The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1492: Economic headaches

"Summary." Meng Yi said while looking at the ministers present.

"Countries have no common point of interest at all." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"It is impossible for Zhao Guo to reduce their taxes because of the reduction in his fiscal income. Not only that, but they also refuse to impose taxes on the nobles. Unless we can solve their fiscal income problems, Zhao Guo is still in such a mess. Go down. I think we should let them mess up. In this way, they can get Guo Kai down." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"Yes. I think so too, but Zhao Guo's basic development is very slow, and it is also very detrimental to the economic exchanges between the two countries." The Minister of Transport said.

"It has had a great impact on coal transportation. If we can't solve this problem quickly, it will also have a great impact on Qin. Even if there is coal, it will not be transported to Qin. Sufficient amount." Time said.

"Huh." Meng Yi exhaled at this time.

"South Korea?" Meng Yi asked next.

"The South Korean side hopes that we will intervene in the war between Qi and Chu. Our interest in helping Qi will be great. And South Korea can get a lot of benefits from this war, and Qin, whether it is in material or financial resources, Can give a lot of help." The Minister of Economy said.

"En. I want to make a special statement." Xiao He stood up and said at this time.

Meng Yi looked at Xiao He at this time.

"Well, the bank's point of view." Meng Yi said while looking at Xiao He.

"These problems are superficial problems, and the fundamental problem of these problems is the problem of funding. At present, Zhao State lacks enough funds to develop Zhao State. Only after the development of Zhao State can the infrastructure construction be completed quickly." Xiao He Said.

All the current problems are actually funding problems. Zhao's method of increasing taxes is actually to increase taxes unilaterally to increase fiscal revenue. However, such fiscal revenue will seriously drag Zhao into a disaster situation. Such a situation will completely paralyze Zhao.

"Zhao Guo's situation is actually due to the lack of sufficient funds to develop himself. At present, Qin Guo's banking industry has a lot of funds. It can fully meet their development requirements." Xiao He said at this time.

"The question is, what do they use as collateral?" the Minister of Economy said.

"If there is no mortgage, then our funds are in danger. You must know that if Qin's bank has a problem, it will put Qin into a disaster situation. Your thoughts are very dangerous." Bank Minister Said unceremoniously at this time.

"Future." Xiao He said.

"Future?" The bank minister shook his head at this time.

"What do we use as collateral to issue bonds?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"The potential for the future is huge." Xiao He said.

"The development of all countries requires a lot of money. Now, Qin State. Qin State can lend out this money to solve their financial problems. Once these problems are solved, then the problems of Zhao State and the problems of Qi State and Chu State will be A quick settlement. Peace will come to the world again. This is the result we all hope to see." Xiao He explained.

"War has a great effect on Qin. Peace is really unbelievable. What will peace bring?" The Minister of Economy said at this time, shaking his head. In the view of the Minister of Economy, Qin's war can stimulate internal demand and various production. Qin's economy depends on war. If the war is stopped, then Qin's development will rapidly decline. This is very unfavorable to Qin State. The economic minister's thinking remained at the beginning of Shang Wen, when Qin's domestic demand was particularly scarce. The war did push Qin's economy quickly to a historical high point. However, the stimulus of war is like poison, if you blindly use it. Then the economy will come to a halt because of the excessive use of war. First of all, fiscal expenditure will become larger and larger because of war. In this case, one day a huge imbalance of fiscal revenue and expenditure will form. Shang Wen knows this very well, so he deliberately suppressed the increase in military expenditure, but Qin’s foreign expansion is getting bigger and bigger. Point would pose a huge threat to Qin State.

However, the Minister of Economy blindly studied the past, ignoring the current situation in Qin. Qin State has expanded greatly. The cost of war began to become very expensive. The enemy’s regular army became less and less, and small-scale conflicts would attract the Qin’s regular army to fight. Qin needed considerable manpower to conduct this war. The reason was logistical problems. The country’s infrastructure has only trunk lines and no branch lines. The lack of branch lines caused the Qin State to spend a lot of materials, financial resources and manpower to maintain this war. However, the Qin State had little effect in the border war. Compared with the investment of Qin State, the Qin State’s war was too high. Shangwen intends to solve such a thing. However, such a transformation will take a lot of time to complete. However, Shangwen has not had time to solve these problems, and Meng Yi, who now accepts, doesn't know these problems at all. He didn't figure out the ins and outs of all the problems. This is a very difficult problem for him.

"Peace can bring prosperity, Mr. Minister," Xiao He said.

"All people will develop, and they will develop very prosperously." Xiao He continued.

"It will bring rich fiscal revenue and taxation." Xiao He continued.

Inside the Palace of the King of Han.

"Economy is just a headache." Han Shu complained.

"All problems are rooted in economic problems. The people of Qin people don't seem to understand this." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

And Zhang Liang just looked at each other with a smile.

"The people of Qin can't see it. This is really funny." Han Shu complained. It's like a woman who keeps gossiping about her husband.

"Meng Yi, the prime minister of Qin State, doesn't even know what he's doing. It's really disappointing." Han Shu complained at this time.

"The Qin people don't even know what to do now?" Han Shu said.

"My lord, I think they will know what they are doing. It's just that the current situation is very chaotic. No one can fully grasp it, and no one can point out the way." Zhang Liang said.

"Give them some time, time will allow us to develop slowly." Zhang Liang said not so anxiously at this time.

"En. You are right." Han Shu nodded at this time.

"That's it." Han Shu said calmly.

Embassy of Qin State.

"You said, what Xiao He said today, is it okay?" Xiao He asked his assistant at this time.

"What? Prime Minister." The assistant was sorting out all the files and came back at this time.

"I said, Xiao He's thoughts." Meng Yi sat on the sofa and thought about the problem. Then asked the assistant.

"I don't know. Prime Minister." The assistant replied as he sorted out the files.

"This question is very difficult for me to understand." The assistant said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi just nodded at this time.

"I just want to hear your opinion." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En. My opinion is that Xiao He's idea is very dangerous, but if Prime Minister Shang Wen is there, he might fully consider this." The assistant said at this time.

"Oh." Meng Yi asked curiously.

"Prime Minister Shang Wen usually considers some brand-new solutions to try. Maybe it is a good solution. Although dangerous. But it is the best solution." The assistant replied at this time.

"Your idea is very good." Meng Yi said.

"I also think that we can think about it. After all, the industry he is engaged in is the industry where all the industries meet. They know the needs of all industries and their unique views are better than the research we have done. A lot." Meng Yi said.

"Perhaps, Xiao He's views can help us solve all the problems." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The assistant said at this time.

"Well, but it is not the time yet. After all, we still don't know what kind of problems Qin will face. What kind of consequences will these problems have on the Qin State Council. This meeting is very important." Meng Yi said at this time.

"It's not the time yet. It's not the time." Meng Yi muttered to himself after thinking.

"Prince Prime Minister, at seven o'clock in the evening, Yan Guo's prince Dan begs to see you, and wants to discuss with you about the affairs between Qin and Yan." The assistant said with his notebook at this time.

"Well know. What?" Meng Yi agreed subconsciously, but he still reacted. He didn't think it was Yan Guo. He thought it was South Korea or Zhao Guo to meet, but he didn't expect that it was Yan Guo.

"Prince Yan Guo Dan." The assistant said at this time.

"Why does he want to see me." Meng Yi felt very strange.

"The theme of this meeting is Zhao Guo, South Korea, and Qi Guo. Yan Guo?" Meng Yi felt very strange at this time. Yan Guo should not be involved.

"Perhaps they also want to participate, or there are some problems that need to be solved by Qin Guo. In short, they still have problems." The assistant said at this time.

"En. Maybe, we will meet later and have a discussion, then we can know the situation of the other party." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Don't think about these things. It's too difficult." Meng Yi said at this moment, shaking his head.

"Economy is just a headache." Meng Yi couldn't help sighing at this time. The root cause of all problems lies in economic issues. If they are not resolved, the economy will cause other problems. This series of problems is difficult to deal with.

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