The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1480: Soldiers approaching the city

Qin's tax case is extremely enlightened and advanced. Because he guarantees most of the benefits. What is hit is that those monopolies are the main obstacles that prevent society from moving forward. This is of great positive significance to the social development of Chu State.

Xiang Yan was considering the development of the Chu navy. In such a demand, the Chu navy implemented such a tax case. At this time, only the nobles had so much money to collect taxes from ordinary people. It is not that reliable.

"Quick push. Quick push." ​​A Chu Army artillery commander waved his arm and instructed his men to push the cannon to a high ground. At this time, they had already advanced to Linzi, the heart of Qi.

"The front is Linzi." A general of the Chu army saw with a telescope in his hand.

"Yes." A Chu army officer replied.

"We finally arrived here." General Chu Jun said.

The officer did not answer, but thought that the price was too great. Along the way, the sporadic resistance of the guerrillas made them feel very exhausted, and the logistics supply was not very smooth, which made them not so happy to move forward.

The main force of the Qi army was on the eastern front, and the Qi army on the western front was unable to organize effective resistance. Whether in terms of weapons and equipment, personnel, or logistical supplies, they lacked enough strength to counter the other army of the Chu army.

Along the way, the Qi army could only organize a very limited resistance. In frontal resistance, the main force of the Qi army could not withstand the enemy’s shelling. Every time the Chu army encountered resistance, it would inevitably carry out large-scale shelling. Under the shelling, the Qi army could only suffer huge losses, except for these. The Qi army can only organize some sporadic guerrilla operations, and they can only hope that such guerrilla operations can delay the opponent's offensive, and perhaps this will be able to win enough time.

"Linzi City has only a small section of the city wall. I believe it will not be long before we can capture Linzi and eat in Linzi City." General Chu Jun said excitedly. In his telescope, he saw such a scene. The walls of Linzi in Qi State were intermittently erected on the periphery, and there were no soldiers defending the walls. Linzi without any fortifications. In his opinion, as long as one bombardment with artillery, and then one of his men launches an attack, he can win it.

The general of the Chu army thought excitedly that with just one attack, the Chu army would be able to occupy Linzi and completely destroy the kingdom of Qi. The war ended here.

In Linzi City. The news of Chu Jun's call spread all of a sudden.

However, the people in the city seemed shocked at this time. Instead of fleeing around, they helped the retreating Qi army build fortifications. Do something you can do. And these people are doing it spontaneously. This is very unexpected.

"Quickly dig." The retreating Qi army digs fortifications on the periphery of the city wall. Only by digging down can they avoid the artillery attack. The shells cannot hit their own people.

"Why don't these people run, and instead repair fortifications for us?" a second-class soldier of the Qi army said with a shovel in his hand.

"The people of Qi are almost killed by the people of Chu. They can't wait to eat the meat of the people of Chu and **** the bones of the people of Chu. You say they should come." said a veteran sergeant who kept shoveling the soil. . Those who survived are soldiers with rich combat experience. It can be said that the fighting strength of the Qi army has been tested by blood.

"Yes." The second-class Qi Army soldier rubbed his red eyes and said. Then continue to shovel. Speaking of it, it is a history of blood and tears. The atrocities of the Chu army caused the Qi people who were in a wait-and-see state to quickly stand up to the Qi army and resolutely resist the Chu army's offensive.

Sporadic guerrilla operations, the logistics of the Chu army, and the exhaustion of fighting the Chu army in the marching state, and the exhausted Chu army in order to get food or in retaliation, they chose to violent all Qi people, they Recklessly snatching all the Qi people’s food, if they resisted, they would shoot them and kill them. In the cold winter, they even set fire desperately and burned every village they could see. The areas passed along the way were all turned into a piece of scorched earth. There were corpses everywhere. They killed every Qi nationality, thinking that only in this way would the Qi nationality know how powerful the Chu army was. So tragedies continue to happen. The survivors dictated what they saw and heard, and some Qi people continued to suffer such disasters. Some Qi people began to flee, while more Qi people decided to fight to the death with Chu. The determination to revenge is firmer.

"Chu people are here." A noble junior officer ran in in a panic and reported.

"What?" a doorman cried out in surprise.

"Chu people, Chu people have come here. They have already arrived under Linzi City." The aristocratic junior officer said in a panic.

"This. How is this good?" said an aristocrat who looked at the officer with stiff hands.

Linzi's city defense is not there at all. In their opinion, Linzi's city wall can make them feel a little bit of safety. At this time, there were no walls at all in Linzi, Qi State. In other words, Linzi does not have any fortifications, and there are not many people. The entire Linzi city is in ruins. How to resist has become a problem for the nobles.

"How can this be good?" The officials and nobles present all discussed. In their opinion, Chu people can easily win Linzi. And some nobles shook their heads silently, indicating that there was no way.

"I have something to do, so I will leave first." After a nobleman heard the news. Left quickly.

"Ah. I'm leaving too." An official also wanted to leave at this time.

"Goodbye, goodbye." More and more nobles and officials said goodbye at this time. Everyone knew very well what was the reason they left. They had to go back to gather their wealth, and then quickly flee Linzi, because it was obvious that the Chu army entered and their property and their wives and concubines were not protected. This time is the best time to grab time to defend their wealth.

"Aim." The artillery of the Shang Chu Army on the high ground has completed the artillery arrangement. The number of artillery is not too many, only about twenty. Because of the road, the artillery of the Chu army came late. A large number of artillery troops followed. This is just the artillery unit of the vanguard.

"Let it go." a gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The cannonball fired quickly.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Then several artillery pieces next to it fired continuously.

"Swish." The shells roared.

"Chu army bombarded, hide, hide." After hearing the rumble of artillery, Qi army soldiers quickly took refuge. Some veterans drew in the civilians who were working on the fortifications and pushed them into the fortifications.

"Hid all. Hide." The veteran shouted anxiously.

"Boom." There was a sound of a shell exploding. The shell hit the corner of the city wall. Several civilians were killed.

"Hurry up." The veteran has no time to take care of this. Can only grab one by one and push the opponent into the trench.

"Swish." The shells roared at this time. The continuous shooting caused more unprepared civilians to be injured, and the Qi army could only drag them into the trenches as much as possible to avoid them.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery continued to sound. The entire Linzi city fell into a roar.

At the mansion of the nobleman.

"Hurry up. Hurry up, Chu people are about to fight in." A nobleman shouted anxiously.

"No more this. Go get the valuables. Hurry up." The nobleman shouted anxiously at this time. Then he quickly threw the bronze ware in the hands of one of the servants on the ground, and asked the servant to take the valuables. The weight of the bronze ware was too heavy to be taken away. And it takes up a lot of space.

"Boom." The nobles became even more anxious when the gunfire came. Because this shows that the Chu people are launching an offensive.

"Hurry up." The nobleman asked his own people to pack up his property without evading.

At this time, Linzi City had not yet been encircled, and only the leading troops of the Chu Army had arrived. After they reached Linzi City, they were eager to launch an offensive. Think that the Linzi of Qi State only needs to come up and take it all at once, so they don't care about everything and launch an offensive. Because Linzi would take it easily, Qi Jun's resistance was very weak along the way.

The arrival of the lead troops of the Chu army was simply unable to encircle Linzi, which is such a large city. Therefore, the hope of the nobles to escape from Linzi is still there. The follow-up troops of the Chu army did not arrive. After the follow-up troops arrived, the encirclement was only a matter of time.

Zhao State of Handan.

"As a result, my Zhao country is in danger," the son Zhao Jia said anxiously.

"My son." A doorman said worriedly.

"At this moment, only the aristocrats of the Zhao country can take the initiative to pay taxes to solve this crisis." The doorke took the initiative to put forward his own views.

"The nobility pays taxes?" The son Zhao Jia asked at this time.

"Yes. The nobility pays taxes. The people have lost their balance. The only way to restore balance is this." Menke said at this time.

"This." The son Zhao Jia hesitated with a frown. Obviously, if the nobles pay taxes, they will harm their own interests, and this kind of harm to their own interests is obviously somewhat undesirable. After all, the son Zhao Jia is also a nobleman.

Seeing the expression on Zhao Jia, the doorman suddenly felt very depressed. This hesitation will largely determine the fate of Zhao Guo, but this hesitation is likely to be a rejection of this proposal.

"But, Zhao Guo has no such precedent." The son Zhao Jia unexpectedly found such a reason that was not a reason to prevaricate.

"Oh." The doorman planned to persuade the other party, but seeing the son Zhao Jia actually prevaricate in this way, he suddenly felt that no matter what he said, it was of no use, so he simply didn't mention this matter. If the son Zhao Jia can really revitalize the Zhao country, he will agree without hesitation.

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