The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1487: Do you have any way to drive demand?

"Boom." There was a loud gunfire, and the thick gunpowder smoke covered the city wall, and the colonel couldn't see the situation below. And the Yue people at the bottom couldn't see the Chu people above.

"Shooting. Shooting." At this time, the colonel couldn't see the situation below and could only shout so loudly.

"Shoot. Shoot, boys, give them something and make them die in his mother's womb. Send them to their mother." The colonel cursed loudly and rudely.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The sound of shooting kept coming.

"What's the situation below, we don't even know." This time. Said a soldier.

"Shoot, don't care if they have anyone, continue to throw explosive packets, bombard them with artillery. Shoot. Shoot desperately." The colonel shouted at this time. The current situation is that they have to kill as many people as possible, regardless of how they kill together.

"Shoot, shoot desperately, kill the more people. Quick, shoot." The colonel gave orders and said loudly.

"Bang Bang." The militiamen kept raising their guns and shooting blindly. Explosive packs, artillery, and gunpowder smoke after firing the rifle were severely obscured, and nothing could be seen. They can only shoot indiscriminately like this, maybe only in this way can they make them feel safe.

The sound of guns kept ringing, kept ringing, for a whole day. When the gunpowder smoke gradually dispersed. The entire city wall was covered with corpses of Yue people. At the foot of the city wall, there were very many corpses of Yue people. Most of them were shot and killed. In this place, militiamen shot the most.

"With the cannon, we can kill more Yueren and develop in depth." The governor of the colony happily looked at the corpses of Yueren on the floor and said. After the rapid expansion of firepower with the cannon. And after seeing the huge firepower, the district governor mistakenly believed that as long as they had artillery, they could quickly defeat the Yueren, and the Yueren could not withstand the fierce attack of the artillery. At this time, the colony can expand again. The purpose of the expansion is to obtain more land and more land, because the colony needs to expand, especially here is the tea planting area, and the tea planting area needs more land. Especially in the mountains.

Xinzheng, South Korea. When Meng Yi was worrying about Qin Guowei and being involved in the war between Qi and Chu, Xiao He, the senior director of Wenyang Bank, came here specially from Qin and asked to meet Meng Yi.

"Wenyang Bank's representative is coming to see me?" Meng Yi asked curiously.

"Well, I don't know the specific situation, but the director of Wenyang Bank said that if there are matters to be discussed, he must meet the prime minister himself." The assistant said at this time.

"En. Okay. Let him come to see me." Meng Yi nodded in recognition at this time.

"Hello Prime Minister." Just when the assistant was about to turn around and leave the notice. Xiao He has already walked in.

"I'm sorry, I know this is abrupt, but the matter is a bit urgent, and I have to do this," Xiao He said, waving his arms at this time.

"En. Sit down." Meng Yi had a little impression of Xiao He, because Shang Wen had mentioned Xiao He in particular. And Meng Yi only had a little impression, because there were very few special people who specially introduced him from Shangwen's mouth.

"No need to talk about the rest. Tell me about the important things you want to say." Meng Yi asked at this time.

"It's like this." Xiao He sat down and said at this time.

"I heard that the prime minister came to Xinzheng in South Korea anxiously for five-nation talks." Xiao He said straightforwardly.

"I think the banking industry now believes that at this time, it is a good opportunity for Qin Capital to attack." Xiao He continued.

"Oh." Meng Yi nodded curiously and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Qin State Bank now has sufficient funds, and the power of funds has reached an unprecedented level. However, the utilization rate of these funds is very low, because Qin State does not have good investment projects within the State, and the arms industry has already had enough funds. However, in other industries, there is very little money to enter, because the government has not clearly stated that it will take action in a certain field. Local governments have very little fiscal expenditure. All these make Qin’s economy a kind of falsehood. The state of prosperity, that is, the current state is just an illusion, and the Qin State has not really developed in industry." Xiao He explained.

"I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you explain it more concretely?" Meng Yi then asked.

"En. The specific report is like this." Xiao He said at this time, taking out a report of his own.

"Take our basic industries in Qin as an example, especially the construction of roads and railways." Xiao He flipped the report and said.

"Qin's current railway construction speed has slowed down significantly. The reason is that the demand is not very demanding." Xiao He said at this time.

"Needs?" Meng Yi asked curiously.

"Yes, Prime Minister. Only when the demand is great, can the railway construction be accelerated. For example, after we occupy the Western Regions, the rich resources there need to be transported quickly to the outside, and this demand can quickly make the Qin country's railway Open it." Xiao He said. Meng Yi nodded.

"But the current situation is that Qin's railway demand is not very strong, and it cannot stimulate the rapid construction of Qin's railway." Xiao He said at this time.

"For example, the four-nation railway to be built recently, if it were not for the needs of the war between Qi and Chu, because many people have seen that the construction of this railway is of great value, not only because of the needs of the war, Qi A lot of logistics materials are needed, and we, Qin, and South Korea have a lot of such materials. The demand for such materials makes this railway have great construction value. It is not only for war needs." Xiao He continued.

"In addition, there is greater economic value. The areas where this railway passes are all the Central Plains, the main economically developed areas. Relying on this railway connection, these areas will quickly form a huge economic demand connection." Xiao He Said.

"In other words, there is a great demand for the construction of this railway." Xiao He said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded, but still didn't understand what Xiao He wanted to explain.

"I still don't quite understand what you mean?" Meng Yi shook his head at this time and said.

"I mean so." It is normal for Xiao He to understand that Meng Yi is difficult to understand at this time. After all, the prime minister is not an economist, and they cannot study a problem too deeply, unlike them. Need to study a variety of data, based on these data, establish a more intuitive view.

"Demand. Prime Minister, if there is no demand, our economy will hardly be pulled up." Xiao He continued.

"Now, Qin's domestic economy cannot be pulled up quickly, mainly because the expenditure is very small. Especially the government expenditure is very small, and many infrastructure constructions require a large amount of local government financial support." Xiao He said.

"However, the local government does not have the funds to carry out. This is unable to stimulate such demand. Not only these. The intention to boost demand is not very obvious." Xiao He said.

"Demand boost?" Meng Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes. Only demand boosts, people think it is necessary to build these things, these things can bring a great economic boost. They can quickly drive demand." Xiao He continued.

"Demand?" Meng Yi asked.

"Yes. Demand." Xiao He said affirmatively. And Meng Yi began to understand what Xiao He explained.

The reason why Qin's current economy is not improving is because the demand is not strong. In the case of reduced demand, Qin produces a lot of things, as long as it meets its own needs. Such demand, Qin's production capacity has been quickly met. "Xiao He continued.

"Therefore, the room for Qin to boost the economy is very full. Qin needs a larger market to promote its own products and dump these products." Xiao He said.

"En." Meng Yi just nodded.

At this time, Meng Yi recognized Xiao He’s statement. He also believed that Qin’s economy has a lot to do with whether the demand is strong or not. From the various data and the reports he got, they have a lot to do. For example, The speed of railway construction in the northern part of the Qin State has slowed down rapidly. The reason is not only due to the reduction of government expenditures. The strong demand is also an important reason. There are a large number of cattle and sheep in the northern part of the Qin State. Greatly meets Qin's needs. Especially for domestic demand, the cattle and sheep deep in the grassland cannot be consumed. The backlog of these cattle and sheep has seriously damaged the interests of ranchers. The cattle and sheep deep in the grasslands of Qin can only be imported into other countries, but the demand for these countries is very small. Not as good as Qin's one percent. If this continues, Qin's farmers will suffer great losses. Meng Yi very much agrees with this.

"So, we need to develop the markets of the six countries. Right?" Meng Yi figured this out. Asked immediately.

"Yes. Prime Minister." Xiao He nodded at this time.

"Your idea is very good. Very good." Meng Yi said two very good at this time.

"This particular point of view quickly made my confused thoughts clear." Meng Yi said frankly at this time.

"The prime minister praised." Xiao He said modestly.

"No, no, no, on this point, your point of view is very clear. It also inspired me in a key position." Meng Yi said at this time.

"However, I want to ask, what can you do? Can you pull demand?" Meng Yi waved and asked at this time.

"Yes. Prime Minister." Xiao He nodded and said at this time.

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