The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1448: They saved the boat

"What kind of ship is this? It's all black." A Chu Army navy soldier carefully stood on the black ship and said.

"Shhh." An old sailor in the front was carefully searching things at this time. This ship is really weird to them. They don't even know what to do, weird?

"There are charred bodies everywhere. It's pitiful." The first officer looked at the various black charcoals on the deck. Because of the fire, the human body shrinks a lot after being burnt, because the water is evaporated. The shape became unusually weird.

"This is too weird for us," the chief mate said.

"First officer, do we want to open the bottom hatch?" a sailor asked, raising the rifle in his hand.

"The hatch seems to be sealed from the outside," said the sailor.

"En." The first officer looked at the surrounding situation.

"Let's open it and see what we can find to explain our current situation." The chief officer said.

"Wow." The sailor smashed the **** of his rifle, and the sealed hatch was opened. The fire made everything crunchy.

"Wow." The sailor pushed the door, but the door fell down.

"Torch." The sailor took a step back. Dust is everywhere.

"Take the torch," the sailor exclaimed. Immediately, some people fetched torches. The sailor and several others set on torches and formed a small team and slowly entered the bottom compartment.

There were a few charred bodies at the top of the stairs in the lower cabin, and these bodies had become accustomed to them. It's just that a person who entered behind suddenly stomped on a corpse, slipped his feet, because it was all burnt oil, and yelled loudly with fear in his heart.

"Huh." The sailor who walked in the front exhaled.

"There are dead people everywhere," said the sailor.

"The fire scorched these." The sailor said with a torch, taking a look at the surroundings.

"En." The first officer who walked down looked at the miserable situation and said.

"This is simply not a place for people to stay." said the sailor. From the inspection on the spot, it is obvious that the whole bottom cabin was blocked by the dead gate, and then the fire scorched everyone. Their limbs maintained their last-minute miserable condition. Seeing such a miserable situation, everyone present felt terrified.

"I don't want to stay at this moment," the chief mate said.

"Huh." The first officer felt that he had difficulty breathing, not only was the air in the bottom compartment bad, but the most important thing was that such a tragic situation made it too difficult to breathe.

"I'm going to tell the captain what's going on here. You can search to see if there is anything important." The first officer said, covering his nose.

"En," the sailor agreed.

"It's too miserable." The first officer left immediately.

On the deck of a troop carrier. The captain looked at the black ship on the opposite side.

"What happened on the ship? Have you checked it out?" the captain asked at this time.

"The captain seems to have sealed the bottom tank. The people in the bottom tank were scorched. The same is true for the corpses on the deck, but judging from the wounds and various tragic conditions. It seems to be caused by a cannon. And the hull can tell this. One point," the chief mate said.

"En." The captain frowned and looked at the opposite hull, looking from the gap in the hull. Same as the chief mate said.

"Is there a logbook?" the captain asked at this time. A ship, the most important and most telling of history is the log book. The log book tells the history of a ship and some of the things he experienced. This is the most important thing for a ship. If the log book still exists, then it can explain what happened at the last moment. The captain is naturally very attentive to such things.

"Not yet, we haven't found it yet." The first officer said at this time.

"En. Go down. Look for it." The captain continued to order.

And at this time in the bottom compartment. The sailors flipped over the body to check the situation. Some sailors searched for valuable things from the ruins. Although these things were burned by the fire, they still stayed. For example, among the charred corpses, there are some gold coins.

"Hahaha. See what I found?" A very strong sailor found a gold coin from a charred corpse. And the pile of corpses under his feet was completely changed by his bayonet. Gold coins are found in the body. Sailors usually put their most important things in the closest place, and in the closest place, because of the effect of the fire, they will be burnt in the body. You can only find it with a bayonet provoking it away. And those sailors who were very greedy for money didn't care about the integrity of the corpse at this time. Pick up all the bodies and look for gold coins.

"Huh." The sailor who came first saw this and shook his head.

"Can you respect the dead," the sailor called to the sailor who was holding the gold coin. The sailor holding the gold coin also blew the dusty gold coin with his mouth.

"They are all dead. And these gold coins are still alive." The sailor who blew the gold coins said indifferently.

"You are really not human." The sailor scolded.

"Humph." The sailor smiled. Then he continued to search for his wealth. The greedy nature of the Chu army soldiers is undoubtedly exposed. It is no wonder that most of them are from the poorest bottom. They want to get ahead. There is no such opportunity at all. Those opportunities for promotion are only available to those noble surnames. The rest are , It’s very good to be able to mix with a low-level officer. Others served as soldiers for a generation, and in the end they couldn't even marry a wife. Therefore, the biggest wish of the soldiers of the Chu army is to find opportunities to make a fortune in a war. Many soldiers come to fight for the purpose of making money. They don't think so much about other things.

"Bah." The sailor who found the gold coin spit on his charred body at this time.

"If you don't get rich, what do you use to find a woman?" the sailor scolded.

"Wow." At this moment, the sailor kicked over a crock.

"Boom." The crock was obviously filled with water, because everyone could hear the sound of water.

"Broken jar." The sailor kicked the earthen jar away. Then went on to fumble for gold coins.

The sailor who was looking for something important noticed this at this time.

Water, why is there water. He felt very strange. Normally, there is no water in the fire place. The reason is simple. People will use water to fight the fire. Even if it is a drop of water, they will do it because it is subconsciously done.

However, there is actually a jar of water here. This is obviously not in line with the normal behavior of people.

Thought of this. The sailor decided to go over and take a look, because it was so strange. Tell him consciously that something must have made this happen. So, the sailor walked over and took a look at this time.

"What's this?" The sailor found something like a book stepped on under his feet, and the book felt good. So the sailor bent over and picked it up and looked at it.

Through the light of the torch, he saw that it was a large, well-wrapped, thick book, with a densely packed layer of oil-soaked greased paper on the top. Because of the protection of this layer of oil paper, it can be waterproof, and then put it in a crock full of water, so that it can survive the fire.

After thinking of this meaning. The sailor immediately put away the huge book, and quickly went to the deck to report the incident.

"You go down first. You did a very right, very amazing thing. You will be rewarded generously." The captain looked at the sailor and said.

"Yes, thank you, thank you Captain." The sailor said excitedly.

"Let him eat something good." The captain ordered. A sailor took the sailor away.

"Look at this logbook, what will be recorded?" The captain opened the kraft paper, then opened the logbook to check what the ship had experienced.

"This is our ship." At this time, the first officer said after seeing the first page. Because the chief mate once held the positions of some grass-roots officers on this ship, he has seen this logbook, and in some places, he has the opportunity to participate.

"This is our ship." The chief officer said in surprise.

"Huh." The captain exhaled.

"It seems that our ship is unfortunate." The captain said. Then the captain flipped through the logbook.

The captain frowned and looked at the logbook, while the first officer was also looking at it at this time. When they saw the last page, they were silent for a long time.

The logbook on the last page clearly states. Their ships were attacked fiercely by pirate ships. How did the soldiers resist bravely, but they could not resist the fierce attack of the other side. How the pirates cruelly killed the wounded soldiers who had been severely wounded, in order to protect the wounded soldiers, cruelly dismembered the wounded soldiers. The fighting was extremely tragic. But the opponent's firepower is too fierce. The pirates killed many people with cannons. When the opponent is dominant, they retreat to the bottom deck. Inflict serious casualties on the enemy. In the end, the other party blocked the hatch and burned them all alive. On the last picture, the captain could see the handprint of the last person struggling with dark hands. At the last moment, he recorded the tragedy of the last moment.

"They are good. At the last moment, they can keep their boat." The captain said after a long silence.

"En." The first officer nodded and said.

"Huh." After the captain said this, he said no more. This Chu troop transport ship maintained their integrity at the last time. The captain admired such a ship very much, and hated those pirates very much. They were transporting wounded soldiers, even the wounded were not let go. This is too cruel for them.

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