." Xiang Liang said directly.

"We are not loyal to the Chu royal family." A young congressman shouted immediately.

"En." A Chu army officer immediately drew out his saber to assassinate the opponent.

"Don't do it." Xiang Liang shouted loudly at this time.

"I know naturally. The colonies are used to the habit of not levying taxes." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"But think about it, everyone. The colony lacks armed protection. Those pirates have begun to equip artillery, but the colony does not have such artillery protection." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"If the pirates are killed. Then, what about your property, lives, and family?" Xiang Liang also believed that there was no need to continue the confrontation with the other party. Because if this goes on, it doesn't make any sense at all. So he decided to explain his intentions directly. Because the other party is a smart person, a smart person comes naturally.

All the MPs were silent at this moment. This is an indisputable fact. In the face of the facts, everyone has chosen Chen, and they need to weigh their own interests.

"The Chu Army can protect you, and you can do this as long as you provide a certain tax. And the Chu Army can clean up these pirates in the sea, and let the merchant ship sail safely in the sea. And your life can be safe, too. Guaranteed." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"You can think about it," Xiang Liang continued.

"As for the adult men on the beach, this general is just registering, imitating the Qin system, and establishing militias. Let these militias receive regular training from the Chu army, and in times of crisis, they can protect the security of the colony." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"And you should also pay an objective military expense. The Chu army can send troops to garrison here, and Chu's navy can also calm down the pirates at ease." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"I don't know. How much tax does the general charge?" At this time, an old man stood up and asked.

"Not much, five percent. Only five percent." Xiang Liang said at this time with five fingers outstretched.

"En. This kind of taxation is okay, it is much lighter than the domestic taxation of Chu State." Hearing such words. The councillors discussed it immediately. They think that such a tax is reasonable. This does not have much impact on them.

"Know that in the country, those nobles can take all our money." A member of the Diet said angrily at this time.

"But can such a tax be guaranteed?" an old man asked.

"You know, they all have guns." The old man immediately expressed his concern.

"You still have militias in your hands." Xiang Liang said loudly at this time.

"As long as you pay 5% of the tax and provide it to our militias during special wars, and the colony is loyal to the authorities, you can continue your good life. Such a life is hard to come by." Xiang Liang Said loudly at this time.

Members hear this. Nodded one after another. Obviously, the last words hit the other party's heart. They are still very satisfied with Chu Jun's conditions. And, just as Xiang Liang said. They also have militias in their hands. The militia is their last armed force.

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