The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1414: Indisputable is contentious

"All back, back." The yaman holding a rifle shouted loudly.

"Anti-tax. Anti-tax. Anti-tax." As the crowd of miners gathered more and more, they simply ignored the propaganda of the government officials, and the crowd continued to move forward.

"If this continues, there will definitely be trouble." At this time, a local magistrate said anxiously.

And a civil official wearing a helmet looked anxiously at the approaching crowd.

"Shoot. Frighten them." The official issued such an order at this time.

"No," the anxious magistrate stopped by waving his arm.

"Shoot. Shoot." The helmeted officer shouted loudly. At this time, the officials looked back at the official waving his arms in surprise.

"Shoot." The civil officer kept waving his arms and gave orders.

The officials did not pull the trigger. They don't even know what to do? Or they never thought of shooting each other.

"Tax resistance. Death." The civil official said firmly.

"Kill. Shot and killed them." The civil officer shouted hysterically. The local official on the side looked at this scene in horror.

"Bang." I don't know that the yaman fired at this time. Perhaps it was because of fear, or because of an irresistible command. He pulled the trigger all at once.

"Bang bang bang bang." Then, more and more people pulled the trigger. The bullet flew out quickly, and gunpowder smoke quickly floated in the air.

Many of the people who kept approaching fell down.

"Shoot. Continue shooting them." At this time, the civil officer continued to shout loudly.

"Bang bang bang bang." The second team yaman raised his gun and shot. The gunfire resounded across the sky.

"Ah." Among the crowd not far away, the fallen people yelled loudly. The crying groan frightened those who resisted the tax. The tax-resistance activity was only a temporary motive, and it was not regarded as a human organization. Under such sudden shooting . There was a great commotion among the crowd. Some people were terrified. Some people are at a loss, and the people behind want to know what happened before? Why did the gun fire. The people in front are fleeing this place desperately, for them. A catastrophic side is happening now.

"Run." Chaos occurred in an instant. Some people wavered. Because the Yamen really shot at this time. They originally thought that the other party was just frightening them, as long as they continued. It can achieve the purpose they want, but this time. They seriously underestimated the determination of those officials.

"To resist tax is to oppose the State of Zhao. Those who oppose the State of Zhao. Kill." The civil official who gave the order to shoot said to the magistrate.

"Order everyone to mount the bayonet. For those tax-resistant thugs, use the bayonet to kill them. Then the corpses will be shown to the public." The civil official who gave the order said fiercely. And the magistrate has not yet reacted from what happened just now.

The Prime Minister's Mansion in Handan City. The tax-resisting crowd surrounded the prime minister's house. On the main passage of the Prime Minister's Mansion, some guards, attendants, and private soldiers in the mansion temporarily formed a defensive line. The two sides temporarily formed a confrontation.

"Dare someone break into the palace. Kill." A general gave the order loudly. All the guards held up their bayonet rifles and confronted each other. The other side had no weapons. People just surrounded the prime minister's house and shouted "Resistance against taxation. Resistance against taxation." The two sides temporarily formed a confrontation.

Li Mu's house.

"I, Zhao Jun, take orders from the king. Not the prime minister. The prime minister does not have a king's order. I may not be able to mobilize the army guards. Li Mu can't handle this matter. Handan Ling should go to meet the king." Li Mu sat behind a case table. Looking at each other and said.

"General, the prime minister is in crisis. The Chinese have surrounded the prime minister's mansion, and the prime minister's mansion is probably lost." Handan Ling said anxiously at this time.

"Handan Ling, please come back." Li Mu picked up a book at this time and said quietly.

"This." Handan Ling looked at Li Mu in pain.

"This. This is too." Handan Ling raised his hands.

"Hey." Handan made a wave of his sleeve and left Li Mu's house.

In this way, a serious anti-tax incident occurred in Zhao State. Qin Guo reporters recorded this scene one after another.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Shang Wen and Han Shu walked in the back garden of the Han Palace.

"Qin has a lot of domestic funds. The capital market is abundant. These capitals will not stay in the country because they are the funds of the people of Qin. If anything can make money, they can flow there. No one can control it. Even the King of Qin can't do it. "Shang Wen shook his head and waved his arms.

"Wang Qin really can't control it?" Han Shu asked suspiciously.

"Yes. I really can't control it." Shang Wen said affirmatively.

"The King Qin can give orders. Lock Qin's capital, but these capitals will flow out from another direction. I don't know these directions. Whether it's legal or illegal, they will flow out anyway, orders I can't control it at all. Not only that. If the capital stays in Qin, it will cause more trouble." Shang Wen said.

"Enterprises can get more loans. People also have more money to enter the bank. Capital is everywhere. Companies are not short of money, and no shortage of money will lead to an inflated development of enterprises. However, banks are constantly competing because of fierce competition. It’s difficult for them to survive the collapse of the country. That’s why it’s a bad thing for capital to stay in Qin. Qin’s capital needs to be circulated. Only in continuous circulation can you make money.” Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

"Not only the funds of Qin, but also South Korea, Zhao, Chu, Yan, etc. These need funds, or where funds need to be moved. Capital flows will occur. They are like invisible water. No one can control them." Shang Wen continued.

Han Shu nodded silently when he heard this. She agreed with Shang Wen's statement. And Shang Wen continued to speak at this time.

"It is precisely because of the liquidity of capital that the capital market needs a great deal of openness. I believe it will not be long before Qin will take the initiative to open the capital market and invite you to join." Shang Wen continued.

"This kind of openness requires that the market also needs this kind of openness. I think that only by opening up can there be more things to be exchanged. Exchange can produce value. This is the openness of the market. Freedom." Shang Wen said.

"So, your policy is developed like this, freedom?" Han Shu then asked.

"Yes. My policy is like this. I respect the market. The government's intervention is reduced as much as possible. Or no intervention. The government's fiscal revenue should be biased towards civilian use instead of military use. The military always consumes finances like that. Income. And fiscal revenue is wasted in vain. If this money is invested in civilian facilities. I believe that it will not be long before it will become a wealthy country." Shang Wen said, gesturing.

"After becoming rich, the country has more resources, and power in an industrialized country. Military and civilian use are very similar. This similarity can show that the country's military potential is very huge. For example, Qin's steel Enterprises can quickly transform into other military-industrial enterprises in a short period of time, producing and casting all kinds of shells, bombs, and all kinds of gun barrels. Or steel plates, armors, and so on." Shang Wen said.

"And other companies can quickly transfer to other military tracks. For example, food factories can produce more military cans, air transportation companies provide more pilots for transportation, and railway transportation tracks various strategic materials. . The car factory can manufacture more armored vehicles, tanks and so on.” Shang Wen said. Shang Wen lives in the United States, and he knows how strong the United States is in wartime mobilization. Especially during the Second World War, the United States was a huge arsenal and produced a lot of military materials. The production of these materials helped it win the Second World War. War is actually a test of the ability to mobilize social resources. And Shang Wen is laying this foundation in Qin.

Throughout the history of the State of Qin, the ability to mobilize for war cannot be underestimated. However, the country has been in such a state of mobilization to stimulate the economy itself. This pulling action is pulling with side effects. War mobilization certainly stimulated demand and production. But this demand and production are short-lived. If you can't quickly merge into the formal. Then the economy will soon show this side effect. After the rapid boom, the economy quickly went into decline.

For example, after the First World War in the United States, the economy prospered rapidly. Entered the Coolidge prosperity period, but then entered the economic depression period, the transition is very fast, but the depression is also fast. The influence of war is among them. If it cannot be effectively controlled, the economy will soon collapse again.

Shang Wen is introducing the economy of the Qin State on a benign track, making rational use of the pulling effect of the war, and at the same time carrying out some reforms. Such reforms can greatly expand Qin's war potential rapidly. In Shang Wen's view, it is not appropriate for Qin to launch a war of unification at present, and it should not be provoked by Qin on its own initiative. The initiation of the war should not be in the hands of the State of Qin, and the initiative should be placed among the six countries. From the moral perspective of war, the State of Qin should not bear such war responsibilities. Those who take the initiative to launch war bear a great deal of responsibility. Morally, they often have to bear the condemnation of war. After all, it was oneself who provoked the war.

Shang Wen didn't want Qin to bear such war censure. Shang Wen likes to push the blame for the war on the opponent. On the surface, Qin is still passive, but in fact it is very active, because Qin has great war potential. This is enough to make the other party feel uneasy. Shang Wen's ideas are quite clever. This kind of brilliance lies in actively giving up the initiative. Incompetence is contention.

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