The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1446: The call between Yingyu and Han Shu

On the southern waters, a supply ship for the Chu State navy forces. A Chu State troop carrier is returning to where they came from.

As the Chu army continued to seize the colony. Chu's naval forces are becoming more and more exhausted. The colonial authorities can only provide basic guarantees such as food and drinking water. Gunpowder, shells, guns, etc. need to be transported from the rear. This way of supply greatly affected the combat capability of the Chu State navy. The main force of Chu's navy had to stay in the colony for rest and recuperation. The supply ships quickly left the colony. Return to bring more supplies.

"We are transporting supplies back and forth like this. It's too much trouble." A Chu State Navy officer said to the captain.

"En." The captain just agreed.

"Our general should consider setting up gun workshops in the colonial authorities so that we don't use them to run back. Gunpowder colonial authorities can also make them." The Chu State navy officer suggested.

"The general also has such an idea. It's just how to implement it. It depends on the general's method." The captain said.

"Such a thing is not something we can worry about." The captain said at this time.

"Okay. Pay attention to the situation around us, and don't encounter other unhappy situations." The captain said carefully.

"Yes, Captain." The navy officer agreed.

"There seems to be someone in front." At this moment. The sentry shouted loudly.

"There is still someone on the face." The sentry called loudly at this time.

"What?" The captain looked at the position pointed by the sentry at this time. Sure enough, he saw a person floating on the sea, but he didn't know whether the other person was alive or dead. This situation is very unclear.

"Let's go. Let's see who the other party is?" The captain said after looking at the situation.

"Yes. Captain," the officer replied. Immediately, the Chu troop transport ship approached quickly. The supply ship behind is also close behind.

"Catch it up." The captain ordered. The sailors immediately salvaged the body. The corpse was facing up, apparently dead for many days.

Because of the long-term sea water immersion. The body looked unusually white and swollen badly.

"I can't see what it looks like anymore." An old sailor said, resisting his desire to vomit. Some novices ran away and vomited.

The captain looked at the corpse and shook his head.

"Captain, the body is wearing our clothes. It should be ours." The navy officer looked at the clothes on the body and said.

"En. I saw it," the captain said.

"Put away the corpse, converge, and return to the sea." The captain said while looking at the corpse. At this time the captain began to think about such a problem. That is, where did this corpse come from. Why is there a body of one's own floating in the sea. The most recent battles took place on the beach. Once on land, there would be no bodies floating on the sea. Where did this corpse come from? The captain did not understand such a problem.

"It's buried by the sea." The officer said to his opponent.

For such people, everyone just shook their heads, expressing condolences and sympathy for the other's misfortune. That's it.

The ship moved on. Everyone just assumes that this hasn't happened.

Some people quickly forgot about this matter. There is not much attention to this matter.

"Princess, find out more clearly." A female waiter came to report to Xiang Yingyu.

"That song comes from South Korea. I heard that the Queen of South Korea ordered it personally, and it spread from the Palace of the Kings of Korea." The waitress told Yingyu the result of the inquiries. After Yingyu heard such news, she frowned.

Yingyu has concluded that Shang Wen must be in Korea, because she can definitely know that the song called "Backgammon" came from Shang Wen. She only needs to find out the origin of the song. She concluded that no one could make such a song, only Shangwen. But what she didn't expect was that this piece of music actually came from Hanwang Palace. This is so strange.

What Yingyu couldn't figure out was this, why Shangwen would appear in the Han Palace. Yingyu couldn't figure out why.

"You go down first." Yingyu said to the waitress. For Shangwen's situation. She wanted to think about it for herself. I haven't figured out there yet. Yingyu walked back and forth thinking about this. She didn't know why Shangwen appeared there. Yingyu can be sure that Shangwen is in the Palace of Han Dynasty, but she doesn't know exactly why she appeared there. In short, this matter made her feel very confused.

After thinking about it a bit. Yingyu decided to take some measures to prove Shangwen's existence. She decided to call Han Shu. This was the fastest way and the best way to prove Shang Wen's existence.

"Connect to the Queen of Korea. I want to speak to her." Yingyu said and picked up the phone. Then she put the phone on the table and waited patiently for a reply.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Han Shu is listening to music at this time and enjoying music time.

"My lord, my lord." An attendant whispered.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu said impatiently.

"Duke Qin Yingyu mainly talks with you," the attendant said in a low voice.

"En." After hearing such a news, Han Shu felt very strange. She and Yingyu hadn't reached the point where they had to say anything, and because of Shangwen's situation, the two became very opposed. Suddenly called at this moment, is there anything?

Han Shu's heart became tense involuntarily.

"Could it be that Yingyu heard what news?" Han Shu said to herself. She began to guess what Yingyu knew?

Thought of this. Han Shu began to feel a little unnatural.

"Hang up, just say I'm not free." Han Shu thought for a while and said.

"Here," the attendant agreed. Leave slowly. And Han Shu thought about it again at this time. If this is really the case, then it will show that Shangwen is here. In that case, wouldn't it be exposed. Thinking of this, Han Shu immediately stopped the attendant.

"Stop." Han Shu called. The attendant heard the queen's voice. Stop immediately.

"Don't hang up yet." Han Shu said at this time. Under the queen's cry, the music stopped.

"The widow will pick it up." Han Shu thought for a while. I'm not afraid of anything, so I just picked it up.

"Hello." Han Shu picked up the phone and said.

"Hey, is there anyone?" Han Shu shouted loudly. There was no response from the other party.

Yingyu walked back and forth. She was thinking about how to ask the other person, and then learned the existence of Shangwen from the other's words. However, Yingyu thought a lot and did not come up with a useful one.

"Hello." At this moment, a voice came from the other end of the phone. Yingyu picked it up right away.

"Hey hey. If there is no one to answer, I will hang up." Han Shu's heartbeat was very strong. She was afraid of something wrong. The news of Shang Wen here would let the other party notice that Han Shu had a feeling. This feeling told her Yingyu must know something. I called to verify something.

"Someone answers, someone answers. Don't hang up." Yingyu shouted loudly on the other end of the phone.

"Oh. Someone. I thought there was no one." Han Shu said as coldly as possible. Han Shu said this deliberately. If she didn't say that, she was afraid that Yingyu would notice something.

"Someone. Someone." Yingyu said a little nervously on the other side of the phone.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked actively. Although she warned herself more than once not to say that. But it still said so.

"Oh. Yes. Yes." Yingyu was also a little nervous at this time. Speaking is very unnatural. I don't know if it is the instinctual relationship between two people and women. Both people feel that the other has something intentionally hidden from each other. It is possible that this matter is still the same thing. The instincts of the two women turned out to be so accurate.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked coldly.

"En. That's right. Your Korean song. It's very nice. I want to listen to it." Ying Yu originally planned to ask about this, but it might be because of his personality. So she asked directly. Perhaps this kind of straightforward questioning is even more powerful.

"This." Han Shu hesitated subconsciously, because she had to consider whether to tell Shangwen this situation. And this subconscious hesitation suddenly caused Yingyu to prove the fact that Shang Wen was in the Palace of Han.

After Yingyu thought of this, she felt extremely excited, because she proved Shangwen's existence, otherwise why Han Shu hesitated. Obviously, this hesitation is considering Shang Wen. Thinking of this, Yingyu couldn't help laughing.

"I have to see how our band is getting along? After all, our South Korea is not as good as Qin. What are you laughing at?" Han Shu asked immediately at this time. However, at this time Han Shu hadn't realized that he had exposed Shangwen's situation here.

"Oh. Nothing?" Yingyu replied at this time.

"I just laughed again." Yingyu didn't know what reason to look for at this time. However, her mind turned very fast, and she quickly found a reason.

"Before we laughed, we were still in an enemy-like relationship, with you without me. With me without you, I didn't expect it. We can still listen to music together." Yingyu said at this time.

"Oh." Han Shu felt very surprised when she heard this.

"Yes. You have always hated me before. Do you still hate me?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"En. Want to hear the truth?" Yingyu asked on the other side of the phone.

"Of course you want to be honest." Han Shu said.

"En. It's kind of. However, it's not as serious as before. Maybe it's because I have experienced some things. These things have changed a lot for me. Maybe only such changes can make myself mature." Ying Yu said.

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