The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1419: Your will not lie

Such a system cannot solve the problems of population and land size. Moreover, the problem of its own system came after Qin unified the world. This problem is easy to show up, especially as the Qin State keeps increasing taxes while the population is declining, and the scale of land responds a lot. Because Qin State suddenly expanded a lot of such land, this led to an indisputable fact that the population was mobilized. But the land was left unused, and land mergers happened naturally. Because the land without population farming would become a burden, the Qin State levied taxes based on population and land. Only after the land is sold and the merger is completed, can such taxes be released.

Loss of balance in the population. With the rapid increase in the scale of land, land mergers naturally occur. It is a pity that Qin's taxes remain unchanged. Instead, it increased, which directly aggravated the burden on farmers. As a result, farmers intentionally lost their land, causing land mergers to become more and more serious. Taxes are naturally reduced. Because Qin's tax targets are small farmers. It is a small individual farmer who owns a small piece of land.

Under such unbalanced conditions, Qin's economy was naturally not far from extinction. It is a pity that the first generation of Qin Shihuang only made a huge contribution, but did not make such adjustments in time. This directly exhausts such a system. But Shang Wen unexpectedly changed this solution.

The Qin State solved the problem of rural land through deliberate land mergers, and well resolved the relationship between land size and population.

The Qin State can produce grain on a large scale as long as a few people are needed. The land is concentrated, and one or several commercial plants, such as grain, can be intensively planted on a large scale. Qin State has planned a large number of wheat production areas . Under the new farm system and the support of the chemical industry, especially the concentrated use of chemical fertilizers, Qin’s grain output quickly surpassed any previous level in history. Qin State reached a whole new situation.

This situation is a situation of the reformed system. South Korea naturally understands the advantages of Qin's system. In particular, Qin's grain output has set a record high, which is almost double the grain output of Qin's heyday. And this was only created within a year. Such a huge grain output met the needs of the Qin war and the needs of industrialization.

South Korea naturally followed suit. But at this time, Qin's grain was already in an extremely surplus state. Excess food is fatal to Qin, which is free and commercialized.

"Low-priced food will seriously dampen the enthusiasm of our farmers to produce food. The government must protect our farmers." Express said when reporting on Qin's huge grain output.

The huge grain output shows that the people of Qin do not have to worry about their stomachs, but the farmers must consider their significance. Huge grain production will lead to a sharp drop in grain prices. In fact, it is true.

The price of wheat on the Qin State Commodity Futures Exchange has fallen to one and a half two and one stone, and the intraday price once reached eight cents and one stone. This is an unprecedented low price. Such low prices will cause farmers to be unable to recover their costs. Failure to recover the costs will result in them being unable to continue to have more funds to invest in production.

Farmers are also a kind of enterprise, but what they produce is agricultural products with a certain periodicity. And because of the food, their prices can't make much profit. Because the price is too high, it will affect the price level of Qin. In this situation. Shang Wen made an important decision.

The Qin government intervened in grain prices at all costs, especially the price of wheat, and the Qin government bought wheat on a large scale. Then resell it to other countries. Under the influence of the pro-Qin government, the price of wheat in Qin was maintained at a price of one and a half two and two cents, and such a price can maintain the existence of the interests of farmers, because their costs are around nine cents, more than this. Prices will quickly have a major impact.

At the same time, a large number of grain merchants from various countries have spotted the huge business opportunities behind Qin's huge grain. The food demand of various countries far exceeded that of Qin, so the surplus food was quickly digested. These grains flowed into other countries through Qin's commodity futures through the developed railway transportation, such as Zhao, South Korea, Yan, and Qi. Because Chu is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, they have developed grain production areas. In addition, Qin has no communication lines in Chu, and logistics costs are already at the same level as Chu's local grain prices. Sometimes it is higher than the other side. This allowed Chu to avoid the huge impact of Qin's grain.

Other countries have suffered such a huge impact from Qin. Such an impact. It is very obvious to South Korea. Because South Korea has a well-developed transportation and railway network. This caused Qin's wheat to rush towards this railway, and South Korea was flooded with a large amount of Qin's wheat for a while.

And when the land has just been merged, when the farmers sell the wheat that has just gone on the market, they will find that their competitors are even crazier than them. The price of Qin’s wheat is seven won per stone. The Korean wheat, because of the cost and planting reasons, turned out to be twelve yuan per stone. As a result, Korean wheat cannot sell Qin's wheat at all, and because Qin's wheat uses chemical fertilizers, Qin's wheat grains are full and the price is cheap. If it is processed into flour, Qin's flour will have even more advantages. obvious. The South Korean government has not raised its own tariffs to protect the interests of its own farmers. This has seriously dampened the interests of South Korean farmers. Under such circumstances, South Korea will naturally not be able to increase its own grain output.

"I think I know the reason." Shang Wen said to Han Shu at this time.

"What's the reason?" Han Shu asked anxiously.

"Qin's grain has flooded into the Korean market. And you did not protect the interests of farmers in your country, which is an important reason why your grain output can't increase." Shang Wen said.

"So, what should we do?" Han Shu asked quickly at this time.

"This." Shang Wen shook his head at this time. Said that he did not know.

"I don't know too much." Shang Wen bowed his head to eat and said. In fact, Shangwen knows how to solve it. The use of tariffs can quickly solve this problem. Or the import of Qin's flour or something is not allowed to solve such a problem.

"I think you should know." Han Shu looked at Shangwen who bowed his head to eat at this time. Under normal circumstances, Shangwen would shrug his shoulders to express helplessness. Such a performance shows that Shangwen really has no choice. But this time, Shang Wen was very unnatural. He lowered his head to eat, Shang Wen rarely did this. Moreover, Shang Wen did not shrug his shoulders when he said these words, and used any physical movements to cover up his unnaturalness. But now Shangwen hasn't done so. This can only show that Shang Wen lied again. What Shangwen should do by himself, Shangwen bowed his head and said nothing, but kept eating, which further confirmed Han Shu's judgment. With an understanding of Shangwen habits. Han Shu knew that this guy seemed to be very honest, but in fact, he was very cunning.

"You sure know what to do?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen and said.

After Shang Wen heard Han Shu's words. He immediately stopped the chopsticks in his hand. Shangwen remained motionless as if being said to have been on his mind.

"This." Shang Wen lowered his head and said.

"I really don't have such a way." Shang Wen said with his head down.

"Oh. There is no such way?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen's reaction and immediately understood Shang Wen's thoughts.

"Then you can tell that you have no such way. Is there any way?" Han Shu asked immediately at this time.

"This." Shang Wen was asked at this time. Shangwen realized that Han Shu had understood his thoughts at this time.

"This." Shang Wen heard Han Shu's rhetorical question. I realized that I was not good at lying.

"Okay." Shang Wen put down his chopsticks at this time. He raised his head and said frankly.

"I admit that I will not lie." Shang Wen said.

"I have a way." Shang Wen continued. But Shang Wen didn't look at Han Shu. He knew he was embarrassed.

"As long as tariffs are increased or the import of Qin's wheat is restricted, in fact, I do not agree with the latter method. Doing so will suddenly increase the price of domestic food in South Korea, which will make the Korean people unable to pay for their food. Cost, if this is the case, many civilians will scold the government, but the farmers will get benefits." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu nodded at this moment

"So, I suggest that you raise tariffs and use the leverage of tariffs to keep Korea's food prices at the same level as the counterparty." Shang Wen continued.

"By doing so, you can increase fiscal revenue, and you can protect the interests of your farmers. Increase the Korean food. In this way, Qin's food will not continue to enter the Korean market from here." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En. A very good way, I will raise the tariff on grain. In this way, the interests of our Korean farmers can be guaranteed." Han Shu said happily at this time. Shang Wen shrugged. Han Shu saw Shang Wen shrugged. You know, this time Shangwen is telling the truth.

"Do you know?" Han Shu said while looking at Shang Wen.

"What?" Shang Wen asked while looking at the other party.

"Sometimes, you really don't lie. Really. Your body language sells you. And you don't even know this." Han Shu said.

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