The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1454: We believe in the prime minister

"Without Qin's navy, we still fight." Xiang Yan decided after thinking about it.

Although the naval guns of the Qin Navy can provide unprecedented firepower attacks. But without these, Chu's navy can still launch an offensive. Xiang Yan decided to revise the original plan after thinking about it. The Chu State Navy launched an offensive on its own and occupied Changsha City.

Qin State Staff. Yang Duanhe received a memo from the Navy Department.

"Qin's navy's idea is very good. However, the situation is not the time to put forward such an opinion. If such an opinion is raised at this time, I think it will not be long before Qin's navy will be abolished. This is the memo It's over." Yang Duanhe said while looking at the memo.

"The idea is very good. Very insightful, now is not the time. The timing is wrong." Yang Duanhe said.

"This memo is detained here. Please close this matter." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes, sir." A naval officer said at this time.

Just when the Qin State Staff Department pressed this matter. The Xianyang Prime Minister's Mansion of Qin State began to lively.

"Protest, protest. Protest." At the gate of the prime minister's house, I don't know when, a large number of people gathered, holding protest signs, to demonstrate against the prime minister's policies.

"Strengthen vigilance and don't let them rush over. Pull up the barbed wire. Obstruct them." A Marine Corps captain nervously commanded his men to strengthen the vigilance of the Prime Minister's House.

"Wow." A team of Marines immediately rushed out and entered their battle position.

"How many of them are there?" a Marine Corps major asked.

"A lot, there are more than two hundred people who suddenly appeared just now. It seems that they were premeditated." The captain said while looking at the situation.

"What are they protesting against?" the major then asked.

"I don't know, but from their slogans and signs, it seems to be a protest that Qin should not close a large number of small coal mines. This has caused many people to lose their jobs." The captain said while looking at the signs. The slogan was written on the board about unemployment, no survival, no taxation, and big coal mine owners are robbers.

"Learn about the situation and report this matter quickly." The major said at this time.

"I'll report this matter." The major continued.

"Protest. We want to work." The Qin people who surrounded the prime minister's house shouted loudly.

"We want to work. We want to work." The others yelled.

"Return to my coal mine." Some small coal mine owners shouted loudly. In this economic action, they lost their main source of income, and they are no different from bankruptcy. They have lost their source of income. There are also many miners who have lost their economic resources. The newly constructed coal mines do not require so many miners, which will cause a considerable number of the original miners to lose their jobs. These people who lost their jobs came to Xianyang when there was no alternative. They hoped that the prime minister could give them a way to solve their livelihood problems.

"Protest, we have to work." The voice of protest quickly reached Meng Yi's ears.

"What's going on outside? It's so loud." Meng Yi said while looking at the report.

"The prime minister." The assistant listened carefully as he sorted out the files. I generally understand what it is.

"Did you understand what happened?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"The prime minister. This," the assistant said reluctantly.

"It seems that some people are going to protest, they are opposed to certain policies of the prime minister, and there is." the assistant said at this time.

"Also, they lost their jobs." The assistant continued.

"En." At this time, Meng Yi nodded.

"It seems that the matter is serious, I need to go out and take a look. The situation cannot develop further." Meng Yi said at this time.

"The prime minister. The prime minister." Just when Meng Yi was about to go out. The Minister of Economy walked in quickly.

"There were protests outside the door. They came over against our previous policies. It seems that what we don't want to happen has happened." The Minister of Economy said.

Meng Yi didn't say anything, but looked at the Minister of Economy.

Meng Yi looked at the Minister of Economy, and then sat down slowly. Did not say a word.

"The Prime Minister, at present, we must think of a way to solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very unfavorable to us. This is the first time such a thing happened in Qin State. If the king knows, he does not know what to do. Measures, in short, this matter should be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, the consequences will become more and more serious." The Minister of Economy said worriedly.

"I understand." Meng Yi said.

"What should come will come after all." Meng Yi continued.

"However, we should take the initiative to go out and appease them. Just like Prime Minister Shang Wen did before, we must take some measures, otherwise our situation will be very bad." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Minister of Economy continued.

"Go, go out and see the situation." Meng Yi stood up and said.

"The prime minister." The main force on the side saw Meng Yi staggering to stand up. Immediately asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter." Meng Yi waved his hand. Then he stood.

"I can hold on to such a thing. If Prime Minister Shang Wen is there, he will do the same." Meng Yi continued.

"We have to give them confidence and explain to them. Let them calm down." Meng Yi said.

"Let's go." Meng Yi firmly left his position. Then he left slowly.

The Minister of Economy followed closely behind.

"We want to work. We want to live. We want to work, we want to live." Although there are not many protesters, there are many people who surrounded them. In addition, reporters heard the news. It will not be long before this matter will spread. The ups and downs.

"This is big news. Such protests are rare in Qin. It is really a big scene." Qin reporters were busy taking pictures, interviewing the parties, and understanding the truth of the matter.

"The prime minister is out." Just when the reporter was busy, one of the protesters who saw Meng Yi shouted loudly.

"The prime minister is out." The protesters rushed up immediately.

At this time, the Marine Corps soldiers nervously took up their rifles, and they were ready to deal with the protesting crowd who rushed over. In their opinion, these people were very threatening to the prime minister.

"Prime Minister, step back. It's not safe here." The Marine Corps captain immediately stopped Meng Yi and others. A team of Marines immediately pointed their bayonet rifles at the protesters.

"We want to work. We want to see the prime minister," the protester said loudly.

"All back. Back," the Marines shouted fiercely. Let those people back off.

"We want to see the Prime Minister." The protester shouted without backing away.

"Stay back. I hear you," the Marine Corps soldier shouted. And the other party is also insisting. The situation immediately reached a deadlock.

"Let me come." At this time, Meng Yi stood up and said.

"The prime minister. It's too dangerous here," the captain persuaded the other party.

"No. It's not dangerous at all. This is my duty. If I don't handle this matter, it's my negligence." Meng Yi said to the other party.

"But..." the captain said worriedly.

"No, but, I know you are good for me, but I am good for Qin Guo." Meng Yi said.

"Everyone." Meng Yi gently pushed away the opponent's arm, and then stepped forward quickly.

"Quietly everyone. Listen to me." Meng Yi stood up and said at this time.

Qin people present heard Meng Yi's loud voice. They all stopped, they wanted to hear what the young man said.

"I am the Prime Minister of Qin. Meng Yi. Everyone should know me." Meng Yi said at this time.

"I know everyone's situation. After all, I gave the policy." Meng Yi said.

"The prime minister, what should I do? I have no job. You should think of a way. Let the coal mine start. Right. My coal mine has been taken away. Qin State's bank is too bad." Hearing this, he protested. Among the people, I immediately complained about their difficulties.

"Just be quiet." Meng Yi said, waving his arms at this time.

"I know everyone's situation. For some specific things that happened, I hope you can record the situation. I will adjust it according to these situations. I think it won't take long before you will have jobs. Don't worry about these things. . Everyone go back first. If it doesn’t work, come to me and I will solve all the problems for you at any time. I will hold a cabinet meeting urgently to discuss a countermeasure and solve everyone’s solution. Is this okay?" Meng Yi asked loudly.

Protesting people, look at me and I will look at you.

"Okay, we believe in the prime minister." A man who took the lead shouted loudly.

"Okay, we believe in the prime minister. Let's leave." The people shouted so loudly.

"Go away. Disperse. Everyone disperse." said the protesting crowd.

"Thank you everyone. Thank you." Meng Yi shouted loudly.

People slowly dispersed. Meng Yi watched the people disperse.

The captain was nervously scattered, and he was greatly relieved at this time.

"We bought some time." Looking at the dispersed crowd. Meng Yi said.

"Yes. Time is running out for us," said the Minister of Economy.

"Convene a meeting immediately. We have to figure out the relevant matters. We can't wait any longer." Meng Yi continued.

"Yes. Prime Minister." The Minister of Economy replied.

"I'm going now." The Minister of Economy said. Then leave immediately.

"Immediately sort out all the information, and we are running out of time. This matter, we need all aspects of information. To clarify our thinking. We need to properly handle these are things." Meng Yi turned back and said to the assistant.

"Understood, Prime Minister." The assistant replied. Then left in a hurry.

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