"Control, control." The captain on the airship shouted.

"Our airship is sinking fast." At this time, the co-pilot shouted loudly.

"I know. I know." The captain shouted.

"Control it. Increase horsepower. Fast." The captain shouted. Like this, he can immediately fill his airship with heat. Let the airship fly immediately.

On the other hand, due to the active impact, the damage to the other airship was not too great. The impacted airship was sinking rapidly at this time. The situation is already difficult to control.

"One of our airships," the flying sergeant shouted worriedly.

"Care about ourselves." The captain said at this time. Then he hurriedly operated the airship. They tried their best to stabilize the airship and then return smoothly.

On the artillery position below, there were explosions everywhere, and the explosion of the aerial bomb detonated the artillery shells on the artillery position of the Chu Army. The huge explosion caused heavy losses for many artillerymen of the Chu Army.

"Puff." The Chu army officer spat out a mouthful of blood at this time. The huge explosion shocked his internal organs from internal injuries. The artillery officer of the Chu Army could no longer hold it.

"General." An artillery hurried forward to support the opponent.

"General," the artillery asked in a low voice.

"Puff." The general spit out blood and fell to the ground.

"General. General." The artillery shouted loudly. And there are many such people on the battlefield. They were not hit by shrapnel. Instead, he was killed by shattering his internal organs by a huge explosion. On the surface, they don't seem to have much trouble, and they are all in good health, but their internal organs have been severely ruptured. There is no treatment.

"The airship can't be controlled." The captain shouted loudly. The severely impacted airship quickly fell downward.

"Felled down." A Chu Army soldier in the trench watched the airship fall quickly.

"Wow!" The huge airship slammed on the ground quickly. The posture of the entire airship was falling head-down. After the airship fell to the ground, it was under tremendous gravity. The front of the airship was severely damaged. The wooden skeleton inside the airship's airbag was hit into a pile of waste wood.

The nearby Chu Army artillery quickly fled from the scene. They have just experienced a huge bombing, and now they have to face things falling from the sky.

"Cannonballs." A Chu artilleryman shouted loudly at this time.

"Quick. Load the shells." The artillery shouted loudly. A gunner quickly ran over. Load the shells.

"Wow." The artillery quickly turned to adjust the position of the artillery. He wants to aim at the spinning airship in the sky. The airship lost a power unit because of it. Because of the unbalanced propeller, the airship kept spinning.

"Stop. We need to turn off the other screw." The captain of the spinning airship said at this time.

"Spinning like this is not a solution," the captain said.

"But. Sir. This is above the enemy. They have cannons." The first officer said in surprise.

"I know." The captain said impatiently.

"I know these things." The captain said.

"We have to get out of here quickly," the co-pilot said.

"Shut up," the captain yelled impatiently.

The first officer looked at the captain.

"Sorry, I'm a little out of control." The captain said. Faced with such a situation. The captain actually didn't know what to do? If they rely on the direction of the wind, it is estimated that it will be difficult for them to return to their base. This is winter. It's the north wind. The cold north wind. The Chu army's position is in the south. It is impossible to use the direction of the wind to return.

And their power can only use one at this time. The other one was knocked out.

Push the propeller unbalanced. It is difficult to maintain balance and let the airship fly back. Thought of this. The captain's mood was extremely bad, because he also wanted to fly back.

"Let it go." The artillery on the ground lit the fuse at this time.

"Boom." There was a sound of cannon.

"Huh." The cannonball whizzed past.

"Wow." The shell hit the airbag of the airship, and the shell directly shattered the wooden skeleton inside the airbag because it lost the relationship of the skeleton. At the same time the shell made a huge hole. The heat is lost quickly. This loss has had serious consequences. Lift is rapidly decreasing.

"Our airship, it seems, seems to have hit." The co-pilot said at this time.

"It doesn't seem to be, or I was hit." The captain said calmly.

"Our airship is sinking." A voice came from behind. At this time, the airship was sinking slowly.

"Are we parachuting?" The first officer knew that the airship was already out of control and lost power. Lose lift again. Everyone knows that such an airship is already difficult to control the situation.

"No. We turned on the power again, and then rotated to the ground. Perhaps by doing so, we can still protect ourselves." The captain said at this time.

"Understood, sir." The first officer nodded helplessly at this time.

The airship then started their engines again and the propelling device started. The propeller spun quickly.

The airship spins and falls slowly.

"One of our airships has fallen again." The Qi army soldier who was standing on the trench and watching the battle said in a loss. When the soldiers of the Qi army finished speaking. The airship in the sky also fell.

At this time, the Chu Army infantrymen slowly approached with their rifles carefully.

"You said, is there anyone inside?" a Chu army soldier asked in a low voice at this time.

"I don't know." An veteran said, lowering his body.

"Bang. Bang." Just when the veteran lowered his body. Two gunshots came. The Chu army soldier who was questioning fell down.

"Get down." The veteran yelled, and then went into hiding.

"Bang. Bang." The surrounding Chu army also shot quickly. The two sides immediately launched a fierce gun battle. The surviving Qi pilots did not want to surrender, so they started to fight back with their pistols. The Chu army soldiers also fired quickly. The double hair fought all of a sudden. But the number of pilots is small after all. Their final outcome is doomed.

"What does the Qin countryman mean?" Li Mu asked Sima Shang on the side in his house.

"Why is there a large-scale exercise at the border of Zhao State. What is it going to do?" Li Mu asked Sima Shang.

And Sima Shang just kept shaking his head at this time. He didn't know what Qin people were going to do.

"Does our army want to go and prepare too?" Sima Shang asked in a low voice at this time.

"Prepare. How do you prepare? Zhao Jun has just been disarmed. In terms of combat effectiveness, even one of Qin's infantry division can't resist it." Li Mu said.

"En." Sima Shang nodded in favor.

"Then, we can't look at the people of Qin like this," Sima Shang said again.

"Yes." Li Mu said.

"Order our engineers and soldiers to build fortifications at the key points of the Zhao State Pass. Strengthen the guard." Li Mu said at this time.

"And intensively dispatched personnel to monitor Qin Jun's every move." Li Mu ordered at this time.

"Yes. General." Sima Shang said.

"Right. General. Yunzhong County sent an emergency military intelligence." Sima Shang said, taking out a telegram from the folder and said.

"What's the content?" Li Mu asked.

"It is said that there was a serious riot in Yunzhong County. The local miners attacked the local government office and killed the local chief. The bodies were hung on the wall. Zhao Jun is currently surrounding the city. They don't. Know what to do next?" Sima Shang said at this time.

"En." Li Mu just nodded.

"This matter should be reported to the king." Li Mu said.

"Leave this to me. I'll go and ask for instructions." Li Mu said and took the telegram.

"Yes. General." Sima Shang nodded and said at this time.

Li Mu looked at the telegram at this time and thought about the recent situation. In Handan City, the people are very dissatisfied with Guo Kai's actions, especially this differentiated tax collection method. Because of the serious loss of fairness. Therefore, the people opposed Guo Kai, and they surrounded Guo Kai's prime minister's house.

Outsiders are allowed to enter, but they are not allowed to come out. Forcible impact will not work at all. There are so many people that they cannot attack. Guo Kai tried every means to explain the situation here, but to no avail.

At this time, Guo Kai resented Li Mu very much. Because as time goes by, the food in the mansion is declining rapidly, and if you continue to encircle, the soldiers in the mansion will be starved to death. Thinking of this, Guo Kai was very worried. Extreme resentment towards Li Mu. But he hoped that Li Mu would quickly lead the troops to rescue him.

"Damn Li Mu." Guo Kai scolded bitterly.

Xinzheng, South Korea. The people of the Mo family are hidden near the Han Palace.

"Senior Sister, that Prime Minister of Qin State is very good." Junior Brother Nine said in a low voice.

The senior sister didn't say a word at this time.

"People are sick like that. We didn't even take care of them. If they die. Qin State, King Qin. I'm afraid they will kill our Mo family all over the world." Junior Brother Nine said worriedly.

"Yes, Senior Sister, I have long seen that something is wrong. And Senior Sister, you. Something is too much." Ling'er also agreed at this time.

"Shut up." The senior sister turned her head and said to the two people. She turned her head and continued to check the Han Palace. The people of the Mo family wanted to enter and took Shang Wen back again, but the Han Palace was extremely guarded. The guards have obviously increased a lot. This makes it difficult for Mohists to enter. Despite their high martial arts. But in the face of such a heavily guarded Han Palace. The Mohists also felt a little overwhelmed.

"Be careful." Senior sister said quietly and sternly at this time. Then he quickly pulled away the Nine Junior Brothers and Ling'er.

"Be careful. Anyone who is suspicious, want to catch them. Please make sure that no one is allowed to approach the palace." A new Korean army officer waved his arm and said to a group of soldiers.

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