The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1410: Busy prime minister

The **** slaughter was still going on. The Chu army was doing it very concealedly. Each time they only took out a certain number of prisoners of war, and then killed them all, and then took another batch. In this way, batch by batch slowly and slowly. Dispose of them in an orderly manner. During the whole process, those prisoners of war had no doubts, because Chu Jun still took care of their meals. It was this meal that caused them to lose their lives.

"For the Qi State issue, of course we can send troops, but the timing of sending troops is not right. Therefore, for the time being, we will not be able to send troops for a period of time in the future." Han Shu said while sitting in the middle of the conference table. And everyone else listened patiently.

"But before the Qi State issue, we can do something else. For example, we can adopt diplomatic measures. Or, we can adopt other methods." Han Shu continued.

"What does the king mean?" the security consultant sitting at the back asked inexplicably at this time.

"We can unite with other countries to mediate this matter. Of course, it is just right to mediate this matter. However, if we have to send troops, we have to wait until the Qi army is exhausted before entering." Han Shu continued.

"At the same time, we must try our best to strive for more benefits for South Korea on the issue of Qi." Han Shu continued.

The purpose of South Korea to help Qi is because South Korea can obtain coastal outlets from Qi. Starting from here is much easier than starting from Qin State and relying on Qin State Railway. It is precisely for this purpose that South Korea helps Qi. Of course, South Korea can also choose to send troops to Qi, and give Qi at the last moment. Han Shu is not without such thoughts. But there was once, but after weighing the pros and cons. Han Shu finally gave up.

As for the reason. It can be judged from the current situation in South Korea. South Korea cannot send troops to occupy Qi, and if it wants to occupy Qi, it must cross Wei, but the problem of Wei cannot be resolved. The Qi state problem cannot be resolved. There is a big connection between the two.

At the same time, there is a state of Qin on the west side of South Korea, which is in strategic security considerations. As well as strategic balance considerations, South Korea will not be allowed to attack Qi. Attacking Qi can destroy Qi, but the strategic situation will change rapidly. The Qin State could not send troops quickly because of the digestion of the expansion of the territory, and this time. South Korea pays attention to expanding its armaments, not just South Korea. The State of Zhao can also rapidly expand its armaments. In this way, Qin has two military powers around him. And Qin needs to deal with the threats posed by the two military powers. This is very detrimental to Qin.

Perhaps it is because Shang Wen's normal relationship is too gentle. As a result, Qin was somewhat passive in its military posture. Faced with such passivity. The military, represented by the traditional extensive military expansion, is very dissatisfied with Qin's attitude. But Shang Wen tried his best to suppress it. There is a deep contradiction between the two.

The Xianyang Prime Minister's Mansion of the Qin State.

"Princess!" The office staff of the Prime Minister's Mansion saw Ying Yu coming. They stopped to salute.

"En. I'm just here to take a look." Yingyu explained as if she was afraid of being guessed by others. The others just nodded. Or you look at me, I look at you, they don't understand the princess's purpose.

Yingyu walked alone in the prime minister's mansion, she was too familiar with the prime minister's mansion. The familiar is like home. All the layout of the Prime Minister's Mansion. She can know with her eyes closed.

"Hey." At this moment, the head chef of the Prime Minister's Mansion shook his head and walked towards Yingyu with food.

"What happened?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"Oh. Princess." At this time, the chef quickly put down the food tray in his hand and saluted Yingyu.

"Stop saluting. Tell me directly." Yingyu asked immediately.

"Here." The head chef looked at Yingyu with a little embarrassment. He put down the tray at this time, and it was neither polite nor polite.

"Say it quickly." Fortunately, Yingyu urged the chef to make a relief at this time.

"En. It's like this, Prime Minister, oh no." The chef only realized at this time. "The prime minister." In Yingyu's mouth, he should be referring to Shang Wen. And he was referring to Meng Yi. There is a big difference between the two, and a taboo is committed. Realizing this, the head chef immediately changed his words at this time.

"It's Prime Minister Meng Yi. I have not eaten for two meals. And this meal was served hot and then brought back cold. This is already the third time. This is really worrying." The chef. At this time, she said to Yingyu anxiously. Ying Yu frowned after listening.

"So." At this time Yingyu thought of Shangwen. Will Shangwen have such a situation before?

"Shangwen, does Shangwen have such a situation?" Yingyu asked at this time. For the name "Shangwen." Yingyu hasn't called it for a while. Suddenly he spoke. He just felt a familiarity. After Yingyu got used to it, he called again.

"En. Princess, when the prime minister is here, this kind of thing often happens. Sometimes, a meal is eaten a day and a half later, but at that time, can the food still be eaten? We can only do it again. But, again After it's done, the prime minister doesn't know where to go. In this way, the food becomes old again." The chef said at this moment Shang Wen's usual habits.

"What?" Yingyu was surprised when she heard this. It's no wonder that Shang Wen's body is so weak, and sometimes looks very exhausted, he has lost so much food in terms of food and ordinary people. It is natural to be weak.

"Princess, things like the prime minister have happened many times. The prime minister often puts some desserts in his office. I guess he eats those things when he's hungry. Anyway, I found that he eats a lot of those things. Basically, no for a few days. Now.” The head chef informed Ying Yu of the situation at this time. Yingyu only learned about Shangwen's usual eating habits at this time.

"I didn't have a full meal. But I ate a lot of those desserts. But, how can people not eat a regular meal." The chef said worriedly.

"So, does Prime Minister Meng Yi do the same?" Ying Yu asked immediately.

"It turned out not to be like this. Prime Minister Meng Yi was able to eat on time. Sometimes he was busy, but not so." The chef recalled at this time.

"However, it seems that I have become like the prime minister recently." The chef recalled.

"Recently?" Ying Yu asked.

"Yes, it seems to be recent. I think about it. It seems, yes, it seems to be after the disappearance of the prime minister." The chef recalled at this time.

"Ah." Yingyu exclaimed in surprise. This means that Meng Yi's current state is the same as Shang Wen's state at that time.

"Now Prime Minister Meng Yi is the same as Prime Minister Prime Minister. It has been many days since I have eaten properly. How could this person keep turning around. This is even busier than when Qin State fought." The chef was worried. Said.

"Qin State met a good prime minister. Everyone in Qin State became rich. But it suffered two prime ministers." The chef said worriedly.

But Yingyu frowned at this time, and her whole person seemed to be clicked. Stiff in place. Yingyu didn't expect it. Shangwen was so busy that he couldn't even eat. With such a busy schedule, people have always been in a state of high tension. Can Shangwen feel good in such a state? And thinking about the situation at that time, Yingyu was still pestering Shangwen. Thinking of this, Yingyu deeply blamed herself.

Yingyu then quietly came to Shangwen's office, and at this time, Meng Yi was in the office. Yingyu stood outside the window looking at busy Meng Yi. Meng Yi sat behind his desk, a large tweet of documents waiting for him to give instructions. Not only that, on the sofa, several important ministers of the State of Qin were discussing something. But Meng Yi is constantly correcting. And from time to time, I have to explain some of my own situation in the discussion.

Meng Yi's busy look made Yingyu seem to have seen Shangwen before. Isn't Shang Wen like this? Busy, no one cares about him. But he didn't know it.

And at this time Yingyu saw what she didn't want to see again. On Meng Yi's table, there was a bucket of biscuits. And on the biscuit box, there are still a few bitten biscuits, which must be bitten by Meng Yi when he was busy. Even food like biscuits, Meng Yi couldn't keep up with it. The prime minister's work is so exhausting.

Yingyu's heart was greatly impacted. Shangwen's pressure has far exceeded her imagination. And Shang Wen felt very tired under the heavy pressure. At this time, Yingyu obviously shouldn't do the same as before. What Shangwen needs is a stable and warm environment for release. He needs a home, not an environment that allows him to continue to feel the burden. And she herself didn't even know this. Yingyu felt very regretful at this time. Yingyu's eyes couldn't help but tears.

"Really, one, big idiot. Nothing, don't say anything." Ying Yu cursed Shangwen with sobs.

Southern coastal areas. At this time, the Korean warship was rapidly approaching the Donggou colony of Chu Kingdom. They need to find a good safe haven, and this safe haven is obviously this already inhabited colony, Donggou.

"A port was found ahead." The sailor on the watchtower immediately reported loudly. Hearing the news, the captain picked up the telescope to check the situation.

"En. Look at the banner above, it seems to be." The chief mate on the side saw it with his binoculars.

"It belongs to Chu country." The captain said at this time.

"This is the port of Chu people," the chief officer said while looking at the captain.

"We must stop. Since we are here, we will talk to them." At this time, the captain said to the first officer.

"But, Captain, if, they are right..." the first officer said in surprise.

"I know, but there is no time now." The captain said at this time.

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