The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1424: Wei State Question

"Heaven's evil." A Chu army veteran scolded when seeing the two fallen.

"Don't move anyone. Don't move." A Chu army officer shouted loudly when he saw this situation. He hoped that in this way, more Chu Army soldiers could be prevented from dying.

"Don't move." The veterans also shouted at this time.

The soldiers of the Qi army who were responsible for covering the retreat were paying close attention to each other's every move at this time.

"How long do we have to wait?" a second-class soldier of the Qi army asked at this time. He paid close attention to Chu Jun's every move.

"I don't know, wait for everyone to leave here safely." A sergeant Qi said with his rifle.

"Oh." The second-class soldier looked at the battle.

On Chu Jun's side, they were not idle either.

"We have to detour very far behind them. Our rifle range is not enough. We have to go around and give them a shot from behind. Otherwise, we can't do anything." A Chu army veteran said to several people nearby.

"Just a few of us?" a recruit asked.

"Yes." The veteran looked at the recruit and said.

"Everyone is following me." As he said, the veteran lay on the ground and walked along the trench as low as possible. Others watched the veterans do this, and despite their reluctance, they did it. Because they are afraid of death. Especially this kind of death that was beaten to death as soon as it appeared. This lonely death is even more frightening.

"Retreat. Retreat." Just when Chu Jun slowly crawled around on the icy ground. Lieutenant Qi Jun patted his shoulder to signal his retreat.

Those Qi army troops who had covered the retreat carefully withdrew from their positions at this time. Then left quietly.

Just when the Qi army retreated. Chu Jun still remained motionless. Their small mobile unit is bypassing the Qi army's firing position. But Chu Jun kept such a situation and did not start. Such an attack has become more numb to them.

The main force of the Qi army was transferred to the eastern front, while the Qi army defending Linzi on the western front was large in number, but most of them were inexperienced mob soldiers. They had the will to fight, weapons and equipment, and combat experience. In terms of this, they cannot be compared with the Qi army on the Eastern Front. In desperation, Qi Jun could only choose such a method of gradual resistance, although such a method could not stop the Chu Army. In fact, they really couldn't resist the crazy blow of the opponent in frontal combat. Relying on the superiority of the artillery, the Chu army could easily capture the defensive positions of the Qi army, and the Qi army could not confront the Chu army head-on. The generals of the Qi army had realized this, so they dispersed their forces.

They dispersed the troops into small groups and let them lie in ambush on the main road of the advance of the Chu army, and then attacked the enemy as much as possible, delaying the advancement of the Chu army. Although it was still unable to stop the Chu army from advancing in the end, doing so could effectively blow the morale of the Chu army soldiers.

"The Qi army of these gods." A Chu army officer wielded his bronze sword. The Chu army bypassing the line of defense appeared on the position where the Qi army shot, except for the Qi army's cartridge case. There is nothing left.

Chu Jun obviously got nothing. But the Chu Army themselves suffered a lot of losses. They were killed by a lot of cows, horses, and soldiers. The most important thing is that the morale of the Chu army soldiers has become very low, because their people have lost a lot of brothers along the way. If this continues, they will lose everything if they don't get to Linzi.

"We can't go on like this. Go on like this. Many people don't want to fight." An veteran said at this time.

"Then what should we do?" the officer asked.

"We have to make the people of Qi pay the price." The veteran said.

"How to do it?" the officer asked without understanding.

"We should search for a few nearby villages. Qi Jun will definitely rest in those places. They need food and need to rest. In short, we must find them. Then we will get them out, and then we will catch some Qi people and take them. Kill, let the Qi people see the good deeds of their own army. This is the end of support. Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the Qi army at all." The veteran said.

"Okay, just do it like this, I'll go talk about it." The officer said to the veteran at this time.

Qin State Xianyang.

"That's what your queen meant?" Meng Yi asked in disbelief.

"Yes. That's it." South Korea's foreign minister nodded and said.

"For the Shikoku Railway. Did you decide to let private enterprises operate, and then divide the profit according to the amount of bids?" Meng Yi then asked.

"Yes. When our king came, he told us to act in accordance with the market's code of conduct." The Foreign Minister said.

"Since building railways is a commercial activity, then leave it to the market to do it. What we can do is to ensure their benefits. We can do. That's all," the Foreign Minister said.

"It seems that your queen is very enlightened." Meng Yi said applauded.

"En. Thank you for the compliment." The Foreign Minister nodded and said.

In fact, these are Shangwen who asked Han Shu to do this, according to the general situation. Han Shu will inevitably fight, but in that case, South Korea will inevitably lose a lot of things. As a result, the more things South Korea hopes to get, they eventually fail to get.

"So, I want you to stop these things from the beginning, and I don't even want them to me. That's the attitude." Shang Wen said to Han Shu.

Although Han Shu did not understand, he did so in the end. He believed that there must be his reason for doing so. As for the reason, Han Shu needs to understand it himself.

"If this is the case, then our enterprises in Qin will have a great advantage, and the benefits will be great." Meng Yi said to the Foreign Minister at this time.

"We understand this." The Minister of Foreign Affairs has already received Han Shu's order, and any harsh conditions put forward by the Qin people can be agreed as long as they are not excessive.

"Our Qin State enterprise has advantages in technology, equipment, and capital. It already has advantages in engineering operations. What about South Korea?" Meng Yi waved. Which means that South Korea does not know where it has an advantage?

"We have an advantage in manpower, and we can provide some specific craftsmen to learn from. Our manpower cost is very low. As long as you are willing to use it. That's all. This. Qin people's manpower cost is very high. We have an advantage. "The Minister of Foreign Affairs said.

Meng Yi did not speak at this time. He just paused and thought about what the other party said. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is indeed not wrong.

If these railways are built, Qin’s enterprise engineering volume will be huge. After all, this is not a section of railway. It is a railway line that runs from east to west. The completion of this railway line will greatly affect the situation of the six countries. Therefore, Qin needs to send excellent engineering personnel. In terms of engineering design, Qin can naturally send outstanding talents, but it is a bit difficult for Qin to construct. Qin has a lot of talents in this area. There are also many engineering teams to solve various problems. But another problem will arise. That is, the people of Qin people need to pay a lot of labor costs to build these railways. Especially in the construction phase. Qin needs to mobilize a large engineering team, and such an engineering team needs a lot of Qin people. These Qin people need to be in all key areas of Qin. such as. Many of Qin's engineering teams are scattered in the north, south, and northwest of Qin. If this railway is to be built, Qin will need to transfer engineering teams from these places.

Qin Guo couldn't draw these engineering teams. With this in mind, Meng Yi believes that South Korea’s request is reasonable.

"We agree to do this." Meng Yi said.

"We can't draw up such a large number of engineering teams, we can only provide technical equipment, engineering design, and financial support." Meng Yi said.

"But these of us are critical. Therefore, I think our company may gain more benefits in the specific construction." Meng Yi said.

"En. We agree." The Foreign Minister said at this time.

"But there is one question that we need to raise. It is the section of the Wei State railway." The Foreign Minister said at this time.

"Wei Guo?" Meng Yi asked somewhat unexpectedly at this time. In Meng Yi's opinion. What Qin should pay attention to is the construction of the railway section of Qi, because only in this way can the people of Qin obtain sufficient benefits in Qi and achieve the goal of controlling Qi by controlling the railway. However, South Korea unexpectedly proposed the Wei section of the railway.

But after thinking about it carefully. Meng Yi began to understand what the other party meant.

This railway has been built to Linzi, so the section of railway that passes through Linzi must pass through the beam. However, the beam railway belongs to Wei. The situation of the Wei people makes the Qin people feel a bit tricky. But Meng Yi thought about it calmly and said.

"In my opinion. Wei's railway section is not a problem. Wei can only accept our railway requirements without any objections." Meng Yi assured.

"En. But there is a transition zone in the middle. This transition zone is the Xinchen area." South Korea did not recognize the Xinchen Republic. The Qin State only provided assistance, but did not officially recognize it.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"This is just a regional issue. It is not an issue between countries. It should be resolved easily." Meng Yi nodded and said.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs looked at Meng Yi, and in the eyes of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Meng Yi had promised too soon. Meng Yi didn't think about Wei's problems very well. Wei's problems can only be solved by the people of Qin. South Koreans should not solve it. But the people of Qin did not study Wei's problems well. There may be some new situations in Wei.

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